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Some good clean fun?!

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LeeAnn-Your camping adventure sounds like just that- An Adventure!!! Oh my- a BEAR!!! I would have been scared out of my mind!!!! Sounds like you had a great time though and the pictures are so peaceful looking! Thank you for sharing them- they are really beautiful!!


Colleen- WTG:cheer:cheer on the healthy eating and the exercise. Consider yourself patted on the back!!!:hug I can't wait to start swimming! It is great exercise!! Glad you got to get some swimming done and that DD is becoming so comfortable in the water- it's such a great thing to be able to swim!!


Mary- Sounds like things are settling in being back home- Laundry and cleaning- and hopefully getting some hooking time!!


Vicki- Sorry to hear about the migraine! So back to work already huh?:lol Boy that was a quick vacation!:lol Lucky for you it's only 4 days of professional development and then you are off again!!!!


I did one more square while sitting on my badorkus- will do another while I watch the Celtics/Lakers game at 8. For now, I am going to get my lunch ready for work and coffee ready for the morning. Gotta love programmable coffee makers- it's ready when I get up!!!


Have a good evening!

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I had a whole post typed and I lost it!!! AAAAHHHH!


Here are the pictures of the green afghan that I gave to the coach last night. She loved it! I told her that the day she asked me to make her one this one was sitting at home almost done for her. She couldn't believe that! And the pasta salad that she wanted was a huge hit! All of her relatives were asking me how to make it! I told them it was the easiest thing in the world and they looked at me like I had three heads!


Joanne - Don't work too hard and enjoy the pedi after work today!


Shannon - Have fun in my old stomping ground!


Colleen - Hope today is a sunny day for you! Glad DD is liking soccer. Is she watching any of the World Cup matches?


Stacy - How is Mia feeling? I hope she is feeling better today. How are Isabella anad Eve doing? When does school end for the girls? Any plans for them for the summer?


Leeann - Welcome home! I hope you had a good time camping! Was it a nice get-a-way?


LeaAnne - A whole month with nothing planned? What will you do? Plan a trip? Go to the beach? Read a book? Choose a crochet project? Oh the choices you have!!


Mary - Glad you made it home safely and that DD's eye surgery went well!


Sarah - Have fun with the organizing! How much more do you think you have to do?


I need to get my badorkus up and start the laundry. I don't want to, but I have to. Hubby will need work clothes this week!


TTFN besties!



The scary thing is as much as I've done it's probably about only 1/4 of what needs to be done still... yeah it's that bad, but you also have to consider some of this stuff I've been going through is boxes that we've needed to go through for over 2 years now...

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:waving, LeeAnn! welcome back! I :manyheart:manyheart your pics! Can I come visit?:devil


Colleen glad you got to enjoy your swim! :yay:hug:yay for your healthy choices! I sure am proud of you!


Sarah - WTG on the purgeness... keep up the good work!


Joanne - :ty for the well wishes for the Sox! We are going on Tuesday... DH, Krissy, Pete and Me. the big girls aren't going. Krissy and Pete are going to their 1st Sox game, and it will be Krissy's first time to Fenway. (Pete went to the Winter Classic Legends Game... 1st trip to Fenway was to see Hockey?!:lol) ... anyway, we go to the game on Tuesday night, then on Wednesday morning, Krissy's class is going on a field trip to tour Fenway Park! She asked Daddy to chaperone this trip!:clap


Vicki - Hope your headache feels better


Mary - welcome home! hey... you wanna come do my laundry when you are done?!:lol


Stacy - you have been quiet today... is everyone ok?


Oh, Beeettttth! What didja get to make today? huh, huh? Inquiring minds want to know! I hope you had an ultra restful day, friend! You have earned it!


Shannon will be flying home tomorrow night. Thought you'd all want to know:U


I guess I gotta get my butt to bed. I think tomorrow is my last day of work for a while... it's good. I don't have time for a job right now... I am too busy trying to get work done!:rofl


Hugs to you all, dearest besties! Please know that my life is extra blessed because of knowing you! :hug:hug

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Good morning and Welcome to Monday!!!


Have a great last day of work LeaAnne- I bet Krissy and Pete will love their first game at Fenway! It really is a great old ballpark!!! I took the tour there a few years ago with DD-it was very interesting!


Stacy- Hope all is well with you and the fam!


Shannon- Hope you had a great time in LI and wishing you safe travels home today! Hope you are night flying Spirit Airlines- all those travelers stranded cause of the pilot's strike!!


Colleen- Cheering you on your quest to eat healthy and exercise!!! I have been trying to cut out sweets too- but sometimes around 3 I just NEED a piece of chocolate!!! I've been pretty good though- I bought a bar of Dark Chocolate and only take 1 square a day- that's better than eating a whole candy bar, right?


Sarah- Keep on plugging along and it will all be done. I've got some more purging to do myself- the pool has been taking up lots of time, but now that it's just about ready, I can come back and tackle the rest of the inside work.


Beth- Hope you had a restful day yesterday- and that your teens took care of you---as they always seem to do!!!


Vicki- Hope that the Professional Development Day goes by quickly! And that the migraine is gone. Forgot to ask- how is DH's baseball ghan coming along?


Mary- After you stop at LeaAnne's to do her laundry, you can come here and do mine!


LeeAnn- Happy 1st day at the Migrant job- hope it is much better than the last one!!!


Well, my friends, have a wonderful day!


Oh, LeaAnne- Did you see the Celtics game last night? They played like they wanted to win, which they did!!!!!

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:hug:hook:hookHi everyone,


I just have a minute, unfortunately, so here's a quickie...


LeaAnn, love you pics, and want to go camping there, too!!!


LeaAnne, enjoy your day.


Joanne, Will you get your mani/pedi today?


Sarah, you are doing a great job! It's hard to go through things like that, but won't it be awesome when it's done? And every day, there's less to do!


Mary, so nice to hear from you! I hope you are well.


Vicki, is your headache better? Here's some :hug:hug:hug


Colleen, how proud you must be, watching your daughter excel at swimming! That's such a great skill to have. And I'm really proud of you for eating well and exercising!


Shannon, thinking of you. I hope you had a good time at the shower.


Stacy, I hope your dd is better by now. Did you have a good weekend?


Since you asked, I worked on a niece's Christmas afghan, but didn't get as much done as I'd hoped. I'm ready to finish it. I'm pretty much down to 2 skeins, one of each color, then I'll call it done.

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:hi friends!


Beth, sounds like you're really coming along on those afghans! WTG!! :cheer


Leeann, sounds like you had a wonderful trip with Betty. Yikes @ the bear!!! :eek Thank you for the pics, they are beautiful. :manyheart Hope you had a great first day!


Leanne, have fun at Fenway! How exciting for Krissy to be going twice in a row, and for Daddy to chaperon, also. :yes


Joanne, WTG on getting the pool all cleaned up. Dh refused to watch the game last night after the second quarter. :lol He's not too happy with the Lakers right now. About your chocolate at 3- I just read an article in Health magazine that says we should eat a high-protein snack between 3 and 4 because our bodies need that "boost" between lunch and dinner. I thought it was funny that it's the same time you have your chocolate cravings. :lol


Colleen, :h5 on eating healthy!! WTG! You've inspired me- today I've been eating very healthy, no snacking. And when I went to the store, I only bought healthy things. :D So thank you. :hug


Shannon, safe travels to you! Can't wait to hear all about your trip. :hug


Mary, how is everything in God's country today? :hug


Vicki, the afghan is so pretty! I love how it is chevrons but not an actual ripple. Very cool. Hope your migraine is gone today. :hug


Scooby, hope all is well with you! :hug:hug


Sarah, WTG on getting so much done! You are on a roll. :h5


Yesterday morning I dropped of dh's cousin, then we went to the IL's for breakfast. The girls and I hung out over there while dh picked up his truck. I caught Mia's cold so we just came home and relaxed most of the night. We had a picnic in the front yard for dinner.

Today I am feeling :fever and :sick. After we dropped of Isabella and Mia, Eva and I did some grocery shopping, then went back to Mia's school and waited for her. Now we are home and Mia is taking a nap. Isabella wants to go rollerblading later but it will depend on how I feel.

Oh, guess what? I am so excited- next week, dh is taking 3 days off, and we are taking the girls to Knott's, and staying in the Knott's hotel! :clap Isabella has been asking to stay there for quite some time, but it's not a far drive from home, so we never do. Our passes expire in 2 weeks, and since this will be our last time going (at least for now) we decided to surprise them and stay overnight at the hotel, too. They are going to be thrilled. :manyheart It will be nice for all of us to have a mini-vacation. :yes


Well I better get going and find something for lunch. TTL! :hug

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Good evening all!


What a Monday!:D Today was CPR and First Aide Training, not bad. Since it is the beginning of the season, everyone has to have at least two weeks of trainings. So far, so good.


Colleen-you are doing an amazing job of being healthy! What an inspiration to all of us! How's the flannel ghan coming along? I have 4 panels done on mine, but am working on it slowly, it really does hurt my wrist and arms and elbows....and and and huh? :lol


Joanne-how was your day? I figured out how to connect grannies as you go, similar to the hexagons. I started a granny ghan while camping, have about 6 squares attached. I will have to take a pic to share with ya.


Vicki-how was your day? Hope it was a good one!


LeaAnne-wow! I tried and tried to understand all about sports, but:think what a nerd I am, can't seem to grasp it. How's your :hook?


Beth-did you get dh's package in the mail? How are you today?


Stacy-your mini vacation sounds :c9! Do you feel any better? :hug hope you feel better soon! did you figure out what to do with your snowflakes?


Mary-how are you my friend?


I made a chore chart and am following it, ya know trying to set a good example for dh and the kiddos:devil but gosh, I just want to sit and relax with a good book...guess I have to fold laundry first. I did get the bathrooms cleaned and dinner is in the pressure cooker.


Will be back later. Missed you all!:hug:hug

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Hi all! Just a quick stop in to say hi. I still have my headache. Yes, it is still hanging on! I managed to get through my PD day today, but have 2 more days of it! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!

I am going to pay some bills and relax a little. I need to crochet a little. Maybe that will help get rid of my headache!

Talk to you all later! Have a great night all!

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Hi all,

Long day here! Got home around 6:30 and then I added some water to the pool, and did a quick run of the vacuum- and skimmer. Then I watered by plants and came in and started laundry! Laundry is now done and folded (although not yet put away)


Stacy- Good to hear from you- and YAY for a mini-vacation to Knotts - and the stayover in the hotel- that will be such a treat for the girls!!! My DH wasn't too happy with the game either- let's see what happens when they are back home tomorrow night! I think this is going to go the full 7 games. My gut tells me LA will win tomorrow night- but then I'm hoping the Celts win game 7!

That was funny about the 3PM high protein snack- does chocolate count as high protein? :lol:lol:lol


LeeAnn- Glad you had a good day today!!! And I love the example you are setting for DH and the kiddos with the chore chart! You seem very organized and get alot accomplished!!


Vicki- Sorry to hear that you still have your migraine--:hug:hug hope it gone by tomorrow!!!


Beth- Seems like you are almost done with the afghan for sil! That's great- this far in advance of Christmas! I'm slacking as far as Christmas gifts- need to get my badorkus in gear


Colleen, LeaAnne, Mary, Shannon, Scooby and Sarah- :hug:hug


Off to read for a while and then call it a day- its already 9:25!!!!

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:hi everyone!


It was a very nice day here, warm and breezy. :c9 I got my walk in, groceries bought, made delicious fish and a pasta salad for supper (inspired by Vicki :wink). DD had a run through the sprinkler to cool down after playing at the park after school. I am still sweets free :clap and for the first time weighed in below my starting weight (just a bit, but it's progress!). Tonight was the hardest so far. I got a headache and my inclination whenever I get a headache is to eat chocolate or sugary things :shrug But, I had rice krispies and blueberries. :tup


Stacy - Your mini-vacation sounds fun! I hope you feel better soon and good job on buying healthy stuff. :tup I always think of you as a really healthy eater, but I guess we all have temptations. I'll cheer you on if you cheer me on! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Vicki - Hope the headache feels better soon. :hug


Joanne - I don't know how you do it all! :nworthy


LeaAnne - How exciting about the game tomorrow night. Fenway is on my bucket list. Such history. :dreaming Your DH is one lucky daddy to get that invite!


LeeAnn - Glad you got your training in. So does this job just go through the summer months? I figured that might be the case with the migrant aspect, but wasn't sure. :think What do your kiddos have planned for the summer besides pottery camp? I think that's great that you have two artsy kids! :yes


Shannon - Welcome home! :hug We've missed you.


:hi Mary, Beth, Sarah, Scooby and anyone I've missed.


Didn't work on the flannelghan today, so I'm still almost done the 3rd strip.


Goodnight friends!

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:hug:hug:hug Vicki! I can't believe your headache is still hanging on. I hope some :crocheting therapy works. :hug


Joanne, you're the nurse- is dark chocolate considered high protein nowadays? :rofl I commend you on eating a square a day. :yes If that were me, the whole bar would be gone in 10 minutes flat. :blush WTG on getting so much done after work. You must be exhausted! I hope you have a restful night. :hug And yes, the Lakers generally do really well on their home turf, so we'll see what happens tomorrow. Looks like my FIL may get his wish of 7 games after all. :lol


Colleen, I generally am a healthy eater, but my one downfall is chocolate. :blush:blush I've never met a chocolate I didn't like. (Except for raspberry-filled truffles- :yuck!) Unfortunately I am sugar-sensitive, too, so I have to eat some kind of protein in the morning (with absolutely no sugar) in order to curb my sugar cravings, which I have not been doing. I need to get back to it. We can definitely :cheer:cheer:cheer each other on!


Guess what? Roomie's dog attacked Klaus. :( There is a bite on his ear, but nothing else, thankfully! I had to give Klaus a bath to wash off the blood splatters, and once he was out, Roomie's dog went over and kept sniffing him. I am afraid he is going to do it again. Hopefully not when it's just the two of them home.


Well dh and Isabella just came back from a walk so I'm going to scoot. Nighty night besties!

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Good morning!


Oh Stacy- not only is the terror a terror, but so is their dog! Hope klaus will be ok!


Colleen and Stacy-:cheer:cheer

I have been trying to eat healthy too so I'll join you both on the healthy eating stint. I've either been having oatmeal or greek yogurt and granola (from TJ's) for breakfast, a healthy lunch- today I'm bringing tuna and mini pitas for lunch. Trying not to snack too much, but if i do, trying to make it fruit- had strawberries last night for dessert . Like I said, my main downfall is chocolate- and I love dark chocolate.:manyheart Oh, I did buy dark choc covered cranberries at TJ's the other day- I figure that is 1/2 healthy- the cranberries healthy, the dark choc part not so much!:lol


LeaAnne- thinking of you today as you go to the Red Sox game- Hope Krissy and Pete have fun at their first game at Fenway!!! A great old ballpark!


Vicki- hope the headache is gone today:hug


Shannon- Welcome home!!:hug


Beth- What's on the agenda for today? Are your inventions officially done with their homeschooling for the summer? Did you get DH's father's day gifts done and mailed?


LeeAnn- hope you have a good second day and I was wondering the same thing as Colleen- is this just for the summer or a year-round position?


Mary, Sarah, Scooby- Hope you are all well... Well gotta run- time to make the donuts! :lol

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Good morning Besties :coffee I'm feeling a little grumpy this morning. I think it has something to do with the fact that I have to dust and clean today. :rofl I'd much rather go shopping or play outside. Oh well, might as well get to it. Maybe I'll finish early and we can still have fun!


Joanne and Stacy - A good breakfast is an important one. Here are the 5 rules I'm following:

- always eat a good breakfast

- eat at least 5 servings fruit and veggies a day

- drink water

- be active for 1 hour a day

- limit your treats (I'm completely limiting mine for now, but I do intend to allow myself treats on special occasions).

Seems simple enough. I'm definitely still snacking, but it's healthy snacks. Fruit, soy butter, rice cakes, yogurt. I LOVE chocolate too and Joanne I've heard that dark chocolate is good for you. I'm with Stacy, I'd have that whole chocolate bar gone in minutes. That's why I'm doing this. I love sweet things and will eat many in a day. Way too many.


Well, I've slacked off here long enough. Time to clean!!! :yuck

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Hi girls! Remember me???


We're back from New York. Well, except for Mom. There was a mix-up with our bags and she had to stay with them. She's on her way home now, poor thing.


We had so much fun!! It was great to hang out with my family. The last time I was there, 4 years ago, was a very quick trip and we didn't enjoy it.


My cousin and his girlfriend took me and Sister to a Yankees game!! We got to see Posada's grand slam, day one. It was an amazing experience!


I don't think I'll be able to catch up with the chatting, so please let me know if I missed anything important with all of you. I've missed you all so much, and I'm glad to be back. Hopefully things will settle down now. We don't have any plans in the near future.:whew


I'll be back later. When's next chat? Love you guys!:manyheart

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:waving friends...


I need to make this quick, got lots to get done, and lots going on. some good, some bad.


Shannon- :welcome home!

Colleen - wtg on eating healthy! Just so you won't feel lonely, I am cleaning today, too... cause I have to! :yuck

LeeAnn - glad that day 1 went well

Stacy - feel better:hug

Joanne - Go Celtics!:devil

Vicki - hoping your headache is better

Mary, Beth, Sarah - take as many of these as you need :hug:hug:hug


gotta get my cleaning done.


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:waving Mary, Beth, Sarah - take as many of these as you need :hug:hug:hug


gotta get my cleaning done.


Sorry, Mary and Sarah -- I took them all!:devil


My plan of attack today is to work on organizing the kitchen. I buy in bulk, and have too many cases sitting around. I'm going to empty the cases, get the cardboard out of the house, and see just how much of the things I actually have. While I'm at it, I will scrub down the pantry shelves. If that goes well, I'll turn my attention to my frige, which would benefit from a little cleaning, as well.


Hi to everyone. My dd is itching to get on the computer, and since she is such an awesome kid, I should let her!

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took a quick break... 3rd load of laundry is in, beds made, bedrooms picked up and big bath is wiped down...


Beth - your post cracked me up! :rofl... you hug grabber, you!

WTG on the kitchen organizing... i need to do that too, but probably it won't be today.


oh! and here.....




here's more for everyone!

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Hi Ladies

Iam not feeling the greatest yesterday or today. My stomach is really bothering me and Iam running to the bathroom. Last night I thought I was gonna have to go to the hospital but went to bed instead.

Today I got 3 loads of laundry done and out on the line and the bathroom cleaned. Iam going to see what else I can get done if not Iam going to sit out on the deck with my crochet. My house needs a really good cleaning but I just don't feel up to it right now, maybe after supper.

Hope everyone is having a good day.

Lots of Love


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Hi all!


:hug:hug:hug Mary!! Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you should take it easy..the mess in the house isn't going anywhere. :wink


Shannon!!! :clap So glad to see you made it home safely. Glad the luggage situation was worked out. How fun that your cousin you to a Yankees game!


Colleen, sounds like you have some good rules. I only drink water (except for the protein shakes as a snack) and have been eating a good breakfast. These past two days I haven't felt as anxious as I usually do in the mornings. I do need to work on eating more fruits and veggies. Today I had strawberries at lunch. I also need to get some exercise. It is already so hot outside, though! We are looking into a Y membership- that should really help. :yes


Beth, WTG on getting your pantry cleaned out. Good luck with the fridge. I cleaned ours 2 weeks ago- it took me over an hour. :blush I took out all of the shelves and drawers to wash them, though. So sweet of you to get off the computer so dd could use it. :manyheart


LeaAnne, you are on a roll today! Have an awesome time at the game! Will the older two stay by themselves or is someone coming to stay with them?


Leeann, I'm happy that your first day went well! Great idea to make a chore chart for yourself. It is a great organizational example for your kids. :hug


Oh, Joanne, I keep forgetting- I've never had the pineapple salsa. You'll have to let me know how that one is. I saw today that they also have a peach one. I love that you are having Greek yogurt and granola for breakfast now. Isn't it so yummy?


Scooby, Sarah, Vicki, Joanne- happy Tuesday! Consider yourself :hug:hug:hug:hug (And be glad it's long-distance, because I am sneezing like crazy today.)


I stopped by Trader Joe's today while Mia was in school. Dh told me to get hot dogs and corn (and a veggie burger for me :D) and we would have a small bbq tonight before the game. Poor guy, he's so hopeful. :lol

Dh took Klaus for a walk last night and when they got home, we realized that he was bleeding on his head, too. Thankfully it's nothing serious, but I am keeping them separate today anyway. This morning, her dog came to sniff Klaus, and Klaus rolled over and played dead. :ohdear Poor thing.


Well, it's time to put the clothes in the dryer and pick up Isabella. BBL! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Hi all!

Welcome home Shannon- I am so jealous that you got to Yankee Stadium before I did!!!:lol That is so cool that you got to see the Yankees win and Posada's grand slam!!!!:clap It's great to have you "home" and glad that the luggage situation got straightened out!!!


Colleen- I like your rules- I always drink water (or coffee). In the summer I do like unsweetened ice tea- or I make some sun tea (which reminds me, I need to find my container and tea bags and set it out on the deck to brew this weekend). I don't drink soda (pop) After coffee, water is my drink of choice. The one thing I'm lacking in is exercise ---except for cleaning!! And I do work up a sweat vacuuming the pool!! Can't wait till I can go swimming in it!


Stacy- I am addicted to Trader Joe's no fat vanilla greek yogurt and the 3 berry granola!! Addicted i tell you!:lol:lol. And I do like oatmeal too, but more so in the cooler weather- I find by having the yogurt or the oatmeal fills me up and I'm not snacking at 10! My tuna on mini whole wheat pitas was yummy. Tonight for dinner I'm having a salad with a veggie burger (also from TJ's) I'm telling you I'm eating so much better since your turned me on to TJ's!!!


Beth- WTG on the cleaning today:clap And how sweet to give up your time on the computer to your DD :hug


Mary- Sorry to hear that your stomach isn't feeling well. I agree with Stacy- go on the deck and :crocheting- the cleaning will ALWAYS be there!


LeeAnn- Hope your 2nd day went well today!


LeaAnne- Have fun at the game at Fenway!!!! And yes, Go Celtics:clap:clap:cheer:cheer (sorry Stacy's DH)


Vicki- How's the migraine? Did you get any more done on the baseball ghan?


Sarah- How's the purging coming along?


Scooby- Thinking about you!


Well, its going to be a late night here between the Yankee/Phillies game and the Celtics/ Lakers game so I'm glad I got some sleep last night!!!


Tomorrow night I'm going to a minor league baseball game with work friends. The company got a good deal on the tix (they are cheap to begin with- but we have 9.00 seats for 5.00- :lol That's what is so neat about minor league games- they are fun and they don't cost alot of $!!!


Off to make my salad and veggie burger!


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Oh, Joanne, is it a veggie Marsala burger? :drool That's what I am having! They are so good. The sample today was a chicken burger. I liked it until I read the package and saw it is made with chicken thigh meat. I hate dark meat. :( I'm so happy you like TJ's...it really is easy to eat healthy with all of their fresh salads and quick-cook meals. Okay...I'm starting to sound like a tv commercial. :lol


Have fun at your minor league game. That sounds like a lot of fun!

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Stacy- just a plain ole veggie burger! But it was yummy just the same. You are right- there are so many healthy foods there. I also bought some rice and bean burritos- I think that is dinner for Thursday night! (not sure how DH will feel about it- but oh, well!!)


I bought birds nests too- did you ever have them?


Yankees ready to start so hope everyone has a good night!

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I've never had the birds' nests, but I've heard they are good. I also want to try the cheese and green chile puffs soon.


Well it looks like everyone is sick. Dh and Mia are sleeping- Mia is on her 4th hour. I will wake her for dinner. I think it is partly from the heat- she does not handle it well at all. Eva woke up from her nap with a fever, and Isabella says she feels like she is going to be sick. At least we're getting it all out of the way before our trip next week. :yes


Well it's time to get dinner going. I don't think I'll be back- I'd like to take a shower and lie down after dinner. We'll see. Love and hugs! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi everyone! My migraine is finally gone! It only took 4 days to go away! WAY TOO LONG!!!! I took an Imitrex this morning along with a Coke at my workshop. I don't like the Imitrex as much, but nothing else was working. It makes me feel very strange when I take it. Needless to say I have not done much crocheting at all. I am sitting here watching the Yankee game, and at the moment they are winning. Hubby wants them to win since they are playing the Phillies. And the Braves are playing the Rays. The Rays need to lose so the Yankees can take over first place with a win, but if the Braves lose and the Mets win, the Mets creep closer to first place in their division. Oh, the drama of the baseball season!


Shannon - Welcome home! Glad you had fun and hope your luggage gets home safely too! How was the wedding? Hope all was grand!


Mary - Hope you feel better! And yes, relax and crochet. The mess will be there tomorrow!

Colleen - Did you get the cleaning done? Or did you get to play today? I hope there was some play involved in your day!


Stacy - How is Klaus? Poor thing, being bit by the terror's dog! Did you say something to Roomie, or would it just be a waste of time? When will you get the new dog?


Beth - Did you get the Father's day present mailed yet? Can't wait to hear what your dh says when he gets it! How are you doing? Is home schooling done for the summer now?


Joanne - How is your week going? I need to vacuum my pool just like you. Are you all ready for swimming in the pool? How has the weather been for the pool?


LeaAnne - How are you doing? When does school get out for your chickens? Are they ready for summer? More importantly, are YOU?


Leeann - Are you ready to start your new job? When is your first day? You may have posted it and I just may have missed it.


I have another day of professional development tomorrow. We are starting out in the computer lab. I guess we are going to be playing on the computers and be creating stuff to use in the classrooms on the smartboards and other stuff. Then on Thursday I am meeting some teachers up in my building to do an online class as a time equivalency day for Columbus day in October. I think I will do part of it there and do the rest at home. I will have DD with me, so she will need to bring something to occupy herself. She has a big book of puzzles and her DS, so I think she will be fine. All she cares about is she is going to school with Mommy!


Have a good night all and I will talk to you all later!

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