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Some good clean fun?!

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Shannon, This may sound weird, but Hooray! for finding out you don't like the colors before you painted the room, or bought a whole gallon. (or more.) I'm proud of you for going to the store by yourself.


Vicki, Happy Yarn shopping day!!! I can't wait to hear what you buy. :drool So I can imagine it.


Joanne, you certainly have a long day today. I hope it goes well, and you're home before you know it. I'm glad you got to go in late, at least.


Scooby, it sounds like your house is coming together in record time. And with you working while unpacking. I'm impressed. I'm glad you will get back to :crocheting soon. I admire that you have the determination to finish organizing your home first.


Stacy, I could almost hear the blissful peace at your house with the terror and family away. I'm sorry your roomie takes advantage of people. I am sometimes amazed that you are rooming with someone so very different from you. It almost sounds like a college psychology experiment.


Colleen, I hope you never see the skunk again. They are pretty cool animals, but not under your house.


Sarah, thanks for the update. I hope your family is well, and your fiance's step-sister keeps getting stronger.


Mary, I hope you are feeling OK. I'm glad Spring is coming. Are you working on something for your next craft show? When will that be? What are you making for it?


LeaAnne and LeaAnne, I hope you have a great day.


Yesterday when we were volunteering with the cats, a new cat got scared, and bit my daughter on her thumb. Today it's swollen pretty badly.(The thumb, not the cat.) The cat is up-to-date on all shots. We go to the doc this afternoon to check on it.

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While I was posting a few minutes ago my dishwasher was leaking all over the kitchen :eek DD said, "mommy come quick! The dishwasher is leaking!" What a mess, but thank gosh she noticed! :xfin that our floor survives and that none of the water got under the floor. Thank gosh also that it is warmer and dry today so the mat and the insulation from the dishwasher can dry out.


Oh ya, and while all this was going on, our rainbow cake was overflowing from the pan all over the oven. So now I need to get a new oven liner and wash my oven racks. AND I need to call and price a new dishwasher seal. Oh well, could have been worse. If DD hadn't noticed I'd be pricing a new kitchen floor.


Beth - I hope your DD's finger is okay. :hug

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Scooby - nice to see you back =0) hope you're having fun unpacking =0)


Shannon - sorry about the colors not being what you wanted, just keep trying, LOL you should've seen all the different color patches on the wall before fiance's mom decided on what color she liked.. =0)


Vicki - hope you have fun bowling tonight =0)


Stacy - sorry roommate is being a booger. YAY for having a nice evening with DD's.


Beth - hope your DD's finger is ok.


Colleen - sorry about the mess, thank goodness DD spotted it


Joanne, Mary, Leeane, LeaAne - hope you have a good day


not much going on here right now, just trying to keep up with the cleaning. It's raining today so I'm much happier LOL I don't like spring and summer, don't like the sunshine LOL =0) yeah I'm weird, I love rain/snow and clouds

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hello All!

Sounds like everyone has been pretty busy. I decided I would clean house before logging on to the computer...talk about motivation! :yay I swept/mopped the kitchen and bathrooms, living room, washed dishes, made breakfast and lunch, dinner is in the crockpot, dusted and folded laundry! whew! Now I can relax and have some fun.


Oh, I also received a "makeover" from dd, she said, "mom, you just sit right down and relax." She polished my nails three colors with polka dots, put lots of glitter on my face, put my hair up and applied lavender lipstick. I must say, I look fabulous!:yes Dh just laughed and laughed, but we had soo much fun!


Colleen-oh my gosh! Thank heavens that your dd spotted the water leak, hopefully your floors will not be damaged.


Vicki-let us know how you bowling goes, how fun! My kiddos love bowling.:rock


Becky-hope your dd's finger heals fast, how many cats do you have?


Shannon-good luck finding just the right paint. Reminds me of when I painted our bedroom pink, I picked a swatch that was a lovely faint pink, "Babies breath" oooh soo lovely in the can, but my oh my! Our bedroom looked Pepto Bismol Pink!:lol I kept it that way for 6 months, had to really act like I loved it, and then re-painted.


Stacy-do you have a whole family for roomates?


Joanne-what a long day, hope the time flies by!:bounce


Sarah-how's the project coming along?


Beth-hope you are getting to relax and :hook


Mary-how nice to have a long visit with dd and gd.:D


Haven't heard from the new position that I applied for, I applied really early, they should be interviewing in April, but am praying and hoping.


Oh, almost finished with shell ghan, I'm putting the border on it, will take a pic as soon as I'm finished...so excited to be almost done!


hope everyone is having a Fantabulous Tuesday! I hope I didn't forget anyone, please forgive???


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:hiBesties!!!!! Very long day today. I am :tired:yawn .After being in school the last 6 years, work is killing me :lol. But all is well, I must say. I came home and haven't done the first thing in the house. I am resting tonite and will get back to it tomorrow. I did wash dishes, fix dinner and started some laundry.


:hug:yayJoanne for the :2rainstopping. Your day is going to last longer than mine did. I went to work at 7 this morning and got off at 4:30. I was training a new lady, so worked over. :lol Thanks for the vitamin reminder in MY honor. I really do feel special :blush and need that reminder as I know there were several days when I was in MIA that I forgot my vitamins.


:hugVICKI!!!!!!!!!! Hey Girl. I must know how that Magic Chair has been treating ya. Wooooo Hooooo have fun :yarn shopping. Inform us on what you bought. Inquiring minds have to know. Good luck bowling tonite. :xfin that you get that well deserved point!!!!!


:hugShannon. So sorry that you don't like your paint, but :cheer for you for doing it all alone. I do hope that you find something that you like. Good to see ya!!!!


:hugColleen. I have missed all of you too and I am glad to be back. :eek You had a lot going on today. Even though the rainbow cake cooked over did it turn out ok? Yes, it is a good thing DD saw the water from the dishwasher. Much cheaper to buy a seal than a new floor. Hope no damage was done.


:hugBeth. How are you? TY TY. I try to prioritize but that doesn't always work. :lol I really should be doing some stuff around the house but I am being really super lazy. Ouch!!! Hope everything turned out ok with DD at the Dr. Please keep us posted and thank goodness the cat was update on shots. Hope the booboo feels better soon.


:hug Sarah. Hi there!!!! TY TY. Don't feel bad, I do like summer and spring but I love the snow too. So I don't think you are weird. If you are weird for liking the snow then I guess I am weird right along with ya :D.


:hugMary. Hope all is going well for you. Getting much :crocheting done. I am pretty sure that you are, as you always get so much accomplished :).


:hugLeaAnne. Howdy Lady!!! How are you? Hope all is going well with you and all the chickens.


:hugStacy. Hey Girl. I am so excited for you. I have seen your comments on FB and so glad the potty training is going well. :( Sorry you are dealing with not so great issues with the roomie. Sometimes those issues are not real easy to accept and deal with, but you do tend to handle them very well. :think what could have went wrong with your tomato sprouts. Maybe overwatered? I agree with your mom, you did exactly what I would have done. Kinda strange.


:welcomeLeeAnn. Nice to meet you and good to see another friend joining our group. I must admit I love these ladies and they are the greatest in my book. Sounds like you had fun with your awesome make over today. :eek Clean???? What is that :lol. This group started out as cleaners and turned out to be SO MUCH MORE. I think we still get the needed motivation from one another when there is something that MUST get done. Hope you have as much fun here was we do and hang around with us for a long time.


Well Besties, I think I spoke to everyone and hope I didn't forget anyone. If I did please forgive me as I get settled back into my routine of colorful posts loaded with smilies. I hope you all have a great evening and maybe I will check in later. I think I could go to :sleep right now, but really should stay up a little while longer. Sending out lots of :hugand :manyheart to you all.

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Hello Ladies!


I finished my ghan, here's a pic, or at least I hope so. I'm not sure if I uploaded it correctly.


:cheer:clap:yayAwesome ghan. I like it!!! Is that the Brain Dead Ghan? Thanks for sharing with us!!!!!

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Hi Ladies

Just a quick Hi. Just wanted to let you all know that the weather is just beautiful here and the snow is going down very fast.

I had to go to the dentist this morning and have a tooth pulled...ouch it hurts.

I hope everyone is doing well and I will see you all tomorrow.

Lots of Love


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Me again...can you tell I'm not busy? lol the kiddos are outdoors with dh and finished all of my chores, well at least for awhile...am thinking of starting another ghan for dd teacher, I usually make one at the end of the year as a thank you gift, teachers work soo hard...anyhow, does anyone have any pattern ideas? I'm not sure what to do.

Yes, that last afghan bored me, don't really know why?:eek

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Hello everyone- I'm home! Got in around 9:35- very long day and I am tired! Please forgive me if my responses are short! I will be heading to bed shortly since I have regular hours tomorrow and will be getting up at my usual 5:23 AM.


LeeAnn- I love the afghan!! Very pretty!


Colleen- OMG about the dishwasher- thank goodness DD was home and saw it! How did the overflowing cake come out?


Vicki- hope you had a great bowling night and can't wait to hear all about your yarn


Scooby- So happy you are back- and yes, my hours were longer than yours today- LOL_ my usual is around 7-4 or7-4:30 or so. And I'm glad you remembered your vitamins- If memory serves me correctly (and believe me my memory is shot right now- my brain is tired), you were the one that started reminding us about vitamins! I take mine faithfully every day!!!


Mary- Sorry about the tooth- I'm still deciding if I'm getting a root canal or just pulling the darn thing!


Sarah- you are not wierd to like rain and snow- Stacy also loves rain. Me, I prefer the sun- and the spring and fall- not so much the summer and winter- (although I do like one good snowfall- not what we had this winter).


Shannon- WTG on going to the store yourself and getting the paint and wallpaper- are you putting both paint and wallpaper in the spare room? I agree with Colleen- wait until the paint dries- it often looks different when it is dry.


Beth- Hope DD's thumb is ok- ouch!!! Hope it is not infected!

Stacy- hope you had a good day- how is miss potty training doing? And how is Eva and her cast? Did you start the tote?


LeaAnne- thinking about you and missing you around here! When does your cousin go back? You must have your hands full with company and your 4 DK's!!!


Hope that is everyone- if I missed anyone- please accept my apologies....Wow- 10:00 already- where did the day go? Oh, yea, that's right- I spent it at work- LOL

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First of all, no more signs of Mr. Skunk. I guess DD's sign worked ;) I hope so anyway! :lol


The rainbow cake turned out just fine. The colours worked, and that is the most important thing. That was our little ode to St. Patrick's Day. I got everything mopped up from the dishwasher disaster, took DD to her playdate and spent almost an hour doing dishes (I took all the dishes out of the dishwasher and washed them). Then I had to scrub the racks from my oven because they were covered in rainbow cake. That was a big chore! Then I called to find out about the seal for the dishwasher. :xfin that does the job, just $9 so we can live with that. :xfin So much for my walk :( I was too nervous to drive to the parts store today (honestly after all that I was sure I would get in an accident or something if I drove:lol), so DD and I went to the park and enjoyed the sunshine. It was beautiful here today. Didn't even need a jacket! :clap


I am terribly behind on errands and groceries, so I guess that is what we have in store tomorrow. This March Break hasn't been the relaxing vacation I thought it would be. :angry I am beginning to think back to "when I used to crochet". :(


LeeAnn - Your afghan is beautiful! I'm sure you'll get lots of good suggestions for patterns here. Beth and Mary did a corner-to-corner one that was lovely. Of course the flannelghan is a big hit here (see the Lumberjack Flannelghan CAL for the pattern and some pics). I am not a big afghan finisher, I start lots of them though :rofl


Scooby is back! :clap Your post was just like the old days, my friend. :hug I am so happy you are getting settled. WTG working so hard. Look at you, already training someone new!


Mary - I hope your mouth heals quickly. :hug


Joanne - I am glad you survived your long day of work! Did you set your DVR for Parenthood? Mine is recording right now. That will be my treat tomorrow.


Sarah - Another rain-lover. Hmmmm. I personally like a mix of weather (good thing given where I live, we get it all!). The only thing I cannot handle is the heat. I am not a big fan of the hot, humid summer weather. Lucky for me it only lasts for a couple months here.


:hi to everyone else! I am off to dreamland :hug

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Happy St. Patrick's Day to all you Irish Lassies (and everyone is Irish today in my book!)


Like the warmth of the sun

And the light of the day,

May the luck of the Irish

shine bright on your way.


Have a wonderful day everyone :clover

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Happy St. Patty's Day!


I always think of my boss from many MANY moons ago who would speak with a fake Irish brogue and introduce himself as "Patty O'furniture"


I hope your day is fun.


LeeAnn, your afghan is beautiful. If you want a new pattern, http://www.crochetpatterncentral.com has some lovely ones. And Lion Brand has some nice ones on their website, as well. There's one that involves cross stitching over the afghan -- has rose buds on it -- very very pretty, but maybe a bit much for a teacher's gift. I'm anxious to hear what you pick. Congrats on finishing that one.


I cannot get motivated to do much of anything. Where's that fire and kick in the badorkus when I need it??:?

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Happy Wednesday and Happy St. Patrick's day to everyone! I myself am not Irish, so I really don't do much to celebrate this one.

I am sitting here laughing at hubby. We went looking at new cell phones and he is just lost at what phine he wants. This is SO different because it is usually ME who is saying that! I already know which phone I want and he is still complaining that he just doesn't know what to do!


I bought blue and orange yarn for hubby's blanket. Myabe I will do the corner to corner one. I've seen that one, and have told him that I would consider that one for him. That is a good idea!


LeeAnn - Your 'ghan is just beautiful! Love it!


Beth - How is DD's finger? Hope all is well!


Colleen - No sign of your friend the skunk? Good thing the sign was there!

Joanne - Hope you had a great rest after your long day! Hopefully today will not be as long.

Stacy - How are the other sprouts doing? How is Mia's arm and the plans for the party?

Mary - Are you getting your house back in order?

Scooby - Hope you have a great day today!

My bowling scores were HORRIBLE last night! I never even got close to my average! 117, 122, and 96. I was so disgusted with myself. Horrible, just horrible.

I have a doctor's appointment today with a new endocrinologist this morning and DD had tae kwon do tonight. A nice relaxing day in between I hope!

TTFN all!

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:clover:clover:clover Top o' the Marnin', tah ye, Lassies! :U:U:U


:hi OMG, did I miss you all!!!!

I am back, fresh off the ark:lol.... wowzers, I have never in my life seen so much rain! and the wind! it was crazy, and many towns around here are under water. We have flood warnings up for one more day.

It's been crazy and busy here, and this is my first time even online since Saturday when I posted! I haven't even checked e-mail:eek


My cousin and neice left on Saturday. On Saturday night, my Uncle and Auntie arrived! He was discharged from the hospital really quick! They have been here staying with us since. It's so wonderful to have family here, but stressful and tiring at the same time ( I hope that doesn't sound bad:blush ) It's overwhelming for the kids sometimes. The upside, though, is that it is bringing my little family unit closer together, and we are all appreciating the miracle of life!


so, without further ado, here is my best shot at "indie" shoutouts:U


Hey, Beth... have a :fire and a :kick... but only after a great big :hug! Actually, I think you should take a day off... you always work so hard.


Joanne, sorry to have read about your long work hours. I hope things get less for you soon. Are you on a 12 day now? Glad you got to enjoy the 3D Alice. I like morning matinees, too!:hug



Colleen, sorry that vacation isn't turning out to be what you planned... I did :heehee at your mention of "when I used to crochet..." I hope you and DD get to get out and enjoy some more nice weather today, even though you need to do groceries and stuff:hug



Vicki, How are you, girl? so sorry that your bowling wasn't up to 'par' for you last night. I should've been there so you could win! You would have beat me! :heehee about DH and his :think celly decision. A special congrats to you for getting sooo much accomplished over the last week! You are on a ROLL! :nworthy I am here hoping that your appointment at the endocrinologist goes well, and that you continue to find peace in your day:hug Oh! I almost forgot to tell you! I don't know yet what I will be crocheting at the ball fields... yet. But, I will have plenty of games to go to... 4 kids on 4 different teams:cheer should be fun!



LeeAnn ~ your 'ghan is beautiful! You do really nice work! I am glad to see that you are settling in with the gang:wink Your stories are wonderful... I especially enjoyed the "makeover":lol. Your DD sounds too cute! Did you say that you teach preschool?



Stacy ~ Hi, girl!!!!! how are you doing? I have so much to ask you... how did your knitting epiphony turn out? How are the girls? how is school for Isabella? How is Mia's arm? What's Eva talking about these days? ...wait... a party? Is business going well? can you tell i missed you?:lol:hug



Scooby-Dooby-Doooo!!!!! Welcome home, Hunny!:hug It is so nice to see you back, and settling into your new home! I missed all of your :lol:);):D:c9:yay:yes...I hope work was great today... What's DS up to these days?



Shannon-ness... how are you? are you staying "adjusted"? :yay:clap:cheer"cabbagepatch":cheer:clap about your guest room! I am excited for you! How is Miss Janna?



Sarah:hug It's so nice to see you back, too! :hug I think of you and DF's family every day... what is Keith doing today? He sounds like a nice boy:yes


...and MARY!!!!! How are you, sis? is your neck and back feeling better? Have you been getting lots of :sun up your way? My uncle was telling me that mud season up home in Maine is already over! :c9 I hope that life and your Hooks are treating you well:hug did DD make it home safely?

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Happy St. Patrick's Day!!:clover:clover:clover

May the road

Rise to meet you,

May the wind

Be always at your back,

May the sun shine

Warm upon your face,

The rains fall soft

Upon your fields and,

Until we meet again,

May God hold you in

The palm of His hand.

My favorite Irish blessing! Love you all and hope you have a very LUCKY day!!:clover:clover:clover

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:clapGood Morning/Afternoon!

How is everyone today? Busy, I am sure.:P

Mary-:2hug I hope that your mouth heels quickly..yikes! I have only had wisdom teeth pulled, but it was sure painful. Hoping you have a speedy recovery.

Joanne-you sure do have long days-do you prefer to work days/nights/evenings? Or do you have a choice?

Colleen-the cake sounds soo cool! I'm glad that the part to fix it was fairly cheap. Isn't it amazing how we become so used to having a dishwasher? I would be washing dishes all day long if we didn't have one. My wonderful children are always snacking.:2spin

Shannon-did you decide on wallpaper and paint? Are you putting up a border with the wallpaper? I have never put up wallpaper, is it difficult?

Vicki-sounds like your Spring Break has been action packed! Sorry to hear about your bowling scores, I bet you still dit better than I would have, I especially like it when they put up the gutter rails.:tup now that's my kind of bowling! :yay

Scooby-how old is your ds? Mine is 12 almost 13 and such a sweet young man, except when he is fighting w/his sister.

Beth-what kind of job do you do? I'm sorry if you mentioned it, and I forgot.:think

Stacy-you have 3 dear daughters? That's amazing! My sister is trying for another, she has 3 boys and is praying for a girl.

LeaAnne-wow! You have had lots of company!:) I always get a little stressed out when we have company too. Mostly my sister and her family, it can be extremely tiring. I am/was a preschool teacher but am taking a little break for a couple of months, then back to the work force. :P I am also finishing up my degree, will graduate in May:cheer:cheerI'm soo excited!

Have a great St.Patrick's Day! :hug:hug

I'm still not sure what pattern to pick for next ghan, I am wanting something that works up super fast, :heehee I'm lazy! lol thank you for the compliments! It is so nice to share with everyone, the only person in my family that crochet's is my dear mother in-law, but she lives 55 miles away.

Talk to you all soon!:waving

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LeaAnn, I'm a stay-at-home mom who homeschools 3 teens. I also "work" (no pay involved) at the ballet studio where my dd dances. And my dd and I volunteer taking care of adoptable kitties at the local Petco.


LeaAnne, hope you are staying above water. It sounds like some pretty extreme weather up your way. Here's wishing you :sun


Vicki, your bad bowling days would be awesome for me. I hope you are enjoying your week off.


Joanne, is today a normal work day for you? How did your long day go?


Shannon, my high school chorus sang that Irish Blessing. I hear the tune go through my mind whenever I hear the words. It's so beautiful. Thanks for the memory. I don't have many pleasant ones from high school, but this one definitely qualifies.:c9


Colleen, skunks are pretty shy. You may be able to co-exist peacefully for a long time without seeing him/her. I have only seen "our" opossum once since I took that picture on my front porch.


I need to get my oldest busy with his school work, so I can start my spring cleaning. I need to get the front room done. I'm puppy sitting this weekend (The word I need to learn is "NO.") and I want my SIL to see a nice, clean house -- not what we have going on now.

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Okay girls, I need your help. DD and DH both like the dark pink, but I don't know if it will match the wallpaper. I like the medium pink. There's also a pic of my inspiration for the room. Let me know what you think, 'cause apparently I can't do this on my own.



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:waving, Shannon!


Is this going to be Janna's room? If so, I'd stick with the dark one. If it's staying a guest room, the medium. They are all really pretty and match nicely! Ya done good, I think! Does the wallpaper have roses on it? I :manyheart roses!

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:hi LeaAnne!! Yes, it's going to be Janna's room. I guess I should let her have what she wants. I'm just so scared that it won't match the wallpaper, which is white, pink and green stripes. Plus, I've been picturing a ballet slipper-type pink for my little girl.


Thank you for voting!!:hug

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