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Hi Ladies

Thankyou very much for the chat last night. It was just what I needed.

Sorry I had to leave fast but my computer was acting up and the lights were blinking. Must have been another storm in the area.

We really do need to have the chat again, I just loved it. Just let me know when.

I also really like the idea of the designing, testing and selling our stuff.:yes I guess dreams really can come true with friends like you.

I hope everyone has a great day

Lots of Love


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Oh, I am so glad this day is over! It wasn't a bad day, just a hectic one! My last class was a little out of hand, but my co-teacher was out and will be out again tomorrow. This class can be a little off when there is a sub. So I put one kid in another room with another teacher ( culture exchange!) and the rest did their work for the most part.


I am waiting to hear from DD's teacher. State testing scores are in and I am playing telephone tag trying to get them. She just got permission from the principal to release them to parents. I am waiting, but not patiently!


I need to go back and read the chat. It sounds like it was a good one. What did I miss with selling stuff?


Hope everyone had a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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I'm with Vicki -- I feel like I missed a lot by missing chat, but I haven't had time to go back and read it all -- you all were quite active last night! I like the sound of designing, testing, and selling very much, and if I could benefit anyone by testing designs, please let me know. I'd enjoy that! And it would be so nice to help one of my besties!!!


Things are getting quite hectic here. My oldest invention is working 6 days a week, and volunteering the 7th. My middle child starts working this weekend. My dd starts PT Tuesday. My dh leaves Wednesday for a month. I really desperately need to get my oldest his license very soon! But with him working all the time, and long hours, I don't know when.


I didn't get my housework done, again. I did get a good start on it, though. I need a :kickOr a :fire Or maybe both? I haven't :crocheting in a long time, either. I need to play catch-up on my May "assignments" for the Christmas ghans. I'm glad they are supposed to be done in the summer.


My twins finished their school work for the year today. I think my oldest is kind of overwhelmed with all the hours he's working, so he's a little behind them. He will get done soon, though. He's down to 2 subjects. They will need to take a standardized test still, but that should be coming next week.

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Oh, Beth, I don't know how you do it! :nworthy Your days make me feel so lazy! :lol Good luck to your twins with the test. I hate standardized tests. And good luck to your oldest on getting his license. Is there any way he can leave work early one day to get it?


Vicki, hope you hear from dd's teacher soon. Does the teacher call each parent individually? Back in my day (:lol) the results used to be sent home with the children. Although I did have a friend who used to throw them away on the school bus- so calling is probably a much better idea. :wink


It is raining here. I can't believe it! I wonder if we are headed for another El Nino year. :think All of my plants are on my porch right now, since it has an overhang. I will probably bring them in overnight.

Isabella is working on the last of her homework, then we are done for 4 days! I need to figure out something to do with the girls tomorrow- I do not want to be here all day with the Terror. Maybe we'll go to the museum.

Well, dh just pulled up, and I have to go pay a bill. BBL!

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HI all,


Wanted to pop in to say hi- I'm home- looks like we are going to get a storm (which should reduce the humidity- it is already cooling off) so I'm going to be quick on the computer- I don't like using my laptop in thunder storms!


Hope everyone is doing well. And Stacy- another puppy? Wow- 3 DD's, a hubby, and now 2 pups? (plus living with the terror) How do you do it? But I'm happy you are so excited about it! And I agree-your choice on this one!


Well, gotta run, try and be back later!

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:hi besties! I had my meeting at the school this morning, we met up with DD's little friend at the park, DD had swimming lessons, we made a quick visit to the library, did an errand this evening while DH mowed MIL's lawn, and now we're done for the day. I am reading a Debbie Macomber book, so I'm going to go enjoy that. It is still hot, but it looks like we might get a storm here soon and it should cool down.


I hope you all had a grand day!

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hi, all!


I hope today was great for you all!


Joanne - sending cool air your way... I am in a sweatshirt!


Colleen - Which Debbie Macomber book are you reading? She is one of my fave authors! I love the Blossom Street series!


Vicki - :xfin for a quick call with those results!


Stacy - I hope you have something fun and relaxing tomorrow with those girlies! :nworthy on the lab! I agree, you should pick!


OMG, Beth! :tired I :bow to you! I don't know how you do it! And :yes, you are on the pattern tester's list! I will pray extra for you tonight, that you get some rest... you'll need it before DH goes away.:hug:hug:hug


:hi, Shannon, Mary, LeeAnn, Scoob and Sarah! I hope your day was filled with :crocheting:c9!


Hugs, all... I gotta go try to get everyone to bed at a reasonable hour for a change.:blush:lol

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:whewWe just got home a little while ago. I feel very accomplished today! I actually got some cleaning done. Then I went and got more yarn to finish the ripple and to Dr. Jason. After that I picked up DD and we went to pick up our dresses for the wedding. Hers has to be taken out!:eek I guess they went overboard when they did the alterations. Mine is good though. Let's just say it's a good thing I love my cousin.:wink:devil


Chat was wonderful last night! With everything that's been going on around here, it was nice to just talk about stuff. Thank you! And Wednesdays are usually good for me, so just let me know when you can "meet up" here.


Have a great night girls! Love ya!:manyheart

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:hi everybody! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I got most of my housework done, thanks to my inventions. (They ROCK!):2rock

I think the storm is heading this way. The temp has dropped at least 20 degrees since this afternoon, and there's a very nice, crisp breeze. I love this weather!


My oldest is off work next Friday, and he and I agreed that he will take his driving test that day. I sure hope the schedule works for the DMV!


Shannon, sorry to hear about your dd's dress needing realtered. I'm glad yours is good.


LeaAnne, seems like you've sent that cool air right past Joanne to me! Thank you very much. I am enjoying it.


Colleen, your day sounds wonderful!:c9


Joanne, one more day to go, and you get a weekend! I'll bet you will be very happy to say "TGIF" Tomorrow! You did it!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


Stacy, you do know that labs are puppies for 2 years, and chew non-stop during that time, right? Just want you to be aware of that. They are the best, most loyal, wonderful dogs, though, once you get past the chewing! Let us know what fun things you do with your girls while they are off school. How frustrating to need to get out of your own house to avoid the Terror.


Mary, I still didn't read all that chat from last night, but we are here to help each other reach goals, whether they are clean houses, or designing and selling crochet patterns! Let us know what we can do to help. I'm very good at :cheer


LeaAnn, I hope you had a good day.


Vicki, did you survive testing today? I hope your day went well.


Big hugs to everyone! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug In case I get on line late tomorrow, TGIF!!!

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Hi Ladies

It has cooled down quite a bit here tonight. I should be able to get a good nights sleep tonight. I got some :crocheting done today. The afghan is coming together rather nicely if I do say. I will post pics as soon as Iam done.

I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow. Our we having chat tomorrow night??

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Good Evening dear friends or should I say goodnight? :lol I was trying to catch up on everyone's posts and hope that I remember everyone.


Joanne-did the storm hit? Only 1 more day! You can do it! I bet you are exhausted!


Vicki-that was soo funny about your 7:30 boy w/tears, sometimes kiddos need to be reminded that they do not know everything. What are your plans for the weekend?


Stacy-can't wait to see picks of all your crochet friends that you are making.


Colleen-you sure do a wonderful job at your school! They are blessed to have you on their team.:)


Beth-Oh my gosh! I don't know how you do it! I have two kiddos and feel busy but am grateful that they are older and can do more for themselves, after working with babes all day, it's nice to take a step back.


Shannon-I love the ripple! I love ripples, round ripples are so much fun! Did you get the border done?


Mary-I was so happy to read your red posts! Glad that you were able to make it to chat.


LeaAnne-how was your day? Sure you were super busy! :hug


Today is dh's 35 b-day, we had take out and spent the evening together. I am going to bake him a cake this weekend, it was hot here today too.


Last day tomorrow! Can't wait! I am training the new gal, hope she can stick with it and bless her heart for taking it on.


going to relax before going to bed, talk to you all soon!



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I have a quick question..........


I took parts from 2 different crochet square patterns and put them together to make one square..........


Is the pattern I made now my own design????????



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Mary, I don't think so. I remember reading about this on the 'Ville a few months ago, just can't remember where. The basic idea of it, though, was that if you take parts from designs and make them into your own creation, it is still not yours, because the actual written designs belong to someone else.

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Tgif!!! Tgif!!!!tgif!!:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap:clap


We got the cool air too- so glad it didn't skip NJ and head right on through to Va!! It is about 20 degrees cooler- and feels wonderful- Lots of angel bowling last night though---but oh, so worth it!!!:yes


To all of you- have a wonderful Friday!!!!! As far as chats, the best night for me is Friday- cause I usually don't have to work on Saturday- key word being usually:lol:lol:lol:lol


Oh, well, time to finish getting ready for my last day of work before 3 days off. Tonight we have to get the bedroom ready for the painters- finally having the ugly wallpaper and chair rail in our bedroom taken off and the room painted and we have to pick out the paint color- since we have green carpeting in that room that we are not replacing, I'm thinking of a linen-y color. We'll see-


:eek It's almost 6:15---gotta run!!!! TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:clap:clap:clap:clap

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TGIF! :cheer:clap:yay:dance:jumpyay!


We made it to Friday!

I can't say indy "hi's" just now, but know I am wishing awesome things for you all today!



I will try to be here for chat tonight :xfin:xfin that all goes right today.



Hugs to you all, Besties!

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It's the LAST FRIDAY OF THE YEAR!!!!! And it's a long weekend! YAY!

I got DD's test results! She did great! She passed all her tests with flying colors!!! We are going to go out for ice cream tonight to celebrate. I played telephone tag with her teacher for a little bit, but that is because I can NEVER hear or feel my phone when it is on vibrate and in my pocket. No big deal. I finally got the results and we are very proud of her. She really had a great year!

I am with Joanne about chats. Fridays are best for me - when I remember! I am very bad about that!

I hope all my besties have a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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:hi everyone!


We didn't get a storm and it hasn't cooled down here. :hot


I've got DD all ready for school. It's PJ day, so that was easy. :lol She's excited for her first PJ day at school. I am heading to the bookstore to buy an end-of-year gift for the student I tutor and I have to get a few groceries to get us through the weekend. Otherwise the day is mine.


LeaAnne - I'm reading 20 Wishes. I've read several of the Blossom Street series. I'm really enjoying it. Warms the soul.


LeeAnn - Happy 35th birthday to your DH!!!


Joanne - Your last day! You did it! Enjoy your weekend. The colours linen and green sound lovely together.


:hi to everyone else. Sorry I've run out of time!


Gotta run! TGIF!

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Gooooooodddd Mooooorrrrniiing!

Hiya friends! I'm not usually this spunky, but oh so glad that it is Friday and my last day! :cheer:cheer get to spend the entire weekend with my family:c9

Joanne, Mary, Colleen, Shannon, Stacy, Beth, LeaAnne, Vicki and Scooby have an awesome day! :h5Will be back on later this evening, hope I can make the chat.:hug:hug

Thank you all for listening to me go on and on:blah :blahabout this job, I promise to better the next job 'round. I would have not lasted these last two weeks without all of you!:ghug

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'Morning, friends!

Well, as it turns out, the Terror does have school today. :cheer She goes to the college pre-school, which, of course isn't in our school district. I am extra-glad, because staying out all day just isn't practical. Vicki's laundry fairy never showed up again, so it looks like I have to do a load of wash today. :lol Isabella wants to go to Target to buy something with her allowance, and dh asked me to pick up some things for him. Mia also has to have her tb test checked. Busy day.


Beth, thanks for the info about labs. My parents had 2 when I lived at home, so I did know that they like to chew. :wink One year for Christmas, my mom bought them each a 5-ft long rawhide, and they were both gone in a week. :eek I am more excited about getting the lab than I was about Klaus- I don't like small dogs. :blush Anyway, as reading about breed info last night, I came across some awesome training sites for Klaus, because he really needs it. He is a jumper- on everyone and everything. He also will not walk correctly on a lead, always pulling and running wherever he wants. The thing is that he is really only walked when I have the girls, so it is hard to keep track of them and him at the same time. But we are not getting the Lab for another 2 months (the pups are 2 weeks right now, and the family will not give them away until 12 weeks) so I am determined to work with him until then. :xfin that I can make some progress. I know this should have been started a while ago.


Whew....sorry for the :blah :blah. I better go and take a shower so we can get this show on the road. I will be back later to say individual :waving. Love and hugs!

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Hi Stacy! Here's my lab, Claire. She is a really sweet dog. She's putting her paws in the pool in the picture. She will NOT get in though. She doesn't like the water. She just likes to cool off.


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Shannon's puppy reminds me of one of my puppies. We have a baby poole for our dogs because they are small and in the heat they need to cool down. All the dogs except Belle love the pool and the water. Belle wants NOTHING to do with it. She will not go near the pool and it you try to put her in it will run as far and as fast as she can! The other three will go in and lay in the baby pool and get all wet. They love the water! Jasmine will go in front of the sprinklers if they are on and let them splash her in her face!


I need to try to get pictures of them in their pool and post them. If they are in the pool and I get too close to take the picture they jump out thinking that it is time to play! Silly doggies!

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Awww Shannon, she is too cute! One of my mom's dogs hated water, also. She would turn on the hose in the summer for them to cool off, and as soon as he saw it, he took off the other way. Labs are supposed to love water! LoL


Vicki, how cute you have a baby pool for your pups. :manyheart What a creative idea.


Someone light a :fire under my badorkus, please!! I am still putzing around in my pj's. Although I did get the bedroom cleaned up and mopped, and the load of laundry finished. I still have to go to the store and to Mia's dr, but I am in lazy mode!

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HI all,


Quick hello and Happy WEEKEND!!!!!


Shannon- Claire is adorable!


Congrats on DD's great test scores, Vicki- and ice cream sounds like a great treat!!


We had some ice pops at work this afternoon- one of my co-workers brought them in- as a celebratory kick off to a weekend off after 12 days!! It was yummy


Ok, off to make dinner- try and BBL

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Howdy Ladies!

How's everyone? We are roasting! Whew it is hot! It is 80 F here in the house time to install the window ac and put the fans on.:lol

Had an ok last day, sad to leave the kiddos but ohhh soo glad to be done! I can check that off my list and forget it ever happened.

What is everyone up to for the weekend? Dd has a slumber party that she is going to tomorrow evening, I am washing her sleeping bag, she's soo excited and ds is having a slumber party here at the house with my little brother, he's 12, they get along wonderfully and I think I am going to crochet after I cool down..other than that, some R & R:cheer

will be back later, guess I must figure out what to make for dinnner:think

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