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:hugGood day friends!

How is everyone today? I tossed and turned all night..trying to come up with a solution to my problem. I came to a conclusion, now just have to follow thru. I have decided to try this new job and see if I like it, this is the only way that I can be sure if I am making the right decision. That is, if they ever call. The last time I heard from them was to offer me the position, and then I filled out the paper work in another building. I have tried calling them and have left various messages, no one has called back. I know that the director is back and forth between buildings, but I would have thought they would have called to let me know what is going on....so if they ever call and give me a start date, I will ask them about starting pay and all those good things, if I feel like I still want to work for them, I will begin and give it a month trial, I think that sometimes you can get a feel of what it is going to be like within the first month, then I will either decide to stay or accept the other position at the Migrant Headstart. I hate to leave them in a bind, but I do have to be on the lookout for my family and myself. The last company that I worked for took advantage of my and my loyalty. I know that working with children isn't or shouldn't be about the money, but one has to take care of themselves too.

Enough about me. Thank you all for the advice, it means a lot to hear other's perspective on a situation.:ghug

Vicki-hoping that you have a good day today and that you feel much less stress, and that you find your i.d. I hope someone turned it in.

Colleen-thank you for thinking of me:hugHow's the crocheting coming along?

Stacy-hope things get back to normal for your family.:hug

Beth-have a great day!:hug

Have more homework to do today, have to draw a self portrait...whoa! I will let ya all know how it turns out.


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Hello ladies! How are we today?


I have been a funky lady lately. I've been in a funky mood, I've been a funky friend. I've just been in a funk. And I'm sorry for that. I haven't been posting because I haven't wanted to whine to everyone. But things are getting better, and I'm feeling more like myself. And I've missed you all so much!:hug:hug:hug I've kept up with your posts, and I've been praying for all of you. Just because you haven't "seen" me, doesn't mean I don't think of you all often.


So we may be going out of town tomorrow. I'm running around like a crazy woman trying to get things done around here. If I don't post again before I leave, please know that I love you all and couldn't ask for a better group of friends!:manyheart I'll be back on Saturday, in time to see my sister for her Senior Prom. Love you!:ghug

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Hi Ladies

I did more painting today and my body is sooooooo sore. I didn't sleep to good last night either, I was in too much pain.

Blackflies are these little flys that bite. They only come out in the spring and they last for about 4 weeks. Now if we get a week of really warm weather like in the 90's then they die off and that is when I come back outside.:cheer

I hope everyone is having a great day

Lots of Love


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Hi all! The i.d. fairies decided to bring my i.d. tag back! I foiund it in my bag that I carry with me from class to class. Don't ask me what made me look in there, but there it was! I could have sworn I had it at test training, but I guess I didn't.

My day was pretty good. I get to go home soon and make dinner and take DD to her orientation tonight. That should be good and she is excited. And I can play with my yarn tonight! I need that! I am stressed from things that are not even my things to be stressed over! I will fill you all in, but I can't right now. Family just kills me, look at it that way.

Glad to see that Shannon came to visit us again. Never feel that you will bring us down. There were days that I felt that way too. We are here for each other. That is what makes this group what it is!

Also glad that Mary is getting so much done, but take it easy! Don't hurt your back!

Off to finish my day. Talk to you all later!

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Hi everyone!

Shannon- good to see you post-:yay and glad that you are coming out of your funk! Please don't ever feel that you'll bring us down- we are here for each other! Hope that the trip out of town is for good things. Wow- your sister's prom is already this Saturday? They don't have them until end of May early June here! What color dress did she get? She must be so excited!


Vicki- Glad that you found the ID- all the stress probably caused you to forget that you had put it in your bag- I forget lots of things when I'm under stress. Glad you'll get to play with your yarn tonight- Have fun with DD- Intermediate school orientation- she must be so excited!!!


Mary- Take it easy!!! You've been working in the yard and painting- don't want you to over do it! Good thing the black flies only last about 4 weeks. I would be indoors too- I'm not a fan of flies, bees, wasps, mosquitoes, etc. Basically, not a fan of bugs!


Colleen- The bird is back!!! Got home from work and went to get the mail and the bird had left his mark!!:rofl I immediately thought of you- :hug


LeeAnn- Just my piece of advice to do with what you like- if you don't hear back from the first job, I'd be reluctant to start a position with them. To me it seems strange that they offered you the job, but haven't been back in touch despite you leaving messages. And yes, you are right, you need to do what is best for you and your family. :hug


Beth- :hug:hug:hug right back at you!!!!


Stacy- :hug and hope Jorge continues to feel better.


Dinner is done, leftovers are a wonderful thing!! Dishwasher emptied and dinner dishes put in, mail sorted through and some tidying done. Not much else on the cleaning front today- It's almost time for the Devils pre-game and I'm going to sit my badorkus in my comfy chair, and pick up the :hook and :yarn.


Have a good evening everyone!

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Good evening all!

How is everyone? I'm sure busy as bees. :D Just going to finish up a few homework assignments. They finally called and I start on Thursday. I am going to remain optimistic and give it my all, then re-evaluate. We can use the extra income as we went from two salaries to just one. We are ok financially but dipping into savings leaves me worried, ya never know. :D Oh I did a little bit of Spring cleaning, cleaned out the freezer and even squeezed a little bit of :hook time in. yeah! And also finished my self portrait, wasn't as bad as I thought, but I am no Picasso! :lol:lol

Joanne-thank you so much for listening to me rant on and on, :hugI felt so bad this morning, felt like I got too wrapped up in it all and just needed to take a moment to breathe...I forget that sometimes. :yes I'm glad that you get time to relax and :hook, what's on your hook these days?

Colleen-hope you had a great Tuesday!

Mary-:hughoping you feel better and can get good rest tonight.



Beth-how are you feeling? I hope you are recovering. :hug

back to homeowork, talk to you all soon!:manyheart

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Good luck with the new job LeeAnn! You got alot accomplished today!! So you are starting this Thursday? The day after tomorrow? LOL


I'm making another square ghan- this time a solid square that just goes on and on- a never ending square! LOL It is for my stepdaughter- she asked for a ghan like the one I had made for my DD and she is graduating from massage therapy school so I'm making her one- She wanted purple and I had some lavender, orchid, amethyst and a variegeted purple/teal in my stash so I'm using those colors. I need to have it done by May 7-


Looks like my Devils are going to lose this game too- it is the 3rd period and the score is 3-1 Flyers. I have to admit as hard as it is- the Flyers are playing better hockey- what can you do? They play again at home on Thursday- but I think the Flyers are going to advance and the Devils will be done for the season.


Good news is that I can watch Dancing with the Stars again since the people that are left on the show can actually dance!


Night all.

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Yeah! Now we can both watch DWTS!!!! Yippee! I do start this Thursday, wierd, but will give it a try, on a happier note, I love granny square ghans too! When I frist learned how to crochet, that is all I made, I didn't learn how to read a pattern for quite some time. My grandpa used to joke, "can you make something without all the holes?" Poor guy, but he treasured his granny ghan.

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!


Running a bit late this morning but wanted to stop in and wish everyone a great day! Enjoy your last day at home LeeAnn!


Devils lost- I think they are done- it is very hard to come back and win three games in a row in a playoff series. Flyers are simply playing better hockey!


But on a happier note, the Yankees won- of course I didn't watch more than the 1st inning since they started at 10PM my time!



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YAY! The Yankees won! I watched the first inning. They were ahead before Javier Vasquez even took to the mound! I love it!

I went home and the first thing I did was pick up my hook. I needed my yarn yesterday. I felt better after crocheting a little bit. We grilled steak last night for dinner and then I took DD to her orientation for intermediate school. She already can't wait for next year to start and this year isn't even over yet! Sheesh!

I need to vent here for a minute. Like I said I went home last night and the first thing I did was pick up my hook and crochet away. I never do that. I am stressed and over stuff that isn't even my stuff to stress over. Here is the deal. Hubby calls me Sunday as I am grocery shopping on Sunday to tell me that my niece, who is still in high school, is going to have a baby. He, being the upset man that he is, tells my sister. Keep that in mind. There is a reason I didn't tell her. Now my sister keeps calling me wanting to know all the details about what is going to happen with the baby and what my SIL said when my hubby spoke to her. I told my sister that I am out of the conversation. That is between hubby and SIL. Sister still wants to know and want to know what I am going to do about it. What do you want me to do? I can't change the situation and even if I could there is nothing I can do about it! She won't leave me alone and is not taking my subtle hints to stop asking. Luckily I forgot to take my cell phone off vibrate so I never heard it ring. She kept getting my voice mail yesterday as I crocheted away. But every time I walked past my phone the little red light was blinking. There was either a text message or a voice mail from sister wanting to know what was going on. UGH! She made me want my yarn even more!

And to top it off there was a big yarn barf in my new skein of green yarn last night! I was not a happy camper. I am so glad I get to play hooky and go to the movies tomorrow!

Thanks for listening! You all are the best!



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Good Morning Friends!

Vicki-I sure do hope and pray that things get better for you, being in a situation that is most uncomfortable is stressful and overwhelming.:hug:manyheart:hug:manyheart

Joanne-yeah for Hump Day! :dance Hoping you have a fantastic day at work.:flower

not much going on here, going to get all of my housework caught up and get ready for work, I guess the vacation is over. :lol my kiddos have early release today so will be picking them up at noon, they are kinda bummed that I will be going back to work because I have been picking them both up from school every day, now they will have to go to my great aunts after school. It should only be for about an hour or so, not too bad.

huggers my dearest friends! thank you for allowing me to be part of your wonderful group.:hug:heart:waving almost forgot, I am working on the third panel for the flannelghan, it is working up soo fast! I love it!

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:hugVicki,:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug Family can make you want to :thair. I'm glad you got some :crocheting therapy last night.


LeaAnn, good luck with your job. I hope you end up in the right place for you and your family.


Joanne, happy Hump day! I hope you have a great one.


Mary, so good to hear from you!:hug Please don't overdo and hurt your back again!


Shannon, :hug:hug:hugI'm so sorry you are in a funk. I hope you end up doing the funky chicken instead, soon. And don't worry about dragging us down -- we're here to hold each other up!


Wishing you rainbows and fireflies!

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Good morning!:D


I'm home alone for a little while! Woohoo! I don't know what to do with myself. DH finally got another day off (this is #15 for the year). He and DD just left to go to McDonalds.:manyheart She didn't go to school this morning, and I think today was her last day. But I really don't care.:devil


We're not going out of town, which is a good thing. As much as I'd love to see my Gram, a lot has been going on here and I think leaving would've added more stress to my life. We're hoping to go in a few weeks.


Thank you all for the hugs! I really needed them. You all mean so much to me!:hug:hug:hug:hug


I need to get a few things done around here while I'm alone, then I'll be back. My funk has caused my house to suffer too! It needs some TLC!

Love you guys!!

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:hi all!


Big hugs to you, Vicki!!! :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug I just have to ask- why in the world would your dh call and tell your sister? :think Men. :angry Good luck with that situation, and :h5 to you for picking up your hooks and ignoring that phone.


Hugs to you, too, Shannon! :hug:hug:hug I hope things settle down and your funk eases up. :clap for dh having a day off. I'm sure Janna is thrilled to have their McDonald's date.


Leeann, good luck with your new job and deciding what to do. :hug


Joanne, I can't wait to see the square-ghan you make for your stepdaughter. Purple is my favorite color!


Scooby, Leanne, Mary, Colleen, Sarah, Beth- happy Hump Day! Please accept lots of :hug:hug:hug:hug from me. I hope to be back later to catch up.


Oh, quickly, though- Mia's bloodwork came back negative for celiac, and wheat allergies. :think I don't know what's going on. I'm just going to cut out as much wheat as I can for her anyway, because she's told me that her tummy doesn't hurt when she eats rice-based products (even though she doesn't know it's different.)


Okay, gotta get her over to school. BBL!

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Hi everyone!


Vicki- I second what Stacy said- why would DH tell your sister? Men!! And good for you picking up the hook and yarn- and for "forgetting" to take the phone off vibrate!! Hoping that it settles down- and really what are YOU supposed to do? Is this your daughter? NO! It is your SIL's daughter and they will have to decide what they are going to do- and your Sister needs to leave you alone- Oh, families sometimes can be so stressing!!! Hang in there ----and vent anytime you need to!:hug:hug


Beth- I love that- wishing you butterflies and fireflies! Such a nice saying- so happy and peaceful!:hug:hug


Shannon- Glad that Janna and DH got to have their McDonalds date- so much more important than school- especially since this is only his 15th day off this year. Hope you are coming out of the funk- and as Beth said- Do the funky chicken!!! :lol:lol


Stacy-How's Jorge doing? And whatever works for your daughter- keep on doing what you've been doing if she feels better. I'm almost out of Trader Joe's Dark Coffee--hoping I have enough to get me through till Saturday when I can take a trek there


Colleen- hope your Wednesday wasn't too busy and thanks for stopping in to say HI!


LeeAnn- Hope you enjoyed your last day b/4 your new job. Good luck tomorrow!! And WTG on the flannel'ghan!!! You've gotten alot done!


LeaAnne- I'm starting to worry- where are you????


Mary- Hi to my friend in God's Country!


Scooby- Hi to my friend in Nebraska!!


Sarah- Hi to you- and hoping things are well with all- Hows the mom doing? Hows Keith?


Have a great evening everyone!:hug:hug


Oh, we had breakfast for dinner tonight- gotta love it- pancakes and sausage

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:hi everyone! Another busy day here. But it was a nice one and I incorporated some walking into my errands/jobs and of course the usual time at the park after school.


Vicki - :hug I'll give you my standard prescription: take two of these :yarn + :yarn and one of these :hook and :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting I say you are doing well to stay out of the drama and take care of your own family.


Shannon - :hug Hope you enjoyed your day at home with DH and that the McDonald's date was a success. That is just so cute.


Joanne - Sorry to see that your Devils are stinking it up. At least the Penguins are doing well :devil:rofl


Stacy - Good luck figuring out what to do with Mia's diet. So the Dr.'s got a negative Celiac test. Is that it? Don't they try harder to figure it out? Did they consider lactose intolerance?


LeeAnn - Good luck tomorrow on your first day of work! I hope it goes smoothly!


Beth - How are you doing? What's new at your house?


Mary - How are you doing after all that outdoor work?


:hi LeaAnne, Scooby, Sarah, and all our friends.

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Stacy - I have NO idea why he told my sister. I wasn't going to tell her yet because I didn't want to hear the moral outrage from her that I am already getting. Like both you and Joanne are saying, what am I supposed to do about the situation? I could yell and scream and stamp my big ole' feet until I am blue in the face and it will do absolutely nothing because this is not my decision to make. Dear ole' sis seems to be forgetting that small detail.

Joanne - Like you said, what can I do? Nothing. But she keeps calling me! She kept calling me again today! I finally called her and told her that there really wasn't anything to tell her except that they wanted to keep the baby. That was their decision. I told my hubby that she keeps calling meto find out details and that I won't give her any. She still does not take the subtle hints. I may need to get unsubtle. This is WHY I didn't tell her.

Colleen - You have no idea how much I have been using my hooks and yarn as therapy the last two days! Like I said earlier I came home last night and I immediately sat down and crocheted. I never do that! I am seriously stressed over this and this isn't even my situation to stress over! And all because I am getting that whole "What are you going to do about it?" What do you want me to do!?! AAAHHH!!!

LeeAnn - Yay for a start date! Let us know how it goes and it is about time they gave it to you! Good luck tomorrow!

Mary - Hope you are not overdoing it!

Scooby - Hope everything is okay by you!

Shannon - How was the McDonald's date? Glad you are going to take it easy and you are coming out of your funk. Don't ever feel like you can't come here! That is what we are here for! You all cheered me up when I needed it most!

I am tired. I am going to crochet a little bit and then go to bed. I need to take a new picture of the baseball ghan to show you all! I am still on the infield, but I think it is coming out good! Just a little bit more and then I will begin the base pads!

TTFN and have a great night!

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Good Evening friends!

Sorry I was MIA, had to get the family ready for the big transition. I washed ds bedding, cleaned the kitchen and a cupboard, swept and mopped the entire house and dusted. whew! and then got everything ready for tomorrow, lunches, coffee...my work bag and viola! I am ready!

Vicki-so glad that crocheting helped you, it is such a major stress reliever for me. :)

Joanne-:eek must not run out of coffee! Yikes! I will make the treck into town just for my morning cup of java. It's my only vice. :devil Did ya get a chance to :hook? I am bound and determined to finish that flannelghan! Help! I'm addicted.:yes

Stacy-Sooo wonderful to see your post! Glad that you are back, have you had any time to :hook? I'm sure you have been busy with your family, but it is nice to squeeze in a bit of fun.:hug

Colleen-fantabulous day! Being outdoors just soothes the soul. :D

Shannon-I would have let my kiddos stay home to be with dh if he were out of town or at work a lot too. WTG!:hug

well dearest ladies, I must get myself to bed at a decent hour, it feels so wierd to be going back to work, these last 2 months flew by.

huggers and warmest of wishes! I will let you know how it turns out, have class tomorrow night, so will have an extremely long day.:hug

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Hi girls.:yawn Oh man. I'm up. Not still up. I was asleep, and now I'm up. Yuck!


Before I forget, LeaAnne wanted me to tell you all that she is on vacation. She said she's sorry she didn't post before they left, but it was crazy. She'll be home on Friday!


LeeAnn- I meant to post before I went to bed. Good luck tomorrow, hun!!:hug I can't wait to hear about it! I'll be thinking about you! Did you mention that your daughter wears glasses? Mine does too. Got 'em when she was 14 months old and has to wear them all the time. Oh, and she :bhearts them!


Joanne- How's Delta Force doing? And you new purple square? I can't wait to see it! I love the one you're keeping for you! WTG!


Colleen- Busy, busy! I'm glad you have time to enjoy some of your day in between all that running around.


Beth- Has your "nothing" procedure been scheduled? :hugs to you, my friend! Better to nip it in the bud now!


Stacy- Can't the doctors do more tests? It's a good idea to stick with what works for her. :hug Good luck! How is Jorge feeling?


Mary- :yay for yardwork, but don't overdo it! I'm glad the Spring is here for you! How was your Easter with the family?


Vicki- Family!:angry I would have been "not subtle" a while ago! Good for you for keeping it together. :hug


Scooby- Hope things are great with you! Miss your pretty posts around here, girl!


Sarah- Haven't heard from you in a while either. Just know that prayers are still being said for you, Keith, DF and his family. Hope things are looking up!:hug


I sincerely hope that's everyone, but it's not easy for me to count at 1:30 in the morning. I love you all and hope you have a fantastic Thursday!!:manyheart

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Good morning


Thanks for the update on LeaAnne, Shannon- I was starting to worry not seeing her post! Wow- she didn't mention anything about going on vacation- can't wait to hear all about it!


Good luck today LeeAnn- hope all goes well on your first day!


Colleen- you sure got a lot in yesterday!


Vicki- Hang in there- and keep on hooking! It'll do wonders for you! Can't wait to see how the baseball ghan is progressing!!!!


Beth, Stacy, Mary, Scooby, Sarah and anyone else my caffeine deprived mind has forgotten- have a great day!! Time to get a cup of coffee and get ready


PS- just read that the Yankees won again last night! Hughes pitched 7 innings- Yanks are on a roll Vicki!!! YAY

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:coffee Mornin' Besties!


LeeAnn - Happy first day! I hope it goes great! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Vicki - :hug


Shannon - I hope you were able to fall back to sleep :( Thanks for the update on LeaAnne. How nice that they got some vacation.


Joanne - 2nd last day of this week! You don't work this weekend, do you? It's the last weekend of the month :think Anyway, I hope you had a great day!


:hi to everyone else! Have a great day!


Day "off" today. We are going for groceries this morning and then DD has her first swimming lesson of the new session this afternoon. We'll combine that with a visit to the library and that should just about round out the day. Another beautiful spring day here. Maybe there will be a visit to the park too, we'll see. :think She's still coughing a bit, but almost better I think :xfin

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Good morning! It is play hooky day and I got to sleep later today! We are going to the movies today with DD's class! WOO HOO!

I never crocheted last night. I was watching the beginning of the Yankee game and then watching the episode of The Tudors that I missed on Sunday. I am addicted to that show! It is the one show that I absolutely must watch!

Joanne - Hughes had a no hitter going in to the 8th inning! He lost that, but yes, they won. The Mets lost yesterday. They won 2 of 3 against the Cubbies. You could not expect a sweep, but still a good showing.

LeeAnn - Good luck today! Let us know how your day goes!

Shannon - What time did you get to sleep? I hope you are feeling okay this morning. How is your wrist? Thanks for telling us that LeaAnne was away!

Colleen - What is on your radar today? Anything good?

Mary - Are you still in the yard? I need to go get some flowers for the front and plant them. I think I want to plant some knock out roses. They are easy to care for and will flower nicely.

Have a great day all and I will talk to you later. I will let you know if my wonderful sister tries to call me again!


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Good Morning friends!


Just getting ready to head out, but wanted to say, "Thank you!" Thank you for all of your support and words of kindness. Will let ya all know how it goes.


Have a great day!


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Hi all,


Busy, good, productive day here.


Stacy, the typical blood test for celiac tries to find the anitbodies that the body produces in response to gluten consumption. If your dd reacts to gluten, she may avoid such things, and not have much in her system so the antibodies may not be present. My son never tested positive for celiac, but I have it, and the doc said if the gluten free diet works for him, he should stick to it. The doc diagnosed him based solely on that.


LeaAnn, happy first day. I hope it's a good one.


LeaAnne, happy vacation! i hope it's a good one.


Mary, I hope you are enjoying beautiful weather, and a reduction in stress. Big hugs to you, dear!


Joanne, so sorry you are caffeine deprived. It should be illegal! Hope you get your coffee "fix" soon!


Colleen, your day sounds very nice, You need a day off.


Vicki, your day sounds great, too! I hope you enjoy the movie.


Shannon, sorry you were up at so early. I hope you have a restful day.


Scooby, Sarah, C4J, Tena, and everyone else, happy THURSDAY!!!


Today I swept all the floors, cleaned cages and cat boxes, took out all the trash, repaired my broken oven (I'm' so proud of that one!) and my kids are dusting, wiping down doors, doing cobweb patrol, cleaning ceiling fans, taking out the recycling, and doing laudnry (which is actually sitting on my bed waiting for me to fold.) It's 12:30, and I've gotten my list done!


I've had a couple of set backs with my Christmas afghans: My SIL's -- I decided to slip stitch the squares together, even if it makes a ridge. I find ridges very structurally interesting. So i took the sewn ones apart. I also made the wrong combination for the month, so I need to make another one to have the right row to add to the rest. I was working on my niece's today, and found that I messed up pretty badly one row down. The good news is that I had put too many stitches in, so I had plenty of yarn. I just needed to disassemble, fix, and reassemble. I'm not quite done with the assignment for the day on that one, but I plan to finish pretty soon.


I haven't had my procedure scheduled yet. I kind of hope they wait until after my dd's ballet performance May 1 and 2, so i'm up for working at it.


See you later!:hug:hug:hug:hug

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