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Some good clean fun?!

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Hi everyone! Happy Friday night!

LeaAnne - I made Italian pasta salad with tomatoes, green peppers, dried italian sausage, cheese, and bow tie pasta! Add a whole bottle of italian dressing and you are all set! DD helped me by chopping all the veggies. She was so excited to be doing that! And yes, the puppies got their baths today. They were not happy about it, but they got them!

Joanne - the games were fun to watch, but the U.S. plays England tomorrow! That is the game to watch this weekend! GO TEAM USA!

Colleen - You are on fire today! You got a lot accomplished today! Good for you, girl!

Stacy - I hope Mia is feeling better today. Did Jorge get the tissues with the lotion for her?

Mary, Sarah, Leeann, Shannon, and Beth - Hope you all had a fabulous day!


I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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Hi Ladies


DD had her surgery yesterday and all went well. She had to go back today for her 24hr checkup and guess what................. yup she now has 20/20 vision. Iam just so excited for her. She3 still has to wait a few more days til she can drive and she has to keep sun glasses on at all times for a few more days.


Iam headed for home tomorrow. I think my DH has been missing me.


Talk to you all later

Lots of Love


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:thair I lost my post. I don't have time to re-type it. Consider yourself hugged :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Today is the dance recital, and my boys are both working all day. The times overlap in the most frustrating manner, so I will take my dd to practice, my oldest will drop my younger son at work early, then go to work himself, my dd and I will come home, have lunch, bake cookies, do everything we need to do to be ready for the performance, and leave again, and oldest ds will clean up after a party at the pool where he works, and drive to the other pool to pick up youngest ds, hopefully on time. Then he's taking his brother out to dinner (with my money, but still, it's a good thing.)


I hope this will be the worst day for schedules like this.

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Good morning and consider yourself:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug right back Beth! What a crazy day it will be, but knowing you, it will all come together! Please tell your DD to "break a leg" (and you know that is not to be taken literally:lol)


Planning to get cleaning done early and then have to work a little bit on the pool. I think the USA vs England game is on at 2:30 EST so that's when I plan to take a break and sit and relax a bit.


Vicki- That pasta salad sounds delish. And don't forget about posting a pic of that green ghan!!! have fun at the graduation party.


Mary- Glad to hear DD is doing well and that she has 20/20 vision now. My son-in-law had it done 2 years ago- (DD tells me that sometimes she misses his glasses but he tells her he doesn't:lol)


To everyone- Have a splendiferous day and I'll BBL!

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Happy weekend, everyone!


Beth- :hug:hug back atcha, friend! I hope today works out ok, and :tup for your DS's going out to dinner together!


Joanne - good luck with the cleaning and the pool, and enjoy the soccer!


Colleen - speaking of soccer, tell DD to have fun with the Forest Green today!


Vicki - have fun at graduation


Shannon - have fun at the shower!


Mary - safe travels!


Stacy - how is everyone?


Sarah - hope your projects go well.


LeeAnn - hope you all are having fun with Betty!



Jamie's playoffs start today... single elimination:eek ... her game and LIndsey's last regular season game are at the same time - 1:30. DH and I just looked at the calendar for July and it is EMPTY! ... what are we going to do?!:lol


Have a great day, everyone!

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Hi all! This is just a quick hello to everyone! I need to go look for some stuff and I have to figure out lunch, but I wanted to come on and say Happy Saturday to you all!

I will post pictures of the ghan and her reaction to it tomorrow. We will get home from the party a little on the later side so I won't get a chance to hop on here and post them.

Have a great day and GO TEAM USA!


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Progress on organizing so far today:


have emptied 7 18gal plastic totes, refilled 2 of them with stuff that will be donated (which when emptied will give us 7 totes ranging from 18 gal to 30 gal for if we need to run from a hurricane)


moved the last of the totes that will be stored in the bedroom to the bedroom closet (there's 3 chests that need to be moved but are too heavy for me)


moved the desk that will be my sewing station to the bedroom (Doug's grandma gave me a sewing machine so I will be learning to sew) Put all sewing related stuff in/on the desk.


gathered all Christmas decorations and supplies and put them in the Christmas tote


and I'm not done yet LOL

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:hi everyone!


Mary - I'm glad you are home safe and sound.


Beth and LeaAnne - I hope you managed your busy schedules today.


I hope everyone else had a good day. Rainy here today. We made it through soccer though and had a good day.


Quick question for you flannelghan veterans. I've got 2 strips done and I was thinking of joining them. Did you do a row of sc in the two colours down the side of each and then whip stitch or did you just whip stitch into the ends of the rows of hdc? Would appreciate your feedback. Also, do you cut a long strand and whipstitch the entire length at once? I'm not quite sure if it would be easier to do it in 2 parts rather than work with a long string. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hi all!


I am feeling funk-ish today. Dh's cousin spent the night. The girls were thrilled! He is staying again tonight and I will take him back in the morning. We went on a quick bike ride today but Mia was cranky, so we turned around and went home. We all ended up taking a nap after that. LoL Made dinner and now we are all just relaxing. Mia is feeling better but very cranky.


Mary, I'm happy that everything went well with dd's surgery. How nice for her to not need glasses anymore :yay Glad you made it back safely. Thanks for letting us know. :hug:hug


Sarah, WTG on getting so much cleaned/organized! :cheer


Vicki, have fun at the party. Can't wait to see her reaction to the 'ghan! :yay


Beth and Leanne, you are both so busy today! Hope you managed it well. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Colleen, I've done flannelghans both ways. Dh's has a row of sc around the edges, then whipstitched together. My dad's and Isabella's did not have sc around the edges. It was easier to do it without the sc, simply because I could line up the squaresright next to each other and know that they were in line. With the sc it was a bit more difficult because the squares aren't exactly lined up. Hope that helps. And I did all of them in 2 parts- the long string got tangled quickly and one color ended up being a lot shorter toward the end when I tried it with one. Hope that helps!


Joanne, hope you finished everything in time to watch the game. :hug


Shannon, hope you're having a fantabulous time in LI! :hug


Leeann, I hope Betty is working well and that you are having a nice camping trip. :hug


Scooby-doo, where are you? Hope all is well in your part of the world. :hug:hug


I don't think I'll be back tonight, so good night friends! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi everyone!


Mary- glad you are home safe and sound!!!


Beth- Hope your day went ok and that the recital was awesome.


LeaAnne- how did Lindsey's team do? And what will you do in July? LOL Aren't you going to the Cape for a few weeks? LOL


Colleen- I didn't add a row to the flannel'ghan I just whipstitched into the ends of the HDC. I used a long strand (actually 2 strands together if I recall), but I think next time, I would do it in 2 parts.


Vicki- Hope you had fun at the party- and USA/England ended in a tie!!!!


Got my cleaning done, then DD came over this morning She called and wanted to know if I was ok- she had a bad dream...but wouldn't tell me what it was about. She came over for bagels (and to make sure I was really ok) She still wouldn't tell me what the dream was about! DH worked on the pool- and the vacuum is not working great. The water is clear, but still needs to get a good vacuuming. He'll be heading over to the pool store in the AM.


DD and I took a ride to Trader Joe's- she had never been...We both bought pineapple salsa- it sounded interesting and we figured it was inexpensive enough to give it a try. Stacy have you ever had it?


When we got home the soccer match was about 1/2 way over--I watched the rest and then DH and I went out for a while. We ended up buying two nightstands for the spare bedroom! We've been looking for a while to replace what was in there (really cheap round tables - the kind you get for about 10.00 and put a glass top on that are wobbly. We got a really good deal in the clearance center of a furniture store- 99.00 each!!!


I have to work in the morning tomorrow but only till noon, so it's not terrible.


Have a good rest of the evening everyone!!!!

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Good morning glories!!!


Hope you all have a fabulous Sunday! Time to get some coffee in me before I head out to be at work by 7! Should be back early afternoon ---and I'm thinking I may treat myself to a pedicure after work- not sure what DH has planned though-so we'll see if that works out!


Hugs to all!!!

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Hi Everybody!


The recital was FABULOUS, except for the parents who were so anxious to get backstage to their little ones that they walked out during other people's dances, rather than waiting for intermission, like they were supposed to. And there was no a/c in the building -- this is the second performance we had this spring with no a/c! And I was driving the old car, so ds would be safer and more comfortable in QuickSilver, and the old car's a/c doesn't work. But besides melting, and feeling totally exhausted, it was really good, and my dd was :cheer:clap:c9:manyheart:yay:D It's worth all the effort. She did better than I've ever seen her dance.


Today I have very little to do -- scorekeeping for Stashbusters, grocery shopping, and.... :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting. My kids all told me I need to sit with my feet up and relax. The boys are taking themselves to their volunteer thing, and my dd will take care of me today! Love those teens! Oh, and the dog decided I needed to wash my comforter. Thanks so much, Toby!


I hope you have an awesome day. Don't work too hard, Joanne, and enjoy your mani/pedi! You deserve to be pampered.


Stacy, Did you enjoy your dh's cousin's visit? Does he live far away?


Colleen, so glad dd likes the soccer. I am glad my kids found sports they like. I don't want them to grow up to turn into me!


Mary, welcome home!!! Did dh do okay without you while you were gone? I'll bet he missed you a lot. I'm glad you got to meet with Colleen.


Sarah, I'm so impressed with all you are getting done. I hope you are still taking time to relax and take care of yourself. Your progress is astounding.


Vicki, that afghan is such a thoughtful gift. I still think it's funny that she asked for one while you were already making her one.


LeaAnne, and empty calendar? What will you do with yourself? I'd like an empty DAY on my calendar! But it's getting better.


We ended up buying prebaked cookies for the concessions at the recital. I am going to make a lot of cookies, probably today. I decided I need to send my dh a care package for his father's day gift. I called the hotel, talked to the front desk, and they will hold the package and give it to him on Father's Day, so I need to make sure it gets there on time for that. There is a long-standing monkey joke in his family (that different family members look like monkeys) so I bought him a monkey card, and a stuffed monkey. I'll add a note that says when he misses us, he can look at the monkey, and it will be like we are right there with him! We're adding cookies, microwave popcorn, his favorite candy, and probably a very tacky tie -- gotta give him an ugly tie for Father's day! It's another tradition!


I hope you all have a great day. I'm enjoying the rain. It's so much cooler, and less humid.

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I had a whole post typed and I lost it!!! AAAAHHHH!

Here are the pictures of the green afghan that I gave to the coach last night. She loved it! I told her that the day she asked me to make her one this one was sitting at home almost done for her. She couldn't believe that! And the pasta salad that she wanted was a huge hit! All of her relatives were asking me how to make it! I told them it was the easiest thing in the world and they looked at me like I had three heads!

Joanne - Don't work too hard and enjoy the pedi after work today!

Shannon - Have fun in my old stomping ground!

Colleen - Hope today is a sunny day for you! Glad DD is liking soccer. Is she watching any of the World Cup matches?

Stacy - How is Mia feeling? I hope she is feeling better today. How are Isabella anad Eve doing? When does school end for the girls? Any plans for them for the summer?

Leeann - Welcome home! I hope you had a good time camping! Was it a nice get-a-way?

LeaAnne - A whole month with nothing planned? What will you do? Plan a trip? Go to the beach? Read a book? Choose a crochet project? Oh the choices you have!!

Mary - Glad you made it home safely and that DD's eye surgery went well!

Sarah - Have fun with the organizing! How much more do you think you have to do?

I need to get my badorkus up and start the laundry. I don't want to, but I have to. Hubby will need work clothes this week!

TTFN besties!



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good morning!


Colleen - I whipstitched with 1 strand of each color, and did so right through the hdc's. By using 2 strands, it's a stronger seam, and using one of each colour, it hides itself quite well:yes. I would say the length of the strands is irrelevant, it's just what you are comfortable with. I have done 1 and more than 1 with similar results. I hope this info helps you


Beth - Hooray for your inventions!!!! and for a day off! So... whatcha gonna :crocheting??? So nice to hear that the recital went well, in spite of the heat. The care package for DH sounds awesome!


Joanne - hope you didn't work too hard this morning, and that you get that mani/pedi! Enjoy your afternoon, friend! ...yes, we will be headed for the Cape for a few weeks, and my only job will be to make meals and beds:lol (oh, and :xfin for LOTS of :crocheting!)


Mary - so glad you are home safe and sound! :hug:hug:hug


Vicki - how was the graduation?


LeeAnn - can't wait to hear about your family's adventures with Betty! Welcome home, and I hope you had a wonderful time:yay


Stacy - Happy Sunday! I hope your visit with DH's cousin was great, and that everyone is feeling better. :hug


Sarah - WOW!!! hey, WTG on all of that organizing!!! I am proud of you! It sure is a nice feeling to get things in order, isn't it? I hope that you and yours enjoy a wonderful day, friend!


Shannon - I hope you are having a terrific time with your family.... If I recall, you will be flying home tomorrow?



Jamie's team lost yesterday. It was not their day. It's a shame that they got knocked out right away, they were a pretty good little team.

Tonight is Peter's last game at "the big guy field"... there will be a play by play announcer for the game. The little guys get very excited about that... too cute!

So, all we will have left are playoffs for Lindsey and Krissy. We are waiting to hear those schedules :shrug


This week is going to be lots of fun for the kids... field trips, a RedSox game (Krissy and Peter's first), and Field Day! It promises to be lots of fun!


Well, I need to get going... I hope you all hae a wonderful day, friends! I am so glad you are here!:manyheart:hug:manyheart:hug

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:hi everyone!


Vicki - That afghan is great! I love the zig zag. What a fun pattern and great colour for young woman! Was this a high school graduation? Glad your pasta salad was a hit!


LeaAnne - Too bad Jaime's team lost, but so long as they had fun. Have fun at Pete's game on the big guy field. That sounds like it would be lots of fun for the kids!


Joanne - I didn't realize you were working today :think I hope the day goes quickly :yes


Beth - I'm so glad the recital went well and that your DD danced beautifully! What a great care package you are putting together. Your DH will certainly appreciate that!


Stacy - How is Mia feeling now? I hope she is back to herself soon.


:hi Shannon - Missing you girl! I hope your trip was lots of fun!


Sarah - Sounds like you are getting lots done.


Mary - I hope you are settling back in at home.


LeeAnn - I hope the camping trip with Betty was fun!


I am planning to do some flannelghaning today. My intention had been to join the first two strips to make sure I could do the join before carrying on with the last 3 strips, but both my DD and DH think it won't be big enough the length it is :( So, now I'm going to make all 5 strips and see if I have enough yarn left to add onto it when I'm done. I'm not going to worry about it, because it will be approx. 40 by 56 as is, so that will be fine.


Still cloudy and rainy here. DD wants to go swimming today, so I'll need to see if the weather will allow us to walk since DH might take the van golfing. We'll see how the day unfolds. I've got the kitchen cleaned up, the dishwasher running, and a load of laundry on the go.


Have a great day!

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Hi all,

No mani/pedi for me today- Got out of work at 12;30- and home around 1- then we worked on the pool- there were lots of small particles of leaves that we needed to get up - and both DH and i worked on it- then we cleaned out the filter- and then ran the vacuum- and I am tired! But the pool should be ready for swimming next weekend I believe- We'll put the ladder in next weekend! it is raining now- so I've got my feet up and watching the Yankees play in the rain- they are winning 9-5 and it's the bottom of the 8th- why don't they just call the game?


Beth- so glad that DD did so well at her recital- but that stinks about the no AC!! Happy to hear that your teens are so good to you!!! I love your idea for Father's Day gifts- he'll be so happy and I'm sure the favorite present will be the ugly tie! LOL


LeaAnne- Yay for a fun week ahead - For the kids sake I hope the Red Sox win the game they go to- but only cause your kids will be there! LOL When do you go to the Cape? I'm so jealous!!! Have a marvelous time!!


Colleen- Did you get to take DD swimming? And hows the flannel'ghan coming along? Now that LeaAnne mentioned it, I also used 1 of each color when I whipstitched. I knew I used 2 strands, but forgot I used 1 of each color!!


Vicki- That green ghan is beautiful! I'm sure she is going to treasure it always!!!! What a nice gift! Glad you had fun at the party and that everyone loved your pasta salad!!!


I was watching the World Cup yesterday and I found the Vuvuzela's (cheap plastic toneless horns that make this very irritating hummmmmmmming sound to be so annoying that I had to put the TV on mute~ really, must they be a constant drone???


LeeAnn- hope the camping trip was a success


Shannon- Hope that the wedding was fun!!


Stacy- How are the girls? Hope everyone is now healthy!! Did you get anything done on your Etsy?


Mary- I'm sure DH is happy to have you back home- when do you leave for the craft fair?


Sarah- hope you are relaxing a little bit today- you sure got lots done yesterday!


Scooby- always thinking about you!


Have a good rest of your Sunday everyone!

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Hi Ladies

I have been on a cleaning streak. I also got 3 loads of laundry done and out on the line. Which Iam going to go bring in a few mins.

Vicki I love your green afghan. It turned out great.

Colleen I hope you got to go swimming today. It is pretty warm here today.

LeaAnne a whole month with nothing to do. Enjoy all that crochet time.

Leeann I hope the camping trip was fun.

Sarah good luck with putting stuff away.

Stacy Hope everyone is feeling better in your house.

Shannon safe travels tomorrow.

Beth glad the recital was good.

Joanne hope you get to relax with your crochet.

Scooby thinking about you.

Lots of Love


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Hi gang! Thanks for all the comments on the ghan! It's nice to know that others think my work is good!


I have been fighting a migraine all day! It started last night and it would not go away! I finally broke down and took the Maxalt since I took Exedrine last night and can't take that again. We hae done nothing all day! It has been a pj's day here! I have dinner in the oven and I have been lazing on the couch all day. I have professional development for the next four days!!! So not looking forward to it!

Hope everyone had a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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:yesHello there friends!

I have sure missed all of you, felt like I was gone a looong time!:woo

Joanne-glad that your pool is coming together, how exciting to be able to swim whenever you want to. I hope that dd is ok, she must have had a terrible dream. Maybe she will tell

you eventually.:hug

Stacy-sorry to hear that your dd has been oh so sick and just a tad cranky. Hopefully this week will be better. Did you ever get to start another ami?

Vicki-I just adore your afghan! Very lovely! I am going to make your pasta salad, it sounds just :c9

Beth-Sooo glad that you are able to sit and relax, what an amazing family! Your Father's day gift sounds just awesome! I especially like the tie.

Colleen-WTG on eating healthy and walking! Soo proud of you, ya also got a lot accomplished! you sure are flying on your flannelghan! Can't wait to see it!

Sarah-You Go!!! Outstanding unpacking! Have you had a chance to take a little siesta?

Mary-Welcome back! So glad that your dd's surgery went well, what are you working on these days?

LeaAnne-your games sounds so :c9. Glad that you were able to have "girl time" with your dd. :cheer

Beth-that is fantastic that your dd's recital went well! Glad to hear that, are you working on any special projects?

Scooby and Shannon, hope we hear from ya all soon, miss you around here!~

K...now about the camping trip....oh what fun! We had an amazing adventure! We drove up Friday evening and had a bit of stress parking Betty, dearest father in-law had to finally get her parked, what a gem! Saturday, we made a huge campfire, ate, relaxed, dipped our feet in the creek, watched the clouds pass by and enjoyed each other's company. What a treat! The excitement began late yesterday evening, the gentleman next to our camp ran towards us and told us to get the kiddos in the camper, There was a BEAR! Whoaaa! Seriously, a huge brown bear right next to our camp! Ohh my gosh! Scared dd and my little brother. Poor kiddos:eek:eek:eek, the bear walked around the side of mountain where we were and walked away. But dh thought it would be best if we packed up and drove down the mountain. No questions from the rest of us, we packed up in record time and were down the mountain as quick as could be. :yes Poor Betty, we just shoved things in.

We stopped at the in-laws (they live down the mountain), took showers...ohhh how blissful:c9, ate dinner and visited. Then we returned back to our Betty,:lol and had a relaxing evening and morning. So here we are at home, safe and sound. Betty is all cleaned up and waiting for our next adventure.

How fun was that? I think on our next camping trip we will stay closer to home.

I so missed all of you! I am attaching a few pics of our campsite and the wonderful views. The clouds rolling by were just amazing!

talk to you all soon!:hug:manyheart:hug

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LeeAnn - Your trip sounds strangely both peaceful and EXCITING! Yikes about the bear! Your photos are beautiful! Now my darling, I believe tomorrow is your first day at the new job? If so, best of luck to you. I hope it is the kinda place you are looking for :yes:hug


Vicki - I hope you feel better soon.


Joanne - WTG getting the pool ready. I'm guessing the pool party is next weekend? Maybe Vicki could bring the pasta salad? I'll bake something. :yes:rofl Wouldn't that be fun?


We did go swimming this afternoon and it was fun! DD is getting to be a good little swimmer. I try to swim around as much as I can and she's getting so independent, especially when she wears a life jacket, that I can actually get a bit of exercise now. I'm trying to fit as much of that in as I can. By the way, I am almost through my third day of no treats. No cookies, no cake, no ice cream, no chips, no pop (of course), etc., etc. I am super proud :clap Where's the pat on the back smiley? :think:lol Let's hope I can keep it up. I know it will improve my health and :xfin help me lose a few pounds.


Almost done the 3rd strip of the flannelghan. :yay

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