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Some good clean fun?!

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Morning to all my Glories! It is cloudy here. The rain is on its way. It is not supposed to get here until lunch time and then the tempteratures are supposed to drop :eek! We will be down near freezing tomorrow night into Monday!


Today is tae kwon do and I get to be the adult at practice. That means that I have to stay for the whole thing today so the competition team can have their practice since the teacher is away this week and the coach is not a legal adult yet. But she is a good kid and asked meif I would stay so they can have practice. So of course I told her yes. No big deal. My yarn will come with me!


Joanne - Don't you just love soaking up the spring sunshine! It is wonderful! I have been doing it all week!


Stacy - Have fun at the party today! Did your dad arrive safely? Have fun while he visits! How long will he be with you?


Sarah - It sounds like things are settling down by you. That must be a relief. How are the kids after the accident? ARe they doing better? Glad to hear that Keith could get outside and enjoy the weather. WE did have some great days!


Beth - You must be happy that Tinkerbelle is going home tonight. Enjoy the party and have fun with the adults! Save a piece of cake for me! It sounds delish!


Scooby - Hope you are still doing well!


LeaAnne - Did you have a good night with your hubby? I hope you did!


Colleen - How was the show? Did you hear all the profanity? Terrible for that part of the country, isn't it? I hope you had a great night!


Mary - Glad to hear that spring is springing up by you and that you are enjoying it! Hope it lasts!


LeeAnn - Hope you have a great day! Has spring began to spring up by you yet?


I need to get my badorkus up and get ready for my day. Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!


future MIL loved the gift. We had a small party. I baked two 9x13 cakes, yellow cake w/ chocolate frosting... wasn't much but we'll be doing something bigger once we can afford it...


the kids are doing good, though we're finding out lots of stuff that's been going on that's not so good (can't go into on here). Keith is doing good, he's getting so he gets frustrated though playing with his cousins and the step-cousins cause they all pick on him trying to get him in trouble saying he's doing things he's not. Fiance and his brother caught fiance's niece doing this today when they were at his brother's house. They actually stood there and waited for her to accuse Keith of doing something wrong and catch her in the lie... she got in quite a bit of trouble today, and they caught the other two kids doing it too.. Now if we could just make fiance's one cousin's wife that doesn't like me to do the same and catch her son accusing Keith of doing things he's not doing I'd be happy...

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The tote is done! It's a little wonky on the bottom, but I wasn't frogging since this was for me LOL!


Have a great Sunday everyone!


very pretty =0)

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Oh, I am sad. I just found out the school district I teach in is going to do away with the department chair positions. I don't know what they are going to do with us for next year! Maybe we will find out tomorrow when we have a department chair meeting in the building. This will be interesting! How will the district diseminate information? Who will be in charge of getting the information out to others? This is going to get VERY interesting!

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Vicki- how can they do away with department chairs? Won't that cause alot of non-communication- or mis-communication? No use fretting until tomorrow- hopefully they'll tell you all what is going on tomorrow at the dept chair meeting. In the meantime, take out your hook and yarn- and relax. That pear tree sounds so nice. We picked up what seemed to be a million twigs in the yard today before going to DD's house. But it felt like we accomplished a lot- and the sunshine was so nice. It is now cloudy, the temp is dropping (it is 8 my time) and we are supposed to have rain Mon and Tuesday


Sarah- hugs and prayers continue to come your way- that must be so frustrating with cousins picking on Keith- sounds a lot like the issues Stacy has with "the terror"! Glad that MIL liked the gift- I knew she would- who wouldnt??


Had a great time at DD's house! Belle is so cute- about 45 lbs now and she is a good puppy- they are training her well!! We had shell steak on the grill, salad and homemade macaroni salad and chocolate cake for dessert!


I'm going to pick up the yarn and hook for a bit. SIL said he likes the afghan I gave DD but it is a little small for him. I asked him why he was using her ghan and he said because he didn't have his own! I told him I'd make him one like I made DH and DH said I love that ghan- it is so warm. That warmed my heart!! So I will be making him a flannelghan.


Well, my friends, time to relax with the hook and yarn, and get an early night's sleep- Tomorrow begins another one of my 12 day weeks!!!

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Vicki - I'm sure you will learn more information as it becomes available about the department chairs. I hope it all turns out OK.


Joanne - I'm glad you enjoyed your BBQ and the sunshine today. We've had clouds and cool temps. What colours will SIL's flannelghan be? Hugs as you start another 12 day week.


Sarah - I hope you get everything sorted out with the kids. Kids will pick on other kids, but it is great when you can catch them! I'm glad your MIL liked the gift.


LeaAnne - Was this the first softball practice? How did it go? I hope you and the girls enjoyed the nice weather.


I crocheted today :yay I made my jar jacket that I talked about with Joanne a week or so ago. It turned out cute. I've got another jar all washed up and ready to "dress". I'll take pics in the daylight soon.


It is back to school tomorrow. I have to work for the morning, volunteer with my ESL student in the afternoon. I got my bathroom cleaned today and DH vacuumed. I folded one load of laundry and still have one to fold. I feel like I'm returning after vacation, although I didn't go anywhere. Just took a week off to play :lol


By the way, I'm still pop free :D:clap

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Hello Friends!

Sounds like everyone has had a busy yet enjoyable weekend. Us too! We just got home, drove down to visit the in-laws and my parents, what fun! Ds and I made two apple crisp deserts this morning to take to both families, they loved them!:lol Makes me so happy!

Have to get the kiddos ready to go back to school and the hustle begins...Meeting tomorrow night at the church, lab on Tuesday, baby sitting on Wed, dr appt. class on Thursday, dr on Friday for ds,...plus ya know all the other household happenings...I'm needing a stiff drink of coffee just thinking about it!

Anyhow, just wanted to let everyone know that I am thinking of you and will post to everyone tomorrow morning. Have a good night!:c9

Hugs and warmest of wishes!:hug

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Good morning!


Colleen- congrats on being pop free!!! And WTG on crocheting- I can't wait to see the jar all dressed up! Funny you should mention that, i was thinking of making one of those this week after work- after working on the tote, , a jar jacket would be a nice quick project!!!


Beth- Congrats to you too on being soda free! Awesome!


LeeAnn- sounds like you had a very nice Sunday and those apple crisps sound delish!! Good luck with the return to the hustle/bustle this week.


LeaAnne- How was softball- if the weather was anything like it was here, it was the perfect day for it!! Did you bring your crochet with you?


Vicki- Hope all goes well today at the dept chair meeting. I'll be thinking about you.


Shannon- Did you get anything "crafty" done yesterday?


Mary- Has the snow stopped in God's Country- remember spring is here, spring is here!!!


Stacy- been thinking about you all weekend- you must be busy, busy, busy!! How did the party go? How long is your father in town for?


Scooby- Here's hoping the snow stopped by you too- Did you get to play with any of your yarn this weekend?


Sarah- Hoping that you have a nice week- without any unnecessary drama from the kids.


Well, I'd better get going- if I forgot to mention anyone directly, it was not intentional. Just looked at the clock and I have about 10 minutes to get out the door!!!


Have a splendid Monday- remember your vitamins and as Vicki also likes to say- cya on the flip side!!!

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I would think that getting rid of the department chairs would cause a lot of miscommunication and loss of communication. I would think the district would have to replace the position with something else, especially the special ed DC. We are the ones who maintain the case manager lists, do the in class support schedules, make sure that data collection training gets done and that data gets collected and turned in every marking period, etc. I am sure we will find out more today.

I did pull out my yarn last night :yes. I frogged the green blanket I am working on and started it again. It was not turning out right and rather than keep forcing it I just thought I would start it again and make it right. So I pulled it all out and wound the yarn into a giant ball. I an on row three. So far it is correct. I will keep working on it. This one is a secret. I can't take this one to tae kwon do. I will take the baby sweater, which I need to do the sleeves and the hood and that is done, and then I can work on hubby's corner to corner throw. I was able to print out the pattern on Saturday.

Otherwise, it was a quiet evening. Here I am back at my desk waiting for the school day to begin. Hence the very early post.

Hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later!


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Hi! Just wanted to get on here quick to say


:yayCongrats to LeaAnne!! Ciggy free for 4 WHOLE months today!!:yay

I (and everyone else, I'm sure!) am so proud of you!!



Busy day today. First day of speech/occupational therapy for DD. Wish us luck! We're excited! And DH comes home today! Woo hoo!!!


Have a great day, my besties! I'll be thinking of you all! Love you!!!:manyheart

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Ah, I feel better now that I hugged all my besties!


Good morning to you all. The cats at Petco send their purrs. Amanda did very well, making sure to pet the one that bit her, even though she asked me to play with her while she cleaned the cage. We had no blood today (so far.)


Vicki, I'm sorry to hear that the department chair position will be gone. I struggle with understanding school boards some times. Yes, they need to cut budgets, but do they really think through what they are doing? Some of them need to get back in the classroom, see what really goes on in the schools.


Sorry. I'm off my soapbox now.


I'm just going to send out a generic "HEY!" to everyone. My brain is tired. And the kids want to get school work done.



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LeaAnne - Congrats on 4 mos! I am SO proud of you! :hug


Shannon - I hope OT/Speech Therapy went well! :hug


Beth - Have a good school day! :hug


I'm done my morning at work. Now I have some laundry to start. The hamper is overflowing :blush I volunteer this afternoon and need to grab some groceries at some point :think It is so cold here! They said it was going up to 10 C, but it is very cold! It's the kind of day you'd love to have a fireplace to curl up in front of. Have a good day everyone!

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:manyheartGood Morning Ladies!

It's only 10 here, but I think as I am posting it's 12...wow! Glad it's 10! I haven't accomplished much today. Sent the kiddos to school, then dh called and said that he was bringing dd back, she was sick. I had a feeling she wasn't feeling just right when I was combing her hair, so she's home with me. I put her to bed and fell asleep laying next to her. :blush I never go back to bed, must have been tired.

Mary-hope the weather turns warm and sunny.:flower

Joanne-I saw pictures of the flannelghans,they are gorgreous! wow! Can't wait to see yours!:rock

Colleen-what is a jar jacket? Geesh, I must sound like such a wimp, but just curious.:heehee

Shannon-Hope your occupational/speech therapy goes well. How old is your dd?:wink

Vicki-I hope that the school board makes the right decisions that are beneficial to the children not only budget friendly. Here in Alamosa, they are supposed to cut 2 million dollars next year from the schools. I still can't figure out how they are going to do that and still have the children's best interest at heart.:ghug

Scooby-How ya doing? Hope all is well.:D

Beth-hope you feel up to par soon!:hug

Stacy-how was the party? :bounce

LeaAnne-:cheerWTG on the soda! wow! Do you feel better?

Sarah-so very sorry to hear that cousins are picking on ds, that must be heartbreaking.

guess I better get my chores done and get a crackin'! :lol

I am almost finished with a bag that I started forver ago, I am going to line it with fabric, wish me luck?

hugs to all!:hug:manyheart:hug

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Just a quick Hi to everyone.

The snow didn't stay, it is all gone again. They are calling for freezing rain tomorrow tho. I just keep thinking spring is here, spring is here.

Colleen and Beth congrats on the soda free

LeaAnne congrats on 4 months ciggy free.

Stacy, Vicki, Shannon, Leeann, Sarah, Scooby and Joanne I hope you are all having a great day.

Lots of Love


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LeeAnn - A jar jacket is just a crocheted cover for a jar. That attic 24 blog had some with lots of pretty colours. I'll post pics soon. I hope your DD feels better soon.


It's raining here :( I've got cabbage rolls in the oven and a sink full of dishes to wash :yuck

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hope you are all having a fine day!


Practice yesterday was fun. I :crocheting 2 squares! :lol


:ty all for the :cheer for my 4month-versary! I am very proud of me, too! It's not been easy, but I am committed to never having to quit again!


Congrats to you, Colleen and Beth on the no soda-pop! I am so proud of you both!


LeeAnn, Colleen and Vicki - how was the first day back from break?


Shannon - how is Janna? did speech/ot go well? Are you still going to the chiropractor?


:hi Mary! How are things up in God's country? I am praying that life is treating you well, and that your hooks are being put to good use!


Joanne - Is this day 1 of a 12 day week?


ScoobyDoo... i am thinking of you, too! :hug


Sarah - Sorry about the cousin/Keith issues, and praying that they are quickly resolved. Glad to hear that "MIL" loved her gift, and that the party was nice. Here's a hug... :hug just because.


Stacy - How are you and the party girls? I hope everything went well and that you are enjoying a nice visit with your dad!:hug


I better scoot... gotta finish fixing dinner: chicken pie and mashed potatoes... and then PTO tonight.


hugs to you all:U:hug

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Hi all,- quick post to say hi-dinner is just about ready-

LeaAnne- congrats on the 4 mos anniversary of no smokes!


Yes, today is day 1 of 12! And it is raining no less- at least the weekend was spectacular.

I'll be back later.

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Here is the scoop on the department chairs. Department chairs and team leaders are going to be replaced with content curriculum instructional support personnel. These people will be the liason between the departments and the curriculum coordinators. They will not teach classes (the principals insisted on this point!) and will need to have an understanding of the TEKS (objectives) for all three grades levels for their particular subject area. There will be one each for science, social studies, math, and reading/language arts. Special education is a separate entity and there has been no discussion as of yet on how the special ed department chairs will be restructured. My principal said he did not think there was going to be much change in how sped dc's were done. I think we will just lose our stipend. Middle school principals were going to meet today to begin to discuss the process for applying for this neew position and what, if any, criteria was going to be necessary.

Now we will see what is said at the district meeting on Thursday.

I have a headache. I am going to relax a little. I hear my yarn calling me. Maybe even some ice cream!

See ya on the flip side!

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:hi Besties!!!

I feel like it has been sooooo very long since I've checked in! The party was a huge hit- with adults and kiddos alike. :whew Tons of fun was had, the food was yummy, and -probably Mia's favorite part- she got every single thing on her birthday wish list. :eek The girls' room looks like the Barbie warehouse exploded.


FIL made it through the marathon- 5 hours and 5 minutes. About 45 minutes slower than his best time, but what can he say- he's 65! I think it is fantastic. :manyheart Dh and his brother rode with him to supply snacks, water, etc. We were supposed to meet them at the finish line, but dh called early to say his bike broke, and we had to take his "extra" one. Got lost trying to find him, then after we finally traded bikes, we got lost on the way to the finish line. SIL rode with us and insisted on giving directions on the freeway- we ended up about 1/2-way to Knott's Berry Farm, instead of the ocean. Finally I turned around, and once we found the freeway connector we were supposed to take, she didn't want to go anymore. We went home, then she argued with me in the grocery store about the shape of pasta to use for dinner. Seriously. This visit was the most horrible clash we've ever had, and I ended up telling dh that the next time he goes to see his brother, he can take the older girls and I will stay home with Eva. I've turned the other cheek every single time she's been rude to me, but I can't deal with it anymore.


My dad's visit is going well. We leave in about an hour, to take him to the airport. The girls are enjoying their time with him, and Mia was thrilled that he came to her party. :manyheart


Guess what? Mia's cast was removed today! Already! :cheer:clap:yay She had x-rays and it is completely healed. She still has to take it easy at school for about another week, but it's off and I think she's in shock. LoL After the tech removed it, she just sat there, completely still, for about a minute. I actually shook her and she just had this blank stare. Finally, she looked at me, looked at her arm, wiggled her fingers, and broke into a smile. :whew She is outside playing dodgeball with my dad right now.


Leanne, WTG on 4 months! I am SO PROUD of you!! :hug:hug Good luck at your PTO meeting- are you still having problems with that woman?


Colleen, can't wait to see those jar jackets. :yay


Vicki, good luck with the department chairs. I'm sure it will all work out. :hug


Joanne, your bag is so pretty! :manyheart Great work. 1 down, 11 to go! You can do it! :cheer:cheer:cheer


Shannon-ness, how is the room coming along for miss Janna?


Leeann- hope your dd is feeling better. :hug to her.


Scooby, I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. :hug


Mary, I'm so happy to hear that spring is on it's way to God's country! What is on your hook right now?


Beth, how was puppy-sitting? I'm glad that Amanda wasn't afraid of the cat that bit her. :hug


Okie dokie girlies...I've got to get going and put the kids in their jammies. Love and hugs!

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Good morning! Didn't get back to post last night- DH was in a very talkative mood- and then we watched Dancing with the Stars. Before you knew it, it was time for bed!


Stacy- Congrats to your FIL- that is amazing to run the marathon at 65!!! Even after he was sick last fall- everyone must be so proud.:cheer And seriously- arguing about the shape of the pasta? Please!!! Talk about sweating the small stuff! She sounds like she needs a reality check! Wow! cast off already? that WAS fast!!! Good for her:clap- and already out playing dodgeball with her grandpa! Glad that the party went well and that your dad's visit did too. Hope he got safely home!


Leeann- Good luck with lining your bag. Don't forget to show pics!! Cant wait to see it.


Vicki- Thursday should be interesting...but in the meantime, relax with your hook and yarn- :crocheting--the best stress reliever ever!! Have fun bowling tonight!


Mary- yes, my friend, spring is coming...although we are getting rain again today- but hey, I'll take rain over snow anyday- except that some of the towns are on flood alert again from all the rain a week ago...I think it's supposed to stop tonight.


Beth- thanks for the bestie hug-:hug I keep forgetting to ask, do the twinners have their drivers's licenses or just their permits?


LeaAnne- hope all went well at PTO last night and that there was no trouble from you know who? I really am proud of you for your ciggy free-ness!:clap


Shannon- How did the OT and ST go yesterday? i was thinking about you and sending positive thoughts for a good session! And :yay for DH coming home!!!!


Colleen- Sounds like you had quite the busy day. What did you decide to do with your jacketed jar? I think I may make one of those tonight after work. I was on attic24 site last night and looking at all the pretty colors again! Were you and DH able to find a new dishwasher? (or is that you for now?:lol)


Scooby- how's life in the new digs? Is spring coming to your neck of the woods yet? Hopefully you have seen the last of the snow!


Sarah- How is the little man, Keith doing?


:eek just looked at the time- gotta run and get ready for day 2 of 12!!!!


:hug to all!

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Good morning!

How is everyone in ther neck of the woods this fine day? Things here are good. My headache seems to be gone. That is always a good thing. It is a bowling night and hopefully my scores won't stink up the joint like they did last week.

My older sister calls me yesterday to ask me a question and my niece pipes and asks if her scarf is done. I told her yes and that I need to get it down to her. Then I ask her if she would wear fingerless gloves. "uh, yeah!" is the response. SO I ask her if she wants them to match the white scarf I made for Christmas or the purple one I made for her birthday. "Purple. Does she not know me?" Seriously. Stupid question, Aunt Vicki.

Joanne - You are on day 2! You can make it through!

Stacy - So glad the party went well and your dad has had a great visit! I am amazed at your SIL. Arguing about pasta? Really? Are there not better things to discuss than what shape pasta to have? I won't even go there.

Colleen - Will you post pics of the jar jacket? I don't think I have ever seen one.

Shannon - How did everything go with the speech and OT? Hopefully all went well and Miss Janna did well! I'm sure she did! She is such a great girl!

LeeAnn - Is the cold weather gone yet? Has spring started to arrive by you?

LeaAnne - How was the PTO meeting? Did you manage to get through it without any problems?

Beth - What is on your agenda for the day?

Well, I must go and get ready for the day. Have a great day all and talk to you later!


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OK, after so many requests, here are the pics of my first yarn jacket. I haven't made another one yet. This is just rows of DC. I've just used a salsa jar, so nothing fancy.






I'm thinking of playing with the concept and adding a drawstring top to hide the top of the jar or doing chevrons instead of straight lines. At any rate, a great use of scraps and good "green" reuse project. :yes This could be used for flowers or as a pencil jar. What do you think?

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Colleen, love the jar jacket! How very pretty. The drawstring top, or maybe a scalloped edge would look lovely, I think.


Vicki, have fun bowling tonight. I thought of you while my kids were bowling Saturday. Nobody came close to a 100. I think our highest score of the night was in the 80's, but everyone had so much fun.


Joanne, By the time you read this you'll be 2 down, 10 to go. Are your days normal length when you work the long week? In Virginia, you can't get your license until you're 16 and 3 months. My oldest still doesn't have his. He needs just a few more hours of driving practice, then he can take the behind the wheel course, and he can get his license. The twins still need a LOT of time behind the wheel.


Stacy, a marathon at 65? WOW! That's amazing. It sounds like Mia had the perfect birthday. How wonderful. And arguing about pasta shapes? Wow.


LeaAnne, Way to go on 4 months!!!:cheer You rock! I'm glad you are enjoying being a bleachers mom instead of a sidelines mom. At least you can still work with your own chickens on their skills.


LeaAnn, What's going on in your neck of the woods?


Mary, Is God's country showing signs of spring?


Shannon, How did Janna do with her therapy?


Scooby I hope you are all settled in now, and get to spend your non-work time :crocheting


Sarah Thinking of you and your family.


Tuesday is towel washing day. I finished the March "assignment" for my nieces' afghans for Christmas. I am working on my SIL's. Not enjoying it, because I'm sewing again, but I'm working on it. I need to clean the kitchen.

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Good Morning!

This month is sure flying by! I thought staying home, the days would be a little longer, and that I would get more done, well....have had more time to :hook but still feels busy. I'm grateful that I can stay home tho and that I am not stressed to the limit. :P

dd is better and back as school, now ds is sick, he has a horrible sore throat and can barely swallow, so will be taking him to the dr today. He had his tonsils removed, can he still get strep?

It is nice out today, but we are expecting another winter storm tomorrow, isn't that the pits? Feels like summer will never be here.:P

Colleen-I love the jar jacket! Neat idea! I have an old jar that was my great grandmothers, hmmm:think sounds like a future project!

Vicki-bowling sounds like too much fun! I bet your scores will be right up there!

Stacy-sorry to hear about your SIL, I do not have any brother or sister in-laws, sometimes I wish I did, but ....I would never want to argue withe them. That is unfortunate that she is acting so finicky.

Beth-what kind of project are you working on for SIL?

Oh, I forgot, I am almost finished with the bag, still hand sewing the liner to the bag, will post a pic when I am finished, dd has already claimed it!:lol

LeaAnne-hope your meeting went well.

Joanne-I missed Dancing With the Stars, was it good? I used to be addicted to that show!

Mary, Sarah, and Shannon, hope you are all doing Marvelous!

Have a great morning ladies and talk to you soon!

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Good morning...I guess.:yawn


Colleen- I love your jar jacket! The colors are so pretty! Have you seen attic24's bobble-shell edging? That would look lovely on top too!


Beth- You sure are movin' and groovin' with those ghans! Good luck sewing squares today!


Vicki- Have you heard anything else about the department chairs? Good luck bowling tonight!!


Joanne- Good luck at Day 2 today! Go Delta Force!!


Scooby- How's the house coming along? Hope you're not working too hard!


LeaAnne- How's everything going? That's great that you can sit and crochet at softball practice!


LeeAnn- How is your DD feeling? My DD is 4.


Stacy- I'm so glad the party went well. And I can't believe Mia got her cast off already. Is that what she wished for before she blew out the candles? :yay to your FIL and the marathon! And :angry to your SIL and the pasta. I would've picked up those tiny stars, just to make her mad!!:devil


Mary- How's the weather up there? When's your next craft show?


Sarah- How are you, girl? Have you been doing any :crocheting lately?


ST/OT went well. All I can say is I'm glad I had my :hook and :yarn with me. I had to wait in the waiting room! I think this place is just what she needs, and I'm so excited to see the improvement!


And I think LeaAnne asked, and :yes:yes:yes! I'm still going to see my new best friend, Dr. Jason. He can't believe that I haven't had any pain or discomfort, and he can feel a difference already!! So maybe I'll have a waist by summer!:yay:yay Oh, I can't wait!


Have a wonderful day my friends!! Love you all!:manyheart

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