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Some good clean fun?!

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Stacy - :angry about the fights with SIL. Good thing they don't live too close :wink


Beth - WTG finishing your March assignment on the neices' afghans :clap


LeeAnn - Can't wait to see your bag!


Shannon - I'm so glad ST/OT went well. And hooray for crocheting in the waiting room. What are you working on these days? I know you are doing charity work.


LeaAnne - How was PTO?


Vicki - Have fun with the fingerless gloves.


Joanne - 2 of 12 down! :cheer We haven't bought a dishwasher yet, but we've got quotes from 2 places. Soon, hopefully. I wish I had someone who would offer to help me dry now and then :grumpy


DD and I "decorated" for Easter. I have a couple little bunnies and a table runner and that is about it, so this wasn't a big undertaking. :lol DD created an arrangement of stuffies on the bench in the living room that I think she would like to keep there through Easter, but I don't know about that. The lizard and reindeer don't feel very Easter-y to me. :rofl I must give her credit, she is very creative and has a much better eye for collections than I do....and at least she left the big snake out of it. :rofl


2nd load of laundry on the go, 2 folded and put away, house dusted, dishes done. I am feeling tired and kinda grumpy today. Glad for a day off, but it is cloudy and rainy and kinda gloomy today. My next task is to figure out something for supper (my least favourite job in the world these days :grumpy).


I do, however, have smiles for all of you! :) I hope you all have a marvelous day!

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Hi Ladies

It is rainy here also. We had a little freezing rain last night but it didn't last long. The wind was very strong and blew things around on the deck.

Colleen I love your jar jacket. I think I will make one for my hooks to sit in. Thanks for the idea.

LeaAnne hope PTO went well.

Shannon glad to here DD did well yesterday.

Stacy that is great that Mia got her cast off.

Vicki I hope everything is well there.

Sarah how are things with you?

Scooby I hope spring is on its way to your place.

Beth here is a :hug just for you.

Joanne 2 down and 10 to go :cheer

Leeann hope your DS gets well soon.

Right now Iam making baby sets... sweater, hat and booties.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Mary, Thanks for the hug! Just what I need when I have to face --- THE KITCHEN!!!! :eek Sounds like you had quite a wind storm last night. I hope nothing was damaged on your deck, getting rearranged like that.


Colleen, Ahhhh, your Easter decorations sound so sweet. In a few years (which will seem like no time at all, looking back) you will have a very fond memory of your dd decorating the bench with her stuffies. How very sweet. Did you take a pic?


Shannon, I'm so glad you are feeling better because of Dr. Jason. How nice not to hurt!


LeaAnn, I hope you whole family feels good soon - you're due for some good health!


I am making an afghan for my SIL for Christmas. It's the Moroccan Tile pattern at http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com I tried to link directly to the pattern, and couldn't, so I'll send you vague directions. I really really really really really hate sewing, (really!) so when I first connected ten squares, and they were wonky, I got very discouraged. I'm trying again. I hope they line up better this time! My goal for March is to have 15 squares done and connected. I need to get my hook smokin. I wonder if Mary gives lessons in going fast?


I think I have everyone caught up. I finished the sun hat I made, but it's not what I want. It's floppy, and the brim falls into my face, even though I starched it many times. I'm going to pin up the front of the brim, make a butterfly or something to sew on there, and put it in with the brain surgery caps I'm making. Any way, here's a pic of it as is. I'm going to try to make another one with a much smaller hook, so it will be tighter.


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Colleen, your jar jacket is beautiful! :manyheart So beautiful, in fact, that you've inspired me- I ran right to the recycle container and pulled out a salsa jar that I had thrown out this morning. :blush:rofl Of course, as with everything else, I don't know when I'll have the time. WTG decorating for Easter. I had to :heehee at dd's idea of arranging her stuffies. Hey, they want to celebrate, too!


Shannon-ness, how awesome that you can see an improvement in dd already! How is your charity work coming along? I hate to say mine has been fairly stagnant lately. :blush I decided against the socks because they take way too long, and the first pair I made, the first sock came out fine, and the second would have fit Eva. So I'm making caps for Schmetterling, instead. :)


Well besties, I just looked at the clock, and it's time to go. Joanne, Beth, Mary, Scooby, Vicki, Sarah, Leanne, and Leeann- hope you're having a great Tuesday! :hug



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:hi, everyone!


Stacy - so nice to hear that you had a wonderful weekend, in spite of a spiteful SIL... don't worry, she's just jealous because she isn't as nice as you are. I bet you are FIL's favorite, anyway;) I wasn't prepared to read your post about the birthday party... I almost spit my coffee everywhere when I read about the Barbie warehouse!:rofl:rofl... truth be told, I really miss those days. Glad that Mia got her cast off and that she got to enjoy some dodgeball with grandpa.


Colleen - I :manyheart your Easter decorations! Another thing I miss:blush ...like Beth said, it goes by so quick. And I adore your jar jacket! :c9 Looks like we have something more springy to work on together than flannelghans! :rofl... Very Cool! Put me down on the "oooh... I wanna make one!" List! I love hearing about your days... they are starting to sound very much like mine! (aka...your least favorite part of the day:P). I was glad to read that you are going to get to remain "stay at home Colleen" for a while! :yay:yay... just be careful that your dishwasher doesnn't get permanently renamed "Colleen"!:lol Mine has been "LeaAnne" for so long, it doesn't really bother me any more;)


Shannon - :yayfor Dr. Jason! :yayfor waists by summer! :yay for hooks and yarn in the waiting room at Speech! Oh! and here...:hug:hug:hugsounds like you could use those today, friend! How is our funny-Janna, and Honey, and BigBob, and Sissy? Did DH make it home safe? Did he enjoy his trip?


Joanne - I didn't mention the other day how very much I :manyheart your tote! It's so cheery! Are you packing WIPs for your lunch hours yet? I am thinking of you on all these days of your 12 day week... :hug:hug


Beth - WTG on being ahead of schedule on the twins 'ghans... and :cheera cheer of "YOU CAN DO IT!" for SIL's 'ghan... just think, the quicker you sew it, the quicker you are on to something else that is more fun! I really do love that ghan you are making for her, and I am keeping it on my "ooooh... i wanna make me one!" List:drool I hope your kitchen wasn't too unkind to you, and that your day is going well. I am always amazed how you keep everything right on schedule... including :crocheting! You are an amazing lady!


LeeAnn - I am here :xfin that DS doesn't have strep. It is still possible to get it without tonsils. I hope that everyone in your house is feeling better real soon... the bright side is that they weren't sick on vacation, right? :wink. I am thinking of you all.


Mary - baby stuff sounds like fun! what happy stuff to be stitchin'! I am thinking of you, as I always do, and sending :U:sun:rainbow:c9:flower and :hug:hug your way, friend!


Sarah and Scooby - :waving to you both! Warm thoughts and big hugs headed your way!


PTO last night was quiet. Only 2 parents other than the board came. My friend continues to be on top of everything. It's ok, though, at this point it's better her than me!!!!:lol I have 2 meetings left this year, then I am not president anymore. We have elections in May, and my term is up:devil... this "liberating myself-ness" is getting addicting! :lol:lol



I just looked at the clock, and realized it's time to get my chickens!:eek:eek


Love to you all, and have a great night... I won't be able to check back until tomorrow, most likely.

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So glad this day is over! My ear and throat are sore this afternoon. I am ready to go home!

LeaAnne - You are in a liberating vein lately! first softball and now PTO! What will you do with all your free time?

Mary - Hope the storms weren't too bad by you! You must make wonderful baby items! I have never tried the baby booties. Are they hard to do?

Colleen - Love the stuffies on the bench for Easter! That is something mine hasn't thought of yet!

LeeAnn - Yes, you can still get strep after tonsils have been removed. Hope your DS is feeling better!

Beth - How is the 'ghan coming along?

Hope the day was wonderful! Talk to you all on the flip side!


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Beth I love that hat.

LeaAnne baby stuff is a nice change. I can make them really fast.

Vicki the booties are really easy. When I find the pattern on here I will post it. I think it was on the lions brand site and the pattern is from Vanna. They are made in one peice and there is NO SEWING gotta love it.


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Shannon, you are two hours ahead of me, right? If I start dinner now, I should be done by 6 or 6:30.


Leeann- Yes, you can get strep without tonsils. :xfin that your ds just has a sore throat! Are there white spots on the back of his throat?


Leanne, :yay for your term being almost-done! I know you enjoy helping out with the chickens' school, but I'm sure it will be nice to sit back and relax a bit. :hug And yes- I am the favorite. :manyheart:devil


Beth, your sunhat is adorable! :manyheart I hope you finished your kitchen-work today. :hug


I had a nice time volunteering with Mia's class. The art teacher visited today, and that was interesting. He teaches every grade in the school and he's obviously not too patient with the littles. They were "supposed" to be drawing 2 mountains with a lighthouse in between, but most of the...ahem, drawings...looked a bit on the obscene side. :rofl We also worked on writing letters and numbers on the dry-erase boards, and drew pictures for each other. I hope to do it again soon. :yes



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:rofl Oh, Stacy! I am laughing so hard right now! I will never be able to look at mountains or lighthouses the same way again!!:rofl


I'll shoot for 6:30 your time. We're a little behind with dinner, but I'm about to get DD in the tub. :yay for a chat!! I need one!

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Wow what a lot I missed today!!!


I met DD and SIL at the eye glass store tonight after week = DD needs glasses for distance- not a strong prescription (she had her eye exam in Nov and is just now getting around to getting the glasses). Well, she must have tried on every pair in the store:lol (first time getting glasses) She finally selected a pair :clap!! I didn't get home till 7! Just finished dinner and sitting down and it took me a while to read through everyone's day! My favorite time of the day- seeing what everyone has been up to:)


I need to go out to the recycling bin and see what kind of a jar I have - I love Mary's idea of using it put hooks in!! I really love attic24's site- she has such colorful neat projects! I think I may try the ripple blanket. But first, the jar jacket- quick and easy!


I love the idea of stuffies on the bench Colleen and agree with Beth- you need to take a picture. My easter decorations are up too- I don't have alot, but I have "chocolate bunnies and a chocolate egg". They are ceramic, but look real- I love them! I also have some beautiful eggs that were my mothers that I always put out. But that's it- just enough to make the house look eastery!


Shannon- glad that the ST and OT is going well for DD and that Dr. Jason will give you a waist by summer:yes


Beth- I love your hat- and I saw the ghans on FB- they are beautiful!!!!! You do such beautiful work


Mary- We had rain again today too- but they are saying it should be gone tomorrow- the temps are not supposed to be near as warm as this past weekend- but that's ok- as long as we don't get snow, I'm good


Leeann- speaking of snow- sorry to hear that springtime is bringing snow to Colorado! But hopefully, it will melt quickly. Hope that Ds is ok- and yes, you can get strep w/out tonsils.


LeaAnn- Isn't it great- only 2 more meetings as Prez and then you are a free woman!! And soon, you'll get to enjoy softball with :crocheting in hand- how fun!


Vicki- hope your bowling is going well - you are probably there now! And good luck with the fingerless gloves- I had made a pair for DD- easy, peasy- I forget which pattern I used, but they worked up quickly


I forget who asked, (maybe Beth?) but yes, I work normal hours usually when it's the week that we work the weekend- I got out at 4 yesterday and today and unless something comes up should be getting out at 4 every day- have to go in Sat at 8 and Sun at 9- not sure what time we are getting out either day yet.


I think I want to go see what kind of jars I have in the recycle bin- (may not be much since last Thursday was pick up day)If I can't find one, I guess maybe tomorrow night we'll have to have some salsa since there is only a little bit left in the jar!


:hug to everyone!

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Hello All!

Just thought I would hop on to share the news. :D Ds-Cristopher did not have strep...whew! But his throat is extremely red and sore. He's been:sick in bed for most of the day. He's not eating much, but at least he is trying.

I applied for a job today as a toddler teacher, something I have never done before...I am keeping my fingers, toes, and arms crossed. I hope I hope I hope

Will post everyone in the a.m. have a good night laides! :night

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:hi everyone!


I guess I'll come back at 9:30 my time. I'm watching American Idol.


Shannon - Hey, can you give me Dr. Jason's number? If he can give me a waist by summer it would be worth the drive to LA :rofl I haven't had one since DD was a fetus. I'm just kidding, I'm so happy for you. And hey, I left you a voicemail tonight. Ladies, our Shannon is so awesome. She sent me the 50 Squares book :faint I was so shocked and so excited! I opened the package on the walk home from the mailbox. :manyheart:hug:manyheart Mucho love coming your way, my friend. You are just so sweet! Be watching your screens everyone, one pineapple square coming your way!


Joanne - I totally sympathize with DD. Picking out glasses is so hard. I need new ones. I'm just waiting for my schedule to calm down.


Stacy - Yay for being the favourite! Good for you!


LeeAnn - I just saw your post, great news about DS not having strep, but I hope he feels better soon. Don't you hate it when they are sick.


LeaAnne - Hooray for your term being almost over. You've done your share and soon you can enjoy.


Beth - I love your hat! How pretty! I love that colour.


I'm sorry if I've missed you, but hi to everyone else! Now that I've typed this it is almost 9:30 :rofl



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Hi Colleen- I'm almost ready to sign off- you ladies stay up too late! Of course I get up too early!:lol I'll hang for a short while-I'm going to BRB- want to get comfy in my pj's


Shannon- how sweet to send Colleen the 50 squares book!! What a wonderful surprise!!!! isn't it nice when the mailman brings something other than bills!:clap


Leeann- great news about DS!!

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I think my American Idol has been beat out by some hot rod car show :angry Oh well, I'm here waiting for my besties.


I know, Joanne, isn't Shannon the sweetest? I totally wasn't expecting it!


So, are you a flannel PJs kinda gal? I am only in the winter. Otherwise I like 'em comfy :yes


Here I am, chatting to myself :rofl

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Hey girls! I just finished making dinner- will try to be back in about 20 minutes! (I made salmon patties :yuck) so I already ate something else while cooking. :blush Shhh!

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