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Good morning sunshines :sun


It is hot, hot, hot here. Today I can probably stay out of the heat, because DD and I have to do groceries and go to the mall to make a return. However, tomorrow I have to walk back and forth to school 4 times between drop off, pizza day, volunteering and pick up. I will melt. I suspect it will be too hot to play at the park after school, but we'll see. Sounds crazy, but I don't do well in the heat.


DH is doing much better. :whew Thank you all for asking.


Stacy - Oh dear, the BIL on your couch. I bet MIL is not happy. All I can think of is, at least you got the good end of that deal :devil:rofl Do they have kids?


LeaAnne - Hooray for a night off and summer-like play dates. How do you have enough food around to feed your kids and their friends? You must know how to cook in bulk. :lol Enjoy making your special project. It makes me happy to know your :heart is happy.


Joanne - You are now in the home stretch and you can do it! :clap Your squares ghan sounds great. How did you like the whipstitching? I've never tried that and need to.


Vicki - 6 more days of school!:clap 'nough said. :yes


Shannon - So nice to see you posting again :manyheart We miss you when you are not around. I love that story about you can call me Al :lol My DD's grandpa really is called Al :rofl


LeeAnn - No worries about talking about yourself. Like LeaAnne said, we all enjoy reading about each other.


Beth - How was the birthday?


Mary - How are the kids and grandkids? I hope the blackflies aren't getting them too badly. And now the mosquitos are out too. :yuck Ah well, comes with the start of summer. Not much we can do. Let me know if you and your DD are going yarn shopping when you come to visit her :yes


Scooby - Thinking about you!


Alright, the day is waiting. Gotta water those flowers. Have a great day!

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hi, besties!


I just have a sec, but wanted to stop by and say :ty:ty:ty, for being such awesome friends!


I :manyheart you all, more than you know...



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Hey besties!!


Have any of you ever had Kona coffee? I love the flavor, but it makes me soooo shaky. :( I only had 1 cup today and I just cannot focus.

Anyway...SIL just showed up to get him. That woman...:rant They are supposed to stay until tomorrow but probably will leave today- that's what she does every single time. Oh, and yes, they have one daughter together.

So far all I've done today is 2 loads of laundry- but there is at least 3 more loads to do because Eva peed in my bed last night. :sigh I also promised Isabella that she could go rollerblading with me later.


Colleen, hope you stay out of the heat today!


Joanne, yes, I am supposed to be making you the flannel'ghan. But I figured maybe you would like to make one for me in return! :rofl Can't wait to see :photo of your lapghan.


Vicki- only 6 more days! :woo Does your dd get out the same day as you? And yes, you do start way before us, I believe- last year, our kids didn't start until the second week of September. Congrats to your dd on her dark green belt!! I don't think I said that before. Please give her a :h5 for me!


Beth, Shannon, Mary, Scooby, Leeann, Leanne- happy Tuesday!!! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi Ladies

It is really really hot here today. Too hot to even think.

Iam going to try and be here for chat tonight. The coolest place in the house is where my computer is so I should be here.

I want to say thankyou to everyone for being here for me. You guys are the best. They say in life you are very lucky to find a handful of true friends and I know I found some when I met you all.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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:hug:hugHello friends!!!!!!!

Today was my early day, should be cleaning and tidying up, but....:lolwanted to chat with you all first.

Joanne-can't wait to see your finished project? I have a few laying around, I should take them out before starting another project:think Hope you had a great day!

Vicki-Wooohooo! It's almost here! How are you doing today?

Colleen-how hot is it in Canada? It is only 66 F today, not too bad, but windy. Did you get your walk in?

Stacy-Oh my gosh! That is hilarious about George! I 'bout fell out of my chair laughing...tooo funny! Too bad about SIL and BIL, that must be frustrating.

Shannon-how ya doing today?

Mary-I am glad to be your friend too, all of you just make my day. I would be so sad had I not found all of you. :hug

LeaAnne-I am so glad that you were able to relax and spend time with your kiddos, how do you cook for all of them? My kiddos are eating us out of house and home!:lol Especially ds, he's growing and is constantly hungry..:think

Beth-how was your b-day? Hope you had a great one!

well my friends, guess I should get my tush in gear...talk to you all soon!

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Hi gang! I got a lot done today! I sorted through all my paper work and I cleaned out my folders. Now all I have to do is update my paper work and burn my cds for the folders. I can do the updates at the end of the week and burn the cds after that. I am doing pretty good!

Tomorrow is testing day! I get to read tests ALL DAY! So much fun!

Shannon - That must have been fun that SIL came to get BIL. Did they stay for the day?

LeeAnn - YAY for an early day! Did you get anything done when you got home?

Mary - We are here for you girl! Hope the visits are going well!


Hope you all have a great rest of the night and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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It is so hot. To answer your question, LeeAnn, it is about 86 F here today, no breeze, pure hot sun. 66 F sounds nice. Do you live in the mountains?


Today did not turn out as I expected. A friend called this morning to say she was sick and could she bring her son over, so I put groceries on hold and had him for the morning. DD had fun and he's a sweet kid. DD and I went to the mall to make a return after lunch and ended up trying on a bunch of dresses for DD for a wedding this summer. None of them were "comfortable". Then it was getting late, so we went to the store and bought just the essentials. I'll have to do a more careful, time consuming, grocery shop tomorrow. At least the grocery store is a cool place to be :yes


Sorry I won't speak to you all just now. I've got dinner on the BBQ and a table to set. Have fun! Talk to you later!


BTW, looks like we're on for chat Wednesday at 9:30 EST. :yay

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Hi all,


Hot, hot here in NJ too- the AC is on!!! Supposed to be in the 90's tomorrow!


The whipstitching wasn't as bad as I thought it would be- but some of the squares didn't line up - I guess next time, I'll add a row of SC around each square (you are probably supposed to do that, but who knew? This is my first time doing this- LOL)


Anyway, I'm going to try and finish it tonight- whipstitch the last two strips on and then put a border to it.


Never had Kona coffee that I can think of, Stacy- who makes it?


Colleen- that was nice of you to help out your friend by watching her DS-and yes the grocery store is a great place to be on a hot day- especially in the freezer section!!1


LeaAnne- Too bad about the Celtics- hopefully tomorrow night- have fun at the 2 games tonight!


LeeAnn- I keep thinking of everything i want to make, and then look at all my yarn, and then can't decide what to start next! I could definitely use more time- just like all of us. Only a few more days and you are done with this job


Mary- Chat is Wednesday night- 9:30 EST! Hope you can make it then.


Vicki- Have fun at your last bowling night- You really are almost on summer vacation- bowling done tonight- and school almost over!


Beth, Scooby, Shannon, thinking of you!


Oh, signed up at work to go to a Somerset Patriots Game on june 16- should be fun- minor league team- I went to one of the games last year and had a blast!!


Off to make dinner


Have a good night everyone!

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Hiya friends!

Just finished picking up the kiddos from school, cleaned the kitchen and living room, need to tidy up my bedroom, that is all that is left, but am waiting for the sate patrol officer. On the way to pick up my kiddos from school a dump truck ahead of me did not have the tarp tied to his truck correctly, particiles were flying out and hit my car, made a quarter size crack in the windshield, it is spreading already:angry had to call the patrol office as I wouldn't want anyone to be in an accident on account of the debris flying out of the truck. So...the state trooper is coming over to my house to look at the damage. That is so nice of him. I will let you know how it turns out. I am just happy that I didn't get into an accident.

will be back soon with the details. Glad to hear that everyone had a good day!


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Just finished writing all of my Thank-you cards, just have to drop them in the mail tomorrow...whew!

Joanne-did you finish your ghan? I have tons of squares from swaps that need to be whipstiched together, not one of my favorite things to do...one of these days. I like the join as you go method, I wish I would have learned that a long time ago. :think

Colleen-that was nice of you to babysit the little boy, I bet dd was excited to have a friend over.

Vicki-the end is here for my kiddos, tomorrow is their last day, they are soo excited! I hope that reading tests goes well and fast for ya.

Stacy-how was your day?

Beth, Scooby, Shannon, Mary and LeaAnne hope you all had a great one!

Oh..the trooper came over, he was so nice, turns out that someone else had called the dumptruck in, they had more windshield damage than I did. I did write down the license plate # and they caught him! I am truly grateful that everyone was safe.

Going to sit and relax, tomorrow is my super long day, I don't think I will make it in time to chat with you all, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hugtalk to you all soon!

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Good morning!


LeeAnn- that was nice of the state trooper and glad they caught the truck driver. That is a pet peeve of mine- dumptrucks that leave a trail of flying debris- you are right - luckily no one had an accident because of it- and hopefully his insurance will pay to have your windshield fixed


I finished the ghan- not one of my finer projects! I learned that I do better with one large ghan, rather than putting a bunch of squares together. I think if I make squares again, I will learn the join as you go method. And I put the last two strips together in the wrong order! Oh, well, live and learn- I'm not froggin it- I'll just keep it here as a spare lapghan.


Well, I can officially say - Happy HUMP Day- 2 more to go!!!!


Have a great Wednesday everyone- and drink lots of fluids especially those of us who are expecting 90 degree heat today!!!

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Happy Hump Day, ladies!!!


Joanne - WTG on finishing yet another WIP, even while working the 12 day week! :nworthy!


Vicki - sounds like you are right on track for the wind down to the end of the school year next week!:yay:yay


Colleen - you are very nice, taking your friend's son for the morning. I chuckled about the "comfortable" remark. I have one of those kids, too:lol

I hope you enjoy your food shopping today. Take care and go slow.


LeeAnn -that is scary about the debris from the truck! Good that they caught the guy. His company should be paying for these windsheilds:yes

Thank goodness nobodywas injured! Good luck with your long day today, I will be thinking of you.:U


Beth - I hope your birthday was fantabulous-ness, and that your life will begin to slow down soon... We miss you! How is your dad? Your inventions? When is DH going on his trip? How is the window project coming along?


Stacy - Are your BIL & SIL all squared away? that's a stressful thing to be involved with, i bet. I am sending happy and peaceful thoughts and great big hugs your way today, friend! Are you getting to :crocheting any while George is visiting? How are the girls? And Jorge?


Shannon - Hope you are having lots of fun getting ready for the wedding and your big trip to Long Island! How is our Janna? And any updates from Dr. Jason?


:clap:yay:jumpyay, Mary! I can't wait to see you at chat! How is your visit with everyone?


Hey, Scoob... how are you doing???? I hope all is going well. :hug


I am off to spend the day on the road with DH. We have some errands to take care of in between his sales calls. Then tonight, we get to go watch my little man play ball...last time he got to pitch, and did pretty good! I wonder if he will get to again.:think


Anyway, make today the bestiest day you can have!!!

I will try to be here on time for chat.:manyheart



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It's the FLIP SIDE!!!!

Good morning my besties! How is everyone doing this morning? Things here are quiet for the moment, but it is only almost 7. It will be loud in about 25 minutes!

Social studies test day! I get to read lots of tests today! I need to see if I can have help 4th period. I have 2 different tests to read at the same time :eek!

Tae kwon do tonight. Otherwise it should be a quiet day! Have a great one everyone and I will talk to you all later!

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;)Top of the morning ladies!


Just sittin' drinking my cup of coffee before heading out the door and reading all about my favorite friends.:D


Joanne-I was thinking of you this morning when I was listening to the news, they are going to have the super bowl in New Jersey New York, have you heard about it? How neat is that! Did you take pics of your ghan? I would love to see it. I have lots of WIPS that need to be completed, now if I could just stop starting projects, I would be ok:think


Vicki-hope the Social Studies tests go smoothly. I am sure that the kiddos are getting the summer itch.:lol


Colleen-have a great day!


Stacy-how's it going?


LeaAnne-how adorable that your little one gets to pitch! That is wonderful that you get to spend the day with dh, it's nice to be able to chat with our spouses.:P


Mary, Scooby, Shannon, Beth, and Sarah, have a FANTASTIC SUPER DUPER Wednesday!



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:hi Besties,


Sorry I haven't been on-line... I didn't even get on the computer to check e-mail once yesterday! It's been kind of crazy here. My oldest is working a 40-hour week, so his schedule is shot. I finally took my dd to get back x-rays so she can start PT to get rid of the pain. My youngest had a meeting for his lifeguard season. And there are mice in the ballet studio. the teacher is scared of them, so i get to play exterminator, too.

Thanks for asking, I had an awesome birthday. I was spoiled. And (the important part) I made a gluten free cherry pie that was quite good! I may play around with the crust recipe a bit, try to make something a little less hard, but it worked, and tasted good, and I got what i wanted -- like always! :devil


I'll try to catch up on posts in a bit. Gotta take dd to ballet lessons now.

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I'm going to sound like a teacher here for a moment, so please bear with me!

It does my heart good to make a kid cry at 7:20 in the morning. It shows them that they are still not all they think they are!

Sorry! Had to say it! We had a student being very disrespectful this morning. All we had to say was office referral and phone call home for HIM to explain why he was being so disrespectful so early in the morning. That changed his tune quickly after some tears. Gotta love it!

TTFN my besties!

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Hi Ladies

The heat must be getting to me cause I thought yesterday was Wed.................. Duh

I will try and be here tonight for chat. We have a meeting tonight and I should be home in time.

Well it is another hot day here and tomorrow is suppose to be the same again. They said maybe by Friday the weather should break.

Youngest DD was suppose to come on Sat. but she is in NFLD right now cause her DF grandfather past away last Sunday. She said she is still coming for a visit just not too sure when now. The oldest 2 GKS are having a great time. They have not asked for their Mom or Dad. I hope DD and her DH are having a great time also on their trip.

I will see you all tonight

Lots of Love


Oh did I tell you it is HOT here

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I hear ya Mary, it is HOT :lol C'mon Mother Nature, it's only May! We've got 4 months of this ahead of us, let's not rush. :rofl Thank gosh it's not too humid or I would melt. Friday looks nice, back down to the lower 20s. :tup


So, not much new here. Lot's of finales on TV this week so my evenings have been busy. I went to Walmart this morning and got some groceries. Our Walmart just became a SuperStore or whatever they call them, the ones with groceries. I don't find the prices that great, but it's convenient when you need other things too. I found DD a new water bottle because hers broke on Friday. I filled it with cold water and took it to school with me when I went for pizza day. She loves it, so that's good. Gotta drink lots when it's hot like this. :yes


LeeAnn - That's scary about that truck. Good for you for calling and I'm glad they caught the guy. That's just pure laziness on his part that could result in an accident, not to mention all the damage he caused. I have start-a-new-project-itis too. It's a hard one cure. :hook


LeaAnne - Enjoy your day with DH. That sounds fun! I hope Little Pete has a good game tonight.


Joanne - Only 3 days to go :yay


Mary - Enjoy your GKs. So glad to hear they haven't missed their mom and dad. I bet they are enjoying some outdoor play.


Beth - So great to hear from you and I'm glad to hear you had a great birthday. Now you've added mousecatcher to your many talents. You never cease to amaze me.


:hi Stacy, Shannon, Vicki, Scooby and whoever I've missed! Happy hump day!

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Mary, Colleen- you two are killing me! 86 is NOT hot. :rofl Why don't you come visit me when it is 105? :lol J/K...I know that is considered hot for your areas, and I did used to think the heat here was pure torture. My mom called a few days ago complaining about the heat (88) and said they actually broke a record for this time of year.


Leeann, glad the trooper was so nice and that they caught the guy. It does sound like carelessness on the driver's part. Are you going to see if his company will cover your repairs?


Mary, I'm glad you're having a great time with your gk's. Sorry that your dd can't come right now, but hopefully she can after things settle down for her.


Leanne, have fun traveling with dh today. It is always nice to spend time with them, even when work is involved. :yes Good luck to lil' Pete tonight! :h5


Joanne, happy Hump Day! Only 2 more days left! :cheer Then you will have another 12-day'er under your belt. Sorry that your messed up on your strips. I'm sure the blanket is beautiful, anyway. :manyheart


Shannon, hope everything is going well out your way. :hug


Beth, I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday! That cherry pie sounds yummy. I wish my kids would eat fruit pies, but I just can't convince them that fruit in pies are the same thing as fresh fruit. :shrug Kids.


Scooby-doo, where are you? I hope all is well and you are feeling better. :hug


Vicki, :heehee at making the kid cry. Sometimes kids need to know they are not as cool as they think they are. LoL Good luck with your testing.


I think I got to everyone. Please excuse me if I have forgotten something. Stupid George is still not here and my brain is just fried.


BIL and SIL made up yesterday afternoon, and all is right with the world again. :devil We had a bbq last night and watched movies. Did I tell you that we watched Psycho and Jaws for the first time, last week? I'm no movie critic, but they were pretty psychological for their time period, I think. :yes

The girls and I went to get dog food this morning, then to Trader Joe's for a few items. I stopped at the sample kiosk for a carrot cake cookie, and Mia said she wanted one. I made a grab for it, then she said no, so I moved my hand away. The woman at the kiosk said, "I'm sorry but since you've touched it, you'll have to take it. Health codes and all." I didn't touch it, but I took it anyway and apologized profusely. She went on to say she meant no offense but that if someone touches it, she can't legally give it out to another person. I laughed and told her, "No problem- next time maybe I'll touch them all so I will have to eat them." She obviously didn't understand that I was joking, and just told me to be sure and take one sample next time. :eek

Anyway...Isabella's school's International Festival starts at 1. I kept Mia home because I had no one to pick her up at 1:30. We made chicken soup this morning, since she loves it but can't eat canned. She is on her 3rd bowl :eek and I just saw Klaus licking his lips so I suspect he enjoyed some of the chicken. :lol Then her TB test is at 3:30. Dh has class tonight, so it should be a quiet night for chat. Every time I say that, something goes wrong. LoL We'll see.

BBL! :hug


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Hi all,

quick stop by- and will try to stay awake for chat tonight! The heat and these extra hours are wearing me out!!!


I'll try and respond to you all in the morning, but just know I'm thinking about all of you! Just tired now!

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Hey girls! I'll definitely be here for chat, and I can't wait to catch up with all of you. I feel like I've been out of the loop for so long!


I need your help. I'm almost finished with this baby ripple, and I'd like to put a border on it. My questions are 1) how many colors? and 2) What color(s)? Oh, and will sc's all around look ok?


Thanks girls!!


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Hi friends. Isabella's international day was nice- the dance they did was from South Africa and it was really fun. The teachers even did a traditional Mexican dance, and all of the students were cheering. So cute.

I took Mia for her TB test, then to Target to buy something with her allowance.

Can I just say that I am so saddened by the racism of some people? I've heard 2 racial comments today, and I just cannot believe it. One was from the mother of Isabella's classmate, whose dd talked about a little girl who didn't speak English, and the mother assumed it was Isabella. :ohdear The other was at the doctor's office, from the parking attendant who assumed I was Hispanic, and made a racist remark to me because I had "brown hair and big sunglasses." Seriously?! It really just makes me want to cry. I've gotten dirty looks and rude stares from people when I'm out with Jorge and the girls, but I've never had to deal with racist comments before. The ignorance is just unbelievable. But I digress.

I'd better go get dinner started so I can be here for chat! Love and hugs to all! :hug:hug

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Oooh, Shannon, how pretty! You did an awesome job, girlfriend!! :h5 I think sc's would be perfect, and as for the color- maybe blue? I'd definitely stick with one color, because ripple patterns are kind of "busy," IMO.

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I'm here, and I'm so excited to be with my besties! When you all get here, of course!


Stacy- Thank you! I'm addicted to this pattern now. So much fun. You think the light blue or the darker blue?

Oh, and I've been thinking the same thing about these girls and their "hot" weather.:lol I hate the heat here, and we've been about 12 degrees above average. I'm not looking forward to the next 3-4 months! It should not be 90-something degrees in May!!:angry

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