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Some good clean fun?!

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Looks like there was no chat last night- I was watching the Subway Series- and like Vicki posted- the yankees lost! Ok, better luck today- they had better beat those Mets!!!


Early morning- seems like even on the weekends, my internal alarm clock goes off and I am up! No sense wasting the day- having my cup of coffee then will tackle the cleaning while it is bright and early- and then I don't waste the day doing those dreaded necessary tasks!!


Beth- continuing to pray for your Dad!!!


Everyone- hope you have a good Saturday and I'll BBL!

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Morning. I'm with Joanne, but my internal clock is set for 3 a.m. now, for some odd reason. I need to get that thing fixed!

My dad is getting the GI series this morning. I don't know how long it will take to hear the results, but it's good that something is happening.

Joanne, I really like your granny square afghan. How nice to get something put aside, in case you need a gift at the last minute.

Not awake yet enough for proper hellos, so :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug :hug know that I'm thinking of you, and wishing you a wonderful Saturday!

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Happy Saturday! I have the World Cup on and am waiting for DD to wake up to brighten my day. She always does! We need to go shopping today for a father's day gift. He wants a gift card to Under Armour. Guess I am making a trip to the outlets today.

I need to go to the bank today too. Plus wash and fold the towels and run the vacuum. I need to figure something out for dinner also. I haven't gotten that far yet.

Hope everyone had a great night. I will talk to you all later!


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:morcoffee morning, all, and :welcome to the weekend


we have too much to do:


go put in MIL's air conditioners


work on the pool & yard

go to the mall for: a dress for 8th grade celebration, a crazy outfit for middle school field day (Lindsey is the mascot on team "BigBird"), shorts for everyone, a Father's Day gift.

Krissy's game

food shop


carnival and fireworks downtown tonight for Flag Day


... i hope there's enough time to get it all done!


if i am not around, you know why, but please know I am thinkin of you all!



p.s. Beth - I will be praying for good results of those tests

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:coffee Good morning friends!


We found a dress for DD :yay:clap:elle She looks so cute in it. She's more of a shorts and t-shirts kinda girl, so it's always strange to see her in a cute little dress. She finished trying it on and said, "OK, now we have to go find accessories" :rofl The sales clerk figures she's learning young. My mom found a dress at the same store, so everyone was happy! Now we just need to find sandals or shoes for DD. We have a really hard time these days finding shoes that fit and that are comfortable for her tiny little feet. DH suggested we just buy some cute crocs and let her be comfortable. We might just do that.


DD woke up yesterday with a sore throat and has a cold. It's not so bad and is running it's course, but we kept her home from our friend's house last night and from soccer this morning. No need to get sick for the last week or so of school and the first week of summer. So, DH and I went to visit our friends in shifts last night :lol I had the early shift, so I curled up on the couch when I got home and watched a chick flick :tup


There are always lots of goodies when we get together with our friends, but I only ate the fruit and had water to drink :tup Yesterday morning I was down 3 lbs from my starting weight (and very excited), but this morning I'm back up 2 lbs :shrug I dunno! I guess it takes time. I think I've got to get more exercise in.


I went for a quick walk to the store this morning for some essentials for the weekend. They have a tax free day (love that!!!), so I went at 7:30 before it got busy. I've got to clean up the kitchen now and otherwise we're mostly catching up at home today.


Beth - :hug:hug:hug:hug Thinking about you and your dad today and I hope the tests tell the Dr.'s how to fix him. :yes


LeaAnne - Good luck getting that long to do list done! Enjoy Krissy's game.


LeeAnn - It sounds like this new job is shaping up nicely. I'm glad you and your partner work well together.


Everyone else - have a wonderful day! "See" you later.

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YAY for finding a dress for DD!!!! And love the going to friends in shifts- that was good you got the early shift and got to watch a chick flick!


Congrats on the eating healthy and exercise- the weight will come off all in due time, Keep it up!!!!


LeaAnne- good luck with that long list!!! Have fun at Krissy's game!


Beth Hoping and praying the tests reveal what is ailing your Dad


Got the inside cleaning done- and one load of laundry washed, dried and folded. Second load is in the dryer now.


Cleaned off all the deck furniture- oh, it looks brand new again. The vacuum is doing its thing in the pool and the water is clear. DH is going to put the ladder in later on.


Taking a quick break to eat some breakfast- can't believe it's almost 11 already- but got lots accomplished already.


DH is going out to breakfast tomorrow with his DD and grandkids and then they are coming here for a swim afterwards. Fingers crossed that the chemical levels are ok. Will be checking shortly.


Have a great day!!!

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Top of the morning to ya all!:yay

I can relate, this morning when I should have been sleeping...my eyes were wide open and the ol' ticker was ticking away...:blush I wanted to sleep, but didn't happen so here I am up and drinking my first cup of java, thinking about yarn and all those lovely patterns. Our dear kiddos are early risers, they are in their rooms reading..:cheergotta love it! I am thinking of suprising them with breakfast in bed,....will go do that.

Be back in a few!:hug

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Morning, friends!


:hug:hug:hug:hug Beth. Your dad is in my prayers. :xfin that he can get the answers he needs from the GI series.


Vicki, how's your vacation so far? It's so sweet that dd brightens your day as soon as she wakes up. :manyheart


Leeann, how thoughtful of you to surprise your kiddos with breakfast in bed! And it's so nice that they read in their rooms in the morning. My oldest would do that, if she didn't share a room. :lol My middle one's energy seems to rub off on her early in the morning.


Colleen, :cheer for finding a dress! And the accessories comment- too cute! :lol What a smart idea to visit your friends in shifts. :clap for chick flicks! What did you watch?


LeaAnne, you are busy today, woman! As if that's different from any other day, though...:lol Have fun running around with your flock today. :hug


Mary, hope you're feeling better these days! :hug:hug:hug


Scooby-doo, where are you? I hope all is well with you and Josh. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, hope you get everything done in time to sit back and :crocheting. What coffee are you drinking these days? I need to run to TJ's today and I can't decide. I noticed that they sell an espresso roast now, and since I :manyheart my flavored coffee drinks, I just might get it.


Shannon, what's shakin' bacon? Hope all is well in your end of the Boot. :hug:hug:hug


Sarah, how's it goin'? Are you still cleaning/purging? How is Keith? Hope all is well. :hug:hug:hug


The sickness is just going back and forth through the house. There seems to be 2 illnesses going around- the one Mia had (sore throat/fever) and a stomach virus (such as Isabella's.) Eva came home from the IL's with the one Isabella had, but she was better after she woke up yesterday morning. Roomie's kiddos have caught it, too. Today I am going to open all of the windows and let the fresh air do its thing. Tomorrow we are heading out bright and early for Knott's and I do not want anyone to be sick!!


Oh, guess what?! I enrolled in college yesterday!! :cheer:cheer I'm so nervous. I had to call my mom to see how I did at the one in MI because I cannot remember a thing about it. :shrug (Which kind of worries me. :blush) She said I made the Dean's list and only had a semester left to finish! :eek I just have to wait until the school can get my transcripts to see what will transfer and what still needs to be taken.

I also took pics of my little animals and a couple other things I have made. My Etsy shop is set up and ready to sell...I WILL list something today! :yes


Okie dokie, off to make some breakfast. Love and hugs to all! :hug:hug:hug


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Colleen - Hooray for the dress! and i hope dd feels better. you are right, being sick on the last week of school = no fun. Glad you and DH were still able to enjoy your friends, even if it wasn't together.


Stacy - Have fun at Knott's (in case I don't see you again before you go) I am glad that your half of the house is on the mend! p.s. are you going to link your Etsy shop to your siggy on here?


LeeAnn - how was breakfast in bed for the kiddos?


Joanne - :xfin for your pool!


:waving to everyone else! my "break" is over:lol off to the game we go!!!!

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Hello hello!

Sounds like everyone is buzzing and working! The kiddos loved breakfast in bed, they were super amazed and excited. I really didn't cook just put a quick meal together..yogurt, sliced apples, bagels and cream cheese and milk. I don't think I have ever done that for them before, it was nice.

Colleen-so glad that you found a dress for dd. She sounds like a doll! I love the additions that she was wanting to add.:lol Does she like necklaces and bracelets?

Joanne-you were up early! Did you get all of your chores done? That is a wonderful idea to have an afghna for the last minute gifts. I have 2 in my stash..ya never know. I still have the baby ghan in the car. I should work on that too, but this flannel ghan comes first. DS is always monitoring my progress. :yes

Stacy-how fantastic to be enrolling in college classes! What kind of classes are you taking? What did you take before?

Vicki-so glad to hear that you are going to sit and watch the game, have you been crocheting? Does your dd like to crochet?

Beth-hoping that the test went well and that your dad is feeling better.

LeaAnne-your day sounds super super super busy! Sounds like you have lots of energy! :hug

I have been lazy today, I did 3/4 the four chores that are on my list, will get to the kitchen floors this evening...just have to gather up the gumption. :devil I think I will crochet instead...cleaning can always wait. I really am so very proud of my family, they have been following our chart to a T-what a difference!

talk to you all soon!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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:yawn Up from my nap :devil Gotta love down days.


I did some running around today. I think this week I am going to make one major shopping and errand list and try not to run around all week doing errands.


I worked a bit on my flannelghan. Just getting started on strip #4.


Stacy - :cheer:clap:cheer:clap for registering for college! I am so excited for you!!!!! What are you thinking...nutrition??? How neat that you might have some credits to transfer over.


LeeAnn - Breakfast in bed. What a sweet idea for your kids. Happy crocheting!


Gotta go get the laundry off the line before church. Cabbage rolls in the oven. DH's aunt and mom might visit this evening. I made a rubharb cake yesterday, so that should do.


See ya!

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STACY!!!:cheer:clap:cheer :cheer:clap:cheer So happy to hear you enrolled in college!!!! And I hope lots of your credits transfer towards your degree. What are you going to be taking? I'm so excited for you. I sometimes miss going to classes- it was a part of my life for quite a few years:lol:lol


Have a great time at Knott's and hope everyone is feeling good! Oh, and I am still drinking Joe's Dark. Let me know about the espresso roast.


LeaAnne- thanks for the quick fly by between all the activities. :cheer:cheer for Krissy's team!!


Colleen- Sounds like a nice down day- nap, crocheting, a few chores- good for you. Have a nice visit tonight and the rhubarb pie sounds nice.


Got the grocery shopping done and watched the last few innings of the Yankee/Mets game- Yankees won and Hughes is now 10-1----he is only 23 years old!:clap


LeeAnn- How sweet to give the kids breakfast in bed. They must have loved that! And :yay for the family following the chore chart.


Beth-:hug:hug:hug thinking about you and your Dad


Mary- Hi and hope you are getting lots of :crocheting done- only a week till the craft fair, right?


Shannon- How are you on this fine Saturday? Crocheting? Cleaning? Hanging out?


Sarah- hi to you and Keith (and DF)


Scooby- thinking of you


Well, time to pick up the :crocheting for a while

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Hi Ladies

Sorry Iam not posting much. I have been very busy working on things for the show. The show is July 1- 4. DD comes next Saturday for the week and we do the show together.

Cleaning my house.......... yah that didn't get done yet. I have just been keeping up with the dishes, laundry and cooking meals. That god there is only 2 of us.

Beth I will keep you and your Dad in my prayers. Here are some :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug incase you need them.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend. It is warm here and it looks like it is going to storm soon. I better get off of here. I will try and get back tonight, if not then tomorrow.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Good luck getting all your crafting done Mary! Cleaning will still be there when you are finished with the craft show!!!!


I still haven't picked up a hook and yarn today! We took my laptop to the Apple store cause I wanted to upgrade the operating system. I wasn't going to bring the laptop with us, but DH said I should. Good thing, because they ended up replacing my keyboard, and tracking pad cause they noticed a small crack which they said was a known problem. I didn't even notice! They cleaned the screen- and it looks like new! We had to wait about 2 hrs- but luckily it was at the mall- so we lazily walked around and grabbed a bite to eat.


Finally sitting down! Hope everyone had a great Saturday- the weather here was absolutely perfect-ness today!

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:hi all!


Colleen, :yes I am thinking nutrition. There was a split second last night where I thought about early childhood education (preschool teacher) but being a teacher in CA is not such a good idea right now. We'll see. I have to meet with a counselor before I register for classes, anyway. Enjoy your cabbage rolls, and the visit from dh's family. Rhubarb cake sounds yummy!


:hug:hug:hug Mary! It's so nice to hear from you. Do you have much more to finish for the show?


Joanne, I forgot to tell you that your afghan is beautiful! :manyheart It is bright and cheery- I love the colors you chose. Are the chemicals levels okay in the pool?


Today Isabella went skating with Roomie and her oldest. We took the littler girls to the Science Center. We had fun, but dh is starting to not feel well. :( He has been sleeping since about 3 so I am hoping he will feel better once he wakes up.

I still have to run to Trader Joe's for some snacks. Planning on packing once the girls are asleep, so I don't hear, "Mommy, where are you going?" a hundred times. :lol


I better get going and put the girls in the shower. Good night, friends!

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Joanne - Good think you brought your laptop! That's great getting everthing updated and fixed up. A lazy walk around the mall sounds nice too.


It was hot and sticky here today. We had one very brief downpour this evening and now it's clear again. The humidity is sticking around. We need a good thunderstorm to clear it out.


I'm working on my flannelghan while DH watches golf. Just another exciting Saturday night at our house!

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Thanks Stacy and Colleen- I like the bright cheery colors too!


Another Saturday at our house sounds like the Saturday at your house Colleen!!


Oh, and the pool chemicals came out fine- chlorine level- good, ph- good, alkalinity- good!!! YAY!!!!! the only thing not done is the ladder is not put in yet, but DH will do that tomorrow! !!


Stacy- Hope DH feels ok for tomorrow! When will you be back from Knott's. And congrats to Isabella on her straight A's- and so happy to hear that she is proud of herself!!!! WTG!!!

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Just a quick post


Stacy-have fun on your trip!


Colleen-glad that you had a nice relaxing day, us too. I have been tidying up just a little bit and crocheting...heaven!


Joanne-oh soo glad that your computer is fixed and like new...glad you were able to spend a relaxing afternoon with dh.


we are driving up to the in-laws for lunch and relaxation. I am going to take my ganny squares with me, I am dying to show mil how to connect as you go.


have a good night everyone and morning if I don't make it!



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Good morning glories!


Stacy- keep meaning to ask- are you going to link your Etsy shop to your siggy? Hope DH is feeling better today and that you have a wonderful time at Knotts and staying in a hotel there!:yes


LeeAnn- My computer was working fine- but DH thought I should upgrade the operating system to the latest - for Apple that is Snow Leopard and he was going to pay for it. As it turns out, though, in order to get the newer operating system in my laptop, we'll have to upgrade the memory- so DH is going to get that for me- and then upgrade the operating system. I really love my MacBook and this is way cheaper than buying a new laptop. I have had no problems with it except it wasn't recognizing the wireless printer. DH has Snow Leopard in the I-Mac he bought and it recognizes it no problem so he figured it was because it has better printer drivers than the OS in my Macbook and he wanted to go to speak to them at Apple. It turns out he was right. Since Apple replaced the keyboard and tracking pad for free, pretty soon I will have more memory and new OS- all for about 150.00! And I'll be able to print to the wireless printer if I need to from my comfy chair!


Shannon- Sorry I missed you last night! I had just popped on then headed up to bed- of course I didn't fall asleep till almost 11:30 and got up at the crack of dawn again- just me and the birds!:lol


Beth- Prayers continuing for your Dad- :hug:hug and I forgot to say that I was glad to hear that DH got his gift and loved the monkey! What, no comments on the tie? :lol


Off to get more :morcoffee

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hi, all-


I hope all of the dads in your lives are having a wonderful Father's Day!


We are taking DH out to dinner a little later, then coming back to watch the last round of the U.S. Open! We are :cheer for Phil Mickelson. I will think of you, Colleen, while we watch it.


Stacy - :cheer:cheer for deciding on which classes to take... Nutrition would be a nice fit for you! I hope Jorge feels better for Knott's!


Joanne - enjoy your pool today! and any :crocheting you get to do.


Beth- praying that the GI series results gave adequate insight for a plan for your dad. Here are some :hug:hug:hug:hug


LeeAnn - I would love to hear more about your chore chart. :manyheart You seem so organized and relaxed! ...something I need to aspire too:lol


Mary - have fun on the countdown to your show! ...and like everyone has said.. the dust:rabbit:rabbit will wait!:devil


Shannon - are you getting to spend the day with DH, or BigBob, or both?

I hope you all are having a grand day!


Vicki - I hope DH got today off... he works in retail, right? what are you up to on the :crocheting front? are you still working on the Met'Ghan? Are you enjoying your subway series?


Sarah - thinking of you, and sending :hug:hug:hug your way... did you get to work on your special project yet? are you feeling better?


ScoobyDoo - hope you are well!


well, I better run along... I hope you all enjoy your day, and I'll see you soon! :manyheart:ghug:manyheart

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DH and his 2 grandsons went to the movies around noon- and should be back around 2:30- I went for a pedicure!!!


It is hot/humid here today- the perfect day for the boys to go in the pool!!!


I'm relaxing and watching the Yankees/Mets game.


Hope everyone is enjoying their day-


I still miss my Dad- Father's Day hasn't been the same since he's not here. I think it's kind of ironic that the Mets (his team) and the Yankees (my team) are playing each other today!!:yes


Off to finally grab the hook and yarn!:hook

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My dad is home, and :faint my oldest brother took a day and a half off from work and drove from Michigan to see him! The tests showed that everything is fine. The doc said this isn't uncommon for stroke patients, and things tend to improve after all the tests are run. :xfin that's true for Dad. He's been so uncomfortable.


It's hot and muggy. The boys are at their volunteer thing. I'm chilling with my girl. Hope your days are great. Thanks for all the prayers and especially the hugs. You know I'm addicted to those things!!!

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Hi Ladies

Beth I will keep sending the :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug if you keep taking them.

Dh and I watched a movie last night and I crocheted dishcloths. Just near the end of the movie the thunder started and I was soooo hopeing it didn't knock out the T.V. It didn't so we got to see the end of the movie.

Today I finished the ends on an afghan and packed it and the dishclothes in a tote for the sale. I also had a 2 hour nap, I must have needed it. It is also hot and humid here.

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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