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Some good clean fun?!

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:hi everyone! My scrabble/wine and cheese club got cancelled. :( Two out of five couldn't make it, so she postponed it. I was all showered and dressed pretty too. :shrug:lol Oh well. After supper we went out and had a water gun fight as a family. DD loved it! Our first of the season. After putting DD to bed I went for a long walk. Still a little warm out there for my liking, but it was a good walk. I started walking regularly. I've set myself a goal to lose 13 lbs by September and my main focus is on exercising every day. I've done well so far. Please cheer me on! I need it :yes


LeeAnn - Your hex-ghan is so nice! I cannot believe it fits a queen size bed! That will be a treasure. You will have lots of endweaving to do! Beautiful! Enjoy your day off. You deserve it! When do your kiddos finish school?


Joanne - Enjoy sitting outside and watching the yankees. I just found a recipe for ice coffee and I am so excited to try it.


Shannon - :hug We will be here when things settle down. You and your family are in my prayers as you prepare for your sister's graduation (yay sister!), your cousin's wedding and all these family events. Try to sit back and enjoy being surrounded by your loved ones.


Stacy - Your hooks have been flying lately! Good for you! Enjoy the last few days of Mommy-and-me. I guess Eva will be another year yet before Pre-K? Will Mia continue at the same school next year or will she move to the school Isabella goes to?


Vicki - I hope your evening went quickly and that you enjoyed your pizza party with your co-workers.


:hi Beth, Mary, LeaAnne and Scooby and anyone I've missed!

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Hey all!

I've tried to post about 3 ties already, and the computer keeps eating it.


Colleen, your walk sounds nice. Great job with the exercising- you can do it! :cheer:cheer:cheer I need to start exercising, too. Your water gun fight sounds fun! We do water balloons. My mom sent the girls a slip-n-slide, but I don't know how we'll do that with no grass. Maybe we'll put out a tarp first. :lol As for Mia, she will go to the same school as Isabella. I asked Isabella if she wanted to go back to her old one (because I like it so much better) but she said no. :( I will be so sad when Mia is finished there.


Shannon, big :hug:hug:hug to you!! I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. Thanks for the update on Janna- I didn't check in for a few weeks, so maybe you did post but I missed it. Anyway, have fun in NY! And congratulations to Sister.


Well I need to scoot- my battery light just came on! Love to you all!

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Good morning and Happy Friday to you all! Day 5 for me and a late one at that! Working till about 7 -7:30 then heading to DDs for a jewelry party she is having! Busy, busy day!


Stacy- read about the "bee" adventure next door- hope that gets straightened out!


Running a tad late here, and gotta get ready- at least it's jeans day!!!


Have a wonderful day- enjoy whatever it is you are doing- Oh, Colleen- WTG on the goal and the exercising- You Can Do It!!!!


Subway Series this weekend Vicki- Yankees vs Mets- that should be fun in your house!!

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TGIF, friends!


a quick hi, and a happy, happy Friday! We've had lots going on around here. sorry for not having been here for the last few days....


I'll be back after work to catch up on what all I have missed, and post individually.


For now, though... lots of :hug:U:hug:U:hug:U for everyone!!!!

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Hi everybody!


I'm sorry I'm not on-line much any more. I'm just :tired all the time.


My Dad is making progress. Mom called when she took him back to the doctor. The doctor is pleased with how Dad's memory is improving. I wish someone would say that about me!


My oldest son still doesn't have his license, and I'm really :thair about it. I am starting to resent the time I waste getting him back and forth to work. It's not good. I don't want to resent my children.


I only got one window done. It's hard to find a big chunk of time when it isn't raining here. Today looks good. My oldest goes to work at noon, and stays until 7 p.m., so I can get everything going then. One down, 22 to go. :faint


We are slowly finishing the textbooks for subjects. They have one more week of physics, and two weeks of Spanish, and grammar. Then we'll take the end of year test, and be finished!


Shannon, I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. My prayers are with you and your family. I hope you have a fun, safe trip to New York! Is it New York City, or another part of the state?


Colleen, good morning to you! I am sorry your wine and cheese party was cancelled. It sounds like you had a very nice evening without it, though. :manyheart I am so proud of you for walking. You can do this!!!:cheer:cheer:cheer


LeaAnne, I hope you are having a fun weekend. Anything planned, besides softball games?


Joanne, enjoy the jewelry party! What fun!


Stacy, sorry the computer ate your post. I also read of Facebook about the bees. Your neighbor sounds like a pretty dim bulb!


LeaAnn, your hexagon ghan is gorgeous! Queen sized! That's huge!!! That must have used a lot of yarn.


Vicki, was the awards ceremony nice?


Mary, Scooby, Sarah, C4J, Tena, and everyone else, here's some hugs. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Happy FRIDAY!

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Good Morning!!!!!!


Ohh sooo excited about today, need to clean but think I am going to curl up on the couch and crochet before the marathon begins....will be back later!


hugs and have a GREAT Friday morning!!!!!!

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Hi everyone! I hope you are all having a great day! I have a headache today. I took some Exedrine so hopefully I should be feeling better in a little while. I only have 2 more classes to go and then it will be over. Hubby is working late so DD wants to go to tkd tonight. We'll go and I will get to crochet.

Joanne - YAY for the Subway series! Let's see if the Yankees can beat the Mets! They haven't been able to beat anyone else lately!

Shannon - Glad to hear about your visit to NY. That is funny that the Yankees will be playing the Astros when you are there! When the Yankees were here in Houston we got tickets to see them here. That was fun! Have a great trip and enjoy it! Your family is in my prayers.


LeeAnn - Hope you are enjoying your day home! Did you get any cleaning done? Enjoy your day!


Colleen - How was your big green salad? What do you have planned for dinner tonight? I hope you are enjoying your day!


Beth - Glad to hear that your dad is doing better. And your summer vacation is coming up too! YAY for summer vacation! Do you have any plans for the summer?

I hope you all have a great rest of the day! I will talk to you later!


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I am back! Stopped by to catch up on the posts! :whew! I know I missed stuff, but sure tried my bestiest!:lol


Colleen - I am officially on a diet, too. Starting today. I gained 25 pounds when I quit smoking (:eek:faint). I now weigh more than I ever have in my life! I guess the combination of quitting, peri-menopause, and being over 40 totally tanked my metabolism. Anyway... I am here, sister, :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer for you, and doing it with you! How far do you walk each day? Oh, and I never got back to you about Lindsey... she is the deep plum girl (nice memory!). We gave her some new clothes, an iTunes giftcard, and these inserts that will keep the toes of her high tops from creasing (:think you got me!)... According to her FB posts, she had a great b-day! :lol:lol


Joanne - gosh, I don't know how you pull off those 12 day weeks! :nworthy... you are amazing! I need to go back through and find the post where you shared the potholder pattern. I need some... BAD! :lol


Vicki - Happy weekend, girl! Glad you go to enjoy the awards night, got a new title, and got to sign your refi... all in one week! WOW! Hey, you have only a few more get-ups till vacation!


LeeAnn - I love your hex-ghan! It is so cheery!!! :clap:clap Hooray for no work today! I hope you have a fabulous weekend, you have sure earned it, friend!:hug


Shannon - I am holding your family in my thoughts, and especially you... you sure have been on a roller coaster lately! Please know that we are all here thinking about you!


Beth - good news about your dad!:c9 I hope that things settle down for you as you wrap up the year's course work! Maybe those inventions could give you a little hand with all of those windows! I am thinking of you, and trying to send you some extra energy! Hugs to you, dear friend!


Mary - So sorry that you are missing your family, and that DH didn't get all good news. I think about you every day, and hold you in my prayers.... enjoy your GK's (who arrived today, right?) when is the June show?


Stacy - You have been about as busy as those bees next door! I hope you all get to enjoy a wonderful weekend, and that you found the right person to help with the bees.:eek:eek


Scooby - I hope that the medicine you are taking does the trick, and that you feel better each day... when does DS get out of school?


Sarah - Great big, Texas sized huggers and bigger prayers for you, Keith, DF and everyone. I continue to hold you all in my thoughts, friend!:hug


Well, ladies, I gotta run... it's time to go get some chickens back to the coop for a while....then Jamie and Krissy play ball tonight. Krissy and I are excited to walk to her game. Just the 2 of us!:U

tomorrow, Pete and Krissy play (at different times, though), and we are going to the Relay For Life tomorrow night.


Keep smiling, all... and know I Luvs Ya!!!!!


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Hello hello!

Whew! :sweatBeen too busy! But I am almost done with all my chores, I think I should get extra :hook for a month!:jumpyay I cleaned the entire kitchen, top to bottom, both bathrooms, vaccuumed, swept and mopped the entire house, washed 5 loads of laundry and...baked two loaves of bananna bread. :eek Have to dust, my least favorite chore, I think I will enlist my kiddos for that one. :lol

Joanne-how's your day going? Your evening sounds so exciting! Do you wear a lot of jewlery?

Colleen-hope you are having a Fantastic Friday!

LeaAnne-:rock You are amazing! How do you keep track of everything? have you had much time to :hook?

Vicki-:hugdoes your headache feel better?

Stacy-did you finish all of your projects?

Beth-thinking of ya and hoping that you will get time to relax, Spring cleaning energizes me then leaves me feeling tired...would rather :hook

Scooby, Mary, Sarah, hope your week has been wonderful!

Going to fold laundry, the kiddos are going to the in-laws for the weekend, dh and I are contemplating driving up to Pueblo, about 2 hours away, they have a Hobby Lobby!:lol It could be dangergous!:rofl

huggers dear friends! Will chat with you all soon!:flower:sun

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:hi everyone! Busy busy day! I went for 2 walks, had a meeting, did some errands, went to the park with DD after school, and then I vacuumed the house after supper. :whew Oh well, it is a long weekend here! :clap Monday is Victoria Day. So, I can relax now. :D


Vicki - My big green salad was good, thanks for asking. I hope DD enjoys TKD tonight and you get to crochet lots.


LeaAnne - I am walking between 3 and 4 km each time (1.6 km in a mile) and I try to walk twice a day. Today I went for one full walk and one short walk. I had 20 minutes before I had to pick DD up at school, so I put on my shoes and went for a quick one. I'm going to try to go swimming sometimes too. I haven't lost any weight yet, but I'm going to hang in there. We can :cheer each other on! :cheer:cheer:cheer Enjoy your weekend with your chickens.


LeeAnn - Wow! You got a lot done! WTG girl! I hope you and your DH get to Pueblo and you enjoy Hobby Lobby and much more! Is that where you went in NM a couple weeks ago?


Beth - Thanks for the cheers! I hope your DS gets his liscense soon. All in good time, my friend, all in good time. And you know what? He's working, so you can't resent that! Has he made any decisions about college?


Joanne - I hope your long day went quickly and that you enjoy the jewelery party.


:hi Stacy, Mary, Shannon, Scooby and all our friends! Happy weekend!

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Hi Ladies

I just wanted to stop by and let you all know that Iam thinking about you all.

Today was a very busy day here. Dh was in the garage all day getting things out for a yard sale tomorrow. Iam happy to say he went thru alot of stuff which is good. What doesn't sell this weekend is going to go to good-will YAH.

The 2 oldest GK are here for the week and the youngest is coming next weekend. YAH

Iam still trying to deal with the bad news about DH but things are looking up...... the GKS helped with that. They are the sunshine in my life.

I hope everyone has a good weekend and I will try and get here more often to post.

Talk to you Later

Lots of Love


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A quick good morning to all!


On my first of many cups of coffee that will be needed today!! Got out of work around 6:45 and then headed to DD's for the jewelry party. I got home around 10!


To all of you---hope that you have a great Saturday!


Vicki- Thank goodness the Yankees beat the Mets! LOL


Shannon- Happy Graduation Day to your sister!


Cya all later (I hope) LOL

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good morning! :yawn:yawn


I have my emergency stash of espresso roast brewing... we have baseball at 7:40! What?! I dunno, call me crazy, but shouldn't baseball be an after-noon-time sport? :lol:lol


Best wishes to Sissy, Shannon!!!


Joanne & Scooby, Hope you have great days at work!


Everyone else: Happy Saturday and welcome to the first half of the weekend;)


catch you all in a bit!


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:roflOMG!! I love it when a plan comes together and NO ONE would love this as much my sisters here on the 'ville!

Last night I took DD to tae kwon do since hubby was working late and I figured a last minute class before belt test can't hurt. At the end of class the kids were playing dodge ball and the Master asked me how long had I been working on my baseball ghan. I told him that I hadn't been working on it as hard I should have because I have two projects going on at the same time and I am just not good with two projects at the same time. Now, he knows I am I am making the green afghan for DD's tkd coach and was in on it so he knows what the other project is! With that, her coach pipes up and says "I need a lime green one."

So I say to her "A lime green what?"

And she replies "A lime green blanket. Can you make me one, Mrs. Vicki?" Do you not love this?!? So I told her I can't do it right now because I have this (the baseball ghan) and another project that I am working on (if she only knew what!), but after graduation and her party (June 12!) I would take her and we would look at yarn and she could pick a pattern and I would make her a blanket. :lol:rofl:laughroll:rofl!!!In the mean time the blanket is sitting at home 9/10ths of the way finished! I love it!!!

Yes, Joanne, it was a good thing the Yankees beat the Mets, but did you see that Mo almost blew it? They needed that win, I hate to say it, but they did.

LeaAnne - Have fun at morning ball today!

LeeAnn - YAY for getting so much stuff done! I need to get on a roll and get stuff done. I have been procrastinating. I am very bad at that lately.

Mary - Enjoy the visit with the gks! They are sure to make you smile!

Beth - Enjoy your weekend! What do you have planned?

I need to get up and fold some towels and let the dogs in. They are sitting outside waiting for their breakfast. It is a nice, if not warm morning, so they are fine for the moment.

TTFN ladies!

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Vicki, your TKD story is so funny!


This is going to be another quick post. My dh forgot to turn off his alarm, so it woke me up at 4:ugly in the morning, and I couldn't go back to sleep. I did get the mind whirling thing going, though. And I realized that with my dd's dance class and my ds's lifeguard meeting (and the 4-year-old ballet class having a recital at the studio this afternoon) my ds had to mow the ballet lawn this morning, and it had to be early. So here it is, 8:46 a.m., and I'm dripping sweat and covered in yuck. I mowed, he edged, and we both swept up afterwards. We'll do the teacher's home lawn this afternoon, when we have more time, and more neighbors are awake.


So my plan for today is to chauffeur, or be chauffeured, to a couple of activities, mow this afternoon, cook lunch and dinner (God bless the person who invented the crock pot!) and a quick run to the store, probably while my ds is in his meeting.


I hope you all have a great day.:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


Oh Colleen, :cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer exercise!:cheer:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Vicki - I love your TKD story. :lol


I have a funny story. Yesterday evening DD made me a delicious bowl of imaginary tomato soup. I did the customary yumming and asked her if she made it herself. "Yes I did, it's homemade", she says. "It came from the can." :rofl That's my girl!


We are enjoying a relaxing day today. :c9 I hope you are all enjoying a nice Saturday with your families. :hug

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Oh Vicki- that is too funny! She will be so surprised when she sees her blanket! :lol How did belt testing go today?


Colleen, your dd is too cute! Homemade from a can...she's learning early. :wink:lol As I sit here munching on Fritos and bean dip :blush I'm thinking I should join you on your diet. I tried on a pair of pants yesterday and the butt actually ripped. :( Granted, they were old, but...well...they didn't exactly fit, either. :shrug Not a big fan of walking, but I'm thinking maybe I can go rollerblading around the neighborhood on the nights that Jorge doesn't have school. :yes


Beth, :hug to you! I love "4:ugly"!! So true...I always get up with dh at 5 when he gets ready for work, but you just sound like you get so much more accomplished than me! :nworthy I hope you get a chance to sit down for a few minutes today. :hug I'm glad to hear your dad is doing better. :cheer


Leanne, as always- you amaze me with your ability to keep everything straight! LoL I would be :loco with your schedule. How's the babysitting job going? Hope you had fun at the games. Are you working on anything special while you watch? LoL @ the high-top toe thingies...I just can't believe they are back in style again. I actually saw someone wearing an off-the-shoulder shirt the other day! :eek


Leeann, your hexagon afghan is beautiful! So bright and cheery. :manyheart You have been busy. :nworthy You definitely deserve to treat yourself to HL!


Shannon, happy graduation day to Sister! :graduate You must be so proud! :manyheart Hope all is well with miss Janna. When does she start at the Montessori school?


Mary, I am so glad that your kiddos and gk's are there to brighten your days. :hug:hug to you and dh for all you are going through.


Sarah, we haven't heard from you in a while! Hope all is well with your and df and Keith. :hug


Scooby, I hope you are feeling better and that all is well with you, also. :hug


Joanne, hope you had a good day at work (as good as you can for work. :lol) Go Delta Force! This is day 6, right? You are halfway there! :cheer:cheer Did you buy anything at dd's jewelry party?


Yesterday my FIL called around 2 and told me to come to his work- he had a Little Tikes swing and slide for Eva. It's actually for really little ones (like 1-year olds :lol) but she really seems to enjoy it. Anyway, he also had Dodgers tickets for us, so that is where we ended up last night. They were playing the Tigers, which, of course, is my dad's team. I made sure to get lots of photos of the scoreboard, just for him. :wink:lol

This morning, I made 2 batches of muffins (blueberry and banana,) did 2 loads of laundry, and cleaned up the kitchen. I had planned to make more little animals and maybe some snowflakes, when dh "surprised" me and said his brother is coming to town today. He casually suggested that we should clean. :bang:rant:tryme So...I cleaned, swept and mopped the kitchen, swept and mopped the living room floors, while the girls did all of their chores, along with unloading the washer/dryer, cleaning the appliances, wiped the mirrors in the bathrooms and closets, and cleaned and swept their room. Dh vacuumed and dusted. Only to see that SIL was still posting on FB about half an hour ago. I hope he doesn't think we're going to do it again when they are really on their way.

Anyway...so tonight we are going out with his parents for his belated birthday dinner. Then tomorrow (I don't care who is here) I am going to sit on my badorkus and :crocheting. Dh keeps bugging me about my Etsy shop, but how can do sell anything if I never have time to make it?


Okie dokie...I've :blah :blah way too much! Better get going and get something made! :lol



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Hiya friends!

I'm back! Just got home a few minutes ago and unpacked and put away all of my yarn. I went a little crazy...:lol We stopped at a thrift store and they had yarn! Oh my gosh! I bought 5 bags of it! Yippee skippy! They were all really cheap and had a few skiens of each color. One bag had 4 skiens of grape Simply Soft Caron and 3 new hooks, the other bags had yellow, light pink, 4 different blues, 3 different greens and a few odds and ends. Then we wen to Hobby Lobby...:eek I bought a skien of the ILTC in pale pink, RH worsted yarn bright pink, lime green and 6 skiens of the cherry cola:clap:clap I am in yarn :c9 so excited! I want to make a granny ghan using bright colors, I can't wait!

Colleen-your dd just sounds adorable! :hug I hear ya about being on a diet, I should really get my tush in gear, I am so scared that my summer clothes will not fit...I'm sure I am going on a diet...just need to motivate myself. I will surely :cheer:cheeryou on! Way to go on the walking! I love walking!

Stacy-did you get any kritters done? How's your company?

Beth-so very sorry that you were awoken at such an "ugly" time. :yes I can relate, once I'm up, I'm up.

Joanne-how was your day? I hope that you are not too tired, you are halfway there!:cheer

LeaAnne-how were the games?

Vicki-love your story! I bet you can't wait to share her gift with her. How exciting!

Mary-:hug and warmest of wishes!

We went to Pueblo Co, it's a like a little city compared to Alamosa, we had to drive over a pass called La Veta Pass, it's pretty high up but pretty. I took a pic to share with you all.

:hugand warmest of wishes


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HI all,

Oh, LeeAnn, that pic is like a piece of heaven! And YARN heaven is right with the amount you bought today! Beautiful!


Vicki- yes, that is so cool about your plan!! Your DD's coach will be so surprised!


Beth- you worked as hard as me today!


Colleen- thanks for your DD's story- she is a girl after my own heart- that's my kind of "homemade" cooking too!!


Stacy- You also got a lot done today!!! And how cool that you went to the Dodgers game! Still like Joe Torre!


I am tired- I will admit these long weeks really wear me out! So please understand that I am thinking of you all, but honestly don't have the energy to "talk" anymore!


Off to bed shortly!!! Sweet dreams!

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Quick good morning and Happy Sunday to all of you.


How did the Relay for Life go yesterday LeaAnne?


How was DD's belt test, Vicki?-


I ended up watching the "Subway Series" - Yankees vs Mets- and Vicki's DH's team won- maybe that was because she was talking about the baseball ghan in Mets colors that she is making- LOL!!!


I made a quick potholder while I watched so at least I don't feel like all I'm doing is working! LOL


Cya later

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Hi gang! Belt testing went really well! She rocked it! She was the only one testing for the dark green belt so she had to go up there by herself and she did GREAT! She looked good and her pattern was the best I have seen it! It was a big testing group! So now she is officially a DARK GREEN BELT! I was trying to post pics on facebook for everyone to see, including my family, but it was being difficult! So here are some for you to see!

Otherwise, it was a quiet day. We went out to dinner last night with some friends and decided to plant some roses in the front. I love rosies. Today I have the dish washer emptied and reloaded. The first load of laundry is in the washer and the drying rack is being cleared as I sit here!I vacuumed yesterday, so I am thinking that today I will mop the floors when hubby goes to the gym. It is going to be an easy dinner - hot dogs and hamburgers! I am going to make an Italian pasta salad with it! I need to go to the grocery store now to get some stuff. I have to go get my nephew a birthday card and a present so I will do it all on the same trip.

Yes, the Mets beat the Yankees last night. They got lucky. We'll see what happens tonight when they play on ESPN. Does CC pitch tonight?

Have a great Sunday everyone and I will check back in later!





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Happy Sunday friends!

How is everyone today?

Joanne-I hope that the day goes by fast, I was thinking of you yesterday when I was at Hobby Lobby:) I am going to try to make a potholder using the pattern that you shared. For some reason, I am better at completing big projects like ghans than I am at finishing little projects, I wonder why?:think Sure doesn't make sense.

Vicki-you are up and it!:clap I just finished washing dishes and need to get a load of laundry in the washer, once my kiddos get home from their grandparents, I am positive they will bring home lots of little goodies-can ya tell they are spoiled? They are also the only grands on dh's side. Thank you for sharing pics of your dd, she looks very focused, so happy that she did it!:cheer:clap

Colleen-how are you today?

Stacy-did your evening go well?

Mary, Scooby, Sarah, Shannon, Beth, LeaAnne, and all my other friends, hope you have a :c9 Sunday!

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:waving, Friends, and Happy family day!


The Relay was wonderful and emotional. The silent walk and lighting of the luminary bags was truly touching. I can't even really describe it.


I hope you all are having a great day, and that you know how very much you are thought of.... my life is truly blessed because each of you are in it.


God Bless, and I'll see you soon.

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