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Joanne - Pretty pretty yarn. :dreaming Your big granny is very nice too! I bet that looks great on your chair!


Vicki - The ghan is off to a good start. Fun colours! Will it be done in squares or one piece? Good luck with the design!


Beth - I hope you got your crochet time. You deserve it!


LeeAnn - Good luck with your flannelghan!


It turned into a beautiful day here. We went to church, did some shopping as a family and spent the afternoon weeding the yard :yuck Those silly weeds are out of control and now that we are not allowed to use any chemicals it is a big job to keep them in check. I am thinking we should border the lawn with gardens and fill them with mulch to make a break between our lawn and the school yard. :shrug DH wants an expert designer. :rofl He hasn't priced that yet :wink:rofl


I got a little bit more crochet time in today. I'm joining squares and finally figured out the join-as-you-go method so that it doesn't make a bump. :tup DH figured out that the tote was full of yarn :blush I won't be buying any yarn for a LONG time. And to think I showed him Scooby's pics of her stash and he still thinks I have too much. :lol Oh well, it will keep me busy for a while.


Have a great day everyone! :hug

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Hi everyone

Vicki- I can't wait to see the progress on your baseball field afghan- and the colors are perfect for DH- Met's colors!! Did you watch the Yankee game? Pettite pitched well - and the Yanks swept this series. Unfortunately they are heading out to the West Coast now and I won't get to see most of the those games since they won't start till 10PM my time!


Colleen- And expert designer, huh? Wait till DH see how much they cost:lol:lol

I think it is a good idea to put a garden with mulch in. I noticed some weeds today- but not nearly as much as we used to have. last summer we had rocks put in next to the pool where we have some bushes- and voila- no more weeds there- the bushes stand out against the rocks too! We also put rocks around the trees- so we only have a few more areas where weeds grow- and I'm thinking we'll get more rocks for there too. We've decided to take the house off the market- for now at least. Maybe try again in another year.


Everyone else- hope you had a great day! Devils hockey is on now- 1st period tied game 1-1 Go :devil

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Joanne - Rocks are a good idea and I bet that looks nice. If we do anything it won't be for a couple months. Things just seem so busy. Too bad you have to take the house off the market. The market here usually picks up in the spring and summer. But, it is tiring having a house for sale. Now you can enjoy your summer and hopefully have better luck next year.

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HI friends!

I'm back! :lol:lol Things were super busy today, but I think I can finally sit and relax. This morning we went to Religious Ed with dd, we had to practice, she is making her First Holy Communion May 2...Yeah! She is super excited! Then had to rush back and put the dinner together. My mom was so happy she started crying.:D I just love her! We set out wine glasses, we drank Pepsi.:yay Isn't that funny? We are not wine drinkers. Anywho, my family left awhile ago but had to work on homework and get dd ready for school tomorrow. :blush

Colleen-a landscaper would be great! Grannies are so much fun to make, but I am terrible at connecting them, I have a tote full. What colors are you using?

Joanne- I love the yarn! yum yum yummy! I am super excited and thrilled for you! :woo Were ya all trying to sell? About two years ago we had our house on the market, sooo stressful and no real offers, it was such a bummer. Lots of luck to you dear friend. :hugand your ghan is beautiful! I love the blue! Great :hook

Beth-hope you had a day filled with R & R.

Vicki-you are amazing! I could never design a pattern other than adding a few extra stitches here and there, can't wait to see how your project progresses.

I made a small coin purse on Friday night, I was going to make a hat, but dh said, "winter is over, why are you making a hat?" lil stinker. :manyheart

hugs to all and warmest of wishes!:manyheart:hug:ghug:heart


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Cute coin purse LeeAnn! I'm so happy that your dinner went well and what fun with the wine glasses! Did the kids get wine glasses too? They'd like that. I like cranberry juice in mine ;) Hooray for your DD making her first communion. Does she have a special dress for the occasion? I made a first communion doll dress for DH's God daughter when she made hers a few years ago. Vale and all. She was thrilled with the gift and I had fun making it. Here's the link: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=77113 Our school had theirs yesterday, so we were checking out the program that someone left in the pew at church this morning.


Since you asked - my grannies are many colours. It's a scrap granny. :D I'm joining them with navy. It's kinda like chicken soup for the crocheter's soul making grannies. Perfect to get my mojo back. Whether I'll ever finish it is yet to be seen. I have a hard time finishing an afghan. :blush But, I might keep it small for a little one.


Have you every tried the join-as-you-go method? Here's a link, although I'm not sure I'm doing it exactly as instructed http://www.crochetcabana.com/tutorials/joining_squares3.htm

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Good morning!


LeeAnn- sounds like you had a wonderful day yesterday!! Ah, the days of First Communion- the children look so angelic on that day! What kind of dress is she wearing? All three of my DD's picked a different style dress, from very simple to very frilly. All had different tastes, but each one looked beautiful!

I love your coin purse BTW! Those quick little projects are fun to do!


Colleen- I have a pile of about 30- granny's waiting to be joined. DH keeps asking me why are you making all those squares? I'll have to look at the tuturial you posted- thank you- what is it that you are doing different? I find granny's very soothing to do- although it did take me a while to figure them out:lol.


Vicki- Hope you have a good Monday! I was not happy with the way the Devils played last night- it went to overtime, but I felt in my heart the Flyers would win- they played better hockey last night. The Devils better bring their "A" game on Tuesday night!!!


Mary- hope you had a wonderful Easter celebration this weekend!


Beth- Did you get a chance to work on SIL afghan this weekend?


Stacy- Hoping everything is going ok!:hug


LeaAnne, Shannon, Sarah, Scooby and everyone- Have a good Monday-


LeaAnne- are schools closed today for your chickens? My DD has off today for Patriot's Day! She loves this extra "Boston holiday". Not sure if its only celebrated in Boston or in the outlying burbs too.

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Good morning! Happy Monday to everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Yay that the Yankees won and swept the series from the Rangers!

Today we have testing training again after school and then I have a meeting. Joy of joys. Hot dogs and hamburgers for dinner with a salad! Life made easy!

I have a migraine this morning over stuff that isn't even my stuff to stress over! I am not a happy momma this morning over this fact. Nothing that I can post here. And nothing that I can change. Rest assured it does not affect me or my family. We are all fine. But it is bothering me enough to give me a headache!

DD is registered for her tkd tournament on Saturday! I'm bringing my camera to take pictures so I will try to post some of her sparring! She looks so cute!

Have a good day all and I will talk to you all later!

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Hi everybody,


Don't get too close, I think I'm contagious. :sick I guess it's good that my son shares with me, even if it is germs.


I didn't do any crocheting yesterday. I played video games, and lounged about. I think I needed it.


Joanne, your yarn is :drool. Your afghan is :drool. Nice work. I can understand taking your house off the market. Maybe next year.


Vicki, your baseball afghan will be most interesting. I can't wait to see it progress. What an awesome gift.


Colleen, hooray for your mojo! Hooray for join as you go! I wonder if I can come up with a version of that for my sil's afghan...:think


LeaAnn, love your coin purse. It's very pretty.


Hugs and warm wishes to everyone.:hug:manyheart:hug

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Good Morning!:rock


Sun is shining today, I may be fooled into thinking Spring is finally here. Might even break out the capri's. :lol


Got the family all out the door, beds made, a load in the washer and dishwasher loaded. And it's not even 8. :clap Have a busy day, this morning have to go do my last lab.:cheerand then dd has an eye appt this afternoon. She is getting new glasses. She's super excited. Her old ones are hurting the bridge of her nose, I think her face has grown. :yes


Joanne-last night I was laying in bed and remembered that I had not answered your question. The yarn I am using for the flannelghan is Woodsy and Medium Thyme, dh picked out the colors. I am on the second strip, but I am only making it five squares long, you are right, it is heavy. I definatley think this is one ghan that needs to be made during the winter months, I will melt under it. :D Hope you have a fantastic day at work. Dd's communion dress isn't too frilly, we had it dry cleaned last week, I will post a pic of her in it soon.


Beth-:morcoffee here's some chicken noodle soup, I hope you feel better soon.


Vicki-:hughope your headache feels better and that you get some relief.


Colleen-whatcha up to today? Thank you for the link to the granny squares, I looked it over last night, now if only I had done that when I made all those squares. I loved the doll dress! Adorable! You do great work!


Scooby, Shannon, Sarah, Mary and LeaAnne, hope all is well :hug

Talk to you all soon!

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:hi friends!


It has been a while since I last posted, and things have finally settled down long enough for me to post from something other than my iPod. :lol For those of you not on FB, my dh was hospitalized Tuesday night for acute diverticulitis, and possible appendicitis. Blood tests and a CT scan showed that his appendix was dilated 50%, though the dr.'s weren't sure if it was affected by, or in addition to, the diverticulitis. Thankfully after several doses of IV antibiotics, the swelling in the appendix went down. He was discharged Friday afternoon, but was in some pain and extremely tired until this morning. He is feeling better, thank goodness. He is on a low-fiber diet right now as he heals, but will gradually have to increase that to a high-fiber diet to prevent recurrence. It will mean a major overhaul in the way he eats. (I am secretly relieved. :yes)


So what's shakin', bacon? What did I miss? I haven't had a chance to read through all of the posts, but I will go back when I can.


Beth, I see that you are sick- :hug:hug:hug to you! I hope that it clears up quickly.


Leeann, congratulations to your dd!! How exciting to make her first communion. What kind of dress did she choose? I missed the registration for dd to start the catechism classes, so she will be receiving it a year late. I'm afraid of what she will choose to wear- the girl hates dresses. Can't wait to see your flannelghan! I'm glad you jumped on board! :D And your coin purse is adorable.


Vicki, good luck to your dd at her tournament! I wish Isabella had stuck with karate- it's so good for them. :yes When does she test for her next belt?


Colleen, I'm happy to hear you've gotten your :crocheting mojo back!! Can't wait to see how your granny 'ghan turns out.


Joanne, your yarn is beautiful!!! I have about 4 skeins of that blue color- isn't it gorgeous? Can't wait to see what you make with it. Your giant granny is so cool! Who is this one for?


Mary, how are your sweaters coming along? You probably have them all done by now. :lol:hug Hope all is well with you.


Shannon, how is everything? How is Janna-ness? When does she start at the Montessori school? :hug


Leanne, how is everything at the chicken coop? :hug



Scooby, how are you? Are you still working extra? How is Josh? I hope all is well. :hug


Sarah, are things settling down there? How is Keith?


Well, Jorge is asking for breakfast, so I better scoot. Hope to check in later! :hug


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Good day friends!


Stacy - :hi nice to see your post. I'm glad to hear Jorge is getting better! I hope the new diet works out alright for him; change is tough :hug


:hi to everyone else. Today did not turn out the way I thought it would. I was supposed to work for 3.5 hours, grab a quick lunch and then volunteer at the school. In the end I worked 2 minutes before the school called me to come get DD. She was sick at school :( My poor little one. So, I left work (my boss said "nice to see you!" :lol) and DD and I are enjoying a day at home. She's doing just fine. I've got the vacuuming done and the floors mopped, 3 loads of laundry done and on the clothesline. I think I've earned my :crocheting time :D

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HI All!


Just a quick post!


Stacy-I hope and pray that your dh feels better soon! Hugs dear friend!


Colleen-your poor dd, she's had a rough couple of weeks, here's crossing my fingers that she feels super in no time soon! You deserve extra crochet time, you have been super busy!


hugs all, back to homework......*sigh*

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Hi Ladies

Just checking in so Colleen doesn't call out the search party for me :lol

Today I had a very busy day. I raked up the piles of leaves that were on the front lawn. Hung out 3 loads of laundry to dry and brought them back in. Did the general pickup of things around and painted 6 boards for the house. I was going to paint the other boards also but the sky got a little cloudy so I will finish them tomorrow. Oh and I started another sweater. I think Iam on 6 of 14.:think

I hope everyone is having a great day and I will be back to post more often as soon as the blackflies come out..... that is when I stay inside:P

Lots of Love


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Hi everyone!!


Stacy!! So good to hear that Jorge is feeling better-:clap and the lo-fiber diet is so important with diverticulitis- and then the high fiber to prevent a recurrance! If he's anything like my DH (stubborn, stubborn, stubborn) it will be tough to change the diet! I try to do my best with what I prepare, but I'm not with him 24/7! Oh, the granny ghan is for ME!!! It matches my living room furniture- the couch and my comfy chair. Decided it was time I had my own "blankie":lol


Colleen- Hope that DD feels better- that was probably the quickest day at work EVER!!!:lol You sure did get a lot done and I'm so happy you are talking about earning :crocheting time again! Oh, the other day you mentioned that you think DH is the quiet one and I'm the talkative one- Yes, I am more chatty than he is!


Mary- Good to hear from you my friend- Watch your back with all that raking:yes How was your Easter celebration?


LeeAnn- how did your last lab go? That must be a good feeling to have that done with- You're almost at the finish line!!


Vicki- Sorry about the migraine caused by stress- but glad you and your family are fine. Here's a few :hug:hug Good luck to DD at her TKD tourny on Sat.


Beth- Rest, drink plenty of fluids and :crocheting and feel better!!!:hug


LeaAnne, Shannon, Scooby and Sarah- thinking about you and missing hearing from you!


Have a good evening everyone!

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Oh, Vicki- Did DH mention that the Mets brought up Ike Davis to play 1st base? He's supposed to be a good player- 23 yo brought up from the minors. I guess they are hoping to give a spark to the team- we'll see- I give your DH kudos for sticking with the Mets!!!


My Dad was a Mets fan- in fact he took me to my very first professional baseball game in 69- the year of the Amazing Mets- they had an awesome team then. !

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Just popping in for a quick bestie fix...


Mary, so good to hear from you. Sounds like you've been busy. Does this mean your back feels better?


I got a call back from my dermatologist. The 3 moles are benign, but there's some abnormality around the one off my back, so they are going to excise it. Pardon my spelling. With my history, it may be pre-cancerous. Better now than later, right?

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Mary - :rofl Thanks for stopping by so I don't have to send out a search party :rofl WTG getting so much done. It was a great clothesline day :yes


Joanne - See, I figured right about Mr. Imanurse. How is he enjoying his new job? Yes, I think you are right about the shortest work day EVER! :lol I didn't even get to sip my coffee. :rofl


Shannon - How is the wrist and how is your funk? Thinking about you :hug


Beth - A video game day? Wow! That sounds fun!


LeaAnne - :hug How are you? :hug Missing you around here!


I made a meatloaf and a potato dish for supper. It was good. DH was working on a special project outside today, lots of fresh air and exercise so I knew he'd need a good hearty supper.


I hope everyone had a great day and a good start to the week.

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Just popping in for a quick bestie fix...


Mary, so good to hear from you. Sounds like you've been busy. Does this mean your back feels better?


I got a call back from my dermatologist. The 3 moles are benign, but there's some abnormality around the one off my back, so they are going to excise it. Pardon my spelling. With my history, it may be pre-cancerous. Better now than later, right?


That sounds like a good idea Beth. You're right, better now than later. Otherwise good news! :hug

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Just popping in for a quick bestie fix...


Mary, so good to hear from you. Sounds like you've been busy. Does this mean your back feels better?


I got a call back from my dermatologist. The 3 moles are benign, but there's some abnormality around the one off my back, so they are going to excise it. Pardon my spelling. With my history, it may be pre-cancerous. Better now than later, right?


Getting it taken care of now sounds like a very good idea Beth. :hug:hug:hug

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Evening Friends!

So glad that I am able to get on here and read what everyone is up to and relax. I feel completely stressed.:eek I went to do my lab at the school where I will be working at, they are currenty in another building because their pipes burst over Winter break, anyhow, they are at the Migrant Headstart building, I had put in an application there as well...anyhow, the director was outside, we started chatting and she offered me a position. With twice the pay than the other job that I accepted but haven't started. What do I do? :think Oh my gosh! I don't know what to do. Dh said to try this position since the Migrant program doesn't start until June 11, then give my notice if I do not feel comfortable or like it. I feel so confused....


Joanne-I am more chatty than my dh, he's kinda quiet and shy, but sometimes he can be so funny.


Mary-so happy to read your post, what are blackflies? They sound terrible. Do they come in swarms?


Colleen-delicious dinner! Is dd feeling better? Haven't had time to crochet, but I plan on it, I need to take a breather.


Beth-prayers headed your way. :hug


sorry that I'm on such a downer, I know it will all work out, it just takes time but I just want to do the right thing. :hug:hug:hug

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Hi gang! I am tired, but I wanted to come on before the night was over. Let me tell you, I am not liking this stress that belongs to other people that they give to me! They need to keep their stress to themselves! I have enough of my own!

Stacy - DD goes for her next belt on May 1, I think. It is right after tournament and I think that is the date that was picked for belt testing. She is all excited to go for her next belt. She loves it!

Joanne - Yes, my hubby is a long suffering Mets fan. They are actually doing well tonight. I have the game on and they are winning 6-1 against the Cubs. Hopefully they can hold on and win. They were tied for most of the game and they have been playing some very close games lately!

Mary - Glad you were able to get out and enjy the sunshine today! Did the sun ever come back out?

Colleen - Congratulations on the shortest work day EVER! Did you have a good day home? Sounds likeyou got a lot accomplished! I need to get a fire lit under my badorkus and get more done around here. I just can't seem to get motivated to do it!


LeeAnn - Which job sounds more interesting to you? Has the first job not even called you yet to give you any information about a start date? I would call them and ask about it. See what they say. See how they treat you when you call and see if they are able to give you any information. By now they should be able to say something.


Beth - You are right. Better to be safe and take care of it all now. Hopefully it will be nothing and you took care of it for that reason - nothing! That is what I will hope for. It was a nothing procedure. Let us know how it all goes and what the doctor says.


I haven't even had time to crochet tonight and if there was ever a night I needed it, it was tonight! It is time for me to go to bed. Have a good night all and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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Morning all!


Vicki- Here's hoping for less stress today! :hug Maybe you can take some of that stress out on the bowling pins tonight! I had the Mets on for a while too- I wanted to see Ike Davis - I was so happy when he got a hit his first at bat- and then he got an RBI- It's neat to see a young player come up from the minors and have a good first major league game- and it's not easy playing in NY with all the media attention.


LeeAnn- I agree with Vicki- what does your gut tell you about which job would be better suited for you? Sometimes its hard when you have 2 offers and have to decide which one is the best. Twice the pay is quite a difference to take into account also- although pay isn't always the deciding factor, that is a substantial difference. Wonder why so much more for the one job than the other? Good luck with whatever you decide to do:hug


Beth- You will have a "nothing" procedure- I like how Vicki put it- so I wish you the best with your "nothing" procedure:hug


Mary- Hope the roller coaster is settling down- and please take it easy with all the yard work. :hugI know you want to get done before the black flies

come- how long do they last?


Colleen- What did you decide to work on last night? Are you practicing the join as you go? I need to try that! Hope that DD is feeling better today!!:hug


LeaAnne- where are you my friend? You must be so busy between work, softball, baseball, PTO and home life- please check in to let us know everything is ok. How's Uncle Art doing?:hug:hug


Stacy- Hoping today is a good day for Jorge and that he is adapting to his new diet. Here are some :hug:hug for you too!


Shannon- How's the funk and the wrist? Love the pic of you and your sister on FB- you are both so beautiful:hug:hug


Sarah- thinking of you and Keith and DF and all. Hope you are doing well:hug:hug


Scooby- How's life in the new home? When is your friend from NJ visiting you?:hug:hug


Hope that's everyone- but if not- not intentional to forget anyone:hug:hug Gotta run and get ready for work!




Almost Forgot- Go Devils!:devil

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Unfortunately I can't take my stress out on the bowling pins tonight. DD has orientation at the intermediate school during bowling. So being the godd and wonderful mommy that I am, I am taking her to orientation and hubby is going to bowling alone. But I so need to go hit some pins with a large 14 pound ball!

And to top it off, my school i.d. is gone! I had it yesterday when I left my meeting after test training and now it is not on my lanyard! It is not in my car, it is not in my bag, I can't find it anywhere! I want my yard! I need to crochet something to relieve my stress!

Joanne - Hope you are not too late this morning!

Stacy - How is Jorge feeling? How is the new diet going?

Mary - How does the yard look now that the leaves are all gone?

Shannon - How is your wrist?

LeeAnn - Go with what you think is best.

LeaAnne - Did you have a good Patriots Day?

Beth - How are you doing this morning?

I hope everyone has a great day and now I need to go find out if anyone has found my i.d.!


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LeeAnn - Oh dear. What a situation to be in. If I were you I'd set up a meeting with the new job to discuss it in detail and to make sure you are interested in it and they are interested in you. Get a firm offer on paper. If in your heart you decide it is what you want, then I would call the other job and tell them the truth. Tell them that you were genuinely interested in the job but that a better offer has since come your way. If they can't match the salary (which I doubt they can), then they will totally understand that for the good of your family you have to take the better paying job. :hug:hug:hug It happens, nothing to feel guilty about. Better now than after you are trained. :yes


Vicki :hug I hope your day goes well.


Beth - Have a great day with your inventions. :hug


Joanne - Have a great day at work!

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