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Joanne-what a fun, action packed weekend! So glad that dd found her bag and all it's contents, that would have been scary and very stressful for her. Hope you have a safe trip home.

Vicki-gosh, hope you are not catching a cold and that you feel better this afternoon, mornings and evenings seem to be the worst for our family. Can't wait to see your pics.

Colleen-are you still working on your granny ghan?

LeaAnne-so glad that you were able to take a break and relax, too bad weekends do not last longer. :lol What :hookprojects are you working on?

Beth-did you get all unpacked? How's your dad doing?

Mary, Scooby, Sarah, Shannon, and Stacy hope your week starts off to a great start!

headed off to work....ugghhh.:blush..started a baby ghan yesterday, will tell you all about it this evening.

hugs and have a Wonderful Monday!:hug:manyheart

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LeeAnn - I hope work went well for you today :xfin


Joanne - Safe travels, friend! I hope I will see you on your next trip to Beantown!


Shannon - Praying for a good visit for Janna... this is for the new neurologist in Arkansas, right?


Vicki - Happy Monday, friend!


Colleen - what's goin on in yor neck of the woods today?!


Stacy, Mary, Scooby, Beth, Sarah - Hoping all is well with you!


...nothin' much goin on here:c9 my last load of laundry is in the dryer! :faint:faint... I had forgotten that my laundry room had a floor!:blush:lol:lol Now I will go and put my feet up for a few before it's chicken picking up time.... then I need to find a good project for the field tonight. It's so chilly, I am thinking flannelghan!:yes ...I do still have a few of those to make:wink


Love you all, and I'll see you later!


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:hi everybody!


LeaAnn, congrats on your 100%. I'm glad your speech is ready. It sounds like your weekend excursion was a lot of fun for everyone.


LeaAnne, I'll bet it was nice to have a weekend break from the softball, even though I know you enjoy the game. It's nice to be all caught up on laundry. I'm so glad my kids keep that done here.


Joanne, your trip sounds like it was fun and very exciting. So glad your dd's purse wasn't left on the bus.


Vicki, feel better soon!!!


Shannon, Colleen, Mary, Stacy, Scooby, Sarah,:hug:hug:hug:hugHappy Monday!:think:think:think:think

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:hi everyone.


Beth - Belated sympathies over the passing of your bunny. :hug:hug:hug It's always hard to lose a pet.


Joanne - It sounds like your weekend was perfection! I am so glad your DD found her bag :whew


LeaAnne - When I first read your post I thought "chicken picking" had something to do with cooking supper :rofl Now I get it ;) Have a great evening friend! What colour of flannelghan are you starting now?


LeeAnn - Congrats on your 100%. Way to go out with style! And WTG getting your speech written. You are one organized lady :yes Your trip to NM sounds fun! My granny ghan is kinda on hold. I have a short attention span when it comes to crochet projects, but I hope to carry on with it someday soon.


Vicki - Hooray for getting to crochet. I hope you feel better :hug


:hi Shannon, Mary, Stacy, Scooby, Sarah and all our friends! Have a great day!


I posted a pic of my baby sweater in the Christmas Carol CAL. Here's the link: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showpost.php?p=2054048&postcount=852


It has stayed fairly cool here. The weekend's weather was nasty cold. I have stuck around home today. I did 3 loads of laundry, baked muffins, and volunteered at the school. It is pretty rare for me to actually stay home and not run all over town, so I'm proud of myself. Something I need to do more often.


Have a great day everyone!

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I'm home and missing my girls already! We had such an awesome time and I feel so lucky and blessed to have three terrific, awesome daughters!!!!


Colleen- that sweater set is gorgeous!!!!


Beth- I saw your Steelers pillow on the Christmas Carol CAL- I love it!!! Can you make me one for the NY Giants?:lol:lol


Vicki- Hope that your throat and ears are feeling better- do you think it's allergies?


LeaAnne- Yes, it was rather on the chilly side today up in Beantown- even in NJ it is about 50 but cool air- and that was around 2 when we went to lunch. A flannel'ghan sounds like the perfect thing to work on to keep you warm on the field tonight!!


We arrived by DD's school and decided to go to this neat cafe- VanGogh's Ear it is called- nice comfy chairs, tables, a kind of homey place. We then dropped DD off at school-I told her to hold on to the bag with her project as if her life depended on it.:lol:lol I then dropped youngest DD home. I am unpacked, a load of laundry is on and surprise of surprises- DH cleaned off the desk in the office and the overload that was on a spare chair!!! Will wonders ever cease????


LeeAnn- Hope you had a decent day at work today!!


Stacy- How are you and how is DH doing? Hope you had a terrific Mom's Day!


Everyone- thinking about you- and glad to be home- but I could easily have spent another week with my girls!:manyheart

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Joanne - We have a bar/lounge here in town called Van Gogh's Ear. Small world.


Beth - I knew your birthday was coming up so I just checked the dates. We have a national holiday that falls on the 24th this year, so you should come to Canada for your birthday ;):lol


Thanks for the comments on the sweater. Goodnight ladies, I'm off to dreamland. :sleep

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HI all!

Just now getting a chance to check in...been a long tiring day.

Joanne-glad you are home, I am sure your gals miss you too.

Vicki-do you feel better?

Colleen-muffins sound yummy, tomorrow I have to work 8-12, I am going to make a loaf of bananna bread, this time I am adding nuts..:c9

LeaAnne-what colors are you using for your flannelghan? ds wants one, going to make it black and white, have to buy the yarn..yeah! Love buying yarn!

Beth-how was your day?

well friends, didn't get time to crochet today, and am drained, today felt like a looong forever day. I did get another new kiddo, :lolthey forgot to tell me that he was starting and didn't give me any paperwork on him, he was sick and had to call all over town trying to find his mama....grrr....tomorrow I am talking to the directors, wish me luck, I may just quit...:devil


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A Quick Good morning to all- have a great day- Boy is it hard to get back into the routine of getting up and ready for work!!!


Hope it's a good day!


It is a small world, Colleen- thats too funny about another Van Goghs Ear!!


LeeAnn- good luck today----with whatever you decide.


Beth- Yea I guess your DH being a Redskins fan wouldn't appreciate you making ANYTHING having to do with the Giants! LOL


Cya later!:hug

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Happy Tuesday. I hope everyone has a reat day!

Joanne - I don't think this is allergies. It doesn't feel like that, you know what I mean? I feel better today, but still not the best. We'll see how I feel at the end of the day. Not much else I can do. I don't feel good, but not bad enough to stay home. It's one of those things.

LeeAnn - I hate when the kids are sick and we can't get in touch with their mom. And the poor kid just wants to go home! Let us know what the director says. Have you heard from the Migrant school?

Beth - How are you after your visit with your family? Hope you are feeling well and things are getting back in to a routine. Have you heard from your parents since you got back? How is your dad feeling?

Colleen - I need to look at the baby sweater link you posted. I always make the same one. It was the first one I ever learned to make. I feel like my angel is sitting on my shoulder when I make it. Maybe that is why I do that one!

Shannon - Hope al is well on your trip!

Mary - your hooks must be flying getting ready for the show! Hope you are well!

Hope everyone has a great day and I will check in later!


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Hi girls! Just sneaking on real quick. I'm supposed to be in the shower. DH and DD are fishing one last time before we leave.


DD has a 6 month checkup at the neurologist tomorrow. Wish us luck. I have to keep her up til 11 and wake her up at 2 so that she'll sleep for the EEG at 8. Then her actual appt. is at 2 pm. It's going to be a crazy night/day for us.


Love you guys, and I'll be home tomorrow night. See you then!:manyheart

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:hi everyone!


Today is all about DD. So far she is still in her PJs, has watched some cartoons, we've played Operation and Monopoly. We're having chicken nuggets for lunch and later this afternoon we are going public swimming. She's happy and hopefull will be recharged after today. It's been a while since we've had a day like this. I've got to get groceries at some point. Maybe after swimming we'll go and get the basics and I can pick up everything else tomorrow while she's at school.


Shannon - Good luck with the appt tomorrow and with getting Janna to sleep :hug:manyheart Hugs and love coming your way!


LeeAnn - Good luck with the director. :hug


Have a great day everyone!

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hiya friends!

Just getting ready to go pick up my kiddos from school and thought I would hop on.


Had a fairly good day, did get a chance to talk to the director, not much support, but I tried. :lol


How is everyone?


Joanne-did you finish your baby ghan?


Colleen-Good job on your baby sweater! I love it! It looks so soft and cuddly.


Shannon-:hugI hope and pray that all works out for you and Jana, I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Let us know how everyone is doing.


Beth-did you get any rest in?


Vicki-feeling better?


Mary, Scooby, Sarah and LeaAnne hope all is well, hopefully I can get on here some time this evening, want to make that bananna bread when I get home.:hug

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Hi all!



Leeann, WTG on getting your speech finished and 100% on the exam! That is awesome. :h5 Sorry to hear about your new kiddo. Good luck talking with the director. It sounds very unorganized over there.


Leanne, did you work on the flannelghan? What colors are you making? That reminds me- I need to get cracking on Joanne's! :rofl I'm happy to see you made it to the games and performance. Sounds like your girls have made good friend choices. It's a reflection of how they are raised, ya know. :wink


Joanne, glad you had a great time with your girls! And that your dd got her bag back. :whew That's too funny about Van Gogh's Ear. The college campuses out here have cafes called Freudian Sip. Hey- did you see the news about Starbucks frapps? They're half-off from 3-5 pm until the 16th. Not sure if you like them, but thought I would pass it along. :D I had one the other day and their new formula just isn't as good as the old one. But it's half-priced so I can't complain. :lol


Shannon, good luck at the neuro tomorrow! :hug:hug:hug Lots of hugs to you. I'm sure you will all be ready for long naps once it's over!


Colleen, sounds like you and dd had a nice recharge-day. :yes I saw your sweater- it's so cute! :manyheart


Vicki, :hug:hug to you. Hope you are feeling better. Seems everyone is coming down with the general "crud" lately. I think it's the crazy weather changes. Can't wait to see pics of your 'ghans.


Scooby-doo, how's it going? Hope you are well. :hug:hug


Beth, how are you? I'm sorry to hear about your bunny. :hug:hug How is your dad? I hope he is making good progress with the therapy.


Mary, hope all is well in God's country. :hug:hug


Sarah, I hope all is well your way, too. :hug:hug


Sorry I haven't been around much. I feel like I'm buried under a pile of to-do's, and it just keeps growing. Almost no time for the computer lately. Mia had an accident at school just as soon as I got home, so I had to go back with a change of clothes. She ended up coming home with me. The teacher said she had a fit in class because someone picked her and she didn't want to be their partner. :( The teacher was so surprised- we just had a conference last week and she said Mia never has a problem with the kids in class. She gets along with them all. I'm at my wits' end with these fits of hers.

As for Roomie's dd- she is supposed to stay at the after-school program 2 days a week. She decided on her own one day to walk home, because it was "too cold and she hated it." Jorge felt bad and said she could stay with us that day. Well, now when she's supposed to stay after school, and I go to pick up Isabella, Roomie's dd gets all teary-eyed and asks if she can come home with me. Sometimes I don't mind, because I don't have anything to do after I pick her up, but if she's going to be rude and disrespectful, then forget it. Why should I watch her if she's going to be like that?


Well, I've :blah enough- dh is home and it's time to get dinner finished. Hugs and love to everyone! :hug:hug:hug

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:hugHiya Stacy, I was happy to see that you were able to hop on the computer if even for just a minute.

It is difficult when our kiddos throw tantrums, my ds is almost 13 and sometimes he can be moody, grouchy and just plain unpleasant to be around. I have to remind myself that it is difficult growing up and to cut him some slack.:lol

hope you have a good evening!

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Hi everyone


Had a good day at work and my co-workers surprised me with a Starbuck's gift card and a lovely card for Nurse's Week! Ah, they sure know how I love my Starbuck's! And Stacy- yes, I had the 1/2 price frap while in Boston- I like the old style better- but like you said, the price is right!!!


Colleen- Sounds like you and DD had a lovely day


Shannon- I'll be thinking of you and Janna - good luck with the hard night tonight and good luck with the appt and EEG tomorrow!!!


LeeAnn- Mmmm- banana bread! Love it!! And yes, I finished the baby blanket- it was a very simple v-stitch- I took a pic at DD's house- it is not the best but I'll post it anyway!


Vicki- Have fun bowling- and hope you are feeling a little better! Glad the Yanks got rained out- I think I needed a break from Vasquez drama!!!


Thinking of everyone else- I'm watching the Biggest Loser and then Parenthood and contemplating what my next project will be!!


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Joannne! you are super fast! I love it! Seems like it only took you a few days to complete. wow! I'm still plugging away on the hexagons, I'm cranking them out a little faster, hopefully I will finish it this month.

back to :hook hugs to all!

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Wow! Joanne you are fast! The baby blanket looks great! I love blue :manyheart


Stacy - Great to "see" you. I hope you can find some time away from the to-do list. Hugs about Mia. I know it's hard to see them go through that as a Mom. :hug We're here for you. My DD has been having fits too, if it helps. It's a 4-5 year old thing :shrug


LeeAnn - Sorry to hear that the director was less than receptive. Probably the root of the problem.


Joanne - Your coworkers bought you a starbucks card? What, do they know you or something? :rofl


Today was FANTASTIC! DD was just thrilled to go swimming. We swam for an hour. She was happy and cooperative all day. Not one fit over brushing her hair or getting dressed. It was just what we needed. I'm going to try to do this every Tuesday. :xfin We had sandwiches and soup for supper. I crocheted this evening while watching TV. :c9 I got one more square attached on my granny ghan. I'll take a pic of my progress for you guys soon because this could take years. :lol I also started my second pineapple square from the book Shannon sent me :manyheart It will be my May project for the Christmas Carol CAL.


I'm off to :sleep Goodnight!

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Good morning! It's Hump Day already!


Colleen- Your day with DD sounds like it was just what you both needed!! And every Tuesday sounds like a great idea!!! Can't wait to see your granny ghan progress and the pineapple square!


The blankie worked up fast because i was using Baby's First Yarn which is a bulky and used a K hook- plus it was a simple stitch!


I spent last night enjoying sitting watching tv- flipping through some patterns- and trying to decide what i want to work on next.


Time to get ready- Hope everyone has a Wonderful Wednesday!!!

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Good morning besties!

I had a great night bowling! I always do well when I don't feel well. Don't ask me why, but when I don't feel well or I have a rip roaring migraine, that is when I seem to be on my best game. I bowled a 172 (shocker!), 133, and a 128. I took all of my points last night. First time in a long time I did that! I was a little disappointed with the last two games because I was rolling the ball realy well. I was getting a lot of 9s and just wasn't converting any spares, especially in that last game! Oh well. It happens and I took my points.

Joanne - I am feeling better today! Just tired, but that could be from getting home late after bowling. We'll see how I feel through the day I guess.

Stacy - Hope Mia has a great day at school today and roomie's dd stays at school after! How are your other girls doing? All well with them also?

Colleen - YAY for a tantrum free day! Hope you have another great day today!

LeeAnn - How was your new kiddie yesterday? Hopefully all went well and no major prblems. The director did not sound very receptive. What did you say?

Shannon - Hope all goes well today with the doctor today!

We have tkd tonight. Then tomorrow night I have a department chair meeting, so the baby sitter will be coming to watch DD for a little bit while I am there.

I need to get moving. I have a teacher complaining about something!


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hi, friends!


it's been "no news" around here... :hohum


I never started my flannelghan. I couldn't make up my mind which colors I wanted. :shrug so many flannelghans, so little time!:lol

I am home all day today, so I am getting ready to go through some stash. All I have left to do for "gotta do" chores today is to finish my laundry (never ending!), and run my vac. That's it, and that's all:yes

Mama needs some "Me" time!


LeeAnn - sorry about your director. I agree with the girls, sounds like you found the root of the problem. I am hoping that today goes better for you! :hug


Shannon - You and Janna are tops on my mind and in my prayers today... I hope the EEG goes well :xfin:hug:hug:hug


Stacy - :hug:hughow are you doing, hun? It sure was great to hear from you, and I hope that everyone is doing ok today... You have a lot on your plate these days. I hope you get a break soon.


Vicki - :nworthy! Way to "knock 'em down and spin 'em around", girl! those are some might impressive bowling scores! I hope that the complaining teacher didn't spoil your day:hug:hug Have fun at TQD tonight, friend!


Joanne - Can you believe it's Hump Day already??? Where do these days go? :think:lol Congrats on the baby 'ghan! It's lovely! :dreaming I can't wait to hear what you will be working on next;):hug


Colleen - I am sooo happy for you and DD and your Tuesday you got to enjoy! So nice:manyheart I hope today is equally delightful for you, friend! Hugs to you all! ...hey, has DH started golfing yet this season? I know my boys are just itchin' to play again... it's been a few weeks, due to all of the ballgames. I always find that I tend to get my best stitchin' done when my DH is off golfing... it's guilt free:devil


Beth - How is your dad? How are you? How are your inventions? When does homeschool end for the summer? How are your mosaic and neice-y 'ghans all coming along? How is DH? He leaves in 3 weeks? :hug:hug:hug:hug


:waving:hi, and :hug:hug to you, Mary, Scooby, and Sarah.... I hope you are all well :worried. Please know I am thinking of you all!


well, I guess my "break" is over, and I better get that vac run and my laundry folded :yuck...


Love you all!

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:hi friends!


Shannon, I am thinking and praying for you and Janna today! Good luck with the EEG- I hope she sleeps for it. :hug


Joanne, your baby blanket is beautiful! :manyheart Great work.


Colleen, sounds like you and dd had a wonderful day yesterday! :clap for no fits! As for it being a 4-5 y/o thing- I think that is true. It's just that Isabella honestly never went through anything like this- she has always been very calm. :yes Mia has been difficult since the beginning. :blush She is also very headstrong, so if she doesn't want to do something- she's not going to do it. No way to persuade her. I haven't found an effective way to deal with it yet.


Leanne, enjoy your "me" day! It sounds :c9. What colors are the flannelghans that need to be made? I, too, just have to run the vacuum and fold the laundry. I'm thinking the laundry can be left until dh goes to class tonight. :devil I also need to go through the girls' clothing. Yesterday I was talking to Mia's teacher and she mentioned that she no longer has a stash of extra clothing for "accidents." I told her that we have so much extra that I will bring some to her. I am also giving her our old monkey Halloween costume, for their Heritage day program, so I better dig that out.


I took a peek at the ads from the Sunday paper, and Joann's has Pound of Love on sale for $4.99! I need to make a a flannelghan for dh's cousin, but I don't think Pound of Love comes in the colors I need. I wonder who else I could make one for? :think Can't pass up that deal! :rofl

Last night was quiet, which was very nice. Dh had a movie to watch for school, and I actually worked on something other than a hat! :cheer I made some snowflakes for my snowflake 'ghan.


Well I better scoot and run that vacuum. BBL! :hug:hug:hug

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Hi everyone!


Thank you all for the prayers and hugs! :manyheart I needed them! DD's EEG went pretty well. We're all exhausted and ready to go home, but she has her appointment at 2.


I love you all and hope you're having a terrific day!! Loves!:hug

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Hi Ladies

I sure have missed you guys. I have been really busy helping out a friend and working around the house. Iam suppose to be working on the laundry room right now but I thought I would take a break.

We got DH's test results back yesterday, the doctor phoned us with them. We got some good news and some bad news.

I think about you guys every day and I hold you all in my prayers every night.

Lots of Love


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YAY!!! Hump day is over! YAY for the end of hunp day! The good thing about today was that I got whole bunch of professional development hours planned for the summer. Some f them will count for October 11 (Columbus Day!) and others will count for hours that I will need to just get now. I used to get tons of hours as a department chair but now I won't be able to do that so I actually have to go to classes and take hours! A bunch of us are going to do these classes together so it won't be too bad. And the class for October 11 is an online class so we are all going to come up to school and do it together. DD can come with me and play on the computers or I will bring the DVD player and she can watch a movie while we do the hours.

Today at times was trying. I am glad it is over. I reall need my yarn today. At least it is a tkd night so I can hook away!

Good to hear from Mary and Shannon! Hope all continues to be well with you all!

Talk to you all later!

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