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hi, Friends!


We are home, safe and sound. We had a wonderful time! Got to the beach and everything! It only took an extra hour in the traffic yesterday. Lastnight, Jamie had a game, then we were up late finishing weekend homework (why do teachers give weekend homework on a holiday when children should be spending time with family?)


So, we are back in go-go-go mode for 3 more weeks.


I hope you all have a great morning... I'll be back later to say my proper "hello's"... right now, it's time to "get this wagon train a-movin!"


Meanwhile, I will pray for the people in Quebec, and that the fires somehow get contained. The smoke reached all the way to CapeCod yesterday:(


hugs to you all...

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Good morning!


LeaAnne, welcome home! I'm glad you had a good weekend at the cape! It sounds lovely.


Joanne, only 4 days of work this week??? :eek do you know how to behave?


LeaAnn, congrats on finsihing organizing your dd's room. My dd is a bit of a hoarder, too, but she eventually let a lot of her toys go -- when she was 15. Good luck at orientation. I hope your new job is :c9


Stacy, maybe I don't know how to use sunscreen correctly, but I still burn, and the procedure on my leg was really traumatic to me. I don't want to give up my time at the pool, because my dear crochet buddy comes, and we get some really good :crocheting:blah:crocheting:blah:crocheting:blah time in, resolve all the world's problems, and bond a little with our kids. Your Starbucks day with Jorge sounds lovely.


Mary, I hope you aren't melting in all that heat! My dad said he's afraid it's going to be a really rough summer. I hope not!


Vicki, congrats on finishing your green afghan. You rock!!! I'm :nworthy of you, getting things done while dealing with the end of the year insanity that goes on at most schools (the ones I worked at, any way)


Lots of :hug:hug:hug:hugto everyone. I hope you have a great day!!!

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Happy Tuesday to all! I hope everyone had a nice relaxing weekend and from the sounds of it, that is true!

Joanne - YAY for your DDs feeding you over the weekend! That is so sweet of them! I have steak out for tonight's dinner. I needed something I could grill on my own and the only thing I can do on the grill is steak! I burn everything else!

Leeann - Have fun at orientation! Let us know how it goes! YAY for getting DD's room organized! I need to get my DD to clean her room a little. She is good about throwing things away. I just need to tell her to! Good thing I have the WHOLE summer to do it!

Mary - How long will you be staying at your DD's? Enjoy your visit and I hope you get to hook up with Colleen! That would be so great!

LeaAnne - Welcome home! I hate when teachers give homework over a long weekend! It drives me crazy! I am glad you had fun at the beach and enjoyed some family time!

Stacy - I love your penguin! He is just so cute! Did it take you long to make? I know you posted that it bothered your hand to make after a while. Is that because of the size? I am just wondering.

Only 2 more days and then the summer officially starts!!! I am almost done updating end of the year paper work. I need to burn cds and I need to shred some stuff. I can shred later. I have some of the stuff I need to update. I am still waiting on a little bit more. Then I am DONE!!!!!

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! I will check back with you all later!

TTFN besties!

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Good morning, Besties!!


First, I need to apologize, Beth! I completely forgot about the procedure. :oops:oops:oops I am so, so sorry. Of course there is a reason you would want to cover up in the sun. Please forgive me for being so absent-minded and insensitive. :hug:hug


Leanne, glad you had fun at the Cape, and made it home safely!! Yikes @ the weekend project- our schools don't give weekend homework, thank goodness! :lol You are always so busy- I don't know how you do it! :nworthy Only 3 more weeks here, too. :cheer


Joanne, how sweet of your girls to feed you! Glad you had a wonderful time, and I had a good :heehee at leaving the memory box at dd's house. Good one. :tup


Leeann, I'm happy to hear that your dd got rid of so many things! Please give her a :h5 for me. As a person who is extremely unorganized, I can tell you that you are setting your hopes high for them learning how to be organized. :lol:lol:lol I'm sure your dd feels very accomplished, with her sparkly clean room.


Vicki, good luck with your end-of-year updating and purging. And yes, my hand does hurt from the size, as well as the tension. It has to be tight so the stuffing won't pop out, and my shoulder ends up with burning pain after about 3 or 4 of them. If I make them constantly, it goes away, but if I take a break and make something else, my tolerance goes down.


Mary, how is the heat? Has it cooled off any?


Colleen, Scooby, Shannon- hope all is well and you had a nice weekend. :hug:hug:hug


I had to wash another load of laundry at 6 this morning. Within the first hour of being home yesterday, Eva went through 5 pair of panties. :tryme I don't get it! She is fine when we are out, or she is with my IL's. But the second we come home, she decides she doesn't need to use the toilet. :thair So frustrating.

This morning, we registered Mia for kinder! :clap I left a note with the paperwork, saying that I want Mia and the Terror to be in separate classes, as I don't think it would be in their best interest to be in school all day together, then come home and be together. :devil

I have to run to the store for a few things after dropping off Mia, but other than that- I am free to :crocheting!! :c9 Not having the girls this weekend really put me ahead in the cleaning department. My yarn could use a bit of organizing, but that's not really a chore. :wink


Well, dear besties, I have :blah long enough- time to go and hopefully finish up these snowflakes! Only 11 more to go! :cheer


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Hi My Friends!

Getting ready to tackle the bathrooms but wanted to see how ya all were doing. I miss you guys when I don't log on in the morning.


Joanne-you are tooo cute! The weaving for the hexa ghan is going to take forever and a day! I tried to enlist dh, but no luck :lol 4 more days! You can do it! I can already see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Vicki-Ooooohhhh laaaa laaa, summer vacation is almost here! It will be over soon.


Beth-damage from the sun is awful, a few years ago I burned badly, I was sick and in pain for days...I tell myself never again, I try to wear t-shirts and sunscreen whenever I am outdoors.


LeaAnne-glad that your trip went well! Did you get any time in to :hook?


Colleen-I hope that the testing goes well.

Stacy- are all your pics on facebook? the penguin sounds adorable!


Mary-let us know how your visit goes.


Orientation this morning was :c9. The paper work was extensive but all in all not bad, went to lunch with my mom and then went window shopping. I find a yarn store...:eek Ya all would be so proud of me, I didn't buy nota one skien.:devil I cleaned out my yarn cuboard yesterday, I really do need to get cracking on Christmas gifts.


Hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go! BBL!

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hi, all...


My internet has been down ALL afternoon :irk:thair... it just now came back

I hope I will get back later tonight, but meanwhile, please know that I am hoping your days went well, and that I am thinking of ya!!!!



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This will be quick- angels were bowling on my way home from work- and they look like they are going to be starting up again shortly so I'll be getting of the computer- Enough of June and rain- we had it last summer- I don't want it again this summer!!1


I'll try and BBL, but if not- know I'm thinking about you!!!!


Hugs to all!

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:) Hi there!

I wanted to share my pic of the almost finished hexaghon afghan, all 200 of them! whew! Now back to tucking in ends...:lol



WOW- That is awesome!!!!!:yes:yes:yes:yes:clap:clap:clap:clap

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Hi Ladies

I got up this morning in a very bad mood. I didn't like myself very much. I did a few erraqnds and came home and took a 3 hour nap. I felt soooooo much better after that. I havn't been sleeping the greatest so I think I really needed the sleep.

Iam going to DD's next week cause she is having a MRI on her ankle on Tuesday and then Wed. she is having eye surgery. She is sooooo excited that her vision will be almost perfect. Oh and before I forget.... on her hunting trip last week with her DH she got a bear. Her Daddy is sooooo proud of her.

No word yet on when youngest DD and GD are coming for a visit.

I finished my afghan and I started another one. I still have to take a pic to show everyone. I will try and remember to do that tomorrow.

I just love coming here and reading what everyone is up to.

Joanne yah for kids feeding you....

LeaAnne glad you had a good time at the cape. Where the fire is in Quebec, that is where DD and her DH were hunting at.

Leeann yah for getting DD's room cleaned. I know you are just going to love your new job.

Shannon missing you here.

Stacy glad you had a nice weekend alone with Jorge.

Vicki 2 more days to go til summer break

Beth glad you got to crochet and chat with your friend at the pool.

Colleen can't wait to meet up again.

Scooby hope you are doing good.

Talk to you all later

Lots of Love


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Hi gang! I came home with a headache today. It started right at the end of the day. Boo! I put the towels in the washer before I left for work, so I put them in the dryer when I came home and I emptied the dish washer and I grilled the steak. I washed the dishes and put the dishes in the dish washer again. A friend of mine asked me to look at her paper for her, so I just read what she sent me and added my comments and sent it back to her. I need to pull mine out and work on it, but my head hurts and I don't feel like it. I shredded and updated stuff that I could update at school today. There is some more I need to update, but I got that data late in the day so I will do that tomorrow.

The pool is finally ready for the summer! The water is much clearer looking and I think it is ready for the summer! Joanne, did you uncover yours yet? How does your water look?

I am ready for the last day of school. We get to meet the kids on the bus ramp and if they come to school with any nuisance items we take them away. No back packs tomorrow. It should be a quiet day. I hope so anyway. Then it is a tkd night.

I am going to go. The Yankee game is on and they are playing well. Pitching looks great. Now if they could only get a few runs against the O's that would be great! Have a great night all! Talk to you all on the flip side!

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:hi everyone!


Great to read what everyone is up to. I've been busy with the testing and all the other usual things. It was a beautiful day here. Warm and sunny but with a breeze. A big improvement over the heat and humidity we had the past few days.


LeeAnn - Your hex-a-ghan is beautiful! Good job!


I'm not in a very chatty mood right now, but I'll be back soon. Thinking about you all! :hug

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Hex-a-ghan- Colleen, good one! :lol Leeann, your afghan is gorgeous! Great work!


Vicki, sounds like you got a lot done, despite your headache! I hope you are feeling better by now. One more day and you are done for summer! :cheer


Mary, :hug to you- sorry you woke up in a bad mood. I hate it when that happens. Glad you are feeling better. WTG to your dd on the bear. Good luck to her with the MRI and eye surgery. I can't stand the thought of someone else touching my eyes, let alone doing surgery!


Dinner is done and cleaned up. We had tacos tonight, yum! Also cleaned out the fridge- a liquid spilled and there were crumbs everywhere. :yuck Dh wants me to read his history paper, then I will be free to :crocheting. I've been feeling so accomplished in my hooking lately! :lol

Oh, and here is a pic of all of my latest creations- (the cow, pig, duck, and chicken are patterns by KristieMN. I found the hippo one online somewhere and the penguins are the same pattern as the duck, just different colors.)




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Good evening!

Stacy-thank you so much for sharing your pics! Your yarny friends are super adorable! Ohhhh sooo cute! I have never tried crocheting little things, I'm just terrible counting and keeping focused. :lol I was thinking of you today when I was tossing a load in the washer, it's the pits huh? I can remeber those days when our little one's were in the potty training stage. Ds was harder, he's such a sweetie but when he was little he had a bad case of the "naughties".:yes

Vicki-do your feel better? It's almost over! :cheer

Colleen-is your testing finished tomorrow?

Joanne-how was your game? Did you have a good day at work?

Mary-glad that you are feeling better, this morning I woke up grouchy, dh tosses and turns all night:angry after my two cups of coffee I felt much better, but I am still tired. I think I will take a warm bath and go to bed early.

Thank you all for the wonderful compliments on my new ghan, still tucking in those ends, I am hoping to finish tomorrow. We do not have anything planned except for a trip to the library, I'm in :c9

Have a good night friends, will chat with you all in the morning.:hug

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Thanks, Leeann! I couldn't get a good pic of all of them, despite my desk being right next to the window. :lol Dh has a digital SLR and I've nagging at him to take pics of my stuff, but so far- nada. :shrug


LoL @ thinking of me while doing laundry. Yes, it seems I've been doing too much of it lately- way more than usual. I hope it will ease up during summer- my reasoning is that summer clothes have way less material than winter ones, meaning I can stuff more of it into the washer. :devil


Anyway, better scoot off to bed! Have fun at the library tomorrow. :hug

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Good morning All! Happy Hump Day! And Happy Last Day of Work for Vicki for the summer!!!!


Stacy- I love your menagerie of little critters!!! They are all so cute! I've never done amigurami and those are all so cute- you should feel accomplished!!!!


Vicki- Our pool isn't open yet- we are hoping to open it up this weekend (I am a little scared to see what it looks like- but hopefully not too bad! All depends on what the weather is doing this weekend on whether we get to it or not- this is what happened last year- it rained so much!!! Hope your headache is gone! And how bout them Yankees!!!


Colleen- Glad you stopped by to say hi- and no worries about not feeling chatty- we all get like that! How is DH doing? How is his back feeling?


Mary- Is your DD having the lasik procedure? My son-in-law had that done and he loves not having to wear glasses anymore! Good luck to her- and with the MRI on her ankle.


LeeAnn- I am amazed at how quickly you got the hex-a-ghan done!!! That and working and with the kids!


Beth- special Hugs to you today as DH leaves for his 5 wks away. Remember we are here for you when you need to vent- and at least its summer when you can hang at the pool with crochet and your IRL buddies!


LeaAnne- Will you also be "off" for the summer?


Shannon- How was the wedding?


Scooby- Hope you are feeling well and not working TOO hard!!!


Well, off to get ready for another day at the office.

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This is it! THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (angels sing in the background and shimmers of sunlight appear on the words as you read them on the screen)!!!

Yes, I am silly, but what is life without a little silliness? My headache is feeling better. I am a little grumpy this morning. Hubby came to bed and decided to set his alarm at midnight. The dial is loud and of course he woke me up. It took me forever to go back to sleep and there he is snoring away. I was not a happy camper. I eventually fell asleep, but now I am tired this morning. Luckily it won't be a hard day.

Tae kwon do at the end of the day! I hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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Hello all!

Vicki-yup yup yup, those angels are singing! :lol The last day of school is always so much fun! I missed that this year-not teaching preschool, but I am glad to be off for a few days. Do you have lots of big plans for the summer?

Stacy-are you getting all of your fuzzy friends ready for your etsy shop?

Joanne-I'm not sure if I asked this before, do you work in an office or hospital? My dh works for a pharmacy and is considering going back to school for nursing:think I have been telling him for years...anywho, he sounds serious but isn't sure about his options. He is not thrilled about working in a hospital for 12 hours straight. He's a diabetic and not sure that he can handle that, what do you suggest?

Colleen-whatcha up to?

Beth-lounging by the pool and :hook sounds like :c9, anything involving crocheting sounds wonderful.

LeaAnne-did you get your internet all squared away?

off to sit and tuck in ends:devil since we cleaned yesterday not much to do today...oh happy days!

talk to you all soon!

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Vicki, I heard the Hallelujah chorus when I read your post. :yes:rofl Yay for the last day of school! Have fun at tkd tonight. Have you started the pillow cover yet?


Joanne, good luck opening that pool! Hope it is not too nasty for you.


Colleen, :hug to you today. I hope testing is going well. Today is pizza day, isn't it? Will you be able to help out, or are you too busy with the testing?


Beth, :hug to you as your dh leaves today!


Shannon, how are you and miss Janna doing?


Scooby, hope all is well with you and that you are feeling better. :hug


Mary, how are things in God's country today? :hug


Leanne, hope all is well at the chicken coop. You are almost done with your job for the summer, aren't you? :yay


Leeann, good luck with all those ends. That is the worst part for me. I am making the little animals to show the teacher at dd's school. But I will probably end up adding them to my Etsy stock, once I get decent pics of them. :yes


Not much going on today. My shoulder is very sore. This morning, Eva wanted me to carry her. I told her I couldn't because my shoulder hurts, and she told me, "You go to the doctor, Mommy." :lol

Dh may have to go to Fresno tomorrow (there is an office up there that he is in charge of. He is supposed to go once a month but his boss is kind of lazy to go, so they haven't been up there yet this year.) I feel bad because I told him he could use my car when he has to go, but Friday is Mia's Heritage Fair, and tomorrow she has to attend the morning class, so I will need it instead. I know the basics of driving a manual (which is what his truck is) but I don't think he feels comfortable enough with me driving it around the city.


Well I better go. Mia just came out with 3 band-aids on her cheek and wants to wear them to school. :sigh Happy Hump Day, friends!

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Happy day besties, happy day! Things here are moving smoothly! I have most of my updates and cds burned! I oonly have one more to do and I am waiting on the data to do it! If I don't get it soon I will send a nice reminder to the teacher asking her to please send it all my way. Then tomorrow I can just conentrate on cleaning up my stuff! I need to get a box or a crate for some stuff that I have decided to take home for the summer. I can do that either before or after tkd tonight.

We are moving in to the home stretch! Only 2 more classes to go :yay:yay:yay!

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Good afternoon!

What fun! The kiddos and I have spent all morning together. :c9 we packed a picnic lunch and ate at the park, we also stopped at the library and went for a long walk at the park, about 30 minutes-the sunshine and weather was perfect, not too hot with a mild breeze.

Home relaxing, going to watch the Dinosaur movie with the kiddos and tuck in ends...what a great day!

Vicki-I'm counting the hours down for you, it will be over in a blink of an eye!

Stacy-did you get the bandaid situation taken care of? :lol

hope you all are enjoying a Wonderful Wednesday!:hug

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LeeAnn - Your day sounds absolutely wonderful. :c9 Are your kids done school for the summer?


Stacy - I love the pics of your animals. So cute! Good luck with showing them to the teacher!


Vicki - Happy last day of school!


Mary - Give me a call when you know your schedule. :yes


:hi to Joanne, LeaAnne, Shannon, Scooby & Beth


Not much excitement here. Testing is done. It finally thunderstormed today and we finally got rain. It was getting pretty dry. The humidity has broke and we expect a cooler day tomorrow.


I hope everyone is having a great day!

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Hi everyone!


Welcome to the official start of your summer vacation Vicki!!!!! You must be on:c9


LeeAnn- your day sounds heavenly- a nice picnic in the park and a walk- The only non-heavenly part of the day is the part where you will be weaving in ends:lol


Colleen- We had a nice day today- after the angels bowled last night- low humidity and nice. Supposed to get more storms coming through tomorrow I think- but today was beautiful!!!


Stacy- Good luck with the animals and the teacher!! And don't feel bad about your needing your car! But isn't it always the way that you would have plans on the day he needs to go?


Beth- Thinking about you today and sending lots of extra :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Remember- we're here for you if you need us!!!


Mary, LeaAnne, Shannon, Scooby- Hope all is well in your worlds!


It's time for the Yankees! Cya in the AM~

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Good afternoon!

As it turns out, dh's boss decided he didn't want to go this weekend. Now he wants to go next week, and is planning to leave on the day of Mia's graduation. :angry Dh is going to see what he can do about either not going, or going the week after that. We'll see what happens.


Leeann, sounds like you had a wonderful day! :c9


Joanne, I'm glad the weather cooled off. Have fun watching the Yankees. Which reminds me...I got a great pic at Universal Studios last time we went- it is of the Brooklyn Dodgers! :lol


Colleen, glad your weather has cooled off, too. :yay


Our weather is overcast and slightly humid- it better not rain on Friday!! I checked the forecast and it's supposed to be sunny and 91- don't care for the heat but I'm :xfin that the sun stays out. Last year it rained for the whole program.


Dh has his History final tonight, so I made an early dinner for him. The girls and I will have pb&j, I think. I only have 5 more snowflakes to make, but no more crocheting for me, at least for a few days. :( My shoulder is burning, and I am going to have dh put some Bio-freeze on it before he leaves. Maybe the girls and I will watch a movie tonight. :yes

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