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Hi friends, so nice to be able to hop on here and read what ya all are up to!

I am taking a break from reading, just have the art quizz, my professor emailed me and said that if I take the quizz soon, I will be the first one done. wowza! I'm such a nerd, did I ever tell ya all that? I really am!


Joanne, you are right the Migrant doesn't start until June, I know I can hang in there, just have to do it! It will keep me crocheting that's for sure! lol I finished another panel on the flannelghan last night, I think I am up to five, but want to make one more, so will work on that this evening as I am watching the tube, my brain is fried.


talk to you all soon!

huggers dear friends!

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Hi, friends -


I hope everyone sleeps well, and that tomorrow brings each of you peace, happiness and some quality time with your favorite WIP!


:hug:hug to all!


LeeAnn - It sounds like you have a great plan in place to get through to the better job. :tup. This current outfit seems to be very disorganized and stressful.


Colleen - I hope that you got to spend some time, just for you! It's really hard keeping up everything to SAHM standards when you, too, are working. Don't get too stressed, ok? ...promise?


Vicki - cranky DH, huh? well, you should remind him that you Are part of a secret underground society! :lol ...all kidding aside, I hope the next 3 days go well for you, and that things settle down.


Beth, Shannon and Sarah - You continue to top my "prayers for" list. I hope that things are going ok... :hug:hug


Joanne - I probably shouldn't tell you that the weatherman tonight mentioned a chance of Sn--! I just can't say it... anyway, :yes it's cold here, too... and damp! :yuck


Stacy - How are you doing, friend? I hope that everyone is behaving out there, and that things are settling down for you.


Mary - :waving... black fly season begins right on schedule, I see:lol It sure is nice to have you back indoors where we can see ya! Is DH ok? you mentioned a couple of days worth of tests:worried


:hi, Scoob! Nice to see you post over here! Boy, life keeps flying for you! I hope you get a chance to rest now and again... You sound happy. Your post made me :).


We had no game tonight. It got rained out. It gave my chickens a chance to regroup, which was a good thing, since we have a couple of projects due on Friday that I couldn't imagine finding time to get done:blush.

Now we are back on track, and ready to go :cheer our heads off! :lol Tomorrow night is Pete's 1st practice for AA clinic, and Lindsey has a game at another field. My first order of business is to make sure my yarn bag is ready to roll.... :crocheting helps to "keep me in line" and quiet on the sidelines:lol


I guess I will go off to bed...

Hugs and bestie wishes to you!


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Good morning and Happy Hump Day-


Running a tad late here- stayed up last night to watch Parenthood instead of doing the sensible thing and DVR'ing it!!!


Make it a good day everyone- Hugs and prayers for all of you!



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Vicki, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug I hope you get some good yarn therapy, if you don't get to throw 14 pound balls at defenseless pins. Sped is demanding on the teachers, but truly rewarding. You are an :angel


Just stopping by for a quick "Good morning" to my besties. I hope you have a good day. I should hear test results this morning, I hope! dad seems to be stronger, according to my SIL.

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Yes, there was bowling last night, but that didn't help me feel any better. I rolled a 129, a 138, and I don't even remember what I did in the last game. The ball was rolling well once it stopped sticking to my thumb, but it wasn't knocking the pins down the way I wanted it to. No satisfaction in it all!

The good news is I have my yarn with me today and maybe after testing I will be able to work on it a little. We will see. It depends on what period we have to go back to after testing. I have the baseball ghan with me. It is still small enough to bring!

LeaAnne - Glad you were able to get a chance to regroup with the chickens and get some stuff done! Waht will be in your yarn bag? Have fun at practice and the game!

Joanne - Have a good day at work!

Beth - Let us know what the results of the tests are! Hopefully they will be nothing to go along with your nothing procedure! And thank your for your encouraging words. They help me keep going!

Stacy - How are the terrors being? What about your lovlies? Are they well? Hope all is wonderful out west!

Mary - Have a great day inside while the black flies are out!

We have tkd tonight. I will see our friend tonight who was hurt over the weekend. The last time I spoke to her on Monday she sounded great and was feeling much better. We'll see how she is today.

Talk to you all later and have a great day!

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Good Morning!

How is everyone today? It's Wednesday!:cheer:clap:cheersoo happy for that! This weekend is dd's communion, she is super duper excited and we picked up her new glasses yesterday, talk about adorable! I'm glad, when I was little, I was always so self concious in my glasses, glad that she is able to wear them and feel great.:lol

Joanne-have a Wonderful Wed!!!! I bet you are almost finished with the purple ghan?

Colleen-hope you gets a few minutes of :hook in.

Vicki-it's almost the end of the week, hang in there:hug

Beth-keeping my fingers crossed for good news.:hug

LeaAnne-glad that you were able to get things done last night, evenings fly by! I can't believe how fast the time goes, feels like I will never catch up.

Mary, Scooby, Shannon, Sarah and Stacy hope ya all are geting :hook time in and a little bit of R & R. :hug

back to studying, have to go in at 8:30-6:00, so thought I would use my time to read...:(

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Hi all!


My first order of business is :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug all around! It seems our group is in need of them right now.


Vicki, sorry to hear that testing is so stressful. And that bowling didn't help. I hope you get to work on your 'ghan for a little while- surely :crocheting therapy works! :yes As for Mia- I just don't know how to explain it. She seems to not understand when I give her directions, even when I stand right in front of her, at her level. Even if they're repeated 3 or 4 (or sometimes 5, or 6 :thair) times, she can only repeat back to me, about 2 words of what I tell her. Her hearing has been tested 3 times at the school and her teacher is 100% sure that is just not it. Last week was very trying with her, and I was almost in tears one day before school. Her teacher pulled me aside and said she rarely has problems in class but there are so many things going on at once that maybe it keeps her occupied. But at home, it takes longer to accomplish things (like cleaning her room, etc), so she loses focus and can't concentrate, etc...that when I do try and get her to concentrate, her brain can't stand still long enough to comprehend what I'm trying to tell her. :think Like her brain is working too fast and can't comprehend what she is being told, unless it's at a certain pace. I could go on and on. Last week was rough.


Beth, :xfin that you hear some good news today. :hug:hug How nice of your dh to let you have a night of quiet. :manyheart Did you :crocheting?


Leeann- good luck with your job. It does sound very disorganized. I will keep my :xfin that the interview goes well on Tuesday.


Leanne, sounds like are one busy momma! What is in your to-go crochet bag?


Colleen, I think that you get plenty accomplished- and you work on top of it! :nworthy to you! And your dh- well, let's just say he sounds a bit like mine with the comments. :angry Men.


Shannon- hey girl! How's it going? How is Miss Janna? Did dh go back to work?


Mary, good luck with dh's test results. I will :xfin that all comes back alright. :hug


Joanne, half a Saturday isn't bad! At least it's not 12 days. :yes


Scooby, how's it going? Glad to hear you had some company. I'm sure it was nice to have a friendly face around, after all you've been through. :yes How's work? Are you still doing long hours?


Sarah, how are you? How is Keith? I hope all is well- you haven't posted in a while!


Well, I figured out what my problem is- Stupid George showed up last night. I hate him. :rant But it explains the funk and crabbiness. I actually started a small project last night and was able to work on it for more than 10 minutes. :yay We watched Jaws last night. Dh and I had never seen it. Isabella begged us to watch (she LOVES sharks.) We warned her that it would be scary, but she still wanted to. Her eyes were glued to the screen the entire time. When it was bedtime, she started get a bit scared, but I reminded her that the shark was actually just the fake one we had seen on the tram ride at Universal (that is so cool. LoL) Then she was fine.

Oh, guess what?!!! I bought dh's birthday gift yesterday. It is tickets to see John Williams conduct the L.A. Philharmonic. :yay They play some of his most famous scores. Dh has mentioned it a few times, but we always forget to see when it is- this year it is on the weekend before my birthday. How fun!


Well it's almost time to wake up the kiddos. Have a great Hump Day! :hug:hug:hug

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Good morning!


I am happy to say I have a day off work. DD is at school. I have to volunteer for 1/2 hour this afternoon, but that's okay. I went and got my blood test done that the Dr. request when I went for my physical in February :blush Oh well, it's finally done. I didn't want to take DD to the lab if I didn't have to, so it had to wait until I had a morning to myself. Now I'm all breakfasted up and have some time to myself. I need to tidy/clean the playroom and I should get some laundry going. Maybe I will get some tunes going and enjoy :D


Beth - :hug Continuing to pray for your dad. I hope the tests come back with some more information.


Vicki - :hug I hope today is a much better day for you! Smile, you've got great besties :)


LeaAnne - I heard about that sn-- word for New England and I sure hope it misses you guy! Enjoy sitting on the sidelines. Don't worry, I won't over-do it. You neither, okay?


Stacy - :hug I hope you can get Mia assessed. At least then you can get some more information and maybe some techniques you can use at home. It is so common these days for kids to have some sort of learning/comprehension issue, they have great strategies for dealing with them. How is Jorge feeling? Nice birthday gift!


Joanne - I hope you have a great day at work. I stayed up to watch Parenthood. I enjoy it very much.


Mary - How are you surviving the beginning of black fly season? It doesn't seem warm enough for black flies these last couple days. I hope all is well with your DH.


Shannon - :hug Thinking about you.


Scooby - Thanks so much for stopping by!


LeeAnn - I hope you enjoy the kids today. Everything else aside, that's what it's all about, so enjoy the kids. I bet your DD looks cute in her glasses and what an exciting weekend you have coming up!

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Stacy - It is interesting that you say Mia loses focus and can't concentrate at home. Yet according to the teacher she is able to do this at school. My suggestion is to start at the doctor. Yes, the doctor. Explain to him or her what is going on at home and how it is different from what is going on at school. Explain that she seems to have a hard time following through with tasks such as cleaning her room, etc. Does she complete tasks at school? Is she able to follow teacher directions there? If someone other than you gives her a direction is she able to follow through with it? For example if Isabella tells her to do something (such as put the toys away) does she do it? See what you observe in this for the next few days. But I would start with a trip to the doctor. Especially if she is able to follow through in one setting, such as school, but not in another, such as home.

Beth - Testing today was okay. I did the 6th graders today. It was a trying group because there was one boy in there who just CAN'T sit still and after his test just did not want to sit. It is hard for him, but we can't do anything but read and he didn't want to do that. Then all he wanted was lunch. I can't just let you go. He had issues, but he calmed down. He didn't have a choice.

Colleen - YAY for besties! I don't know what I would do without my besties!

I did get to crochet a little bit today at the end of the day. The kids were watching a movie so I got to stitch a little. I justified it this way. I brought Mulan in and we are studying China. They do go together!

TKD tonight! Talk to you all later!

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Hi everyone!!!


Beth- hope you got some news on the test results for your Dad today!


Stacy- It does sound like you've had a rough couple of weeks and then George comes to visit on top of it all!:hug:hug:hug:hug How is Jorge doing?


Vicki- Sorry about the bowling, but I think :crocheting therapy will help! Hope the girl is ok and that she is not doing TKD tonight! (Unless of course her MD has cleared her to) You're almost done with the testing!!! Only 2 more days!!!

And what about the Mets? They won again today- Your DH must absolutely be on :c9 and you need to get that Mets ghan finished for him!!:lol


LeeAnn- hope you had a good day today- you posted at 9:30 but said you had to work 8:30 -6- I was confused- :think But anyway- hoping for a beautiful day on Saturday for your DD's first communion! My co-worker friend's son is making his first communion Saturday- and her DH just broke his ankle last Saturday helping out his son's soccer team


Colleen- I enjoy Parenthood too- that's way I stayed up late to watch it. Hope your lab test come back fine and that you enjoyed some "me" time today- you get alot done!!!!


Sarah- Hope all is well- I'm with Stacy- you haven't posted in a while- think about you and sending warm thoughts


Mary- Hope you are having a heavenly:crocheting day!


LeaAnne- Windy here- how bout by you- this seems more like football weather than softball weather!! By the weekend we are supposed to be in the 80's!


Shannon- Thinking of you and hoping you are back on here soon!:hug


Hope you all have a great evening- it's time to eat dinner- DH brought Chinese food home!!:manyheart

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Vicki - It sounds like you had a better day today!


Joanne - Enjoy your Chinese!


I rearranged the play room and vacuumed. I did 2 loads of laundry today and have most of the winter stuff washed now to be put away. I made macaroni salad and we had that with a green salad and hot dogs for supper. I still have the downstairs bathroom to clean. It was very windy and cool here the past couple days. Brrr.


I have my tote of yarn out in the family room and I'm just dreaming of some sort of project that will use it up. The only thing I can think of is round ripples, but I don't really need any right now. I guess I should make them up for Project Linus and just enjoy.


Have a great evening all!

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Hi Colleen! Is there any yarn in your tote that would work for your friend's new baby to be? And once again, my cleaning friend, you got a lot accomplished today. Enjoy crocheting- whatever you decide to make and have fun with it!!!

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Hi Joanne. That is a great idea. I could definitely make a baby sweater set or two. I think smaller projects would be a good idea for me right now. My attention span is short. I'll let you know if I come up with anything.

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Good evening friends!

Sorry about the time mix up hadn't changed my posting time to Mountain time, hope that helps.

Just got home awhile ago, had a good day, but tomorrow I am getting 3 new kiddos! yeah! So excited!

Other than that, nothing new, going to clean up and wash laundry, I am tired today, may sit and :hook before going to bed early.

Joanne-Chinese is soo yummy! dh doesn't like it,...so sad, but the kiddos and I love it!:P

Colleen-:DYou are fantabulous! You got a lot done today! WTG!

Vicki-glad you were able to spend time with your hook and yarn...:manyheart

LeaAnne, Sarah, Scooby, Mary and Shannon, hope ya all had a great day! Talk to you all soon!:hug

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hi, friends...


just a quick hi. Please know I am thinking of each of you, and hoping that you are well. I am not feeling so great and need to try to sleep.


Prayers and bestie wishes!


Hugs to you all~

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Hello Besties!

LeaAnne- Hope you feel better today and that you got some rest last night!


Good to hear from you Mary!


LeeAnn- Have fun with the 3 new kiddos today!!! Sounds like you had a good day yesterday!


Beth- Thinking of you and praying for your Dad- hoping you got some test results last evening!


Colleen- Did you have fun last night with some crochet?


I worked a couple of rounds on stepdaughter's afghan and then was so tired- I was watching the Yankees- they had a very comfortable lead so I went to bed at 8:30- of course I woke up at 3:30 this morning- bright eyed!! I got ready for work and then did a couple more rounds on the afghan- I'm ready for it to be finished and as it gets bigger each round takes longer and longer!!!


Well, off to the trenches! Hoping if I go in early, I can leave early, since my badorkus is sure to be dragging around 3 or so!


Have a great day!

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good morning!


I am thankful to have gotten some good sleep.



LeeAnn - good luck with your 3 new cherubs today!

Vicki - good luck with the testing... only 2 more days!

Beth - I hope you get some good news about dad today.

Stacy - thinking of you and especially of Mia today.

Colleen - wishing you some quality "me" time :)

Joanne - :xfin that they let you home early

Mary - hope your busy is fun busy... watch out for those black flies!

Shannon - thinking about you and the family.

Sarah - I hope that your stress is lessening, and that all is going ok.

Scooby - you take good care to not overdo it, ok?


...and Hi to any :lurkers out there! I hope your day is great, too!


Today I am back to work, then I gotta get my chores done! I didn't feel like doing much yesterday, so now I am behind:blush... oh well, it's waiting for me, right?:lol


I wish you all your Bestiest Day!


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Hi all! Day 3 of testing! I think I can! I think I can!

Today is the science test for 8th grade. Yes, I can read the science test. This is the test I hate to read. It is so technical!

Joanne - Hope you get to leave early today! Our friend was at tkd last night. She is feeling much better and looks great. She can do everything (patterns, kicking practices, etc) except sparring. She has a count down going for how many days until she can spar again. I think she said 23 days!

LeaAnne - Glad you are feeling better!

Mary - Glad you could stop by!

LeeAnn - Have fun with the new kids today!

Stacy - Hope all is well with the girls!

Shannon - How are you and Miss Janna?

Scooby - Have you slowed down yet?

Sarah - How are things by you?

I have to tell you all that yarn therapy works wonders on my disposition! I feel so much better than I did the other day! I worked on the baseball ghan. I started the base pads part. I need to take another picture and show you all the progress that I made, but I want to get more of thsi part done first so I can show the difference in the sections. I like it so far!

I need to go get ready for this wonderful testing day. Have a great day and I will talk to you all later!

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Hello everyone!


Sorry I haven't been talkative -- I've been trying to get organized for the trek to Ohio. I am looking forward to being there, but not enjoying the thought of eleven hours in the car.


Daddy Update: He had a stroke. He will be getting some physical therapy, hopefully, before he goes home (insurance willing.) I hope so, since he's 6'3" and over 200 pounds, and my mom is wobbly on her feet, 5'0" and not big enough to catch him, but strong-hearted enough to try.


Vicki, I think you can, too! I'm glad you got some yarn therapy yesterday. My opinion is that kids who have been testing all day need some diversion. Their brains aren't ready to handle heavy learning. Mulan is probably just right. And it is about China!


LeaAnne, I hope you feel better today, sweetie! Did getting some good sleep help?


Stacy, I'm sorry George is so mean. You deserve better.


Colleen, You have been so productive lately. I wish it could rub off on me a little!


LeaAnn, I hope your day full of babies goes well.


JoAnne, The weekend is almost here. I hope it gets warm for you.


Mary, are you avoiding those dratted flies? Thanks for stopping by, even when you are busy. You know we love to hear from you!


Shannon, I hope all is well in your corner of the planet. You have my thoughts and prayers.


Scooby, wishing you sunshine and flowers.


I need to stop yapping and get some work done. I hope you all have a great day! Here's some hugs -- share nicely, kids!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Morning, besties!


Just checkin' in before we get moving for the day. I've been up since dh left this morning. I've already made the bed, took a shower, cleaned the bathroom, folded 2 loads of laundry and cleared the girls' toys from the living room. Everything else can wait for someone else. :devil:wink


:hug:hug:hug:hug Beth!! Good luck with your trip. Is everyone going, or just you? :xfin that your dad can get physical therapy as soon as possible.


Vicki, I'm glad you're feeling better! Only 2 more days to go! :cheer:cheer You can do it! Glad to hear your friend was back to tkd. Thank you for the advice on Mia. It is not just with me that she doesn't pay attention- she does it with pretty much everyone. And if I speak too quickly, she asks me to repeat myself. After 4 or 5 times, she will get frustrated and just cry. If I look right at her and speak very slowly, then she gets it. The teacher said for the past month or so, she has been "not herself" in class. The Mommy and Me instructor (who has known her for the past 3 years) gave me a number to call, to have her tested for ADD. I just don't feel like that is it. She is not hyperactive or fidgety in the least. She just can't follow directions.


Joanne, Shannon, Leanne, Leeann, Mary, Colleen, Sarah, Scooby- Happy Thursday! Make it great!


Yesterday, I gave up on the seeds I planted (for the second time!) and went out and bought actual plants. Here's hoping I don't kill them, too! I really, really want my own veggie garden but I just do not have a green thumb.

Today is Mommy and Me, and I don't want to go. Last week, every single member showed up, which is 25 mothers, plus 1-2 children for each! :eek It was crowded and chaotic. Eva loves it, though. I think Mia is outgrowing it. She is too cool now that she is in Pre-k. :lol


Well, have a great day, all! Love and hugs all around!


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Hi all! Sorry I haven't been around. I've been trying to keep up though.


Thank you all for the prayers and hugs! They mean so much to me!:manyheart


Beth- Good luck with your trip to Ohio. I hope your dad can get the physical therapy he needs. When do you leave? :hug:hug:hug:hug to you, and have a safe trip!


Everyone else, you are in my thoughts and prayers! I love you all, and miss you terribly!!:ghug

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