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Some good clean fun?!

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That's wonderful about your vacation to Wyoming LeeAnn- although who is Alan Jackson? I'm guessing a country singer since I don't follow country music. how long will you be gone? Will they let you take off work?


Enjoy your time in the quiet house! They'll be back before you know it and you'll all appreciate each other that much more- you know the whole absence makes the heart grow fonder thing!!!


Mary- Countdown to success!!!


We lost power around 7 tonight- I had just started working on my granny stripes- It was off for a bout an hour- came on after the start of the Yankee game- probably around 8:10 or so. Thank goodness!!! I stopped working on it cause I was getting warm- think more of it was in my head- hot ghan on lap in a house w/ac off! But I've got the game on now and going to do at least 2 more stripes!


Night All!

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Hi all. Godzilla has not been put back in her cage over the crumbs yet. Thyroid medicine did nothing to cage her and bring Bambi back. Needless to say hubby was made to get up and clean up his own mess and has been banned from the laptop. Don't know when I will let him back on. He ticked me off quite nicely.

DD and I did manage to go swimming this afternoon. We were playing with her ball that she like to hit back and forth like a volley ball. We vacuumed the pool up too while we were in there. It was nice out today. It was cloudy so it wasn't too too hot.

I am going to crochet a little bit tonight. It should help me to calm down tonight. Maybe I will be in a better mood tomorrow.

On a brighter note I bought a book on tunisian crochet! I want to teach myself! Who wants to join me?!?

Hope everyone had a a great day and I will talk to everyone on the flip side!


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HI, friends!


hope your weekends were fun!


we were out and about, cookouts and pool parties... I am beat!:c9


Just wanted to drop in and leave some :hug:hug:hug:hugand to let you know I was thinking about you all...


gotta go read now about what you've been up to, so I can post properly

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I hope I don't forget anything...please forgive me if I did?


Mary - :woo the countdown is on!!!! I hope it's your best show ever!


Stacy - sorry about your bump:( Hope you enjoyed the concert tonight!


Colleen - HOw are you feeling, hun? I hope your allergies are doing better. I hope you and DD Have a great last day tomorrow :hug:hug


Joanne - how neat that your DD comes to swim with you! We are going to have your weather tomorrow, so i plan to not get out of the pool, period!:lol I hope you stay nice and cool tomorrow.


Beth - :woo:dance for the end of PT! and for your house getting ship shape! And especially for DH coming home soon! How is your dad doing? :hug:hug:hug


Sarah - glad to hear that the birthday party was a hit as far as the birthday boy was concerned! ... I can't wait to see pics of your special project.


LeeAnn - good luck welcoming the kids on Tuesday! How exciting! and how nice that your DK's get to go to their grandparents' for a WHOLE WEEK!!! Wow! that's a lot of :crocheting time! Enjoy the peace and quiet:hug

Also exciting is your trip to Wyoming and to see Alan Jackson! sounds like lots of fun!


Shannon - glad to see that you got your flooring picked out, and that you are having a nice relaxing "family" weekend:c9


Vicki - sorry about your "crummy" surprise this morning! That would irk me, too! ...:scrachin... tunisian, huh? which book did you buy?


I best be running along for now... I'll likely be back tomorrow to let you know what's going on around here.


Love you girls!

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Hi all!


LeaAnne, your summer fun-ness reminds me of being back in MI- there was always a bbq, pool party, sleepover...something fun going on!


Leeann, 1 week- wow! Sounds like you will have lots of relaxation time. Your Wyoming trip sounds like fun! I went with my college geology class way back when- do you plan on visiting any monuments or parks?


Vicki, so sorry to hear about the crumbs! :angry I'm sorry you're not feeling any better yet. :hug:clap about the tunisian book! I've tried several times and have one basic stitch down and make a solid square. :rofl I wanted to learn because I love the look of entrelac.


Sarah, glad to hear the party was a success. :yay


Mary, :woo the countdown is on!! I'm sure your show will be very successful! Any :photo of your dd's work?


Shannon, how cool that you finally got your flooring picked out. Your remodeling project has been going on for a while! Sounds like you had a nice family day. Have dh's hours finally slowed down?


Beth, :hug:hug:hug to you. Any impromptu pool parties this weekend?


Colleen, how are you today? Have your allergies settled down? :hug


Joanne, sounds like you had a wonderful day with dd! :manyheart I love your stories about your grandma and your dd's trips with your mom. Grandparents are so special, aren't they? My grandma used to manage beachfront hotels, and she would take me and my cousin for weeks at a time! It was always so fun. :dreaming


Scooby, how's it goin', girl?? :hug:hug:hug:hug


Well, we missed the show last night. :( It turned out to be in a very, very seedy part of town (close to MacArthur Park) and it just didn't seem safe. The banks and mini-marts all had wrought-iron fences around them. We drove past a rundown strip mall with the same fencing, and it only had one gate for cars to go in and out, and people were just hanging around outside- at 10 at night! We had to park on a side street, and as soon as we left the car, some guys were on their roof signaling (as in gang signs) to someone else across the street. We kept walking and realized as we got to the venue that it was cash-only. Headed back to the car (planning to stop at an atm), and the guy on the roof started signaling again. As getting on the car, we heard a gunshot. :eek:eek:eek Dh said it was about a half-mile away, but that was close enough for me to not want to go back. We ended up having drinks and appetizers at Chili's. I felt terrible because I know dh really wanted to go, but I did not feel comfortable at all!


Today we just hung out at home. Roomie has been out most of the day :manyheart which is good because her oldest lied to dh (and Roomie) and he is not too happy. Anyway dh set up his drums in the garage and I made 2 hats. My "formula" is still a little off, but the ears are even and that's what matters. :lol


Well I'm off to start another hat. Have a great night, all!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


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Evenin friends!

yup! I officially miss my kiddos! It hasn't been a whole day...but I want them to come home. Dd called and they are haivng a wonderful time...but it's so different.:ohdear

Joanne-oh gosh! Crocheting in the heat does not sound like fun, glad that you have ac on! I do remember hanging out with my grandma when I was younger, we used to bake and have so much fun! She passed away this last December...makes me feel blue thinking of her.

Stacy-I'm glad that you trusted your instincts, being safe is what counts. Did you take any pics of your hats? I would love to see them.

LeaAnne-what a wonderful summer! How fun for your whole family!

Vicki-I laughed so hard when I read your post! Godzilla huh? Oh my gosh! too funny! My mom had her thyroid removed a few years ago, when she is off her meds....she's MEAN! I will share your story with her tomorrow. Thank you for sharing! I hope that crochet therapy worked and that you feel like Bambi.:hug:hug:hug

Alan Jackson is a country singer, he's my mom's fav..she has been on :c9. We are driving up to Fort Collins CO on a Friday then to Wyoming Saturday morning, then back to Fort Collins and home on Sunday, it's going to be a quick trip. But I hope that we can sight see at least for a little while before heading home. I will only be gone from work on Friday, not too bad.

I'm also excited about the kiddos starting on Tuesday, it is a wierd day to start, not really sure why, but will be so happy to be teaching preschool.

Other than that, just :hook and cleaning, I did run out of black yarn so have been working on the grannies, have about 20 squares, can't wait to connect them!


best get myself ready for tomorrow, hugs and have a good night!

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Couch and loveseat are gone... of course yesterday the a/c went out on Doug's truck, so the money we got for them may end up getting eatten by his truck, but at least we have it. Doug's brother got a recliner/rocker from their mom/step-dad so he gave Doug the chair he had which doesn't rock/recline and has an ottoman to go with it, so now all we have to sit on in the living room is the 2 chairs and the office chair (we have folding chairs and the chairs that go to the kitchen table if we need extra seating until we can afford a loveseat). Keith is going to love the extra playing room.


We're still getting items from Doug's Grandma (some collectible beer steins, Fenton glassware, misc Christmas decorations) She's doing a major purge of all the stuff she used to decorate the house with since they don't go with the new decorating scheme (Tuscan grapes w/ a little bit of misc victorian stuff) BIG change from the cluttered country look it used to have.


Doug's getting ready to do 2 side jobs next month, one small and one big with the possibility of more so hopefully he can do these and we can get some stuff squared away financially, even though it means he may not get home til 10pm while he's doing them. (and I'll be ready for a day out by myself when he finishes)

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Gosh, I came back to brag about the Dodgers but now I see they are tied!! :eek That is just nuts. They've gotta come back!


Sarah, good luck with getting everything straightened out. And good luck to dh with the side jobs. Dh used to do side jobs and while the money was nice, I always felt so bad that he came home so late. Hope Keith enjoys his extra playing room.


Leeann, sorry to hear you miss your kiddos already but I'm glad they are having a blast! I haven't taken pictures of the hats just yet- I'd really like to have a head mold to model them on, but I'm thinking I just might have to do it, instead. Which means I will have to wait until dh can take them.


Okay, I am off to bed. See you in the morning! :night

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Good morning and Welcome to Monday! And yes, it is EARLY!! :eek I decided to call it a night when the Yankees were playing like they forgot how to play and were losing! I must have fallen asleep around 10--and you know me - 6 hrs sleep and my internal alarm clock goes off!!:lol


But, surprise of surprises, the Yankees actually pulled off a win:clap- I see they won in the 10th inning! (Sorry Stacy)


Stacy- I am glad to hear you opted for safety- I would have been fearful and uncomfortable too! Scary stuff! But on a lighter note- that is great that you've got some hats done and that you had a roomie free day! :manyheart I thought of you while I was at TJ's this morning! And I treated myself to a bouquet of pretty flowers - I love the flowers they have as you walk in the door and yesterday I just felt like I had to have some. They look so pretty on my kitchen table!


Sarah- I'm sure Keith will LOVE the extra playing room- what little boy wouldn't? Hopefully the truck's AC won't eat up all the $ you made from the furniture. That's great that DH may have extra work!


LeaAnne- Sounds like a fun end of the school year weekend blitz of parties/pool time and b-b-ques!. Supposed to be another hot/humid day here today- with T-storms rolling through late afternoon. Hope they hold out till after I get home from work! Its this time of year that I wish I was a teacher with the summers off!!!


Vicki- Did you watch the whole game? I was wondering what the heck they were doing with the sloppy play and decided not to aggravate myself and go to bed! Especially after the night b/4 when I watched till the bitter end and they lost! Has "Bambi" returned or is Godzilla still in the house?:lol


Colleen- Have a fun at the last day of school today. How was your Sunday- hope you were feeling ok.:hug


Beth- How are you surviving in the heat? Did you spend time at the pool?


Shannon- Hope you had a wonderful evening with sister! How is she liking her ghan? She must be getting so excited to be going off to college! When do your floors get put in?


LeeAnne- Good guess on my part that Alan Jackson was a country singer! That's what I figured when I didn't recognize the name. Sounds like a good long weekend plan- how far is Wyoming from where you are? Enjoy your quiet time- and the kiddos will have a blast with their grandparents.


Well, I have 16 stripes done- all different colors- very bright and cheery I think-I'll try and get some pics after a few more stripes are done. And my poor granny ghan is sitting there waiting for me to join the rest of the squares to it!


I think I'll take an early shower and get ready for work, grab another cup of Joe then hook for a spell b/4 heading out to work.


Have a wonderful Monday! To all of you on summer vacation- enjoy! I'll be thinking of you all lounging about, swimming, relaxing, etc while I'm toiling away!:lol:lol

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Howdy do all! It is a bright and sunny Monday morning here! I need to call the vet and make appointments for the puppies to get their shots. I also need to get my registration for my car done today. That will be easy to do. I have to redo some prescriptions and get some stuff together to prove that DD and I are legal dependents of hubby. Gotta love that!

Leaann - Sorry you are missing the kiddos. Once you get your classroom going I bet the week will fly by and you will wonder where it went. Just remember that they are having a great time! Good luck with the kids coming to you tomorrow!

Joanne - Believe it or not I actually watched all the way up to when the Yankees tied the game and then I fell asleep! I woke up to find that the Yanks won in extra innings! It was a great comeback (Sorry Stacy!). They were playing so sloppy in the beginning of the game! But they got themselves together and that is all that matters!

Stacy - I am feeling a little better today. I actually did not get to crochet last night. I ended up chatting with a friend on facebook and then texting to a friend on my phone that the Yankees were losing badly. I need to pick up the blanket so I can finish it. I only have 9 rows to go! The tunisian book is called Tunisian Crochet. I have seen it on Amazon. But I never bought it because I could nver get a good look at it!

Colleen - How are you feeling? I hope you are feeling better!

Sarah - Glad things are settling down a bit by you and that Doug is going to pick up the side jobs. Not good that the a/c in his truck went out. Hopefully it won't take all the furniture money.

Beth - How are you doing? Hope you are hanging in there!

LeaAnne - YAY for being busy! That means you are enjoying summer! Hope you have another wonderful day today!

I will talk to you all later! Have a great day all!

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:hi everyone!


I am feeling better. My breathing is a little bit challenged now and than, but we have some very muggy weather here and the air quality is probably not so great. It feels like you are in a hot cloud out there. Yuck!


I have been so busy. I thought yesterday would be a day when I could sit and crochet, but I ended up doing laundry, picking up the house, running DD to a play date, working with DH to clean up the front garden, etc. , etc. I did crochet a bit in the evening and my flannelghan is coming along. :tup


Today is DD's last day at school. I did groceries this morning, picked up the house, laundry, sorted through the latest round of school artwork that came home and put away the keepers, recycled the rest. I've prepared the perfect first supper of summer feast. I made a macaroni salad and I'm making jello parfaits and we're having that with fruit salad and bbq hot dogs. Now I've got just over an hour left to relax and enjoy my last hour of peace and quiet for 71 days :eek


Joanne - We LOVED Toy Story 3. We have loved all the movies in the series and this one did not dissappoint.


Have a fun day everyone! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


The girls are driving me :loco!!! :lol They are bored. I told Isabella she could call a friend later to invite her over for tomorrow. I also need to see about renewing our memberships to the zoo and history museum- they expired about a week apart. I want to make a list of all the places I know to take them, and pick 2 or 3 each week. Maybe that will keep them occupied.


Joanne, I think it's funny that you think about me when you go to TJ's! It's like when I think of Scooby as I clean my mirrors with alcohol. :lol Can't wait to see pics of your afghan! Your hooks must be smokin'!


Vicki, I'm happy that you are feeling better today. :clap Good luck getting everything done. I always feel so accomplished when I get a bunch of things done in one day. :lol


This morning, I cleaned up my bedroom and sorted through a bunch of papers on my nightstand and dresser. Also did another 2 loads of laundry. I washed 3 yesterday- please tell me how 2 managed to pile up overnight? I think they regenerate. :rofl I also need to run to the grocery store, and maybe take the girls to the park for a while.


Better get moving and take a shower. BBL! Have a great day! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi all. I got a lot done today. I emptied the dish washer and put the dirty dishes back in. I made an appointment to get one of the puppies groomed and get her shots. That will be done on Thursday. DD and I went to the bank and I got my car registration renewed. Then I made an executive deision and decided that we were going to go to the mall and go shopping. We had lunch and I actually bought jeans. I hate shopping for jeans. We ended up in Old Navy. DD got a cute top and a tank top and I got a couple of pairs of jeans and a cute skirt. She tired on a couple of cute summer dresses but they didn't fit her right. She said one of them made her look fat. My poor baby. We went to Bath and Body Works and were they having a sale! I got tubes of lotion for $3.00 each! I just kept throwing them in my basket. I don't remember how many I got since they were on sale! I know, that's bad. But how often do you go in there and your lotion is 75% off?!? NEVER!!! I couldn't help myself. And I justify it this way. I use it. It's not like this stuff sits in the cabinet and never gets used.

Stacy - I hope you are able to keep the girls busy. It is hard sometimes in the summer when they get bored. I have one and sometimes she is a handful when she complains that she is bored. Good luck!

Nothing else going on here. I need to go make an appoinment for DD to get her teeth cleaned and to get her eyes checked. Talk to you all later!

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Hi all,


Hot, hot, hot, humid and muggy- It is really disgusting outside- but I think some boomers will be coming through as since the sky is getting darker- it's supposed to be better here the rest of the week!


Vicki- sounds like you made a great executive decision today- you got jeans and what a deal on the Bath and Body Works lotion- I think I may just have to stop on my way home from work tomorrow! You've been getting alot done on your summer vacation@


Colleen- Hope DD's last day went well and you only have 71 days till she's back in school- LOL Your dinner sounds perfect-ness! We are having salad, some tomatoes w/mozzarella and sandwiches- it is just too darn hot to cook anything!!!


Stacy- Did you ge to the park today? That should be fun for the girls. It's tough when they are out of school and they get bored! Just wait a few more weeks!


Dh just got home- I'll be BBL!

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Hello friends!

This Monday has come and gone so fast that I feel like I just got up, except a little tired. I did get up and go walking.:cheerSo proud of myself, now if I can just keep the momentum. This evening I plan on curling up with my yarn and hook and having a blast! Didn't make it to the store to buy more black yarn, maybe tomorrow.:devil


Joanne-humidity must be the pits. We do not have much of it here, but it's dry very dry, it feels more like a desert. :lol You are flying on your granny stripes! wow! Can't wait to see a pic.:yes


Colleen-glad you are feeling a little bit better and that summer vacation is here! :clap do you have any big plans for the summer?


Stacy-laundry sure does accumulate, I think I have about 2 loads too....how can that be, I washed everything I could find yeseterday???:think


Sarah-I hope that your huney was able to get the ac on his truck fixed, that would be a real bummer when it's hot out. Did you ever start your project?


Vicki-Bambi sounds like she's back.:hug:hug WTG getting so much done! I bet you are loving your vacation!


LeaAnne-hope the day was :c9


Mary-how's your visit going?


well friends, off to crochet maybe a little laundry...naaaa...crocheting sounds better!:devil

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We did not make it to the park. We ended up at Trader Joe's, Target, and the Garden Center. I found little green buggies on my plants the other day and a Google search showed that they are aphids. We bought a carton of ladybugs and will release them tonight. By the time we got home the girls were hungry, so I made lunch. Dh called and gave them permission to play his Lego Batman game so they are doing that now. I've made my "places to go" list and there aren't as many places as I had in my head. :think I will keep thinking. The good news is that I found out Isabella only owes $8 for her library fines, so we will be able to pay that tomorrow and go get some books. :clap:clap:clap (She had 2 movies that were overdue and I thought the charges were going to be way more than that.)


Vicki, I love your executive decision. :yes WTG on your Bath and Body Works find. :clap As long as you use them, I think it's justified. :devil I love the smell of their stuff but it makes me breakout terribly.


Leeann, have fun on the couch with your :crocheting...What are you making with black yarn?


Joanne, your dinner sounds :manyheart. I wish dh was happy with just salad and sandwiches, but he is a 3-course dinner kinda guy. :lol Not to say that I ever make one, of course! :rofl Good luck with those boomers- I hope they relieve some of the humidity you've been having!


Dh just got home so I am going to figure out something for dinner. BBL!

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Dinner over, and I took a nap! I was really tired and it seemed so dark out like it was going to storm so I figured I'd just lay down. I fell asleep for about an hour! And the boomers never came! I didn't water the plants thinking it was going to rain. Oh, well, maybe the rain will come later. If not, I'll water them in the AM before work.


Stacy- My DH is a 3 course meal kind of guy too! (not that I make much of them! LOL) But he was happy with dinner tonight- probably cause it's almost too hot out to eat!


LeeAnn- tomorrow you get the kiddies to teach ! WTG on your walking! You must be so excited! Enjoy your quiet time without kids! I don't mind the heat, it's the humidity (a very common phrase you hear from those of us on the east is "it's not the heat...it's the humidity"!


Colleen- Did you get to walk today? If your weather is anything like mine, it's way to humid/muggy to go walking- the air feels so heavy!


Have a good evening everyone!

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Joanne - The humidity broke around supper time tonight. We were under a thunderstorm watch, but nothing came and the great news is it is supposed to be cool tomorrow. :clap So yes, I did get out for my walk and it was lovely. Worth waiting until 8:00 :yes I did a nice long one. I hope the cool air is coming your way. :hug I'm proud to say I am officially 2 lbs down. It's not much, but it is staying off. I am still not snacking on junk, trying to drink my water, walking almost every day. I am very proud. I may not look a whole lot different but I feel GREAT!


Vicki - Hooray for shopping sprees. You had a long year and at times I know you couldn't spree, so good for you. Enjoy your jeans. :hug


LeeAnn - The kiddos come tomorrow! The kiddos come tomorrow! Preschoolers are a wonderful age and I know you'll enjoy them. Enjoy your crochet time. :hugOur summer plans are filling up quickly. I'm working 3 days next week, we have a wedding and a camping trip coming up, there will be a day at the beach in our near future (just depends on the weather), DD is doing a vacation bible camp for one week 1/2 days and I'll be working in the kitchen, I work another full week in August. Otherwise it will be the park, swimming, the splash pads, the library, and play dates. I think it will be September before I know it :lol


Stacy - Oh dear, bored girls. I like your list idea. The library is a great idea! We go there once a week or so. I talked to half a dozen families after school today and we set a weekly time to meet at the park. That way we can count on one morning a week where there should be other kids at the park to play with. :hug


Mary - Thinking of you as you head out for your sale. Best of luck! :hug


LeaAnne - You must be having fun with those chickens home. Your bbq's and pool parties sound fun! Enjoy! :hug


Shannon - How are you doing? Have you had to put the crochet in the car again or are you just enjoying it?


:hi Sarah, Beth, Scooby and anyone I've missed.

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Good morning!!


Wait- I'm the first to post this morning? No Joanne? No Beth? :eek:lol


Colleen, how nice that you planned a day to get together at the park. I'm sure dd will have fun seeing her friends. Sounds like you will be busy, busy this summer! WTG on keeping up with your diet, water, and walking! 2 lbs is awesome! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Leeann, you get your kiddos today! :cheer:cheer:cheer Have fun! Hope you have a great day.



Dh went in a bit late today and it threw me off. We have been lazing around this morning- Mia and Eva are coloring, and Isabella is watching a shark documentary. As soon as it is done, I need to run to the store again (dh decided he wants to grill tonight) and then we will go to the library. The girls don't know- I'm sure they will be very excited. I had planned to walk, but it is cool and overcast. I know I complain when it is very hot- but this weather is just creepy. :blush


Well I am off to (finally) get ready for the day. Have a good one! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Just a quick :hi! It's so :hot in this room.... And "power surges" don't help.


Let's see... Quicksilver has a dimple in her driver's side "cheek" now. How exactly is a 16-year-old supposed to learn to back the car in the drive when that darn tree keeps getting in the way? It's not bad. It should make it easier to pick her out in a lot. There are a lot of silver Town and Countries around here.

Robert had his first summer-league swim meet. He won every event he was in, and his team won, too! Good night. My daughter is done with PT. She needs something else to do, honestly. My oldest is chauffeuring as needed, and except for the occaisional grumpiness (our internet is WAY too slow!) he's been a wonderful teammate.


I have one more half-circle to do on my niece's afghan, then just edge the darn thing, and call it DONE! I am very excited to get it finished, but still can't make myself sit still in this heat and work on it. I will be waiting for my dd tonight at the ballet studio. Maybe I can work on it then. :xfin


Stay cool and healthy! I miss you all very much.

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Very very quiet here today!!


The humidity is down and tomorrow is supposed to be even better. I had to water the plants this morning before I got ready for work- it threatened to rain all night- the sky was dark and stormy looking, but guess it just passed on by- never a sprinkle!!


Colleen- Sounds like you have a very busy summer- but a fun busy!! And you'll work a little which will be nice for a change of pace. Are you filling in for vacations? When are you going camping? Sounds like fun- are you going with your parents in their camper?


Stacy- How were the kids today? Still bored??? Or did you have an outing with them?


Beth- Oh, that is cute how you refer to a dent as a dimple in Quick Silver's cheek. Hoping you get to work on some crocheting while DD is at ballet tonight. Congrats to your son on his swim meet! That's awesome!!!!


Vicki- Sounds like you and DD have been having a fun summer together so far. Have you done any more on your baseball ghan? I'm so curious to see how it is turning out!


LeeAnn- How was the first day with your class? It must have been lots of fun- preschoolers are a joy!!


Mary- Good luck getting ready for the show- 2 more days!!


LeaAnne- Where are you?


Sarah, Shannon, Scooby- the three S's---hi and hope all is well.


DH just got home- time to heat the leftovers!!!


Have a good evening!

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Hello hello!

Wow! Had a super busy day! But oh so much fun! Preschoolers are my favorite! I love them! The funny things they say and do is just hilarious! Aside from all the fun, I stopped on my way home and walked...now I feel drained, like a dish rag! :lol:lol:lol

Joanne-left overs sounds yummy...to bad I haven't been cooking.:devil Don't know what we are having for dinner,...I should really make something.

Colleen-your summer sounds fantastic! how exciting! What kind of work do you do?

Vicki-how was your day of relaxation?

Beth-what nice way of putting things in perspective,:hug if one of our kiddos bumped into something, I would probably freak out.

Stacy-you're going to be busy too, but what a joy summer is! Have you been :hook at all?

I worked on the granny squares last night, I think I have about 12 connected, the black yarn is for the flannel ghan, will have to get to that too...just need energy today.

guess I should raide the kitchen. :eek hugs and squishes!

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