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Some good clean fun?!

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Here it is so far! I have a lavendar too, that I haven't used yet.

Shannon, I was reading old posts and found this -- :drool :drool :manyheart:cheer:yay It's absolutely gorgeous! I love your choice of colors, and how you put them together. This may have to go on my to-do list. Just beautiful!

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Hey girls!


Just taking a break from my day to say hello. :hi I had a "get the house in order" day. I cleaned my bedroom, cleaned the bathroom from top to bottom (including the corners of the moulding, and mopping) took out the trash, swept the living room floors, and did 4 loads of laundry. The girls lazed around and watched movies most of the day. That's okay, though- we needed a rest day.

Can I just say I am overwhelmed with the registration process for college?! :eek:faint There are so many things to do!! I need to meet with a counselor, so I called the counseling office. They need to get my transcripts from my old college, but the woman told me I had to apply first! :think I told her I did, then she promptly told me that it would "behoove me" to finish the application process first. :shrug Guess I'll just have to drop by the office.


Well, dh just came home, so I need to figure out dinner. I'll stop by later to say proper hellos. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug to everyone.

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Colleen- So you have been prettying up to match your sexy voice? Hair cut and styled, nails and toes done-Have fun at the work party- you'll be the prettiest wife there!


H-U-M-I-D AND MUGGY here too- I hate it! But it's supposed to be less humid by Friday! Beats all the rain though we had last June, so I won't complain- I'll just stay inside with my AC


Beth- The granny stripe ghan is a fun project- so easy, peasy! And you can do any color-s use scraps, whatever. Shannon picked out her colors (and they are very nice). Me I put a bunch of skeins in my Attic24 bag and I'm randomly picking them out and making the stripes- It's kind of fun to see what color will be next!


LeaAnne- It's officially summer vacation for your chickens= and your Jamie is now a Freshman!!!


Stacy- Yes, the process of applying/registering etc can be frustrating at times. I really think it is part of the whole education process to prepare students for red tape/bureaucracy that is everywhere! LOL


Vicki- So wish I could have seen the USA soccer game- I'll bet you did!!! WTG USA!!! On to the next round!!! And Yanks won last night with Pettite pitching- and Tampa Bay lost! Woo-hoo!!!


Shannon- it was fun chatting last night- Did you get to go swimming again today?


Mary- I'm sure you're keeping busy with your hook and yarn getting ready for the craft show


LeeAnn- we are all complaining about how HOT/HUMID/MUGGY the weather is- how is it by you? Hope you had a great Hump Day


Anyone I missed, Hi!


My grays are gone- got home later than planned- I was gabbing w/my hairdresser for a little bit.


Have a good night and Cya on the flip side as Vicki would say!!

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Shannon, I was reading old posts and found this -- :drool :drool :manyheart:cheer:yay It's absolutely gorgeous! I love your choice of colors, and how you put them together. This may have to go on my to-do list. Just beautiful!



Thank you so much Beth! I am loving this pattern. So easy, and the results are pretty. I have to warn you though. It'll suck you in and make you lose hours of sleep. At least that's what it's done to me.:yawn But I still very highly recommend this pattern!!

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Howdy All!

Busy day, but happy to say still went walking this morning! :cheer I think I am getting into the swing of it. Training was long 4:30....power points and more power points...kinda boring. Have another training tomorrow all day:eek wish I could take my :hook.

Joanne-I need to color my hair as well..maybe this weekend. I'm so glad that you are enjoying the stripe ghan..can't wait to start one!

Vicki-how old is your dd? I'm sorry if I asked before, but was wondering. Hobby lobby sounds like :c9

Stacy-registering for college is a process. I just graduated with my Early Childhood degree, I don't know if they mentioned it, but you have to do labs-observations...like 200 hours! Just thought I would let you know, I didn't know that when I first started and was completely taken aback by the hours.

Colleen-oh so glad that you are feeling better, it's the pits being sick.

LeaAnne-now you have the rest of the summer to relax and have fun! Cool!

Beth-I can't imagine running around like a chicken, we're here for ya!

Shannon-loved the ghan~!

Mary, Scooby and Sarah hope your day was well. I have to go clean bathrooms..fun fun!:hug:hug

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:waving, friends!


yep... it's here... no more "get-ups"!:yay:woo


All we have left on our calendar is a championship series for Krissy's team on Friday and Saturday. That is IT! :c9 I even got my mammogram done today!


I want to catch up on what you are all up to, but it will have to be tomorrow.... I am wiped!


Sweet dreams, all!


...and specially for Beth: :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!!!


And jealous of those of you who get to sleep in today :lol


Happy 1st official day of summer vacation LeaAnne! And Good luck to Krissy's team this weekend!


Vicki- Did you get to watch the Yankees game? I can't wait till they are back on the East Coast so they play at a decent hour. I read this morning they won in the 10th! How was TKD last night- did you get any :crocheting done?


Beth- It's going to be another:hot day here again- try and stay cool- Do you have some room air-conditioners? I am definitely spoiled with central air! Here's a few more :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Colleen- Continued success with your exercise and healthy eating. How was the dinner last night?


Stacy- Good luck with the college registration process. When I went back, I had to send for my own transcripts to be sent to the college. Most universitys have a place online where you can do this (and most of them charge a nominal fee to send the "official" transcript to the college you are applying to). I think the most I paid was $5.00- most of them were $3.00


Shannon- How many more stripes did you get done? I only did another stripe last night- (2 rows) and then went to bed. I added a green. If I wasn't so tired, I would have done more.


LeeAnn- Hope that the day goes by quickly- sometimes when you are in training and watching power point after power point the day goes by slower. But on the bright side- we are almost to the weekend! One more day and then we say TGIF!!!


Everyone- stay cool and drink lots of water- Cya later!!!



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Hello all! The rain just came through and we need it! It is still very cloudy so hopefully we will get some more rain.

I got my yarn from Mary Maxim yesterday!!! I got DD's yarn for her slippers and the blue yarn for another blanket I am going to make. YAY ME!!! I need to go back to Hobby Lobby today. I went yesterday to get the velcro for the baby sweater and didn't realize that I need more candy corn yarn for the baby blanket. So I need to go get some more so I can finish the blanket.

Colleen - No, the green sauce is not spicy. It is very mild! Tell me how you like it!

Joanne - Yesterday's game was a strange one. Neither Dontrelle Willis or Javier Vasquez wanted to win it! They were both giving up hits and walks left and right! But the Yanks won in extra innings and BOTH the Red Sox (sorry LeaAnne! We haven't said that much this summer!!) and the Rays lost! You gotta love that! Now on to the Dodgers!

Stacy - Yes, appplying to go back to school is the biggest hassle! I hope you get it all figured out with no problems. Good for the girls having a lazy day. Sometimes you just need that!

Beth - YAY for an impromptu pool party! That is just what you need to beat the heat! Have fun!

Leeann - What do you have on the schedule for the day? To answer your question, my DD is 10. I cry though because she is almost as tall as me. She should not be and I tell her to shrink. She just stands on her tippy toes and says she has grown! She's killing me!

I need to get my badorkus in gear. I have towels to fold. I hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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:coffee Good morning! I am off to a slow start this morning. Having trouble putting down my book, not picking up my crochet and getting something accomplished. My book is fiction but it's about quilters and it's giving me crafty inspiration. So, I want to read it but I want to put it down and play with yarn all at the same time. This makes me think of when I was young and my mom used to set her book in a book holder and read while knitting. :manyheart I think DD and I might go try to find some shoes for the upcoming wedding. Unlike many women shoe shopping isn't something I enjoy.


Our night out last night was fun! We went to the horse races! We had dinner and had seats by the window to watch the races. After watching the races we played slots for a few minutes. The weather threatened to storm all day but we never got so much as a drop until the middle of the night when it poured. They had a very bad tornado a couple hours north of us yesterday. Many homes destroyed. :(


LeaAnne - Happy first day of summer vacation. I bet there will be lots of sleeping in and PJ wearing at your house today! Did Jaime finally fill you in on the fun details of her dance? Good job on getting your mammogram :clap


Vicki - Thanks for reminding me to take the chicken out of the freezer. I'll let you know how we like it!


Joanne - I hope you had a great day at work and get to jump in the pool when you get home. I am so grateful for our central air too. We just got it a couple years ago and I think we give thanks every hot day there is. Our house is not very good at staying cool without it. Our house used to reach 97 degrees before we got AC. Too hot.


LeeAnn - I hope you survived the training! What are your kiddos up to these days?


:hi Shannon, Mary, Beth, Stacy, Sarah, Scooby and all our friends! Have a great day!

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Hi girls! I'm in the middle of a cleaning frenzy! I even left my granny stripe in my car so I wouldn't be tempted. I didn't realize how loud it was...I can still hear it calling me!!:lol


Have a wonderful day girls!

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HOT< HOT, HOT and MUGGY today- worse than yesterday- they keep saying we are getting storms, but so far nothing- Some bad ones in Bridgeport CT and Colleen I heard there was an earthquake in Ontario! I know what you mean- reading a good book and if it's about crafts, wanting to play with a craft. Your mom was good that she could read and knit at the same time- I have to look at my stitches and don't think I could read at the same time.


Shannon- YAY for cleaning- and that was smart putting the granny stripes in the car- although it is calling you!!


Vicki- Yay for new yarn- and for your Mary Maxim delivery!!! Glad you got rain that you needed. I hope we get some, but not bad storms- just something to break this awful, awful humidiy


Hope everyone had a wonderful day! Gotta go figure out dinner!

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Another day finished!:cheer:cheerno more trainings at least for a while...oh yeah!

Joanne-sorry that is has been so muggy over in your neck of the woods. It has been hot here in the San Luis Valley kinda 85 F, that's hot to us:lol funny huh? Our winters are extremely cold, -35 F in the mornings and night time..but I am loving the warmer weather. I am tired of freezing. :devil

Colleen-that is wonderful that you had a great evening! Our kiddos finished pottery and have been on vacation. They are going to the in-laws on Sunday for about 5 days. Lucky ducks!

Stacy-how was your registering?

Vicki-our dd is 9 and will be 10 in December, what a neat age! That is great that you get to spend the entire summer with her! How's the baby ghan coming along? I made an afghan using the candy corn yarn, never tucked the ends in....another WIP.:lol

LeaAnne-how was your first day of vacation? How cool is that! Hope it was :c9:c9:c9

Shannon-that yarn! It calls out my name too! I kept thinking today...I could be crocheting...I could be sleeping....I could be reading...

I did walk this morning, 2 miles! Wooohooo! I have walked every day this week. I am planning on walking weekdays and taking off on the weekends, unless we are in town, then I can walk. Other than that, nothing new. Have to get dinner made and laundry washed.

Talk to you all soon!:hug:hug:hug

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Hi Ladies

Joanne yes there was an earthquake here yesterday, about 2 hour drive away from us. I didn't feel it cause I was having a little nap at the time. It has been very hot here so I have been crocheting at night and staying up late so I needed a nap.:devil

Oldest DD and GK's come tomorrow for a week.:cheer I just about got everything done in the house. I just need to do up the floors and Iam going to do the laundry tomorrow.

Have I told you lately that I love reading about everything everyone is upto ?????:yes

I hope eveyone is having a great day

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


P.S. here are some extra :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug take as many as you need.

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Mary- Have fun with your DD and GK's:manyheart I know how much you enjoy that!!!


LeeAnn- that is awesome- 2 mile walk before work!:clap I think your plan is great! I should really start walking regularly or riding my bike- but not when it is 95 deg and HUMID!!! It saps all my energy


I made a quick macaroni and cheese for dinner (had leftover elbow macaroni form the other night) and a salad. After dinner, I was really tired, so I slept for about 45 minutes.


Now I'm going to work some more on my granny stripes- They are calling my name----Joanne---come work on me!:lol


Shannon- Can you hear yours calling you from the car?


To all- have a great evening!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:hi everyone!


No luck finding shoes for DD. Oh well, we'll have something on her feet :shrug I went out for a big long walk this evening. It is so beautiful out! :c9


Thank you all for your continued support with my diet and exercise. I hit a bit of a bump with being sick. Just didn't have the energy to walk as much, but I'm back to my normal self now. Our buffet dinner out last night didn't help, but I'm not going deny myself those rare pleasures. I can boast though that I have not been snacking on the junk at home at all and that is a great accomplishment. Keep cheering me on!!!


Joanne - Yes, we did have an earth quake yesterday. Closer to Mary than to me. I didn't feel it, but several people did. And then the tornado all in one day. People are starting to wonder what's next. Good for you having a nap :tup


LeeAnn - Good for you walking before work and hooray for no more training for a while.


Mary - Happy crocheting!


Shannon - That silly granny stripe. You tell it to be quiet. And good for you getting some cleaning done. Wanna come to my house? :lol


LeaAnne - What'sup? You must be busy hanging with your chickens.


Beth - :hug


Vicki - We had your chicken enchilada casserole tonight. It was good! DD didn't like it. "Too spicy" :rofl She thinks lemonade is spicy, so don't read into that one too much. But, DH and I liked it. :clap Thanks for the recipe!!!


Stacy - How is it going? I hope you and the girls have recovered from your vacation.


DH came home from work and marched into the house and said, "I'm hungry, I haven't eated since 7:00 last night". :rolleyes Well whose fault is that? So then he proceeded to eat a big plate of last night's leftovers because the enchilada casserole was still in the oven and then didn't eat with the family. So, I guess I've got to get up early and make his breakfast and lunch because buying the fixings isn't enough :angry Men!!!! I was making it for him to keep him from eating fast food, but when the summer construction season started and he started leaving for work at 6:30 I stopped. Do I really need to wake up at 6:00 to make him a sandwich? Really? Alright, I've vented enough. Thanks for listening :rofl


Well, I am off to read my book for a few minutes before bed.

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Hi All!

I'm back, we hopped over to my aunt's house, dd had made her a frog for her birthday. She is a teacher and mentioned that she would love to have something for her desk...dd being the sweety that she is, made her the most adorable frog and a lovely card. We had to deliver it.:lol

Colleen-I have to agree with you, my dh was on my last nerve yesterday. He's such a sweet man but sure takes his time doing everything. :angry For instance, if he's supposed to fix something it usually takes him 2 to 3 months to get around to doing it...he can think of a million excuses why he couldn't then will try to start a project at 9 at night...:blush he just barely planted dd's garden outside, meanwhile I have had plants growing in my room for too long, most of them died, so dd planted them again and then he still didn't get her garden going...I was trying to be patient as it was a daddy and daughter thing...but gosh, one can only wait so long. I am more of a "get it done now" kind of gal. I guess we balance each other out, but there are days...

ok now that I have really blabbed way too much, I will get back to other talk.

Joanne-gosh I wish the humidity wouldn't be so high where you live, that must be awful. :hug maybe you can ride a bike like you were saying.

all of my other friends have a Happy Friday tomorrow! I will post in the evening.

hugs and "cool, breezy" wishes headed your way!

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:hi friends!!!

I did it, I did it- I added my Etsy to my FB page and I listed a couple things! :cheer:cheer:cheer Oh, I am so proud of me! :lol:lol

Last night, I went to the college to talk with a counselor. I asked for the requirements for preschool teacher, but as talking with my mom today, I realized that nutrition is really the way I want to go. :yes I sent a transcript request to my old college, and once it is received, I will make another counseling appt. and go over requirements for nutrition/health major. They don't have a program for that specifically, though, so I will have to take as many transfer credits as I can and transfer to a 4-year school. I also registered for 2 classes, and am on the waiting list for one (which I really want to take and will drop one of the others if I get in.) Whew...so all of that is done.


Today we went grocery shopping, then I took the girls for a mid-afternoon picnic in the park. Isabella ate a ton so she wasn't hungry at dinner. I also called to check in with my old-man friend. The girls and I are taking lunch over to his apartment tomorrow and going swimming. They will be so excited! (Especially Mia. :lol She asks about him almost every day.)


Colleen and Mary, I heard about the earthquake! My cousin felt it in MI so I was worried about the two of you but I'm glad that you were both okay. :hug:hug:hug Mary, enjoy the time with your dd and gk's! have you got everything finished for your show?


Colleen, sorry to hear about the shoe dilemma. I also do not enjoy shopping for shoes. I'm rather picky about what I wear and it seems most of the styles these days are too flashy for me. :blush Makes me feel old, saying that. :lol Also, about your dh's breakfast/lunch- I hear you! Mine is in construction also and I do get up at 5:30 when he gets ready and pack his breakfast/lunch. I do it to prevent the 5 o'clock "I'm hungry and not waiting for whatever you cooked no matter how long it took" routine. :wink Also he loves fast food and packing his lunch seems to keep him away from that. :yes


Leeann, how sweet of your dd to make your aunt a gift! :manyheart Thanks for the heads-up on the class observation- the counselor did mention that yesterday.


Shannon, I had a good :heehee at leaving your project in the car! You crack me up. Did it work, though?


Joanne, yikes at that humidity!! I am not laughing at all- I think 90's plus humidity that equals it is wayyyyyyy worse than 105 in dry heat. I hate humidity. :yuck I hope that you get a nice, heavy rain to clear it up. :hug


Vicki, how fun to get new yarn! Are you making another flannel'ghan? How is dh's baseball 'ghan turning out? :hug


LeaAnne, :clap for no more early wake-ups!! Let me tell you...I thought I would enjoy it more. :lol Yesterday Eva woke me up at 6:30 to say she went potty in her pants. :( Then this morning Mia woke me up at 7 to say she was hungry. Funny, yesterday she got up and made her own breakfast (cereal with milk) without a word. Wonder why she told me today? :think I also wonder how to make them sleep later? :rofl Good luck to your kiddos in their games this weekend! :cheer


Beth, your impromptu pool party sounds fun!! Are you enjoying your oldest having his license? :hug:hug:hug It must be a relief and frustration at the same time that your dad's tests came back normal. Will the dr.'s do other tests to see if they can figure out what is wrong?


I wonder where Scooby and Sarah are? I hope all is well with them.


Well besties, it is time to get going and do the bedtime routine. Have a great night!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Good morning and TGIF!!!!


I think the humidity is lower today- although it is still going to be a hot day! But it's nearing the weekend- so I can do it

Stacy- WTG! On both setting up your Etsy (I'll have to take a peek) and registering for college!! So PROUD of you!


Colleen- Cheering you on on your quest to healthy living! And Men- so aggravating at times! Why not make his lunch the night before ? That's what I do. If I left it to the morning, I'd be leaving w/out it ---LOL


Mary- Have fun with the GK's!!


LeeAnn- My DH is just like that- procastination is his middle name! But once he sets HIS mind on doing something then it gets done!


Vicki- I'm so excited I finally get to watch the USA play in the World Cup tomorrow @ 2- planning my errands /cleaning for the morning so I can sit and watch!!!


Beth- How you holding up in the heat? How was the impromptu pool party?


LeaAnne- Are you swimming yet?? LOL


Shannon- I did 3 more stripes last night b/4 calling it a night- added purple, lavender and terracotta! So now I have a total of 7. (14 rows). I need to finish my granny ghan and then go back to working on this. It is bothering me that I have all but one square made and just have to whipstitch them together. I'll feel better when that is done.


Well, I'd better get my badorkus in gear! And go check out Stacy's Etsy!


Have a wonderful Friday!!

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Hi everyone and happy Friday!!! I am getting ready to go to the grocery store to get that job out of the way! I need to get up though and empty the dish washer. I don't know what I want to do for dinner tonight. Do I want to cook or not? Maybe I will cook tonight and see if we can go out tomorrow. That could be a plan! I could do chicken!

Colleen - Glad you liked the recipe! It is easy to do and very tasty! It makes a great left over too!

Mary - Enjoy the visit from DD and the grandkids! Is this to get ready for the craft show?

Joanne - Have you jumped in the pool? We were in ours last night but were interrupted by lightning and rain. Oh well. Today is another day!

Stacy - YAY for registering for college and setting up your Etsy shop! I will need to go take a peek!

Leeann - Glad you are enjoying the warmer weather! I would rather be hot than cold. I hate being cold!

LeaAnne - Are you enjoying the summer? What is on your agenda for today?

I hope everyone has a great Friday! I need to get moving so I can get to the grocery store! Have a great day all!

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Beth: glad they didn't find anything wrong with your dad but sorry they can't figure out what is going on =0(


LeeAnn: YAY for keeping up with the walking


Colleen: I totally understand about the book distracting you. Doug's grandma gave me a sewing machine and it's driving me nuts not being able to take the time to learn to use it ...


Shannon: YAY for cleaning spree


Stacy: YAY for registering for college and setting up your Etsy page =0)


LeaAnne, Mary, Joanne, Vicki and anyone else I missed hope you all have a good weekend.


Haven't been getting much done... got sucked into a facebook game and got sidetracked LOL Still have quite a bit to do, plus Doug has a side job coming up and then may have several more for family putting in generators (We're keeping a close eye on weather in the gulf right now, especially that low pressure system heading towards the gulf right now, hoping it won't get a chance to develop)

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Tomorrow is a busy day... have to help Doug's mom set-up for Zack's b-day party, then the party later that day, then help clean up and then come home and deal with stuff here... so fun...

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Hiiya friends!

How's everyone this lovely Friday? It's been quite here today, ya all must be busy!

Had another good day, the kiddos start on Tuesday!:cheer:cheerthe classroom is all set up and ready, we are filing out paper work and getting lesson plans done ahead of time.

Joanne-how was your day? the granny stripe does sound addicting!

Stacy-I took a looksi at your Etsy shop, how cool! Love your little duck friends and piggy and penguin. Too cute!

Shannon-how ya doing?

Mary-how are the grands? Hope well! and dd too!

Beth-how's it going?

LeaAnne-how's vacation? Better than ever I am sure!

Sarah-I have never farmed on FB, but some of my friends are addicted.

Colleen-did you have a goo day?

gotta run bbl!

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Hi all,


It's the weekend! Haven't been in the pool all week- the last two nights looked like it was going to storm and rain- and then didn't!! I didn't get home till late tonight, but tomorrow is supposed to be another hot one- so I think tomorrow will be when I go in! The water temp should be ok since we had these days of hot/humid weather. Today was much better- hot, but not humid!


Stacy- It's Dodgers vs Yankees tonight- You know who I'm rooting for! LOL Congrats on the Etsy shop- really cute little critters you have in there!


Mary- Have fun w/the GK's


LeaAnne- You must be enjoying having the chickens home!!


Colleen, Beth, Shannon, Vicki- Hope you had a great Friday.


LeeAnn- Sounds like everything is coming together at the new job! To me, it seems wierd that they aren't starting till Tuesday. What's going on Monday? Have a great weekend!


Sarah- sounds like a busy weekend for you- I didn't hear about the storms coming from the Gulf, but stay safe!!


Hope you all have a great evening- I can't believe it's already almost 7:45 here! Where did the day go???

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Hi girlies! How was everyone's day? Mine was good. I got the grocery shopping done and everything put away. DD was my helper. We decided at the store that we were going to make tempura shrimp for dinner! A nice green salad went along with it. Now DD is coming downstairs to have some ice cream. I just paid some bills and I am going to sit and crochet tonight!

Joanne - The dark clouds came here this afternoon and I swore we were going to get rain! But no, it never came! And now it is bright and sunny again! Hope you get to go in the pool and enjoy it!

Leeann - YAY for the kiddos starting on Tuesday and getting all the planning done ahead of time! I used to do that too. I would plan a month at a time once I got on a roll! Hope it all goes well!

Mary - Glad the earthquake didn't bother you! I heard that it was felt as far away as NY!!! When does your DD arrive? Hope you enjoy your visit!

Stacy - I saw your Etsy shop on Facebook!!! I love the characters you made! They are soo cute! Good luck with it!

I hope you all have a good night and I will talk to you all later!


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