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Some good clean fun?!

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Thanks LeeAnn!




Hi to Beth, Shannon, Mary, Colleen, LeaAnne, Scooby and Sarah- Hope you all had a good day today!


It really was quiet here today! I'm getting ready to pick up the ole hook and yarn and watch DWTS at 8.


Have a good night!

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:waving, friends!


I am still kickin around, and if you were here, you would be very proud indeed:yes :U


LeeAnn - great job on all of the homework!

Joanne - Love the cozy for your iPod!

Vicki - hope that school is great!

Shannon - hope Janna is feeling ok (and that you are too!)

Colleen - how are you? ...a Wiggles concert, huh? :hug

Beth - how are you, your inventions and creations?

Mary - Only 14 sweaters?! :lol sheesh... you will be bored by the weekend!:devil

Scooby - whatcha been up to, girl? did your guest arrive?

Stacy - WTG on "keeping up" with the day to day! That is sometimes hard enough!:hug

Sarah - I pray that things are looking up a little for you, DH and Keith....:hugto you all!


I hope to be back to catch up properly tomorrow afternoon :xfin.

Meantime, I wanted you each to know you are in my thoughts, and to say thank you for motivating me each and every day! You are the BOMB!:wink


Hugs, Besties!

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Hi all!

Busy day here, after all. I went to the laundromat to wash our bedding (the dog decided he couldn't wait to go outside. :rant Thankfully, I have a waterproof mattress pad so it didn't hit the mattress.) Picked up Mia, then went to the grocery store. Came home and did a load of laundry, and made an early dinner so dh could eat before class. Mia is already asleep and Eva is on her way. It will be an early night to make up for yesterday. :yes I have a hat to finish, then maybe work on some snowflake motifs. I did start another 'ghan at the laundromat. :blush I'm using scraps to make the snowflake afghan. Because I need another project. :lol


Leanne, WTG on your cleaning-ness! I hope all is well with you and the chickens, and that your job is going well. :hug


Joanne, you cozy is so cute!! I love the color. :yes


Eva just fell asleep on my arm, so I'd better put her down. Love and hugs!

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Good morning all! It is another Tuesday. Another bowling night. Hopefully it will be a good one! I am tired this morning. I don't know why. I went to bed early and I slept pretty well. I guess I just needed more sleep and didn't get it.

Joanne - I figured the playoffs would be on Versus. Directv doesn't carry that so I can't see most of the games. Oh well. I can watch the baseball season instead! The I-pod cozy is so cute!

Stacy - Glad the girls had a good night. Did you finish your hat? I nearly fell asleep last night working on hubby's baseball ghan. I think I did half a row before I put it down and went to bed!

Colleen - How is it with you up there? Are you still working? When will they find a replacement?

Mary - How many sweaters have you made so far? Hope all is well up by you. Did you DD come to visit with the kids?

Sarah - Have things calmed down by you?

Scooby - How are you doing?

Leeann - Did you find out the information about the new job yet?

LeaAnne - How goes the softball/baseball practices and the sitting on the sidelines? What are you making as you watch?

Hope everyone has a great day! Talk to you all later!

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:coffee Mornin' Besties!


A day off :c9 I am so happy!


Vicki - To answer your question, I am still working. They are interviewing this week, so I would imagine it wouldn't be too long before I'll be done. Have fun bowling.


Joanne - I like your I-Pod cozy. Very cute!


Shannon - How is Janna feeling? Thinking about you guys :hug


Beth - Thanks for stopping by! How is the laptop?


LeaAnne - Thank you for stopping by too! How are all your chickens?


Mary - How are you? :hi How are those sweaters shaping up?


Stacy - How are your girls doing? How is Eva doing with the potty training?


Scooby - :hi Been playing chicken anymore? Is this the weekend your friend comes to visit? You must be excited.


LeeAnn - Good job on getting your homework done! Don't worry, it won't be long and you will be done :yay


Sarah - How are you? How is Keith doing?


:hi to all our other friends.


Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning!

I always look forward to reading all your posts and am glad that I can get up and sit here with my cup of coffee in hand and take it all in. :)

I am going to babysit my 6year old nephew today. So excited! He lives about 5 hours away, he dad is dropping him off because he has some things to take care of here in Alamosa, :cheerI think it will only be for a few hours, but I will enjoy it.

Other than that, nothing new...they still haven't given me a start date for the job..I'm trying really hard not to freak out.:think I keep tellling myself, it will be ok, I can just spend this time with my family, homework and :hook.

Colleen-I hope they find a replacement soon.:hug

Joanne-I know you will have a great day at work, what did you think of DWTS?:hug

Mary-:jumpyayyou just are awesome at :hook

Beth-How ya doing? How's the new laptop? I bet you are enjoying it!:hug


Sarah-wishing you good days or r & r

Stacy-how ya doing? Did things settle down some?

Vicki-hope you feel more energized, reading your posts is so exciting, you are one busy lady!:hug:hug

LeeaAnne-whatcha working on these days? :hug

Scooby-what's new?

off to shower and pick up. Almost done with the teacher ghan :cheerwill post a pic soon.

have a good morning friends!

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Quiet here today. How was everyone's Tuesday? I did errands, spent some time at the park, and had a nap :devil (I had a headache, so I have an excuse :yes). I got my new Crochet Today magazine today, so that was a nice bonus. Spaghetti for supper, all cleaned up, and a little girl who says her throat is sore who is showered, PJ'd and heading to bed early. American Idol tonight and then it will be bedtime for me too. I am tired. :yawn


:hug to you all!

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Very quiet here lately!

Yankees won their home opener after receiving their World Series Rings! (and of course this was all while I was at work!). Listened to the end of the game on the way home.


Vicki- good luck with bowling tonight! The season should be winding down I think


Colleen- Hope that DD feels ok- I'm with you- early bed tonight- Have to remember to DVR Parenthood! I'll be watching DWTS!


LeeAnn- About DWTS- Kate needs to go- If she doesn't, I won't watch when she is on. I like Evan and Nicole- We'll see in a little while who gets booted off.

Don't freak out about the job- all in good time---all in good time!! When are you done with school?


Stacy- How's the business going? And what kind of afghan did you start at the laundromat?


LeaAnne, Shannon, Mary, Beth, Sarah, Scooby- hope you all are well!


Oh, Shannon -saw on FB it's your sister's Birthday- Happy Birthday to Sissy!

Hugs to all!

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Hello All!

Just got home from a nice dinner with my kiddos, brother in-law and nephew. It was yummy!

It was so neat to spend time with Jonathon, he's so cute! We sat on the floor and set up a "village" then he wanted to sew. He made a felt pillow, he sews pretty good! He said we need to add "fluff":yes then he glued buttons, pompoms and feathers. What a ham! :yay I am so greatful that I was able to spend time with him all by myself. I will have to do that again. :lol

Joanne-I completely agree with you, Kate is not on my favorite list, I fast forward when she is on...isn't that terrible?

Colleen-glad you were able to squeeze a nap in.:hug

off to help the kiddos with homework. Talk to you all soon!


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Hi Everybody.


I had my dermatologist appointment today. I had 3 moles removed. I'll hear if they are melanomas in 2 weeks.


I worked tonight. It wasn't a bad day, but I'm worn out. I have been working on a scarf with the rest of my yarn from my poncho, but there's not enough for the pattern I was working, so I'm trying to frog it. Unfortunately, it's a very fuzzy yarn, and is velcroing itself together.


Hope you are all doing well.



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Beth- prayers for good news and positive vibes coming your way:hug

How's it going with the new laptop?


I was disappointed in the results of Dancing w/the Stars- i think I'm going back to watching House on Mondays.:lol


Night and sweet dreams all!

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:hug Beth - Prayers and good thoughts coming your way. :hug And lots of hugs too :hug:hug:hug


LeeAnn - Your day with your nephew sounds fun! Felt pillows...good idea! I'll have to try that one with my girl. She'd like that.


Joanne - It sounds like you are excited for the baseball season. :cheer I'm recording Parenthood too.


I am off to dreamland early. DD has been moaning a bit in her sleep :( poor thing. She's never really had just a sore throat before. DH thinks it might be allergies because his are horrible right now, but we'll see. :xfin that she sleeps well.


I tried the little baby jacket that is in the latest Crochet Today issue, but I didn't like the main stitch. They call it a grit stitch and it's hdc, sl st. ....sl st? Are you kidding me? Who works every other stitch sl st? Oh well, maybe I'll try the sunshine baby dress :shrug I don't have a baby to crochet for, but it might get me :crocheting again.


Goodnight friends! :hug

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Good morning and Happy Hump Day!!!


Colleen- good luck finding something that will help you get your crochet mo-jo back! Maybe the dress will do it for you! And I wouldn't have patience for something with an every other slip st either!


I'm enjoying making my large granny- it is so mindless to do while unwinding after work - no pattern to follow-I just keep stitching.


Tonight is the Devils vs Flyers game- Let's Go Devils!!!


Cya later!

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Happy Wednesday to all!

Beth - Hope you get good news from the doctor. Let us klow what he says! You are in my prayers for good news!

Joanne - Good luck to the Devils tonight! I hate the Flyers. They were always a dirty team. I missed the Yankees getting their rings too, but I heard what they did for Matsui. I love it!

Leeann - All will be well. All the fingerprint stuff has to come back and everything first. Hopefully you will hear a start date soon.

Stacy - How are things out by you? How is potty training going this week with Eva? Hopefully she is doing better.

Bowling scores for the night started out great and very quickly fell. I had a 154, then a 124 and a 118. I could have taken the last two game, but I didn't get a spare or a strike in the last frame and I needed that to beat the lady I was bowling. I was bummed. I only took one point.

Tonight is tae kwon do so I get to work on the baseball ghan. It's not laying flat like I want it to, so I may pull part of it out and rethink how to attach the blue part to the round orange part. I have never done this before so I need to think this through and problem solve here.

Otherwise, it should be a relatively quiet day. I am tired, but that is just from a bowling night. Hope everyone has a spectacular day and I will talk to you all later!

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:hi, gang!


Happy HumpDay!


LeeAnn - the background checks can take up to 3 weeks, so don't worry... just continue to enjoy each day as you have! Yesterday sounds like it was so much fun for you! It made me :U

...also, You were asking about teaching someone "the other handed" how to crochet. When I first learned, it was by doing a granny square while sitting across from my mom. she is right handed. I am a lefty, and have taught many righty's to crochet. I will confess, though, that I taught myself how to crochet righty so I could do it. I have had lots of success with YouTube, when searching for anything I want to learn. Keep us posted on how the lessons go, ok?


Beth - I am here, praying for great results of your biopsies. You sound tired. I hope you are feeling ok! Here are some extra :D:U:hug:U:D:hug& some :flower... just because!


Vicki - I am so excited for you to figure out your very own pattern-ness! that is part of the fun of the craft for me :wink. ... 10 weeks from today is our last day of school (not that I am counting or anything:lol:lol) When do you get out?


Joanne - I somehow can't get into DWTS... maybe it's because my family watches Idol :shrug.... if I did watch, though, I would be cheering for Evan (he's so adorable and talented), and would have my "get a cup of tea" break when Kate was dancing. I don't quite understand why she continues to get so much press. She's a mom. Like you, like me... like all of us!


Colleen - I hope that DD is feeling better today, and that your headache is gone:hug:hug Are you still finding time to volunteer, even though you are working? I think of you, and wish peaceful times for you every day!


Mary - what's the "left to crochet" count on your sweater project? I hope that all is well, and that you get enough time to crochet to make us all a little green with envy! :devil:hug


Stacy - How are the girls, girl? I hope all is well out your way! did you finish your earthquake kit shopping? How are your hats coming?


Shannon - I hope everyone down your way is well, and that sissy had a fantabulous birthday!


Sarah- thinking about you today, and wishing you lots of :U & :manyheart


ScoobyDoo - How are you doing today, girl? I hope that life is treating you well.


ok...here goes, what we have been up to....


Ballfield update: the girls are all enjoying their teams so far this year. There have been lots of practices already, and we have 2 scrimmages this week. Jamie has 3-4 practices a week, Lindsey has 2-3, and Krissy has 2. I have actually only been able to sit and watch 2 practices. There has been a lot of "double booking" so far. Luckily, the fields are close to one another, or to the house. Pete has "tryouts" tomorrow night. the season opens for the girls on Sunday, April 25.


Cleaning update: although not as far along as I had hoped, I am doing some every day. On the days I work, I only do the day to day (make beds, 2 loads of laundry, sweeping, wiping down bathrooms, cooking and cleaning up the kitchen.) That is enough right now.

On Sunday, I did manage to take 6 bags of clothing to Goodwill, and got rid of 10 bags of other stuff. Although we didn't get any water during the rains, whatever I had in my garage got mildewed:(. Also over the weekend, my chickens totally cleaned their rooms! :cheer:yay:cheer

as far as traditional "spring cleaning" goes, here is what I have left:

Linen closet

Hall closet

laundry room



I still have my attic to clean out and organize, too.


I guess I should run along and do some stuff.... i miss you girls whole bunches!!!!


Hope your day is the BESTIEST! :manyheart:hug:hug:manyheart

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LeaAnne - WOW!! You have been busy! Someone here counted and I think we have 32 school days left. Out last day with the students is June 2 and then teachers' last day is June 3. I need to find a place for DD that day! Hello, babysitter? Are you available to watch my DD? I hope so! I'll ask her when I see her tonight now that I think about it!

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Hi Ladies

Iam still around. I try to get here to keep up with the posts. I don't want to get too far behind. I have been crocheting, working on sweaters. So far I have childs size sweaters 6 lg, 6 med, 9 sm and 20 baby sets done. Iam trying to get the sm size sweaters up to 20 before the sale in June. I have alot of other stuff done also but I think I have lost count on them.

We are working outside right now cause the days are nnice and no blackflies yet. Iam keeping up with the inside day to day stuff also.

I have been dealing with some upsetting stuff lately and I know I will get it all figured out soon.

I want you all to know I think about everyone every day. I have all your names and addresses wrote down on a paper and I look at it every night before I go to bed. This does bring a smile to my face.

I better get going , we have an appt. this afternoon and I better get ready.

Talk to you later

Lots and Lots of Love


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Morning friends!

Spring cleaning? :think I kinda fell off the wagon. :yes But I only have a small list:

dd closet

linen closet

living room curtains/windows

laundry room

not too bad, i have to take a quiz but after that I plan on attacking dd's closet. Wish me luck! It's scary:eek

Beth-I will say a little prayer for you, your tests will come out negative, I know it. :hug

LeaAnne-:nworthy you are amazing! Your chicken sure do keep you busy! wow! Here's sending you energy and :hug I am a lefty too, but crochet with my righ hand, dd has mastered the chain and is working on the sc. I know she will get the hang of it, I can't wait! Then we might have to go out and buy yarn! :lol

Joanne-hope your day goes well, I too am not going to watch DWTS, will watch TLC instead! :) I will be graduating in May, the 15th..:cheer

Colleen-the felt is so easy to sew, you can use yarn for the thread too, perhaps punch the holes. I have about a years subscription of the crocheting magazine, and can you believe it? I have never made anything from them....:think I just like to ooohh and ahhhh over the patterns, sick I know it. :lol

Vicki-do you teach summer school? Or will you be on a much deserved vacation?

:hugto Sarah, Stacy, Scooby, Mary and Shannon!

Talk to you all soon! :P

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:hi everyone!


It was a rough night, here. DD didn't sleep overly well and when she woke me up at 1:00 am, I couldn't fall back asleep until 3:00 :( I turned my alarm off when she got up to watch TV at 6:00 assuming she wouldn't be going to school (and that I wouldn't be going to work) and let me tell you when DH woke me at 7:30 it was a shock to discover she wanted to go to school and I had to get both of us ready in hurry. We made it, I worked the morning, and she came home at lunch time. Poor thing just isn't feeling good. She's resting on the couch and I have a disaster of a house to pick up after this morning's rush.


Mary - :hug that all turns out okay. WTG on all the sweaters!


LeaAnne - So nice to hear from you! :hug Sounds like the ball teams are keeping you hopping. WTG getting so much done so far on the spring cleaning. I do still volunteer at the school two afternoons a week and I do pizza day every other week. I'm actually going to the school council meeting tonight, because I've been asked to attend with regard to the English as a Second Language volunteering I do. :shrug New territory for me, we'll see what that is like.


LeeAnn - Have a great day and good luck with your DD's closet! I totally drool over the patterns too. I actually get my magazines out and just look at them sometimes, so I get it :yes


Vicki - 32 days :yay That doesn't sound too bad does it. It seems like just yesterday you were starting last year's summer vacation. Now how did that happen? :think:lol


Joanne - I started watching Parenthood before I got called to pick up DD at school, so that will have to wait until later (maybe she'll fall asleep :xfin:lol).


:hi to everyone else! Have a great day.

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