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Good Friday evening friends!


This was DD's second last day of school. Last day is Monday. I got my eyes checked this morning, did a couple errands, dusted, vacuumed, finished my book, took DD to the neighbour's for a swim after school, helped DD put some grass seed out, cleaned the bathroom, and went for 2 walks. I think that's pretty good :D I hope everyone had a great day!


Joanne - I hope you get out for a swim tomorrow.


Vicki - Have fun crocheting tonight. I wonder if the chair will get you :lol


LeeAnn - It sounds like you are all set for the kiddos! How many will you have in your class and what ages?


Shannon - How did the cleaning spree go? How is your granny stripe, did you give in?


Stacy - WTG on the Etsy shop. I'm going to go check it out here soon.


:hi LeaAnne, Beth, Mary, Sarah, and all our friends!

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Hiiya friends!

How's everyone this lovely Friday? It's been quite here today, ya all must be busy!


Had another good day, the kiddos start on Tuesday!:cheer:cheerthe classroom is all set up and ready, we are filing out paper work and getting lesson plans done ahead of time.


Joanne-how was your day? the granny stripe does sound addicting!


Stacy-I took a looksi at your Etsy shop, how cool! Love your little duck friends and piggy and penguin. Too cute!


Shannon-how ya doing?


Mary-how are the grands? Hope well! and dd too!


Beth-how's it going?


LeaAnne-how's vacation? Better than ever I am sure!


Sarah-I have never farmed on FB, but some of my friends are addicted.


Colleen-did you have a goo day?


gotta run bbl!


I'm addicted to Treasure Isle, they opened up a new map last night and it sucked me in... ran out of energy in the game finally today LOL so now I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get the living room and kitchen looking presentable cause we may be having someone come by tomorrow to look at our couch and loveseat and possibly by them (really hope so cause I don't like them)

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Good morning and Happy Saturday!

Woke up at 4- way too early!! So I forced myself to lay there and I fell back asleep! Now I have lots to do in a shorter amt of time- but that's ok.


Hope everyone has a great day- the sun is shining here- so looks like I just may get in the pool after all!


World Cup @ 2:30 and Yankee game tonight! Oh, Sorry Stacy- Yanks beat your Dodgers last night! :-)


See ya later!

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Had a good nights sleep, I fell asleep at 8!:eek Guess I was worn out. Feel much better today tho.


Colleen-reading your post of what you accomplished yesterday, made me tired! :lol You are on the ball!


Sarah-did FB suck you in again? :yes What kind of rewards do you get when you play? :hug


Joanne-I woke up early too, but made myself stay in bed till 8, didn't want to wake everyone. Dh says that I am loud in the morning. :think I haven't worked on the flannelghan as much as I wanted to, I think I need 2 more strips, I should just get to it!:D


Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Beth and LeaAnne-hope you are all having a Splendid Saturday!


guess I will just have to sit and crochet while the rest of my family sleeps...wouldn't want to wake any of them up:devil:devil

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:waving friends!


I have missed you all! it's been wonderfully busy and vacation-y around here! lots of swimming, fort building in my dining room, in house "sleepovers", and sharing the computer with my favorite teen:c9 all in all... It's summer, and it's wonderful!


Colleen and LeeAnn - WTG on the walking and healthy eating! keep it up!


Stacy - WTG on your Etsy shop, and realizing the path you should follow with your education!


Joanne - Isn't it nice to be able to enjoy our pools this year?


Mary - Late night Hooking to avoid the heat sounds like a great idea to me:devil


Beth - glad the party went well. thinking of you, and yours today... does DH come home this Friday?


Sarah - LOL about the FB game... I don't play any of the games on FB. if i did, I would no longer be a good sharer of the 'puter


Shannon - Glad you got so much done the other day... are you plugging away on that granny stripe? how's it coming?


Vicki - how are you doing, girl? sounds like your DD is a wonderful helper! How's the Met-ghan? did you fix the corners


I gotta go.... my time is up and I need to go food shopping. we have a pool party to go to, and we are bringing the pasta salad!


:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hugto you all!

have a splendid Saturday

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Had a good nights sleep, I fell asleep at 8!:eek Guess I was worn out. Feel much better today tho.


Colleen-reading your post of what you accomplished yesterday, made me tired! :lol You are on the ball!


Sarah-did FB suck you in again? :yes What kind of rewards do you get when you play? :hug


Joanne-I woke up early too, but made myself stay in bed till 8, didn't want to wake everyone. Dh says that I am loud in the morning. :think I haven't worked on the flannelghan as much as I wanted to, I think I need 2 more strips, I should just get to it!:D


Stacy, Shannon, Mary, Beth and LeaAnne-hope you are all having a Splendid Saturday!


guess I will just have to sit and crochet while the rest of my family sleeps...wouldn't want to wake any of them up:devil:devil


you dig trying to find treasures to complete collections, when you get a whole collection you trade it in for gold and experience =0)

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popping on real quick while waiting for the lady to come look at the couch and loveseat then we're off to the birthday party. It's a small world, she goes to Doug's church and knows him (I posted under my name so she didn't know who it was until she called)

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Hi girls! We're about to go pick out flooring, but I wanted you all to know that I'm thinkin' of ya! Oh, and I wanted to share a pic of my progress.:devil


Have a wonderful day friends!:hug:manyheart


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Shannon- Your granny stripe is coming along nicely-:cheer pretty colors- I've got 10 stripes done, and will post a pic when I have a few more. Have fun picking out the new flooring- what room is it for?


LeaAnne- have fun at the pool party- Sounds like you have hit summer vacation with alot of fun! And yes, it is nice to enjoy the pool this year.:yes


Sarah- It is a small world- I don't play any of the FB games either! If I did that, I'd never get anything done! So I just don't start- Have fun at the party


LeeAnn- I try to be quiet in the morning too when DH is sleeping- so I come downstairs, go on my laptop or crochet and this morning I did the downstairs cleaning (except for vacuuming) while he was sleeping


Well, I'm going to "hook" for a while while I watch the World Cup- USA losing already 1-0. :(


Have a wonderful rest of the day! It's a HOT, HUMID one here today- so I'll be going in the pool after the soccer game.

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Hiya friends!


Shannon-I must say your stripe ghan is beautiful!!!!! I love it! New flooring sounds wonderful!


Joanne-I was able to get in lots of :hook this morning, everyone slept in late...what a joy! Watched t.v. hook in hand and coffee...what a great life! I am on the last strip for the flannel ghan, :cheer:clap:cheer


LeaAnne-sounds like your summer is oh so enjoyable! how fun!


Mary-that is so neat that you are selling goodies, do you only sell once a year?

Sarah-Hope the b-day party is a blast!


We are getting ready to head out the door, stopping at the library, church this evening and then grocery shopping..maybe a stop at the park too.


hugs and have a good evening!

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Hi gang! Just a quick sign in to say hi! We are heading out the door but I wanted to stop in and say hi!

Saw the USA lose in their game today. They did not have enough intensity in the extra time period. But they played well and have nothing to be ashamed of!

Yankees and Dodgers game 2 tonight! GO YANKEES!

TTFN everyone!

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So sad that the US lost!!! WTG on your flannel'ghan LeeAnn! And your hook must be smoking Mary getting ready for the craft fair!


Vicki- Game 2 starting soon- GO Yankees!!!!!


Have a great evening everyone!!!!!

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Real quick :hi before I melt in this room (No a/c in here.)


Things are really hectic, but pretty good. My dd is done with PT now. I have less than 2 weeks before my dh comes home. Everyone is helping and I even cleaned my front room today! I may almost be done with my first Christmas afghan. I am kind of low on yarn, and don't want to buy more. Is that a bad way to determine the finished size of a project?


Love you all.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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I think that is a great way to determine the size of a ghan, Beth!!!!


Hang in there in the heat and hopefully we'll get a break from the humidity soon!!!


Glad to hear that DD is done with PT - and the countdown till DH comes home is getting less and less!!!


Hugs to you!!!

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:hi How is everyone!


DD had soccer this morning, then we went to see Toy Story 3 (that was DD's finishing the school year treat), and then church this evening. I am so tired I am having trouble typing :lol I finished the 4th strip of my flannelghan and I'm starting on strip 5. However, if I have enough yarn (which I'm not overly confident will happen) I have to add 2 blocks onto every strip.


Can't write to everyone now. I'm really struggling with the typing. I took an allergy pill because I was wheezy and I think that has knocked me out.


Goodnight friends! :hug

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Hello, friends!


Shannon, your stripe 'ghan is coming along nicely! :manyheart What room is the new flooring for?


Beth, :hug:hug:hug I'm glad things slowed down a bit for you. :clap for dh coming home soon! I bet your happy that you are almost done with your first Christmas 'ghan. And I have determined the finished size by how much yarn I had left. :yes I think it's a fine way to determine "done-ness."


LeaAnne, I'm happy that summer fun has hit your home. :clap


Colleen, hope you feel better soon. :hug


Sarah, Vicki, LeeAnn, Joanne, Mary, Scooby- hope you are all having a nice weekend! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Yesterday we spent the day at our old apartment complex, visiting and swimming. We took lunch to my old-man friend, the girls went swimming for almost 4 hours :eek and we :blah the whole time. One of my favorite neighbors dropped by (the ones who used to babysit our girls when we went out.) We stopped by their apartment for about an hour on our way out, and planned to take the girls to the beach soon.


Today we went for a bike ride. As loading the bikes back into the truck, I was holding on to one and dh was putting another in. The front tire on the one I was holding suddenly turned and the handlebar hit me right on the forehead. :headache I have a huge lump over my right eye, but I am just very thankful it didn't hit my eye!

I made a hat today, and all I can say is- it's been a while! I completely forgot my "formula" (I don't keep actual count, just know where the increases/decreases go) and one ear and earflap ended up way bigger than the other. I fixed the earflap but didn't realize the actual ear was messed up until it was finished. It looks okay when the ears are positioned but I don't think I can sell it like that. :ohdear

Tonight Roomie is babysitting and dh and I are going to see Sarah Jaffe (she's a folk singer) at a performing arts theater downtown.


Well I'm going to get ready. Have a great night!


Go Dodgers!!!! :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Back from runninng around like a chicken. :-) We stopped at the library, went for a 1 1/2 mile walk at the park, to church, then to dinner (Mexican Resteraunt) and then grocery shopping...finally back home to toss another load in the washer, am almost finished with laundry at least for a few days...whew! I'm with Colleen I can barely stay awake.


will chat with everyone tomorrow morn. Have a good nighty night!

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Good morning!

Congrats to Stacy's Dodgers who won last night! But we'll get them back again tonight! LOL


Colleen- How did you like toy story 3? A friend of mine from work took her DD (5) and she said it was fabulous. I think it is a great end of the school year treat! Hope your wheezing is better this morning!


Stacy- Lucky you that it didn't hit you in the eye! You sure had a nice busy day yesterday. How was the concert? I laughed about your formula! Is it coming back to you now?


Vicki- Did you watch the Yankees last night? What is going on with AJ? He has not made it out of the 4 th inning in 3 games now! It's getting hard to watch games where he is pitching. Hopefully Andy gets us the win tonight so we win the series!


LeeAnn, LeaAnne, Beth, Mary, Sarah, Shannon- Hi and hope you have a great Sunday!


I did 4 more stripes on the granny stripe last night- and the granny ghan is still calling my name to finish it!!


Going to go to TJ's early this AM and the grocery store- and then it's laundry time!!!



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Oh, I am aggravated this morning. I wake up to find my laptop COVERED in crumbs from tortilla chips! Who was the last one to use it you may ask? HUBBY!!! Crumbs EVERYWHERE! The floor, the chair, the table where the computer sits, just everywhere! UGH! I reminded him (and I know this is mean) that the lap top is MINE. I bought it with my money. If he is going to use it, he is not going to continue to abuse it like that. He can go buy his own.

Ok. I'm done venting.

Stay - Congrats to your Dodgers! We'll see what happens tonight. They are the late game on ESPN! How was the show you went to?

Joanne - I don't know what to say about AJ. He can't pitch lately and worst part is that he knows it! Hopefully Andy will get the job done tonight. Did you get to go swimming yesterday?

Leeann - Do you have any more running around to do today? No running here. Just the laundry to do, which is already started. I need to take the laundry off the drying rack. DD will take hers after breakfast. Otherwise, no big stuff to do!

Beth - YAY for DH coming home soon! These last two weeks will FLY by! What do you have planned for the day?

Mary, Colleen,LeaAnne, Sarah - Have a great Sunday!

I need to go clean up this mess, although I really should get him up to do it. I will talk to you all later! Have a great day all!

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Good Morning!!!!!


Got up early couldn't sleep, but that's ok. The in-laws are picking up the kiddos today at 10:30, they are going to spend a few days with them. How exciting! They get spoiled at grandma's and grandpa's house. I am very greatful that my in-laws take time off of work to spend with their grands. Makes me a little teary.:yes


Other than that, nothing much, going to crochet this afternoon and color my hair..uggh..but it must be done.


Colleen-do you feel better today? Allergies are the pits.:D


Joanne-you are flying on your granny stripe, I keep thinking about one,..but I'm trying to be strong. :heehee


Stacy-so sorry that you were bumped in the eye.:hug I hope it heals soon!


Vicki-oh that dh! the laptop belongs to me too, I am very protective about it, no eating or drinking near it. That is one sure way to have "mom" freak out. :hugHave you had a chance to :hook


Beth-so glad that your dh will be home soon :flower


Mary, Shannon, Scooby, Sarah and LeaAnne-wishing all of you the best relaxing Sunday!


Guess I had better get to tidying up, but ohhh the pleasure of crocheting,:crocheting it's calling my name, it may force me to be lazy:woo

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Hello kids! I hope everyone is having a spectacular weekend. We are having a lazy day today. Yesterday we picked out our hardwood floors for the kitchen and living room, and tile floor for the half bath. I'm super excited to finally be moving forward with this. Then we went to church, and Mom's restaurant for dinner. Yum!


Thank you to everyone for the compliments on my blanket!!:hug I am really loving working on it. And I can't wait to see yours, Joanne!


LeeAnn- How wonderful that your kids have such awesome grandparents! My DD has great ones too!:manyheart If your crochet gets too loud, you could always put it in the car. It worked for me the other day!;)


Vicki- I don't blame you for being upset at DH. Crumbs on the laptop = YUCK! Sometimes men just don't think.


Joanne- Are you enjoying your pool? How's the granny stripe coming? It's very exciting to me, to see what the next color is going to look like.


Stacy- Sorry about your noggin!:( How was the concert? Your etsy guys are too cute! Good luck with your new business! How exciting!!:yay


Beth- Your one day closer to DH!:cheer How's your dad feeling? Continued prayers for you, my friend!:hug


Mary- It's almost show time!! :woo Have fun with your family this week!


LeaAnne- Is everyone enjoying their summer vacation so far? I know, stupid question!:lol Hope you're having a splish-splashy time in the pool!


Sarah- How was the party the other day? Have you started working on your quilt-like project? I think that would look so pretty!


Colleen- I hope you're feeling better today. You have kept yourself busy! Good for you! :hug


Scooby- Thinking of you and hope you're doing great!:hug


I think I'll go crochet for a bit. DD is watching Finding Nemo, so maybe she'll take a little nap. Sister is spending the night tonight! Yippee!


Have a great day girls! Love you all!:manyheart

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The b-day party was ok. Only a fraction of those invited showed up. But Zack had a blast. They rented a jumper for the party and bought a small pool and slip and slide for the kids to play in. Zack was more interested in his cake and wasn't happy til the person who made it delivered it. I spent most of the day inside as I wasn't feeling good (not enough sleep and too hot outside). The gifts was funny cause Doug's mom had bought him a dump truck he'd been wanting but the toy he got most excited over was a toy lawnmower, once he opened that one he didn't want to finish opening his presents LOL


I started a practice swatch of the project that's bugging me but don't have a pic of it yet.

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Hi everyone!

Hot, humid day here- perfect swimming weather! Got back from TJ's and grocery shopping then put everything away, started laundry and then my youngest DD came over. We went in the pool- floated around for a while and then we exercised and had races- it was fun, and now my calves/thighs are sore! But worth it! We had a good time together!


Dinner is on and figured I'd stop in to say hi --


Haven't picked up the hook yet today- but will probably work more on the granny stripe tonight. I love seeing how the colors come out.


Vicki- I know what you mean about "MY" laptop. I'm very protective of mine. It is for MY use only! I paid for it with my own money (although DH did just buy me more memory and and the newest operating system (I have a 4 yr old Macbook that I love). He never uses my laptop though. I would be a little miffed if I found crumbs on mine too! And feel free to vent anytime!!! Hope the rest of the day went better than it started!


Sarah- glad to hear you had a good time and good luck with your project.


LeeAnn- that is nice of your in-laws- I'm sure the kiddos love going and being spoiled by grandma and grandpa. It's good for both of them! I fondly remember every summer, my Grandma who lived in the city would take me for a week. I thought it was so cool to ride the bus and she always took me shopping. She lived in an apartment with a playground which I thought was so cool (I grew up in the burbs in a house). Memories with grandparents last a lifetime! My DD's still talk about when my parents would take them for a few days- and how my Mom would take them to the movies and they would go movie to movie- (she thought you paid one admission and could see as many movies as you wanted) LOL


Well, dinner is almost ready so I'd better go check on it!


Hope everyone had a wonderful Sunday!!!

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Howdy All!

It's official! We are going to Wyoming in July! Whooohooo! We are taking my mom to an Alan Jackson concert! :cheer:clap We have been planning this trip for a while, but wasn't sure how it was all going to work out since I started this new job and all, but I think we finally got all the details worked out. Oh soo excited!

The kiddos are gone, it feels so quiet, I thought they were only going for four days but the in-laws want them till Saturday...a whole week!:eek what will we do? I know that I am not cooking...:devil well maybe a little bit,..but nothing major. :D:D:D

Joanne-how wonderful that your dd stopped by for a swim and visit. :flower

Shannon-those lazy days make all the busy days worthwhile! :hug

Sarah-that is funny how kiddos can sometimes want something so badly, then when they get it, they loose interest.:hug

back to crocheting, I think I am going to run out of black yarn...:blush guess I will have to work on my grannies:devil


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