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:hi everyone!


I have no idea where the weekend went :think I guess it went to play dates and errands. Oh ya, DD had her first soccer. She had a great time and can't wait to go back. :cheer


Joanne - I love your squares! That is going to look fabulous! I love the colours!


LeeAnn - Enjoy the BBQ!


Stacy - I hope you enjoyed your kid-free time. I think that is a WONDERFUL idea to look into taking classes and putting Eva at the daycare! You go girl!


Shannon - I hope you enjoyed the wedding! I was thinking about you!


:hi to everyone else! I hope you had a great weekend! I'm off to crochet :hook So far so good!

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Colleen- Did I "hear" you correctly? You are going to crochet?:hook I know you've been in a crochet funk- what are you going to make? I'm glad that DD liked soccer- it is a great sport. My youngest loved it- she didn't start until she was 10- she was doing softball- but all her friends were playing soccer so she wanted to try- she took to it like a fish to water- the coaches couldn't believe she never played before! I didn't know much about soccer until she started playing- and I love it too. Looking forward to the World Cup. It's not as big a professional sport in the US as it is elsewhere. We're all about Football (American style) :lol


Stacy- :yay that DH got his paper done!! And glad to hear you got your snowflakes done despite your sore shoulder! Like you always ask for, Pictures Please!!!:lol I can't believe it is 7PM already- where DID the weekend go? It WAS very nice of BF to help us out. DD was at a music festival "Mountain Jam" in upstate NY this weekend and my other DD and SIL were on vacation. We really needed a third person to help get the cover off. I was reluctant to call since DD was out of town and told him I didn't want him to feel obligated to help- He said he was free in the morning and would be happy to help! He scored some points with me today!:yes


Well, off to work on another square. And can you believe that I thought I had 2 skeins of the color I'm using for the last round and the joining and I only have 1?:eek I'm going to Michael's tomorrow after work to get another one- fingers crossed they have the color! It is their own Loops and Thread brand.


Have a good rest of the evening everyone and CYA in the AM!

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Hi, everyone!


Sounds like you have all had a busy and fun weekend! Us, too!


There are (and have been) lots of thunderstorms around this afternoon/evening... but I did want to stop by to say :hi, and let you all know that I am thinking of you!


Joanne - love the grannies! very pretty! I hope you find the color of loops and threads that you need... Aunt Sue is currently working on a granny ghan with that plum color, and the other color is a cream with plum splotches in it (that one is by Vanna, i think)


Colleen - :cheer:cheer:cheerfor Crochet-ness! Whatcha makin'? Glad to hear that DD's first adventure with the Forest Green went well:clap


LeeAnn - I hope that your family got to enjoy the barbeque! And WTG on the flannelghan... you must have 2 panels done by now? Don't you love how quickly they work up?


Beth - Hooray for :driveing DS! Hooray for no more lesson plans! I hope will start getting some time for "you"... when do you get to hang out with your IRL crochet buddy again?


Stacy - Hooray for MIL taking the girls, and for Starbucks! I think that signing up for classes is an awesome idea! What are you thinking of taking up? Any business classes to help your crochet-business, or do you have another interest? I say any chance you have to better yourself, and feed your mind is the best investment at all:hug:hug I can't wait to hear about what you decide!


Sarah - I hope that your renovations and rearranging go along smoothly.

You must be in serious need of some :crocheting time! :hug


Shannon - Have a safe flight to Long Island tomorrow! I hope that you have a wonderful time!


ScoobyDoo - How Are You??????? :lol


:waving Mary! I hope you had a great weekend! :hug:hug:hug


:hi, Vicki! enjoy your not having to get up-ness in the morning! (not that I am jealous or anything! :lol)


tomorrow night Lindsey has a game, Pete has soccer tryouts, and the elementary's Backyard BBQ happens... I will get to pass the torch to the new prez... that's pretty exciting :wink


I better scoot... I hear thunder again...


Love you all, and have a great night!


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Hi gang! Happy Sunday evening to you all! Graduation was long, but very nice. I have to download the pictures and put them on FB for the graduate. By the time we got out of Colege Station and got back down here to the restaurant it was after 2. I brought lobster ravioli home for hubby since we hadn't been home all day. DD was a good girl and took some good video that I have to burn for the graduate and give to her also. It was good though. Her party is next week and I can't wait to give her the green afghan! She asked me to make her italian pasta salad for her party. "Please, Mrs. Vicki, will you make it for me?" Yes, I will make it for you.

I haven't crocheted in days! Yesterday was the first day I felt well in the last three or four. And once we got home from graduation I was sooooooo tired that I just wanted to go to bed! I need to pick up my hook tonight and work on some stuff. I have to finish the pillow case for the party on Saturday. I promise I will post pictures of the green ghan before I wrap it all up! I will also post pics of her when she gets it. I hope she likes it!

Joanne - YAY for only a light green pool! I hope it clears up quickly and you will be swimming soon! And what is up with almost losing all three games to the Blue Jays? I didn't see the game, but I was listening to the game on the radio. We came out of graduation dinner and the game was still on! I saw that they eventually lost. I had a feeling they would.

Stacy - YAY for going to Starbucks and Jorge getting his paper done! That must be a relief that it is done!

Mary - Glad you were having a good visit with the gks! When is your craft show?

Sarah - Glad to see you back on the 'ville!

Colleen - What are you going to work on? Glad DD likes soccer. What position does she play? I used to play when I was little. I was the goalie. I'm with Joanne. I'm waiting for the World Cup to start!

Leeann, LeaAnne, Shannon, Beth - Hope you all are having a great day!

We are having a movie night tonight. The Spy Next Door is the choice. I'll tell you how it is.

Have a good night all and talk to you all on the flip side!

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:hi everyone!


Joanne - Glad your DD's BF was able to help and the pool is getting set for the summer. He scored some points with me too :wink I hope you find your yarn, because that 'ghan is going to be beautiful!


LeaAnne - Oh dear, 3 places at the same time :think I wish I could come and help. Can MIL and BIL help maybe? Or parents of team mates? Good luck! I know you'll manage!


Vicki - Who graduated? Was this graduation for the school you work at or for the TKD instructor? I'm kinda confused. At any rate, lobster ravioli :drool Send me some!


For those of you who asked, I'm making a tea cozy. :shrug Don't ask me why, just something my hooks wanted to make and these days I just gotta go with it.


It was cool here today. We needed long sleeves to be outside.


Talk to you later!

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By the way, I've been watching this webcam that someone set up with a view of an Osprey's nest. It is on the way between here and my parent's place. We drove by it today. Here's the link:


Might interest some of you. She has 2 babies that just hatched in the past couple of days and one egg left to hatch. It is getting dark here now, but you'll be able see it during the day. Something the kids might enjoy too.

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Hello All!

Just got home a few minutes ago.:P We had a fantastic time at the BBQ, good friends, good food what more can a gal ask for? :lol

Beth-I'm so glad that you ds is able to drive himself, I am sure he feels excited and happy. Have you had any time at all to relax?

Joanne-WTG on the pool! That is great that it wasn't too bad and that you dd's bf was able to help. :clap I know I said it, but I love your granny ghan, I hope that you can find the color that you need. That has happened to me lots, good thing I had a friend that was willing to mail me yarn when I was in dire need.

Colleen-ooooh laaaa laaa the tea cozy sounds soo cute! Can't wait to see pics. I'm glad that dd loves soccer. If only I could get my kiddos to join sports, they are more into the arts and literature..:think guess I shouldn't complain, they are wonderful.:c9

Stacy-so glad that dh finished his paper, you are almost done with your snowflakes? Is it a ghan?

LeaAnne-you sure are busy, hope tomorrow runs smoothly for ya.

Mary-are you selling at a fair?

Shannon-hope the trip back is :c9 and relaxing.

Vicki-can't wait to see your pics! The end of year is taxing on teachers/parents, I am sure that you feel exhausted! :hug:hug

back to figuring out what to make the kiddos for snack, they are always hungry!:eek


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I almost forgot, I think it was Vicki who asked. My DD doesn't play a position in soccer. They're only 5 so it's a free-for-all, no score kept, just for fun. :)

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Good morning Glories and Happy Monday!


LeaAnne- It sounds like a busy busy day for you today- Hope you got a good night rest. How long is DH out of town? I wish I could take time off right now and come to Beantown to help!! Have fun turning over the torch!!!! And good luck to Pete at Soccer Tryouts!


Colleen- Can't wait to see your tea cozy! I didn't get a chance to check out the link you sent, but plan on it after work today. it sound's pretty neat!


LeeAnn- Glad you had fun at the BBQ- and I'll let you know if I have success at Michael's after work.


Beth- hope your yesterday wasn't too crazy and that you get to have some "you" time today!


Mary- thinking about you!


I'm a little confused - I thought Shannon was already in NY on Friday for the dress rehearsal, but LeeAnne's post wished her a safe flight to LI today?


Vicki- Happy first official week of summer vacation!!! And yes, we were happy to see a light green pool- Just looked this AM and it's already not green anymore- but still more to do till we can swim in it. And of course as is always the case, open the pool, the temp drops about 20 degrees. It got cool last evening and is cool and dry this AM. But I'm not complaining- I'll take it!!


Sarah and Scooby- Hi to you both!!


Stacy- How's the shoulder feeling? And I forgot to comment that I think it is really cool if you can put Mia in Child care and take a few classes!!!


Well, better get hopping! Cya later!

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:hi, and Good Morning!


LeeAnn - glad you had fun at the BBQ! I love this time of the year because it is so busy. The only sport that has been played in my house is baseball/softball. the girls tried soccer when they were younger, but it wasn't for them. Pete will be the very first "fall sport" guy that we will get to enjoy:manyheart I hope you have a fun-filled day with your kiddos... your posts are always very cheery and uplifting, friend!


Joanne - I hope you have a splediferous day at work, and that you come home to an almost clear pool. We are in the process of opening ours, but had to drain it, and scrub the liner. It can be a lot of work. I was glad that yours wasn't too bad:U Oh, and Shannon's cousin that just got married lives near her. The cousin who is having the shower is on Long Island. That is also where the cousin who passed lived. She is flying today and coming home next Monday, I think:think


Colleen - what color tea cozy are you making? Sounds like something fun and cheery to play with. I wanted to ask you if your can work with graphical patterns? I would like you to do a test for me, but want to make sure I send you a format that works for you:wink


Vicki - Didja sleep in a little?? What are you and DD up to today? :c9


Shannon - Safe travels, today, friend! I hope you will let us know when you are safe and sound:hug


Beth - No more lesson plans? YESSAH!!! so, whatcha gonna do for You today?:devil I vote you take a day off and :crocheting!


Mary - which day are you going to the yarn shop? Are you and Colleen meeting up? When is your show? Will DD be there with you? How's everything else going for you, friend?


Sarah - How are you and Keith doing today? did you survive the weekend alright? :hug:hug:hug coming your way, friend!


Stacy - How is your shoulder? :( I am sorry to hear that it is still bothering you, and that the pain moves when you touch pressure points. Are you able to get that checked out? What's on your agenda today? Is all peaceful on the Roomie front? :hug


:hi:hi, Scoob! thinking about you, and hoping that you aren't working too hard... when does DS get out of school for the summer?


Pete is leaving today, and will be back on Wednesday night. I know it will fly by, and MIL will be available if I really get in a pickle. Luckily all of tonight's activities are in walking distance of each other and home.


Well, friends, thank you for sharing my morning coffee today:U I gotta go stir up the chicken coop... Make it a wonderful day!


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Good morning glories! It is a sort of sunny day here, but it is :hot already! I have the hose in the pool to add water since the rain did not bring a lot of water last night. Hopefully it will rain today, but the poor pool still needs water.

I need to fold the laundry and vacuum the floors today. The dish washer needs to be emptied and I need to figure out what to defrost for dinner. Maybe chicken. That might work.

Nothing planned on the agenda today. I need to do some cleaning and I need to work on my paper and finish my crochet project. No, I did not pick up my hook lat night. AGAIN! I always to this at the beginning of the summer. I do nothing for the first few days. I just decompress and relax for a little bit. It's very bad. I need to bet my badorkus in gear!

Yesterday we did get DD her new crocs for the summer and we got a new canopy for the back yard. Ours does not have a lot of shade so we picked one up to provide some.

Colleen - Yes, the graduation was for the tkd coach. She asked us to go, so we went. She is a sweet girl.


Joanne - Sounds like the way things work. Take the pool off the cover and get it ready and the temps drop! Glad it is clearing up quickly for you! Maybe it will be warm enough to use this weekend!


LeaAnne - How many games do you have tonight? What is on your hooks as you watch? Are you still enjoying being on the sidelines? Hope the chickens are well in the coop! And yes,did sleep last night.

Leanne - YAY for having fun at the BBQ yesterday! You are right. Good food and good fun. What more can a girl ask for?

Stacy - Do the girls come home today? I hope you had a nice, quiet night and you got a lot of :crocheting done!

Shannon - Safe travels girl!

Mary - How is the visit going?

Sarah - How are you doing?

Scooby - Hope all is well!

I will come and check in later. Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!






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It is 9:15 a.m. I got up at 4:30, got up my ds at 5:30, took him to work at 6:30 (realized he doesn't have insurance yet, and my agent hasn't called me back:thair) volunteered with my dd at 7:30. Now I'm done until I pick up my son at 2, take my dd to PT at 3:15, go to work as soon as I get her home, and hope that David can drive my other ds to swim practice at 6 and dd to dance at 6:15. Just a typical day here. At least it's not so oppressively hot.


I hope you all have a great Monday!

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:hugHello dearest friends!

Wowza! Ya all are busy busy bees!


Vicki-it's good to veg out, I am sure after working a long school year that you need time to regroup. I hope that you can get some :hook time in.:hug


LeaAnne-you're going to be running today too! Hope that all goes well and that you get to relax for just a bit inbetween events. What kind of patterns do you design?


Colleen-how are you today? Does dd have soccer every day?


Joanne-Hello there! So glad that your pool is clearing up, do you swim daily? I sure would! :hug And here's hoping that you find your yarn at Michaels!:cheer


Stacy-how's the shoulder? Enrolling in classes is a great idea! Dh is going back to college in the fall, I'm so proud of him for making that decision, education is never wasted. Did the girls have fun at grandma's?


Shannon-:hugand hope to hear from you soon!


Mary-can't wait to hear about what you've been up to.


Beth-:hugsounds like you have a packed day! Do you work late? Hope that ds can drop kiddos off at practices.


This morning the kiddos had their first pottery class, they loved it! This is their 3rd year. I have to go back to work on Friday-have another training then will continue next week. I am looking forward to working but will miss the kiddos. I am greatful that I can spend so much time with them. While they were at pottery I walked in the park, 5 laps. :cheerI think that is 2 1/2 miles. I invited a friend, it was nice to walk and chat. I am hoping to walk more, it feels so good.


Back to cleaning the kitchen cupboards...:blush no fun, but it must be done.


hugs dearest friends! BBL!

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hi, all!


sounds like you are all having a busy and fun day!:c9:c9


soccer tryouts were cancelled, taking one place off my gotta be list! :clap


I just spent the last couple of hours transitioning my duties to the new prez.:D I am starting to breathe again, and it feels great! tonight will be my "parting speech"... I need to thank a lot of people and wish the new board well....


LeeAnn - I design all kinds of different things. Have done iPod cozies (with access to the wheel), afghan squares, or whatever someone needs. I like coming up with new things. The first pattern that I actually shared is here at the 'Ville.... it's a 10" American Flag square. I did it last year for Memorial Day, and donated the square for a comfortghan.

Right now, I have 2 patterns I am writing. One is a sunflower square, and the other is a fleur de lis.



:waving, Vicki! we only have 1 game tonight and the BBQ at school. tomorrow night is 2 games and 1 practice. Wednesday will be 1 practice and soccer tryouts.

In a few weeks, it will all be over, and I won't know what to do with myself!:rofl... I do love it:yes . and yes, I keep a :crocheting bag packed and with me.... right now it has sunflower squares in it. Most of the time though, i end up :blah:blah:blah the whole time and don't get any stitching done:blush


Beth - I hope you get everything straightened out with the insurance! How frustrating! You need a day off, girl! :hug:hug:hug


a great big :hi, and lots of hugs to the rest of my besties!!! I gotta go do the school pickups... enjoy the rest of your day!:U:hug:hug:hug

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Hi gang!


We're packed and just about ready. We have to stay at Mom's tonight since our flight is at 7:15 tomorrow morning.:eek Wish me luck. I am NOT a morning person! And I don't drink coffee. Double whammy!!:yawn:tired


I hope you all are having a magnificent day! I sure do miss you guys! Not sure if I'll have access to a computer up there, but please know I'll be thinking of you all! Love you!!:manyheart

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Hi gang! I was busy this morning! I changed the sheets on my bed and DD changed hers. They were thrown in the washer and dryer. The clothes were folded and put away. The dish washer was emptied. I just need to refill it from lunch. I even worked on my paper this morning! The dogs are outside so I really should vacuum. I was hoping for some rain since it was thundering. We could use it. I neven picked up my hook and crocheted a little! I had to pull out the pillow case I am making for the graduation present. The pattern just isn't working, so it will have to be straight doubles across. Nothing I can do about it.

Right now DD is upstairs playing with her littlw friend from around the corner. I am watching the clock though because her friend has to be home at a certain time, so I am the time keeper. DD has been itching to have her over and she finally has her chance. I love it.

I need to set up the printer that we bought, but I really want to keep crocheting now that I picked up my hook again. I knew that would happen! I can set the printer up tomorrow! I can vacuum tomorrow too. The dust can wait another day. My mother always said it can!

Happy travels to Shannon! Be safe my friend!

Have fun at the field LeaAnne and have fun giving up the Presidency! Let someone else take care of it all!

Leeanne - Good for you doing all that walking! What projects are the kids working on in pottery?


Hope everyone else is having a fantastic kind of day!

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Hello Hello!

Vicki-good job on getting chores done, you are right, cleaning can wait for another day. That's what I tell myself too.:lol

LeaAnne-a flag square sounds soo neat! I will have to look on the Ville for the pattern, do you sell them too?

the kiddos are making pinch pots, don't know how big, but we will love them!

I finished cleaning out two cupboards and ds cleaned out his dresser drawers, two more bags to go to Goodwill, :D I think I am going to :hook haven't done that today, oh and did get dinner into the crockpot earlier...Yeah! I am tired of cooking, does anyone else feel the same?

Quick question, my mom brought over the first afghan that I had made when I was 12, it has about 8 holes in it, it was just a simple dc in stripes, do you all think it would be better for me to take it all apart and re-do it? Or try to mend them. I don't have some of the yarn, was thinking I would be better off re-doing it. What's your opinion?

Look forward to hearing from all of you!


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Well nothing got done so far today. Keith had a case of the crankies and get in the way of mommy when she tries to move big objects today. So I'm waiting for Doug to get home so I can try getting things done. Off to try again getting something done since I've sent Keith to his room (He was also being a booger and any time someone called me or I called someone he started making as much noise as he possibly could so I couldn't hear the other person)


Hope everyone's day is going better then mine

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:hi everyone!


Sarah - I've been there and had days like that. Today my DD lost going to the park, play dates and TV as punishments--all before school started! :ohdear


LeeAnn - I'm glad you are enjoying your time off with the kids. My DD only plays soccer once a week.


LeaAnne - Have fun at the game and BBQ. Good thing soccer try outs were cancelled. Did they reschedule or does everyone make the team?


Vicki - Good job getting so much done!


Beth - I hope you got all your driving around done.


Joanne - How was your day at work? Glad to hear the pool is looking good.


Shannon & Mary - Hoping you both have a safe trip! Enjoy the time with your family.


Stacy - I hope your burn is feeling better and that you and the girls had a good day.


Not much excitement here. Ran errands today, some while walking. It is cooler here today too, but beautiful, breezy and sunny. I love it! This is my kind of weather!

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Hello everyone!


I had success at Michael's!! Can you believe they had 1 skein in the exact same dye lot? I bought the yarn over 2 mos ago so figured they would never have the same dye lot but they did!! It was like it had my name on it! I was so excited!!!


After that I went to DD and SiL's for chinese food dinner. Today is their 2nd anniversary. SIL's mom came too. We sat and ate on the deck and heard all about their vacation last week to Ocean City, MD The temperatures tonight were perfect!! It was a relaxing evening after a busy day at work!


DH just got home and wants to tell me something so I'm going to sign off, but I'll post more in the AM-


OH, LeaAnne- thanks for straightening up the issue about Shannon- I was so confused- LOL


Shannon- safe travels, my friend!!!


To EVERYONE- Sorry I'm not responding individually to you all right now, but know you'll understand!


CYA in the AM!

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:hi friends!


It is :sweat:hot here again today. I refuse to run the a/c, though. :blush So all of the windows and doors are open- luckily there is a breeze. After dropping off Isabella this morning, I cleaned everything, minus the floors. No sweeping or mopping, but plenty of laundry, dusting, dish-washing, you name it. The house looked really nice- until the kids came home. :lol When we leased the house, the owner only asked for a year's worth of checks, but we have it for 2. It is coming up on the end of our first year, and I have a feeling she is going to be making a visit to see how things are going, before asking for the second year's worth. Jorge thinks I'm being silly.


Mia came home from school and fell asleep immediately. That is so unlike her! On the way to Isabella's school I held her hand and it was burning! Took her temp when we got home- sure enough, it was 102. :eek She's been lying around since. Now my throat is feeling kind of sore, but I'm thinking maybe it's just in my head because she is sick. :shrug


Joanne, so glad to hear you had success! I've found that even if the dye lots aren't the same, Michael's yarn is usually always the same color. :yes Can't wait to see your squares when finished. Happy anniversary to your DD and SIL! How nice that they invited you and his mother over to celebrate. :manyheart


Leanne, good luck passing the torch! I know you are looking forward to being drama-free. :yes Good luck also to lil' Pete at the soccer tryouts, and to the girls with their games. I was also confused about the Shannon issue- I thought for sure the wedding was this past weekend. :think Thanks for straightening that up.


Sarah, :hug to you!! I think we have all had days like that. I know my Mia can be very trying at times. Hope the rest of the week goes better for you.


Leeann, sorry, I'm not sure how to help with your afghan problem. :think It would be too bad if you had to pull it all apart...maybe you could ask on the "Crochet help" board to see if anyone has advice?


Wow, Vicki- you have accomplished a lot! Sure sounds to me like you have already gotten off your badorkus. :lol Good luck with the pillowcase.


Beth, as usual, I :nworthy to you!! I just don't know how you do it- taking everyone where they need to be at all different times. Maybe I'll learn once my children are all old enough to have their own activities. Or I'll probably just have to come back here and ask you. :lol:xfin that you can get David's insurance straightened out, so he can start driving!


Shannon, safe travels, my friend! :hug


Scooby, hope all is well in your end of the world! :hug


Mary, how is God's country today? Has it cooled off any? :hug Is today the day you leave for dd's? Safe travels to you, also.


Today is dh's last day of class. He's not taking summer classes, which will be nice, because once the fall semester starts, he will be going 4 nights a week. I went to Michael's today to get more white yarn. I have the colored part of the snowflakes finished but still have to do the white edging and joining. I will work on that while he is at class. My shoulder still hurts a bit, but I really want to get them done! :lol

I'm going to take a shower while he is still here to watch the girls. Have a great night, all!

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Hi Ladies

Iam at DD's house now and I will be here til Saturday, as long as everything is alright with her.

Iam hoping to meet up with Colleen on Wednesday.

I will try and check in as often as I can..... she has dial-up and her computer is not very fast.

I hope everyone has a great week.

Lots of Love


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we are home... ahhhh! do you hear the angels singing? I do! A huge weight has just been lifted off my shoulders, and the torch has been passed:D


tryouts for soccer will be Wednesday and Friday. They are evaluations, I guess, so that some kids will make the travelling teams. If you don't make travel, you get to play on the city league... at least that's how I understand it?:shrug:lol


Sarah - sorry your day was crappy...:( I hope tomorrow is better for you guys.

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Stacy - hope the girls feel better:(:( there is nothing sadder than sick chickens.:hug


LeeAnn - can you share pics of the damage? I would do whatever will make you the happiest inside... without seeing it, I would lean toward repairing it, personally.... and I haven't sold any patterns...yet! lots of items, though:yes


Joanne - WTG on the Michaels score-age! and the dinner with DD and IL's sounds really nice:cnine


Mary - have a fun week at DD's and enjoy your visit with Colleen.


Safe travels, Shannon-ness!


Vicki - I sure hope you kept that hook in had all day:devil


Colleen - glad to hear that your day was uneventful and enjoyable. how's the tea cozy? what color are you doing?


hope everyone else is well... I am off to dreamland...:hug:hug:hug

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