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Some good clean fun?!

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Well I went to drop off the $$ (sorry, Joanne, it was the amount we had to pay after insurance) and the woman acted like she didn't even know who I was!! Then as I was about to pay, she said, "Oh, well let me just call the insurance company and make sure everything is covered." :think I sat there for a few minutes as she was on hold, then I said, "Wait- I thought we took care of this at the first meeting." She said, "oh yes, I have a confirmation number and everything." I told her, I haven't eaten all day and I'd like to go home and have dinner- can I please just pay? I don't think she liked that too much but she told me half her life story and then acted like I was the one who made the appointment to see her. :angry

Anyway, after dinner dh wanted to take the girls to the store, and I figured we might as well, since after her teeth are fixed, we are cutting out all sugar possible. :yes


Leeann, how exciting (and nerve-wracking, I"m sure!) to give a speech at graduation. And a 4.0- WTG!!! :h5


Okie dokie, I'm going to check back in a few.

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Tuesday at 10. I'm so glad thankful for everyone that helped us get through to the insurance company (I'm told that the anesthesiologist made a big deal to them) but I am SO nervous about her being under anesthesia!

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Thank you so much! :hug:hug:hug I know she will be okay. And she's going to feel so much better- she complains daily that her teeth hurt right now.

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I'm going, too- so sorry I missed everyone! I am tired, though, and thinking of going to bed early. Good night, besties! :hug

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Good morning and HAPPY SATURDAY!!!!


I'm planning on getting cleaning done nice and early - so I have coffee in hand, laundry is on and now I plan to get my badorkus in gear and get the cleaning out of the way!!


Hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Happy 1 year anniversary to our CAL!!!!



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:birthday dear CAL, :birthday dear CAL, :birthday dear Good Clean Fun, :bday


I spent most of this week moping, (that is the best word for it) and today is hitting me like a ton of bricks. I need to get so many things done for the performance this evening, but most of the morning will be spent at the auditorium for rehearsal. At least I have lunch taken care of -- we will have ribs, and my dh will just need to remember to toss them in the oven at 9:30 so they'll be done by noon.


Have a good day, Besties. I need to skeedaddle!

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Hi, all, and :bday to you CAL!


It's 1 year ago today that we started this reward system, and it's just so wonderful that we are all here!


I just feel so very blessed that one of my greatest rewards for doing my cleaning job is that I have such terrific friends to share it all (and so much more) with!



May you all have your bestiest day! I will check in tonight sometime.... the kids are volunteering to show the 6-7 y/o softball clinic girls how to run to first and how to slide. Pete has his first "game" at noon, Jamie plays at 3, and Krissy at 5. We will be gone until around 8 tonight, but the weather couldn't be better :c9 ... the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it's going to be about 74 degrees here today.


Enjoy your day, friends! :hug:hug:hug:hug

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Have fun at the games LeaAnne- it's going to be about 90 degrees here today- but the sun is shining and it is BEAUTIFUL out there! Got 2 loads of laundry going- well 1 is done 2nd in the dryer. 2 Bathrooms and the kitchen are clean!!! Need to run a few errands, then planning to crochet a spell while the Yankees are on at 1- and then heading to the festival later on.


Beth- Please tell Amanda to "break a leg" today!!! I'm sure she'll be awesome- and enjoy those ribs!!!

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LeaAnne - Have fun at the games today! You do have wonderful weather for them!

Joanne - You have a lot done already this morning! Have a great day and enjoy the festival!

LeeAnn - WOO HOO!! Congratulations on being selected to give the opening speech at graduation! That is awesome! Give us the details when you get them!

Beth - I hope DD does well at her performance today! Have fun watching what you can and selling tickets!

I have my grocery list done and I am going to take a shower and get that chore done today. The dish washer is emptied and dirty dishes are put in there. I have two loads of towels that need to be folded and I have towels and sheets that need to be thrown in the washer. I still have to decide what to make for dinner. Reservations may be nice!

It is cloudy out right now. They are predicting thunder boomers later on in the day.

I need to get going. Have a great day all and Happy Birthday to out CAL! It has been a great year! Just think of all the wonderful friends we have made through cleaning!

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:birthday to our CAL! This past year has been so rewarding, spending it with new and wonderful friends. As a gift to celebrate, I have for each of you a :flower and a big :ghug. Love you!


I don't have much time. Work went great yesterday. They hired someone and that is my last scheduled day until July. DH and I went out for dinner and then to the 40th (might as well make use of having DD at Grandma and Grandpa's). It was a fun party and great to be with our friends. We helped clean up and didn't get home until 1:00. Then we had to get up and go get DD at 8:00 so she could get back to town for woodworking at 9:00. Now we are getting ready to go to my cousin's for a family get together and dinner. I suspect it will be an early night for us all tonight.


LeeAnn - Congrats on the invitation to give a speech at graduation and your 4.0! :clap:clap:clap I am so proud of you! To accomplish that, work and be a mom and wife all at the same time! Amazing!


LeaAnne - Enjoy the ball games and family time :manyheart


Stacy - Glad you got the insurance business sorted out and good luck to Mia on Tuesday. It will be just fine. :hug


Joanne - You must be done your 1/2 day by now. I hope you are enjoying the nice weather. We had that hot summery weather yesterday. Today we are having thunderstorms and rain, but it's still warm.


Beth - I hope the dance recital goes off well and that Amanda has fun.


Vicki, Shannon, Mary & Scooby - :hug


I might check in tonight (if I'm still awake :lol) to see if anyone is here for chat! See you later alligators!

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:yay:birthday to us!!!!!!!!Sorry I haven't been around much. Seems like all I do is work, come home to do chores, do my FB stuff and go to bed. I haven't :crocheting anything in weeks :(. I have lost my ambition. Things are going well here and the job is working out great. Today I am cleaning a little but not much, mainly just catching up on the laundry. I swept and mopped, cleaned the bathroom, dusted the living room this week on various days after work. I still need to clean my room and it is a disaster :lol. I hope you all are doing great.:blush I need to come over and spend a couple of hours reading and catching up with everyone. Take care and hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. Lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all :).
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Good evening all!


Glad that I am able to be part of your group! Thank you all for the friendship.


I am catching up on housework and laundry, actually just finished all the cleaning part just working on laundry, going to try to sew the panels together for the flannelghan, hope everyone is having a great Saturday!


Be back later!


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Had a great day- DD called this morning while I was running my errands and I went to pick her up- we did a little shopping together and then came back to my house for lunch. I brought her over to the festival at 2 and I just got home! DH is at the movies with his grandson and stepdaughter and step grandaughter are still at the festival. She is having so much fun painting! They should be back here shortly!


Colleen- Yay for no work until July- are you covering for someone's vacation? Glad you and DH got to go out to dinner and had a good time at the 40th- hope your family time today was good.


Vicki- The yankees lost- I didn't see too much of the game- probably a good thing. Can you tell me why they brought Vasquez back? Hope other than that, you had a good day!


Scooby- Sorry to hear you've lost your ambition for crocheting- hopefully you'll get your mo-jo back- I am happy that the job is working out well for you!!


LeeAnn- Can't wait to see your flannelghan!!!


I'll check back in later to see if anyone is around.

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:hi everyone! Happy Saturday night. We are home and in our PJs. We are exhausted after the past couple days and have big plans to do NOTHING tomorrow!


Joanne - It sounds like you had a fun day at the fair.


I'll try to stick around for a bit in case anyone stops by.

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