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:hi everyone!


Quiet here today.


LeeAnn - I'm glad you got your preschoolers and I bet that must be so fun! I do occasional fill-in work as a receptionist at a Physical Therapy clinic. WTG on the walking!


Joanne - Yes, I'm filling in for vacations. Glad to hear the humidity broke. We had a very cool day here. Needed jackets to play outside this morning.


Stacy - I hope you enjoyed the lazy morning and that the girls enjoyed the library.


:hi to everyone else!


DD and I went to the park this morning to meet friends and then ended up playing inside at my neighbour's house (it was a bit on the cool side). This afternoon we went swimming. DD is so independent now and happily swims away so I can swim but stay near her and I got my work out in at the pool today :tup I did some errands this evening and here I am. :whew busy day!

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Well, I worked on whipstitching the granny squares together and made one more square- there are 15 total- but I am too tired to weave in the ends and stitch that one to the blanket- I'll do it tomorrow night. Then I think I'm going to go back to the granny stripe ghan! At least I don't have the pile of squares calling my name!


LeeAnn- glad you had a great day with the preschoolers today


And Stacy- I just realized you were the first poster of the day and that you were planning to take the DD's to the library- did they have a good time? And what did DH grill tonight?


Colleen- WTG on the 2lb loss! And for your healthy eating and exercise. That is great!!!


Everyone- I'm going to call it a night- Yankees lost :-( and I'm tired!


Sweet Dreams!

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Wow- that is strange weather Colleen- one day humid/hot, next day you need jackets!!! We are definitely getting some cooler less humid weather- but not to the point where we need jackets.


Sounds like you had a fun day- and WTG on getting exercise in the pool!!!


Night all!

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Evening everyone! I wanted to pop in and say hi before I ended my day. I had my endocrinologist appointment this morning. He said all looked good and I can back off my medicine one day a week. So now I am down to six days a week! YAY ME! I go back in three months and I need to go bet more blood work done before then. This time he wants me to do fasting tests. UGH!

Then I came home and we did lunch. My babysitter was here with DD and we watched the end of the Paraguay-Japan World Cup game. It went into penalty kicks! Oh, I felt so bad for Japan that they went home! They played such a good game! Hubby ended up having to work late so after dinner DD went to an extra tkd class. Not bad for a Tuesday!!

Colleen - Yes, you have to love shopping sprees! Especially when everything was on sale!!! It wasn't a big spree. And I have to buy DD new clothes for school in the fall anyway. I went through my closet and threw away about 10 pairs of jeans that don't fit me any more!! Why do I have them if they don't fit??

Joanne - Crazy weather! It has been doing that here to. I would swear it was going to rain, or we would hear thunder, and it would never come. We are supposed to get some starting tomorrow, so we will see! Hopefully the cooler weather gets there for you!

Stacy - Did you get to the library? I hope the girls had a good time going. How has the weather been by you? You said it was creepy. Did it rain by you?

Leeann - How was your first day with the kids in the classroom? I hope you had a good day!

Beth - Glad to hear things are running smoothly at your house! It must be nice with another driver now. How did the swim meet go? Did you finish the afghan at the ballet studio? Can't wait to see it!

Hope everyone had a great day and I will see you all on the flip side! Tomorrow I need to go get my car inspected. Oh, such a wonderful job to do!

TTFN all!

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did a lazy day. Spent it playing with Keith, playing games on the computer. Did at least wash the dishes. Though of course Doug promptly dirtied up a bunch more. He might be starting the side job tomorrow. He did get his a/c fixed and it didn't take up too much of the money (he got lucky cause they ordered the wrong part and the right part was more but they waived the extra amount due to their error of ordering the wrong part)


So unless the rain sent up here by Alex gets too bad he should start the side job tomorrow and hopefully be done by end of next week.

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night friends!


Colleen-before I forget, WTG on those two pounds! So proud of you! Keep up the good work!


Joanne-get some rest, getting up early takes it's toll, no matter how hard I try to feel more energized, I still feel tired. :0)


Sarah-that is good that you had a relaxing day, it's good for you.


Vicki-I forgot to tell ya, Bath & Body Works is my fav! I am a lotion fanatic!


off to bed with myself.

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!


Sarah- lazy days spent playing with Keith are productive days in my mind!! Hope that Alex doesn't wreak too much havoc where you are! Hurricane's are no fun!


Vicki- WTG on getting off one day of the meds!! And good luck with the car inspection. I get to do that in July!! Will probably go one morning before work- and with luck it passes and I don't go back for 2 years!


Hope that everyone has a Wonderful Wednesday!!!


Cya later!!

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OOH, quiet here today! My car passed its inspection! While it was there it got an oil change too. It was over due for that too, so while it was there we may as well get it all done! Now my car is nice and legal! YAY!!

Nothing else going on here. Just waiting for the rain to come, just like Sarah!

Have a great day everyone and I will talk to you all later!

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!


Sarah- lazy days spent playing with Keith are productive days in my mind!! Hope that Alex doesn't wreak too much havoc where you are! Hurricane's are no fun!


Vicki- WTG on getting off one day of the meds!! And good luck with the car inspection. I get to do that in July!! Will probably go one morning before work- and with luck it passes and I don't go back for 2 years!


Hope that everyone has a Wonderful Wednesday!!!


Cya later!!


It's just sending us lots and lots of rain, which we need but not all at one time.

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Vicki, congrats on getting the car inspected. I need to do that next month.


Sarah, enjoy your special time with your special little man. He'll be taller than you, and shaving, and talking in a deep voice, before you know it.


Joanne, I hope you had a happy Hump Day!


Colleen, I'm very proud of you for sticking to your healthy eating and exercise program. Do you feel more energetic? It sounds like you are gaining a lot from all your work.


LeaAnn, I hope your summer is going well. What do your kids do for fun when school is out?


LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon, Stacy, Scooby, and all my other friends, here are some hugs to share! pass them around -- they're more fun that way!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I spent the day at the pool, mostly crocheting, but playing in the water some, too. I finished my niece's afghan!!! I need to wash it, then work in any ends that come loose -- ends are not my strong suit. There are pics posted in the Christmas CAL.


have a good Thursday tomorrow. My son has a swim meet, and I have to volunteer for it. Seems they would really have benefitted from my expertise at the last one, but I had to take my dd to dance.

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Wow- very quiet here lately!


Had a very long day at work- didn't get out till after 6 and not home till around7:30 (but DH met me out for dinner, so that was nice)


have to be in early tomorrow too- and I'm fading already- I wanted to work some on my granny stripe but I don't know if my eyelids will stay open much longer


Beth- heading over the Christmas CAL to see your ghan- WTG!!!!!! and thanks for the hugs .


Vicki- YAY for the car passing inspection!!!! I need to get my oil changed- probably early Saturday morning- I'm usually the first one there- you know me up early EVERY day!!!


To everyone else- hope it was a great day-

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Thanks everyone for your continued encouragement about my healthy eating and exercising. I think Beth asked if I am more energetic and I am. I feel great! Tonight was the first night I felt tired, but I still went out and walked (thankfully DH gave me the encouragement I needed).


Another cool day today. It's nice out, but below seasonal. I love this weather. Tomorrow is Canada Day. DH will be off work, so it will be nice to have some quality family time.


Beth - Your afghan is gorgeous. Will you be my aunt? :drool Glad to hear you did some sitting by the pool today :tup


Joanne - Sleep well friend. Do you get a long weekend for the 4th of July?


Vicki - :yay for extra TKD practices. Does it go all summer?


Sarah - I hope you are staying dry.


Stacy - How did the trip to the library go?


LeeAnn - How was day 2 with the kiddos? I bet your kids are having fun with their grandparents.


LeaAnne - Where are you girl? We're missing you. Are you heading to the cape this weekend?


Shannon - How is your granny stripe coming along? What have you been up to?


Mary - Thinking about you and hoping the sale is going well. Happy Canada Day :hug

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Hey girls!


Vicki, :clap for passing the car inspection!


Colleen, glad to hear you're feeling more energetic from your new healthy ways. :hug:hug:hug I am proud of you for keeping up with it! :h5


LeaAnne, hope all is well at the chicken coop! I'm sure you're busy with stay-up overs and such. :hug:hug:hug


Leeann, how was day 2 with the kiddos?


Mary, thinking of you and wishing you lots of luck with your show! :hug:hug:hug


Beth, good luck to ds at the swim meet! I'll have to go check out the afghan. Can't wait to see it! Dh is going to be home soon! I bet your counting the days. :yes Yikes @ Quicksilver's dimple! Sounds like you have a good sense of humor about it, though.


Sarah, hope you stay safe from Alex! :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, yikes @ going in early tomorrow! Do you have another 12-day week coming up anytime soon? :hug:hug:hug


Scooby-doo, hope all is well with you!! (And yes, I did mean that to rhyme. :heehee)


Shannon, how's it goin', girl? How is miss Janna? Have you had to put that granny stripe back in the car again? That cracked me up. :lol


I think that's everyone. :eek I'm sorry if I've left anyone out! Please accept lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug if I did.


I took the girls to Michael's this morning, because Isabella has been bugging me to do lots of crafts. Afterward we went to the library, where I found books for- what else?- kid's crafts. :lol The girls signed up for the summer reading program, and Isabella has read all of the ones she chose already. :eek We will probably go back either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning. We can "check in" once a week and get a prize for reading 10 or more books that week. Isabella is already up to 7!

Both toilets and showers backed up this morning, so I called the maintenance guy. He was supposed to be here at 2 but surprise, surprise- he didn't show. Finally showed up at 4:45 and lied to dh by saying that we never agreed on a set time for him to be here! :angry:angry:angry Anyway, he fixed Roomie's bathroom but apparently needs to go under the house and cut into the pipes to fix ours, so he will be back "first thing in the morning." Unfortunately we were supposed to go to the mall for a kids' show and now I have to wait for him instead. Boo!!! I see lots of crafts in my future. :lol Maybe I should make a list tonight so I'm prepared. :yes


Well I'm going to scoot and watch a show with dh. See you all in the morning!

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Hola Senoritas! Geesh isn't my Spanish getting better? :lol I am not fluent in Spanish, however working with the children that only speak it, has been both challenging and rewarding. Today was another busy day, our class is getting bigger by the day, we are up to 12 kiddos!

Tomorrow we have Parent Night 6-8 another very looong day. But it will be nice to visit with the families.

This evening dh and I went to the park they had a concert-Air Force Academy Band, it was wonderful! Soo neat, we had dinner while we were out too...:c9

I still miss the kiddos, but they sure are having fun, yesterday they went for "firewood" my in-laws have a wood stove, then today they went fishing, tomorrow they are going fishing again. They love the outdoors, I am so proud of them too! They have been on their best behavior.

Colleen-glad that your dh encouraged you to walk, I have actually convinced my dh to walk with me in the morning, yup...I drag his behind out of bed at 5:eek:eek:eek he's not exactly a morning person, but he's trying. I noticed that my shorts are baggier...oh what a wonderful feeling!

Stacy-your kiddos sound like mine, they love crafts too! What kind of crafting do they enjoy?

Beth-our kiddos are at the in-laws, but they keep themselves busy, sometimes they visit with our Great Aunt-she loves having company, other times they relax, read, craft. We live near the Great Sand Dunes, last year they went fishing every day. We live in the country, lots of outdoorsie things to do. How are you?

Joanne-you did have a loooong day! get some rest! I didn't get a chance to crochet either, maybe Friday.

Vicki-you are on the ball! We do not have to get our vehicles inspected here, isn't that wierd?

LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon and Scooby have a wonderful Thursday and hope that your week is going well!


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arrggh design bug is biting again LOL so if I'm not on much it's cause something else has grabbed a hold of me, I figured out how to do what I want to do for the wall hanging so now it has to wait until I have money to buy the yarn to make it, so off I go to the next ideas bouncing around in my brain (which I THINK I have enough yarn to actually do)


one is for fall the other is for Christmas LOL (you can tell my favorite time of year, I'm not much for spring/summer colors)

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Good morning!!

Colleen and Mary- Happy Canada Day!!!


Mary- Good luck with the show!!!


Colleen- WTG on the walking!! Exercise!! Healthy Eating!!!! Keep it up!!!


Stacy- Your Isabella sounds like my oldest DD with the reading!!! She devours books- to this day!!! It's a wonderful thing!!! Sorry to hear about the plumbing issue and hoping that the guy comes back this AM as promised!


Yes, I do have a long work week coming up- I have to work next weekend the 10th and 11th- at least this time it's only 11 days in a row since I'm off Monday for the 4th of July- I am looking forward to this long weekend though! We are having a bbq on Monday- Two of my 3 DD's and some friends are coming over- swimming and hanging out- I wanted to do it on Sunday, but they both already had plans so Monday it is!


Vicki and Sarah- hope that Hurricane Alex isn't wreaking too much havoc where you are!


LeeAnn- Sounds like your kiddos are having fun- that is great with all the outdoorsy stuff they area doing. And WTG on shorts getting baggy! It's a great feeling isn't it?


Beth- Good luck to son at his swim meet today!


LeaAnne, Hoping you are enjoying your summer vacation.


Well, time to get ready- cya on the flip side.

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Good morning, all. It's so nice this morning, cool, less humid... I hope it's nice this evening at the swim meet!


Thanks for the nice comments about the afghan. I feel so FREE with one less to finish!


Joanne, enjoy your 4th with friends and family How very nice that 2 of your dd's will be with you.


Mary and Colleen, Happy Canada Day! How do you celebrate?


Stacy, don't forget edible crafts! Baking is such a good skill to teach little ones. It sounds like you will have a very fun summer.


Sarah, what type of design is floating around in your head?


Vicki, How are you enjoying your summer vacation? You sound so happy in your posts. I'm glad to "hear" it.


LeaAnn, It's great the your kiddos get to spend time with older family members. Spending the summer outdoors -- that's so awesome. It's a great way for kids to learn to love recreational activities that lead to a healthier adulthood. What a neat way to learn Spanish -- that's an immersion program if there ever was one!


LeaAnne, Do you have a clear spot on your calendar thsi month? Your chickens keep you running around. Any stay-up-overs at your house?


Shannon, I hope you and Janna are having a good summer. Are you visiting your best friend to keep your back in shape?


Scooby, hope you are having a good week.


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug for everyone.

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Hi gang! We got back from bringing the puppy to get her grooming and her shots. DD is now out riding bikes with her friend from around the corner. She got her last stripe on her belt yesterday at tkd so that means she is ready to test for her purple belt!! Now the head instructor just has to set a time to do testing and she will be there! He has to see how many other students are ready. I need to ask him when it will be.

Other wise, nothing much going on! Very quiet around here at the moment!!! YAY for a quiet house!

Beth - the afghan is just gorgeous! Your niece will love it! Can't wait to see the other one!

Joanne - YAY for having Monday off! This way it won't be quite the marathon week for you. It will be a fun bbq with 2 of the girls home!

Stacy - Did your plumbing problems get fixed? I hope so. What kinds of crafts do the girls like to do? Have fun going to the library. I am not good at that. I am not good at getting the books back on time!

Leeann - YAY for learning Spanish with the kids and I hope you enjoy Parent night! It is a looong night, but it is all for the best! Glad the kids are having fun!

Colleen - YAY for cooler weather! Ours has cooled down but only because the sun is covered by layers of clouds! Now if only the rain would come that would be great! We haven't had as much as I thought we would. We could use it!

Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!

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I'm home from another day at work- dinner is done, dishes put away, and I'm getting ready to work on my granny stripe before I call it a night!


Vicki- that's great that DD is ready for her Purple belt! That's awesome!!!


Stacy- Hope the bathroom situation is figured out by the time you read this!!! And I like Beth's idea of teaching them cooking- it's a great life skill- wish my mom would have taught me!!! LOL


Beth- Hope you are having a good time at the swim meet and that DS is doing well. This cooler weather has been heaven- too bad I'm stuck inside at work all day! And of course, it's supposed to get hot/humid again this weekend when I am home!


Oh, well, 7pm here and I do want to do some crocheting tonight!


Hugs to all!

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Where is everyone?


I crocheted another 2 stripes on my granny stripe ghan and then I whipstitched the granny square to my other ghan. I have 3 across and 5 down- so I'm going to make 5 more and will then be 4X5- but I'm going to work on the granny stripe first. At least the "WIP" looks finished and there aren't 15 squares lying around!


Good night,all

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Good evening friends!


It has been a super long day, but wanted to get on here and let you all know that I am thinking of you! Will post to everyone tomorrow evening, my brain is fried!


hugs and squishes!

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Hi Ladies

Just wanted to let you all know that we had a great day today at the craft sale. Iam seeing a yarn buying spree coming very soon. One day down and 3 more to go.

I hope everyone is having a great week.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


P.S. I will have to catch up on all the posts on Monday.:yay:yay:yay

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Where is everyone?


I crocheted another 2 stripes on my granny stripe ghan and then I whipstitched the granny square to my other ghan. I have 3 across and 5 down- so I'm going to make 5 more and will then be 4X5- but I'm going to work on the granny stripe first. At least the "WIP" looks finished and there aren't 15 squares lying around!


Good night,all


ummm I'm radar watching.. these storms have me so antsy it's not even funny (normal for me, it's like I absorb energy from storms and the more powerful the storm the more restless I get... and they've been strong pretty much for 3/4 of the day, only a small break between 5pm and 10pm) was just getting ready to head for bed when thunder hit that caused the trailer to shake and almost had several things come off their shelves... then the lightning lit up the living room... so now I'm radar watching until this band of rain has gone by and I can settle down (I haven't slept good the last couple of nights, slightest change in wind/rain wakes me up)

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Good to hear that the craft show is going well Mary!!! Have fun the rest of the weekend.


Sarah- Hope the storms settle down so you can get some rest!


Stacy, Vicki, Beth, LeaAnne, LeeAnn, Colleen, Shannon---Have a wonderful Friday!!! So glad it's a 3 day weekend!!!!


Have a great Friday!!!!!!

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