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Some good clean fun?!

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Good morning, everyone!


LeaAnne, have fun at the beach! I'm meeting with IRL friends for coffee and crochet this morning, then I get to start hauling boys off to work. One starts at 11, the other starts at 12.


Joanne, have fun dress shopping. That sounds like a fun day. I'm glad you are getting your painting done. It is always nice when a job is done.


Stacy, Love the stories about your girls! They make me smile. I hope you liked your veterinarian checkup. Do you have fleas?


Shannon, your pup is cute. Your dd amazes me. I couldn't watch anyone take blood when I was little.


Mary, You certainly make a lot of progress on your crochet! gotta love the grandkids, but I'll bet they miss their parents.


Vicki, Colleen, LeaAnn, and everyone else. have a great Saturday!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Oh, I just had a whole post typed up and the computer lost it! The internet is acting wonky this morning!

Sorry I didn't make chat last night. We were having a movie night. We were watching Dances With Wolves. Talk about a history lesson!


Joanne - Have fun dress shopping! So nice that DD asked you to go with her!

Shannon - Claire is beautiful! So funny that she will only get her paws wet. My older sister has a lab who will go and stand/sit on the steps to her pool, but will not go in and swim.

LeaAnne - Have fun at the beach this weekend! Catch some rays for me!

Leeann - YAY for being done with the old job and YAY for the new one starting! How long do you have until the new job starts! Enjoy your time!

Stacy - YAY for Jorge taking time off from school this summer. Any good plans for you all? None here. Staying close to home and relaxing.

Mary - Glad the visit with the dgk is going well! Hoping you are doing well!

I need to get off my badorkus and get my day started. I already have the hose in the pool and the dogs fed. The sausage is on the counter defrosting for dinner. I need to get the towels in the washer and the other towels in the dryer folded. DD has tkd practice this morning so she needs to come down and have breakfast. I need to get moving!

Have a great day all! TTFN!

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Good morning!

Bedroom is all cleaned out- the clothes from my closet are on the pull out sofa in the living room- Oh what a sight!!! The painter called this AM and the job he had in the morning (painting a deck) was canceled due to the rain we are having. It stopped now but is gray outside and may rain off and on, so the painter is here and has started pulling the ugly wallpaper off the wall!!!! YAY!!!! Good thing we were up early and had time to get everything cleared out of the bedroom. Of course now my dining room table has stuff on it and my living room, but this will be short lived.


Have fun at Cape Cod, LeaAnne- what a great way to spend Memorial Day weekend! Hope you don't have too much traffic getting there! Enjoy the time with your family!!


Vicki- Have fun at TKD today and sausage for dinner sounds good. I think I'm going to take some out when I finish this post! Thanks for the idea! I was wondering what i felt like having!!


Beth- have fun with your IRL friends having coffee and crochet time together!!! Enjoy it before the running around begins


Shannon, Mary, Stacy, LeeAnn, Colleen, Scooby- Have a great Saturday!


Not sure if we are doing the dress shopping thing today or tomorrow. DD said she would call in the morning, but she is probably still sleeping- LOL

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Can't believe that I missed another chat????:eek I completely forgot all about it and was crocheting away, still plugging away on the hexagons but the end is near I can feel it. :lol

Joanne-so glad that the contractor was able to get to your house early, did you pick out a color? Wallpaper is the pits to remove.:P

Stacy-I bet your shop would do well, I have always wanted to make scarves, afghans and layette sets to sell, people are always asking me if I have any, but of course everything I make flies off the hook and into someones arms in the "blink of an eye".

Vicki-are you taking your yarn and :hook to tkd?

Mary-that is wonderful that the grands are spending time with you all. What are there ages?

Shannon-love your furry friend! My sister had a chocolate lab for 13 years, last summer she had cancer and had to be put down, it was extremely traumatizing for my nephews, we loved our "Katie" she was such a sweet dog.

LeaAnne-have a great weekend! How exciting!

Beth-you are amazing! Do you feel like a taxi?:think Have you had any time to crochet?

I have orientation for the new job on June 1 but we do not officially start trainings until June 11, I have a little bit of time off, the hours are great 7:30-4:00, no more late evenings and partial days, I am in :c9

I should be starting the laundry but those hexagons are calling my name.:)

hugggggeeerrrs dear friends and have a Splendiferous Saturday!

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:hi everyone. Sorry I missed chat. It was my wine and cheese night with the girls. Today was busy with a birthday party and a Mass for my late FIL. We've got my DH's highschool's 25th anniversary tomorrow and then my parents are coming for a BBQ.


I have been :tired and :grumpy all day. :shrug Not much I can do about it. I'm going to go to bed with some books and magazines and hope I feel better tomorrow.


:hug Thinking about you all!

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Good morning!


Had a good productive day yesterday- and DD called and we ended up meeting for dress shopping around 5! After trying on about 16 dresses, she found one- a nice black dress- and it only cost 30.00. She also got a pair of shoes. So her last minute-ness all worked out!


The painter has made great progress. The ugly wallpaper under the chair rail is gone, as is the chair rail. Ceiling is done - and closet and doors done. He'll be back this morning. I decided to not put back up my curtains and blinds. The blinds had seen better days- they were cheapy ones and I'm tired of having to wash curtains. So I'm going for cellular shades.


I started the summer garden hat with my I love this cotton last evening.


Congrats to LeaAnne's Celtics for making it to the NBA Finals!


I don't know what happened to the yankees yesterday, Vicki! The bullpen surely imploded to give up the great lead they had!


But on a brighter note- The Blackhawks Won!!! As a NJ Devil's Fan, I just can't root for the Philadelphia Flyers ( As my DD said, the Devils fans and Ranger fans are probably in agreement on this one- root for anyone other than the Flyers) LOL


Hope you all have a wonderful, relaxing Sunday!

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Good morning. Another busy day here. I need to do the grocery shopping. My middle child works all day (12 - 8). And we have wasps coming in our house, which really scares me. I need to find where they are coming from, so we can stop this!

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Good Day Friends!

How is everyone? I am sure that you all are keepng busy.

I finished the hexagon ghan! Yippeeee! Now ......have to tuck in all those ends, that is going to wait until tomorrow, I finished it late last night, I just knew it had to be done. :lol Going to hop in the shower, have to pick up dd and then we are driving down to the in-laws to spend the day, we will drop off my little brother too. Going to miss him, he's so much fun!

well friends, must get a move on it. Will chat with you all later, have Blessed Sunday!

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Took a quick trip to Trader Joe's and of course thought of Stacy!! Stocked up on 3 more cans of Joe's Dark, and got 2 boxes of Joe's O's (their own brand of Cheerios) which DH loves. Also picked up a few other things.


Beth- hope you find out where the wasps are coming from. I saw a little wasp nest starting up in the corner by my outside front door- it is very high up. I was outside a few weekends ago and I said to DH- where are these wasps coming from? Then I saw one of them go into the Rubbermaid Tote that is on the deck( store towels, pool supplies, etc) Sure enough, there was a big nest in there! Luckily DH killed them- I told him to go check today to make sure they are all dead and then we can clean out the tote and I can wash all the towels.


LeeAnn- I can't wait to see your hexagon ghan!!! WTG on finishing it so quickly!! Enjoy your day today!!!

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:hi friends!


Beth, wasps- yikes! I hope you can figure out where they are coming from. Is anyone in your house allergic? I sure hope not. Good luck with your extra-busy day. When will you find out if ds's schedul and the DMV schedule match up to take that test? How is your dad doing, btw? I've been thinking of him and praying that he is feeling much better. :hug:hug:hug


Joanne, I thought of you when I poured my diner coffee today. What did you think of it? There was a new one at the sample kiosk that I liked yesterday, but I was in a rush and forgot to see which one it was. Glad everything worked out with dd's dress-shopping, and for the painters! :cheer


Leeann, your hooks must be smokin'! Can't wait to see your hexagon afghan. Enjoy your day with family. :hug


Colleen, Mary, Shannon, Leanne, Scooby, Vicki- hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! :hug:hug


This has been a good morning. Slept in a little late, made breakfast, puttered around for a bit. Isabella broke out in hives overnight, so I figured it was something in her bedding. Took it off to wash it, and we found Mia's DS game that has been lost for about 2 months. :lol Now I've washed her blankets individually in that time frame, but I guess when I pulled one off, it just got caught in another. Anyway, finding that game makes me feel very accomplished. :D:rofl MIL called and invited the girls to a movie and shopping, then to stay the night. :cheer And they are taking all 3 this time! Double :cheer:cheer! Dh has a paper to write, so we are going to have a Starbucks date- he will study and I will take my :crocheting. Can't wait! Then, since they are staying the night, I will have all day tomorrow to :crocheting, too. I am hoping to get all of my snowflakes finished, and maybe a few animals made. I have some interest in another hat, but the woman wants to see more pics first.


Well, I have to go put the girls in the shower. BBL!



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Stacy! How awesome -- the Starbucks date sounds wonderful! And all that crochet time... :c9 I can tell that you love your daughters so much, but time away from them can be SO sweet some times!


Joanne, I still don't know where the wasps are coming from. The joy of an old house -- there's lots of places they can be getting in. I need to get the windows done!


LeaAnn, congrats on finishing your hexaghan. How big is it now? It looked pretty big last time you showed us a pic.


I'm not crocheting much lately. I need a :fire. Maybe Stacy can send some of her crochet-atude my way, so I can get the bug again.

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:hi everyone!


I survived the weekend :lol We went to the 25th anniversary for DH's school today. There was a mass with the Bishop, a BBQ and then the school had an open house. We went with two other couples (our closest friends). It was fun, all five kids lined up in the pew at church, seeing where DH and his friends spent grades 7 through 13, and discovering the new addition to the school that was added just a few years ago. We were there exploring classrooms for a good 2 hours or so. It was really neat to see the differences in the amount of technology they have in schools these days. They have a TV studio and there is a class where they make a TV show and broadcast it on the internet :eek So neat!


My parents came over for supper after that and told us all about their recent trip to the Carolinas. They had a great time and great weather. This kicked off dad's retirement and I think he looks more relaxed already. :tup


I just finished cleaning up from dinner and then I got organized for tomorrow. I'm volunteering at the school for the standardized testing for the next 3 days. That should keep me out of trouble :lol


Beth - I hope you find that wasp nest. Yuck!


Stacy - I hope you enjoyed your Starbucks date. Sounds fun!


Joanne - I'm glad your DD found a dress. I would be totally stressed out if I didn't have a dress 2 days before a wedding.


LeeAnn - Glad you had fun with your little brother visiting. WTG finishing the hex-a-ghan! Can't wait to see pics :hyper


:hi Shannon, Mary, Vicki, Scooby, LeaAnne and everyone else!


I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend.

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Hi everyone!

Colleen- Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend at the 25th anniversary and then the visit with your parents. Glad to hear your Dad is looking and feeling relaxed! I guess retirement would do that!!! That is nice that you are volunteering and yes, that will keep you out of trouble!!!


Stacy- YAY for a Starbucks date! And that MIL and FIL took all 3 this time! It wasn't often when my 3 were away overnight all together and I know what a treat it is!!! I much prefer the Joe's Dark, but the Diner will do in a pinch! I had a sample of Breakfast Blend today while I was there- it was good, but nothing like the Joe's Dark!!!

Have fun crocheting!!!


Beth- Hope you can find where those wasps are coming in!!!!


My bedroom is done!!! Oh, it looks so nice and clean now that it is freshly painted! I went over to DDs BF's father's house for a few hours late this afternoon for a b-b-que. Her BF's sisters are all up from VA for the wedding they are going to tomorrow- Her BF is one of 8 - It was very relaxing- DH stayed home with the painter. When I came back home, the room was done! The furniture has been re-arranged and looks so much better- DH has a good eye for that. We also bought the cellular shades today and they were already up on the windows! Tomorrow I will have to put all my clothes and shoes back in the closet and figure out what to do with all the stuff I had on my dresser and nightstand. It looks so pretty and clean and I don't want to clutter it up- looks like another trip to Goodwill is in my very near future-like Tuesday after work!!!


To all my US besties- Happy Memorial Day tomorrow- remember the Vets!!!!


Oh, and the Yankees won, so it was a really good day!!! LOL

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Hello, friends!


Colleen and Joanne, sounds like both of you are having a nice weekend. Colleen, how neat that the kids got to see where their parents went to school. Isabella got to see my old high school when we went to MI- she was amazed at how big it was. Schools here are nothing like the ones back East.


Joanne, how wonderful that your room was put together when you got home! Glad you had fun at the bbq. One of 8- wow! I am amazed at anyone who has more than 3 kids- don't know how they do it! :nworthy


Beth, yes, I do love my kids, but it sure is nice to have a break. :lol I hope you can find out where those wasps are coming from! :eek I am terrified of anything with a stinger. Here is a :kick to start your crochet mojo! :hug


We went out for lunch to our favorite Greek place, then made our way to Starbucks. We stayed for 5 hours! :eek:lol Dh sat at a table (for the outlet) and I sat across the room in a big comfy chair. I finished 3 animals and 4 snowflakes. :clap When we came home it was so hot in the house! Still is, but we have the front door open and there is a slight breeze every so often.

Well, it looks like Jorge is ready for bed, so I'd better get going and clear off the bed. I did a load of laundry this morning, but forgot to fold it. Whoops. :blush:devil

Love and hugs! :hug

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Happy Memorial Day to all the US Ladies!!! Enjoy the day- remember those who served our country ! (why don't we have a flag smiley?)


Taking a quick break from the putting stuff away- it was so much easier to take it out- Now I have decisions to make on whether things are actually worth keeping anymore!!!


Hope you ALL have a wonderful day!!!!

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Happy Memorial Day to all the Besties here on the 'ville! I never logged on to the computer yesterday. I woke up with a migraine, so that was the start of my day. I got up early and took some medicine and just wanted to get the grocery shopping done and over with! Got it done and got home! Hubby and DD helped me put it all away and we went to get some lunch. I even finished vacuuming the pool! Now it is just a little cloudy, but it is ready to go! YAY!

I finished the green afghan!!!! I need to take a picture and show you all, but it is done! Now I am working on a pillow case to go with a pillow to go with it. And I have two weeks until her graduation party! YAY ME!!

Beth - We found a small wasp nest in our back yard near the fence. WE get some of spray that does the trick and kills them pretty quick. Hope you find where they are coming from!

Joanne - YAY for a done bedroom! YAY for successful dress shopping! And yes, the Yankees won yesterday! Hopefully they can take today's game and take the series.

Stacy - Did you have a pleasant night without the girls? What did you work on? Glad you were able to have some adult time!

Colleen - You had a busy day! Hope you were able to enjoy it! What do you have on tap for today? Does DD have school today?

Leeann - YAY for having some time off between jobs! I hope you are able to enjoy it!

Mary - Hope you are having a wonderful day!

LeaAnne - I hope you are enjoying the sun and the sand!

I hope everyone has a great day! I will try to check in later and see what kind of wonderful day everyone is having!

TTFN everyone!

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Almost done with putting the bedroom back together and I have 1/2 a box full of things for Goodwill!!


DD and her BF stopped by this AM with bagels from my favorite bagel shop. The wedding they are going to today is at a church in my town so they came early and brought us breakfast! What a nice surprise!!!


Vicki- Can't wait to see the green afghan!!!! Yes- YAY YOU!!!!!! Hope the headache is gone and that you have an enjoyable relaxing rest of the day. My goal is to have everything that needs to be done, done by 1:00- then I'm sitting on my badorkus, picking up hook and yarn and watching the Yankees!!!

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Happy Memorial Day Friends!


Joanne-so glad that you are going to have time to sit and relax and enjoy our favorite hobby.


Stacy-a little "me time" is always fantastic! Starbucks sounds yummy too!


Beth-did you get all your running done?


Colleen-How awesome that you were able to meet up with dh's friends and families.

Vicki-do you feel better? Hope so!


I am reorganizing, dd's room looks like a tornado hit! :eek she's a saver, she saves everything and has an emotional attachment to all of her toys and items that people give her. This morning I suggested that she donate what she doesn't play with so that others could enjoy them too, she had a breakdown, tears .............and more tears.................and more tears..............sooo dh and I are going to help her organize it and get it back in order. I bought her 3 storage carts that can be placed in the den and in her room, but I am going to help her get rid of things that she just doesn't use, I am hoping for a miracle! wish me luck!


Thought I was going to have time to tuck in ends, but doesn't look that way...oh well, I will be happy to see her room back in order.


Talk to you all soon!


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:hi all! I just got back from the pool, and it's :hot


It was nice to see friends that I haven't seen for a while, and I got another row on a Christmas afghan finished, but I feel like I'm going to melt if I have to spend the entire summer sitting in the shade dressed in long sleeves and long pants. (and a sun hat, thank you very much!) My dd wanted to come home, so I brought her. I have to go back at 6 to pick up my son from work. I hope my dh will do it, so I can get dinner going. Salisbury steak with mashed potatoes, mushrooms, onion, and gravy, and something green, haven't decided that part yet.


Have a great crocheting day!:hug

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Hi Ladies

Back from grocery shopping and it is HOT here again.

I hope everyone is having a great day.


Colleen it looks like I will be going to DD's next week so I will give you a call.


Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Good afternoon! Happy Memorial Day to all. :hug


Joanne, how sweet of dd and her b/f to bring bagels! :manyheart I hope you got everything put away in time to watch the game.


Mary, have fun at your dd's! :yay


Leeann, good luck helping your dd get rid of stuff. My oldest dd and my dh are both very much "keepers." They keep everything people give them, even if it isn't used/doesn't fit/is a scrap of paper with a picture. Drives me nuts! :eek I go in the girls' room and clean up when they are with my IL's. Most of the time, she never even notices things are missing. I know it won't work forever, though.


Beth, why do you have to sit in the shade with long pants/sleeves? :think I mean...I see why you wouldn't want to get sunburned, but why not just use sunscreen? Hope your dh can help out and pick up your ds!


Vicki, :cheer:cheer:cheer on finishing the green afghan! Great job. Can't wait to see pics. I hope your head is feeling better today.


Colleen, Leanne, Shannon, Scooby- hope you are all well!


Today I lazed around in bed until 11. :blush:manyheart I did finish another penguin, though. Then I got up, made breakfast for dh, and worked in the girls' room, organizing/washing/putting away their summer clothing. I checked the weather report before I did it, just in case- but it is supposed to be up to 91 by next Saturday! It looks like everyone is pretty stocked- Isabella will need some new pajamas and Mia a few sundresses, but that's it. :whew

Anyway...I've :blah enough. Dh just got a call that the girls are on their way home, and I need to go find something for a late lunch. See ya later! :hug

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Hi all,


I finished putting everything back in the peaceful looking bedroom- oh it looks so nice, uncluttered and fresh- and CLEAN!!! I filled a box of things to donate to Goodwill and will be dropping it off on my way home from work tomorrow. Not sure what pictures are going back up on the walls (if any) so I think tomorrow night I'll just wrap them up and put them in a tote in the attic for now.


I was watching the Yankee game when I got another nice surprise- this time from youngest DD! She and SIL invited DH and I over along with his mother for some hamburgers and hot dogs, salad and fruit salad . Since I had taken a steak out to grill for dinner we brought that over! We had a nice relaxing visit- finished watching the Yankees, ate out on the deck and just as we were cleaning up and getting ready for dessert the Angels started bowling!! So we had our ice-cream inside! It was a nice ending to a very busy,yet productive long weekend!


So two of my 3 DDs surprised me today by feeding me!!:lol And oldest DD is forgiven for not surprising me since she lives in Boston!:lol


So to all you mothers of young ones- all your love and hard work that goes into raising your children comes back at you hundred-fold when they are adults!!!:manyheart


Stacy- I LOVE the penguin- you could definitely sell them They are so cute.



LeeAnn- Fingers crossed that all is going well with the purging of DD's things and organizing of the room. I always found it worked best when they weren't around- I would clean out and get rid of things I knew they didn't use or play with. They really didn't miss the things that got donated.


Mary- Have a nice visit with DD- is this to stock up on yarn?? Hope you and Colleen can work it out to hook up again!


Beth- Hope that DH was able to go get DS from the pool. Your dinner sounds yummy! Any luck with the wasps?


Vicki- Did you see the game today- and the grand slam by A-Rod? That thing was what I call a HOME_RUN===over 408 feet out at center field- what a hit- what a game- and Yay for another win!


Speaking of cleaning up- we cleaned some more of the garage on Saturday and on the top of one of the shelves was an Underbed storage bin marked with my DD's name- Memory Box- so I brought it over to her house. Turns out most of the things were her sisters- my middle DD's stuff. But we had some good laughs and there were some of her pictures in there. Since it was raining when we left, I told her just to keep the memory box there for her sister. :devil


Well, everyone, hope it was a good day- I'm off to get my comfy pj's on and watch some hockey- Go Blackhawks!!!:cheer

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Hi All!

Joanne-how wonderful that your girls brought you breakfast and dinner! WTG! I know that I enjoy my mom's company more and more as I get older, I can't imagine not talking to her or seeing her often.

Stacy-did you take pics of your latest creations? You are fast!

Beth-are you ready for the rest of the week?

Colleen-how was your day?

Vicki-it's almost over, how many more days of school left?

Mary-that is great that you are going to visit your dd, does she live far away?

We finished dd's room, it is sparkly clean and organized, we took out 3 bags of trash and 2 bags of clothing, (they are being donated) I just don't see the use of keeping them around. She was very helpful and really got into organizing, we only needed two of the storage carts, :cheer I am going to make a cleaning chart for the kiddos so that they can keep their rooms up. Our ds is compulsive about his room, kinda like his mama:think he keeps it very orderly, now dd, she is just like dh....they have a harder time getting organized, but I am optimistic.:devil

tomorrow is orientation it should only last a few hours, after I am going to lunch with my mom, should be fun and exciting.

back to folding laundry. Have a Good Night!!

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Good morning!


LeeAnn- Good luck with orientation today and enjoy lunch with your mom. That is great that you were able to finish DD's room! And, when you get a chance, I'm so anxious to see a pic of your afghan!!! (Hint, Hint)


LeaAnne Welcome home from the Cape! Hope you had a very relaxing enjoyable time with the family.


Shannon- How was cousin's wedding?


Beth, Colleen, Stacy, Scooby, Mary and Vicki---Thinking about you and wishing you all a great Tuesday.


Back to work for me ---and how nice it's only a 4 day work week!!!!


Cya on the flip side!

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