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Some good clean fun?!

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Good Morning Ladies!

How's everyone doing? Taking a break from Homework, it's enjoyable but....


Beth-16! Happy Birthday to your babies! How exciting! What a milestone! Are they super pumped?


Shannon-I loved your potty training story! Adorable!


Colleen-trying to work while being a mommy can be stressful. I am positive that you are an excellent mommy! :hug Muffins? yummy! Wouldn't it be neat to have emails that had an attachment w/smells. :think hmmm....could be a new invention....:lol


Joanne-I sure will post a pic of the hexagons, I think that I should have used a bigger size hook, I crochet too tightly, they are so much fun and addicting!


Stacy-your veggi garden sounds delicious! The tomatoes.....mmm....dd wants to plant a garden but dh is going to help her, I kill everything that's within a 10 mile radius.


Mary-how's the crocheting? the baby items sound adorable!


Vicki-Thank you! :flowerThank you so much for taking the time to attend these meetings and trainings. Speaking from a parent/teacher position, without you, those children would be lost. You are amazing!:cheer

LeaAnne-thank you for the compliment! I am enjoying my time with all of you. This last job left me raw-both emotionally and spiritually. I am blessed to be part of this group. Ds had a great time at the dance, he was too shy to ask the gal to dance but that's ok, he was able to admire her from afar.

Scooby-hope all is going well.

Talk to you all soon!

hugs and warmes wishes~

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:D Hello all, I am feeling a little bit refreshed. Almost back to my old self, almost. :yes We spent the entire morning at home. I made my macaroni salad and we ate muffins and I did dishes. After lunch DD and I went grocery shopping without being rushed. Then we took her bike to the park and just enjoyed the sunshine. I finished a book today :c9 and put a good meal on the table without feeling stressed. My DD actually told me she "loved" my macaroni salad :clap. She ate such a big supper! She must be growing.


LeeAnn - We are happy to have you. I think many of us believe we all found each other for our own reasons, but all because we needed friendship. It is so great to be able to come on here and share something of our lives and have such a great group of ladies to "listen". :hug I hope you have a wonderful evening!


Shannon - How was your busy day?


Alright, I have the evening ahead of me. :c9

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Oh, I hate stupid people! And I hate when they think that their agendas are more important than what other people have going on!

I went to my testing training. After it was over I told the counselor that on the day of testing I had a staffing with the diag and a difficult parent. This staffing has been on the calendar since before spring break and the I am required to invite this mother to this meeting. The counselor's reaction? Cancel the staffing! Are you kidding me!?! I told her I can't cancel this one, that the mother has already been told about it and has known about it for three weeks. Of all the parents I have, this is the ONE parent I can't cancel on. She should know this. Why does this one counselor have to act like this? Why is her schedule so much more important than anyone else's!?!

In the end my partner stepped in and is going to take over the staffing so I can do the testing. The mom is not going to like it, but I will simply direct her to the counseling office. That is all I can do.

Sorry. I needed to rant there. Rant is over!

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Hi everyone!

Belated Happy Birthday to Beth's Twinners!!!! Sweet Sixteen!!Yes, the babies do grow up fast. Keep meaning to ask- has your oldest decided where he is going to school next year?


Stacy- Hope you had a great time at Knott's today to celebrate Mia's birthday!!!


Colleen- It sounds like you had a lovely relaxing day!:c9 Oh, how nice! Today was very rainy, with flooding again! But it's supposed to stop by tomorrow and be nice the rest of the week, including the weekend!! Sunshine and 70's- Can't wait!!! Glad that DD "loved" your macaroni salad. I love my DD's macaroni salad- she uses her MIL's recipe and I absolutely love it- She puts eggs, tuna, macaroni, celery , mayo, salt, pepper and I don't know what else- but it is yummy! I asked my DD to make me some the next time she makes it!


LeeAnn- I can't wait to see the hex's!:hook:yay


Shannon- Did DD stay try- I'm with Vicki- inquiring minds want to know:lol


Vicki- OH, how frustrating- and :hug to you. Tonight at bowling, you can just pretend the pins are the counselor! I bet you'll bowl really good if you do:lol


LeaAnne, Mary, Scooby, Stacy, Sarah-hope you had a great day!!!


I'm going to clean up the dinner dishes and then sit and watch Dancing w/the Stars!

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Quick good morning and happy hump day!


Hope everyone has a great one. And the rain has finally stopped here, but lots of areas still could get flooding- luckily it's not where I live.


LeaAnne- I heard on the news that MA was getting hit hard too by all this rain. How are you faring?


Well, gang- time to leave for work.


Cya later!

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It's almost time for the 1st Annual Some Good Clean Fun CAL Spring Clean-a-thon!!!!


Who's ready to get their house in tip-top shape for Spring?!?!


Monday, April 5th is Day 1.


Aside from cleaning together, there will also be some :cheering, :yaying, :kicking, and :fireing!! And of course, at the end, there will be some major :partying and :crochetinging!!


So join me for this fantabulous week (or two:blush)!! Together we can do it!

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Shannon - I would love to join you! My house could use it! I have been very lax lately in the cleaning department! This is the kick I need!

Joanne - My scores last night were decent! 141, 124, 151! I didn't take any points though. The guy I was bowling bowled like a mad man and kept getting strings of strikes! There is no way I can beat that!

Anyway, it is early in the morning and this day is already not going well! A training that I am supposed to go to has been moved to a day that I can't go to it and there is no other day for me to go to that will fit my schedule due to state testing. This is going to be fun. Although that would tweak the counselor that I don't like a little. I know, that is bad.

We need to go figure this out. TTFN!

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I started writing, and got interrupted. The joys of homeschooling...


Vicki, :hug You have a very challenging job. You don't need a counselor making it worse. I hope your schedule gets straightened out, and the meetings you need can take place smoothly.


Shannon. :cheer I will join you in Spring Cleaning. My house will thank you, too.


Joanne, you are almost there! Two more days after today, and another 12 day-er will be over! My oldest will be 18 in September, but he's only a Junior in high school. We want to have a good idea where he can go after that. Since he's homeschooled and wants to stay in the local area, we don't have as many options as I'd like. I'm hoping he'll at least start with the local community college.


Colleen, :yay for feeling more like yourself. We like yourself! I think you were long overdue for a day off.


LeeAnn, I hope you get some nice tomatoes from your dd's garden. I can grow stuff outside, but I kill houseplants. Or the cats eat them. Or both.


Stacy, how was Knott's? Did the birthday girl have a good time? Are you all avoiding the terror's germs?


LeeAnne, How is softball practice coming along? When do the games start?


Mary, is it Spring in God's country yet? What's on your hooks these days?


Scooby, what's going on with you? Are you all moved in?


Here are some hugs for all of you. Sorry if I missed anyone's name. :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug


I finished my 5 squares for March for my sil's afghan. I resumed sewing this morning, and couldn't get a square to line up right. So I counted the stitches. It wasn't the right size. So I frogged, and crocheted, and counted, and frogged and crocheted, and counted... And 5 tries later, I found that I slip stitched into the first ss, not the first sc, so I had an extra stitch 3 rows down. Well, I fixed it, but I haven't started sewing again.


My twinners say thanks for the birthday wishes. I think they had a good day. I'm not sure that 16 is a huge deal for them, though. Maybe more for the boy. He wants a job, wants a license, wants a Mustang. He needs a really good job, because he wants a very nice Mustang.


Have a great day!!!:manyheart:hug

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Good Morning Ladies!

How's everyone doing on this fine Wednesday? I hope well. I woke up a little grumpy today. dh snores and I'm a light sleeper, usually he wears those little strips and I fall asleep before him...but:angrygoodness! I was a bear this morning! But happy to say after 2 cups of coffee, I feel more like my 'ol self.:lol

Here's a pic of the hexagons that I have been working on. I figured out a way to make it go faster, I am crocheting all the little rounds first (7-8) of them then the the next two rows, then connecting all of them in one whack. What do you all think? Oh forgot! have to tuck in ends, but will do that later.

have a great mornng, will talk to you all soon!


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Morning, all!

Thank you for Mia's birthday wishes- she loved them. :manyheart I think the girls had a nice time at Knott's yesterday. Mia fell asleep on the way there, so it truly was a surprise when she woke up and there we were. There were more people than we expected, due to spring break, I guess. We went on lots of rides, and saw two shows. Mia is tall enough to go on 3 of the "grown-up" rides, so she was super-excited about that. Eva had a blast in Camp Snoopy, because she is finally tall enough for most of the kiddie rides. She laughed hysterically when I took her on Lucy's tugboat (kind of like a tilt-a-whirl) and the camp bus (a kiddie version of a Ferris wheel.) We went on the bus about 5 times, then actually got stuck on it. :eek Eva kept saying, "It broke, it broke!" :lol FIL had given Mia some birthday money, so right before we left, we stopped at the Camp Snoopy store and she got a headband, puzzle, and a nice charm bracelet with her name on it.

I feel like I should take the girls somewhere today, but I am wiped out from yesterday. We may to go the dollar store to get more tomato seeds. I'm thinking we will go to the tar pits either tomorrow or Friday.


Colleen, I'm glad to hear you feel like yourself again. :hug:clap for having a day to relax and enjoy yourself. I'm happy that dd loved the macaroni salad! All this yummy talk is making me want some. :drool


Beth, sorry to hear about your squares! How frustrating! You are a better :crocheting than me- I think I would have just skipped a stitch when sewing it together. :blush I had a good :heehee at your son- such a typical guy, wanting a Mustang. :lol Is it a classic, or a newer one?


Leeann, your hexagons are beautiful! :manyheart Great work! Are you joining as you go, or sewing them together?


Vicki, sorry to hear about the class mix-up. I hope you can get it straightened out. Great bowling scores!


Shannon, I might join you in the clean-a-thon. :blush Wouldn't be able to do the whole house, of course, but our bedrooms and bathroom could definitely benefit. My kitchen shelves could use a good cleaning, too. Let me see what I can get out of the way, :crocheting-wise, and I'll get back to you. :lol


Joanne, happy hump day! This is day 10, right? Only 2 more days left! :cheer


Mary, Sarah, Leanne, Scooby- happy hump day and here are some hugs for all of you! :hug:hug:hug


Okay, I'm off to take a shower. Have a splendiferous day, friends! :manyheart

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Hi! It's me! no, really, it is!:lol:lol


I finally have taken a day off.:yay No babysitting, no guests, no DH in his office... just me! By my-lone, and Quiet! Ahhhhhh! For the first time in weeks (it feels like weeks) I can breathe! sorry for not having been around here much, I didn't want to be bringing anyone down around here:(

I have not been myself lately. Not at all. I needed today. My batteries physically and emotionally were worn OUT! I have just been sad, worried, stressed, and I don't even know what else... maybe it's been the lack of sun, and too many disruptions of my schedule:shrug...I dunno


The rain is finally stopping... Yikes! it has been mad around here! It is the 2nd wettest month on record here... nearly 20" of rain! We got 5 1/2" just yesterday!:eek Everyone around here has been affected somehow, and many have lost a lot. Rivers are still rising. Wow! Every house in my neighborhood has a hose from a sump pump coming out of it. Thankfully, we only had some leaking through the chimneys, and a few extra towels was all we needed:whew:tup. The :sun is supposed to come out by tomorrow, and stay through Easter. I sure hope it does. Mother Nature needs to cut us all a break, and let things dry out a little. If you want to see pics of what we are dealing with, go to www.whdh.com.


Colleen - you are amazing! you always seem to be able to put into words how I am feeling. It's like we are living in parallel. I am glad you got your day off too!:yay:cheer Maybe you and I should remind each other that we can't do it all?! :hug ...and :yes The RedSox season opens this weekend! Opening game is Sunday night vs. the Yankees! Here we go again!


Shannon - I am IN on the clean-a-thon! I need to pick what spot I want to start in... maybe my linen closet that has been neglected for way too long.:think Great idea, girl!!!! :hug


Joanne - glad to hear that your home missed damage from the rains, too. I was thinking of you while watching the news last night. Hey, you are almost through another 12day-er! WTG! :cheer:hug:cheer:hug

Did your daughter have any damage? Softball practices have been indoors at the middle school gym. We start outside tomorrow night. 2 girls, 2 different fields at the same time. Then we have practice on Friday for just one, and all 3 girls have practices on Saturday. Opening Day is set for April 25 for the girls. Little Pete is only in clinic because of his age. He won't start until May. I hope that the schedules will allow me to use my new chair a little bit. I might just be going from coach to missing too much! We are just going to have to divide and conquer, I think! Thank God MIL lives in town, and loves to go! I'll keep you all posted on our great adventures at the ball fields, that's for sure!


Beth - Happy belated b-day to the twins!:blush Sorry I missed it. Your post about DS and the "nice paying job" made me chuckle:heehee. Sorry about the mishap with the 1 square. You must have been so frustrated! WTG on sticking with it to figure it out.:hug:hug


Stacy - Happy happy birthday week to MIA! I hope her day was splendiferous! How is everyone feeling out there? When does Jorge get done with school? Is George being nice to you? I hope that all is well:hug:hug


Vicki - So sorry about all you have been dealing with at work! sounds like a big mess! Like LeeAnn said, :ty:ty:flower for all you do! :hug:hug


LeeAnn - I love your hexagon project! Very clever to join them as you go!:yes That is on my "crochet bucket list" of things to learn. Thanks for sharing your pics! I hope the rest of your day goes better, and that you get to sneak a little rest into it:devil :hug:hug


Sarah - How are you? How is Keith? And DF and his family? How are the renovations coming along? Have you had a chance to :crocheting at all?


ScoobyDoo- How are your new digs? I hope that spring is coming to where you are. You guys got all that snow, and then we got all this rain! It's weird. Anyway, I am thinking of you and your DS, and praying that everything is wonderful-ness:U :hug:hug


:waving, Mary! How are you doing, girl? Prayers for :sun and :flowers headed your way (as always!) I hope you are ok. Say hi to DH from me!

Did you get all of your baby sets finished? How's the stash holding out?


Well, ladies, I know I am not even Close to remembering everything I wanted to say, but I need to get my badorkus in gear and take a shower before the chickens get out of school.


Thanks for listening... I love you all!:manyheart

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Iam still around I have just been helping my friend out so I have not been home too much.

I miss everyone and yes spring has come to God's country.

I will try and get back tonight and respond to everyone.

Lots of Love


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Yes, the training thing finally got straightened out. We are now going on the 7th. Nothing like changing it 25 times before it is finally all straightened out!

Stacy - Glad you had a great time at Knott's with the girls! Did you go get the tomato seeds?

Mary - Glad you stopped by to say hi! Nice to see that spring is coming to God's country!

Leeann - The hexagons are lovely! It is a great idea to join them as you go! I love the idea!

LeaAnne - Sometimes we just need down time. I am findinf that in this past week. We just need to get away from everything and just chill. Remember, we are always here for you to come and vent!

Joanne - Day 10 is done! You go girl! You are almost done and almost ready for the weekend!

Tonight is DD's Destination Imagination party at Cici's Pizza. That is what we are doing for dinner. Hubby is going to have left overs and we will do tae kwon do tomorrow. I have no idea what I will do for dinner tomorrow night now! Maybe I will go get some hot dog rolls and just make some hot dogs. That might work.

Anyway, have a great night all and I will talk to you all on the flip side!

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:hi everyone! Another busy day under my belt and I feel just as frazzled as I did before my day off. :( I asked today at work and learned that they haven't even looked at calling people for interviews. :rolleyes I will continue working until they hire someone. Oh well, it is nice to make a little money...that's what I keep telling myself :rofl


I got groceries today and it was crazy busy at the store. Everyone with the same idea as me, get it done before the Easter rush. Friday is a holiday here, so the stores will be closed. But, I think I've got it all. :xfin All I'm missing is Easter cards and I think DD and I will make a project of making homemade ones. :manyheart My dishwasher should be installed tomorrow :clap I am so excited :hyper The weather is supposed to be hot by Friday. I actually heard the word "humidex", so it will be hot. Funny last weekend we wore winter coats and hats and this weekend we'll wear shorts. That's how the weather goes here.


I have a cute story. After dropping DD at school this morning I went to go through the gate from the kindegarten area and there were 2 little girls blocking it. Me: "Is there a secret password?" Them "Yes, and it starts with S!". Me: "Is it Sesame?".... It goes on like this with me not guessing the right password that starts with S. Finally I say, "Could you please tell me the password because I have to go to work?" It's "S'cuse me". :rofl So cute!


Shannon - I am in for a spring-clean-a-thon. Not sure when I'll get to it, but it has been heavy on my mind. My windows need cleaning, my laundry room needs a good vacuum (floor to ceiling :blush), and I need to sort out the toys for this sale. And now that the weather is getting nice, I can get some blankets and stuff out on the clothesline.


Stacy - I am so happy Mia and all the girls had fun at Knotts! I don't blame you for feeling tired today. I'm sure the kids do too.


Beth - Tell your DS to FORGET the mustang. My DH had one before I met him (along with a long list of other cars :rolleyes) and if he hadn't we would have had a much bigger down payment on our house. :rofl I'm just kidding, if it gives him reason to work hard, go for it. Oh to be 16 and have big dreams. :dreaming


LeeAnn - I love your hexagons! That is going to look fantastic!


LeaAnne - It is so nice to hear from you! :hug I hear you about the not feeling yourself and we are always here for you with lots of :hug Good for you taking a day off. You deserve it! Your softball/baseball season sounds very busy :eek Hopefully it won't be all rushy-rushy and you can sit and enjoy it for what it is...fun!


Mary - Glad to see you are getting happy with the spring!


Joanne - You are almost there! :hug


Scooby -Hey girl! We're all thinking about you!


Vicki - Yes, teachers are amazing! Especially special ed. That takes a special person. Thanks for all you do!


:hi Sarah and all our friends!

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Hello Hello!

I am happy to see that you all are getting things done. :clap I have motivated myself and finished another big assignment for the art class and even printed out my invitations for graduation.:D whooohooo! Pretty proud of myself, I am not normally a procrastinator, but lately....I've been. Glad those are crossed of my list. Connecting the hexagons is the best part of the process, it makes me happy to see all the colors just popping!

Colleen-what an adroable story! I love it!

Last night I was teaching dd how to make omelets, bacon and hashbrowns(breakfast for dinner) anyhow, she said, "Mom, when I get old I am going to teach my daughter to cook just like you are teaching me, and then she's going to craft too." I melted...just gotta love her! Talk about a chip off the ol' block! :lol Actually, Celine likes to sew, she creates lots of clothing for her dolls.

Vicki-glad that you have a date set, even tho' you had to go to so much trouble. The pizza sounds heavenly!

LeaAnne-I'm so happy for you! Getting those few minutes alone is necessary. Did you get any :hook done?

Mary-happy to read your post! Spring is kinda here, it's been windy all day, but that's ok, at least it's not snow.

Stacy-keep us posted on the tomatoe plants.

Shannon-count me in for the Spring Clean, I did most of my Spring Cleaning, but I want to paint the living room...I need motivation. :D

Joanne-hope you had a great Wed! :hug

off to get dinner on the table, dd has practice at the church tonight. Talk to you all soon!

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Wow was everyone in a gabby mood today!!!


I enjoyed reading all your posts! I am kind of tired and just wanted to stop by to say hi!


I must say those hexagons are awesome LeeAnn!


I am going to relax with a book and head to bed early tonight. Hopefully I will have more energy tomorrow night to properly respond to everyone!


Oh, Shannon- the cleaning blitz sounds great! Mine will have to start on Saturday thought- I only do the basics at night after working all day- but I'll be here cheering you all on during the week!!!


Night all!

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Good morning!

I went to bed early and got up early- but got a good night's sleep!


The sun is going to shine today and it is supposed to be warm!!!


I hope that everyone has a great day today!!!

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Good morning, and Happy April Fool's Day!


LeeAnn, love the hexagons. The colors are gorgeous.


Too -- tired -- to -- think... I hope everyone will just take a big hug and smile, and have a good day.:hug:manyheart

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Good morning everyone! I want to say Friday, but it is Thursday! Today is actually my Friday since we have no school tomorrow. Tomorrow DD and I are going to do something we have not done in a long while... get hair cuts!!! She has said she is going to put the layers back in her hair. It looks SO cute with layers! Her hair is curly and can support layers! I think I will get about 3 inches cut off mine. It needs it! I haven't had mine cut in months! I was actually thinking about getting it cut shorter, but then if I want to pull it up I won't be able to and then I won't like it. I have to be able to pull and twist and braid. I need to play with my hair.

I think I am cranky this week because I am PMSing. I figured it out this morning. I am very cranky this morning. Oh well. At least it is the last day of the week!

I forgot to tell you all this last night. The director of instruction (whom I love) called me down to her office yesterday afternoon. She asked me if everything was okay because 4 people had told her I wasn't my normal happy self at state testing training on Tuesday afternoon. I guess they heard me yelling at the counselor that I couldn't cancel that staffing! I just told her I was frustrated with the process and that there were certain things that were supposed to be done that were not. Turns out the counselor was supposed to involve my partner and me in doing some of the stuff for testing this time around and did not. She apparently was told my the building principal (again, whom I get along with very well) that she was suppose to get with my partner and me to make the testing groups for the sped testers. So I said that was something that we should have been told about from the beginning. We would have been more than happy to help with it, not told after the fact. This is why things blow up in this coulselor's face. She never asks for help and she always needs it.


So my director of instruction just reminded me nicely that if I was upset about something to come and talk to her about it. I need to go tell her about the cancel the staffing thing before she hears about it from someone else.

Joanne - Hope the sun comes out and dries you out! Have a good day at work!

LeaAnne - You too! You need to dry out up there so the Yankees and the Red Sox can play Sunday night! It would be very bad if the Opening game of the Seaon were to be postponed due to rain! How is softball practice going? Especially with the girls on different teams on different fields?!?

Leeann - Way to go on getting your art project done! Don't worry about the procrastination. We all do it at some point! How are the hexagons going?


Mary - How is spring up by you?

Colleen - Love the password! That was cute! Hope you had a good day at work!

Sarah - How are things going by you? I hope everyone is well and things are settling down a bit. How are the renovations coming?

Scooby - How are you? We miss you around here!

Shannon - How is Miss Janna doing at night? Is she keeping dry? When does she start in her new school?

I'm sorry if I misse anyone. Hugs to all my besties! Have a great day to you all and I will talk to you all later!

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**** everyone!

Today has been busy, had to get all of my cleaning done before the weekend, tomorrow just have to finish up laundry. Did get a few minutes to crochet, and just got back from the store with my red yarn. lol


how's everyone else? Better get to work, tonight we are going to church so have to make dinner early.


Talk to you all soon!


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Hi all!

It's almost the weekend- Lucky Vicki- it IS the weekend for you!!!! I brought bagels to work today for my co-workers- just because we've worked so hard and to keep us going till tomorrow- (you know carbs and:coffee, lots of :coffee)


Vicki- I'm getting my hair cut (and the grays taken care of) on Saturday @8AM! Funny thing, I got a call from the hair salon to confirm my appt for 12;30 tomorrow! I called back and said that can't be my appt- I always work on Friday and would never schedule an appt for that time and that my appt was at 8 on Saturday. She looked- somehow they booked me for Friday and Saturday- But at least I was in the books for Saturday!:) I know my hairdresser has 2 Joanne's and I bet the Fri appt is for the other Joanne- I did mention this to the receptionist.


My co-worker who lives near Easton, PA bought me a skein of I love this Cotton!!! I can't wait to try it. She went to HL to get some things for Easter baskets for her nieces and knew that I've talked about HL and how lucky she is to live near one. It really made my day!


I got home from work at 4:45 and the sun was shining, and it was around 70 degrees:clap. So I changed out of my work clothes, and went outside for a while and took a walk around the block. DH went to some computer store and the house is quiet and the sun is still streaming in the sliding glass door next to my :crocheting chair. So I think I'm going to try out the I Love This Cotton yarn!!!


Oh, LeaAnne- you asked how DD made out with all the rain in her area. I wouldn't know- she has been in New Orleans all week:lol She flies back to Boston tomorrow!!!


Cya later :manyheart

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Just had to stop by to say I Love This Cotton!!! Making a solid granny dishcloth- The yarn is so soft and glides like butter!


I definitely see a drive to Hobby Lobby in my near future! Definitely have to keep adding to my loose change jar!

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:hi everyone!


Welcome to the weekend for some of us! One day to go Joanne!


LeeAnn - I do believe you've been censored :eek:lol It's happened to all of us at some point. WTG getting your cleaning done, some crochet time in, and buying your red yarn.


Joanne - One day to go and a hair appt to look forward to! Hooray!


Vicki - Yay for long weekends! Enjoy getting your hair cut. I'm due for one too. Next week, there's always next week.


OK, here's my big happy dance :rock:dance:bounce:2spin:dance I got my dishwasher installed today! I haven't run it yet (it's not quite full), but I'm happy :D It almost didn't happen. The deal was that they wouldn't get it at the store until 10 this morning for me to pick up. So, we scheduled an install time between 12 and 4 pm. Phone rings last night at 9:15 and it was the installer. He started saying he couldn't install it today. :irk He wanted to set a time for next week. :thairThen he started mentioning coming on the weekend (ya right, when I'm cooking a big dinner, I don't thinks so) and blah blah blah. Anyway, we left it that he would call me this morning. He called me while I was at the store picking it up and said he'd meet me at my house. 30 minutes later it was installed. :whew I would not have been happy about that. The sales woman called me this morning to let me know that it was ready for pick up and I told her what happened (just to give her a heads up that she might be losing a sale or giving me free installation if they didn't sort it out). Lucky for her it all turned out okay. The installer left the box for my DD and cut a door and a window in it for her. :clap she'll be set for fun for the weekend now! She loves it. She's colouring the walls and hung a light through the "skylight" :lol


It was absolutely beautiful here today. Sunny, warm. I ended up looking after my neighbours little girl for the afternoon because she had a bad migraine. I certainly didn't mind, the girls had fun and we played outside. We rediscovered all our outdoor toys which we haven't seen for 5 months. She brought me an Easter Lily this evening as a thank you. Wasn't that nice? :manyheart


So, with 2 crazy little girls to look after I didn't get near as much cleaning done today as I thought I would staying at home waiting for the installer. I vacuumed the main level, did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen and the cupboard under the sink (of course). I BBQ'd chicken and made ceasar salad and baked potatoes for supper. It was yummy if I do say so myself.


I hope everyone has a great evening! Boy does it ever feel like a Friday! DH and DD have a 4 day weekend and I'm back to work on Monday.


:hug to everyone!

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:hi all!


Another busy, fun day here. The girls and I went to the Natural History Museum. I packed a lunch and we ate outside on the lawn. We saw the dinosaur show and went to story time in the kids' center. The older two kept asking about fossils, so I think tomorrow will be the perfect day for the tar pits- they will get a kick out of that!


Eva got sick last night, around 10:30. :( She got sick 3 times, then when it seemed that her tummy was empty (around 2), she fell asleep, and woke up perfectly fine. :think The last time she threw up, we had fish sticks for dinner, and we had them last night, also. I'm wondering if she has a fish allergy...she never eats salmon or swordfish when I make it, so I have nothing to compare it to. I think we'll just steer clear of fish with her, for now.


Colleen, congrats on getting your new dishwasher! How nice of the installation guy to make a house for dd. :yay


Joanne, how sweet of your co-worker to buy you a skein of ILTC!! Can't wait to see your dishcloth! I had bought some when we were in MI, but sent it out in a swap package. :( Only one more day left! :cheer You can do it! Hope dd had a fabulous time in NO. :yay


Vicki, I'm glad you were able to talk to the director about what is going on. Enjoy getting your hair cut. I am the same way about having hair long enough to play with. I don't like it too long, but it must be long enough for a ponytail or twist or barrette. :yes


Scooby, Shannon, Beth, Mary, Leanne, Leeann, Sarah- :hug to you!!


I am going to take a shower and put my pajamas on. Then hopefully I can get in a bit of :crocheting time. Maybe another jar jacket. :D Good night, all! :hug

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