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Hi LeeAnn - Yes, I teach middle school special education. I have been teaching for 17 years now, I think (I can't count that high in my head!) and I still love it! I love when the kids make the connections and you can see the lights go on in their heads. It's great!

Anyway, sis just canceled shopping plans for the day. That is good because I still have things to do! The t.v. man is coming to look at the boxes and then I need to go mail stuff and get yarn. I have been working on my paper for the past hour and a half, so now I am going to take a break. Actually I am going to fold towels. Not much of a break, but still not working on my paper!


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Hi Vicki!

That is wonderful that you still love teaching, I love it too! I am taking a small break, but am crossing my fingers and toes that I get the position that I applied for at the Migrant Headstart, these kiddos are such an inspiration and need the program...I worked there a few summers ago and fell in love, but then left early to go back to the preschool I was working at, long story short, the preschool just didn't have the best interest in the children and I couldn't stand for less, sooo....after five years working there, I up and quit. I still can't believe that I did that, but had to make a statement.


I am not very motivated today, have to run a few errands and clean house...ugghh. DH is home as well as the kiddos (they are on spring break too) guess I should get myself in gear.


Talk to you soon!

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:hi everyone and happy Monday to all!


We had a big surprise last night to discover a skunk digging up our front yard and when we honked our car horns to scare it away guess where it ran to--our front porch :eek:faint Sure enough when we looked this morning there is a hole dug under our porch :angry So, we are looking into ways to get rid of it (or them). The humane wild life society wants ~$600 to get rid of it :eek:faint Um ya, we didn't exactly budget $600 for wildlife removal. :lol DD is currently creating a "No Skunks Allowed" sign. ;) That should do the job! :rofl The good news is they don't usually have babies until late May, so hopefully we can get rid of it/them well before then.


I've washed and changed the sheets for the beds today, put away some laundry and unloaded the dishwasher/cleaned up the kitchen. Otherwise we are enjoying a quiet, relaxing day at home. Very much needed!


Vicki - It sounds like you are enjoying Spring Break.


LeeAnn - I totally admire preschool teachers. What a wonderful, exciting, challenging but rewarding age to work with. Good for you for standing up for what you believe in--especially when it comes to our children. My :xfin that you get the position you applied for!


Joanne - I hope your day at work went well and that the commute wasn't too bad.


Beth - Having the DH home always messes up my schedule too. Hopefully he gets everything sorted out.


Sarah - WTG on the spring cleaning!


Stacy - I hope you had fun with your knitting conversion.


Have a great day everyone! I've gotta go, DD is a cowgirl today and I've got a lasso lesson waiting for me. :wink

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Hi Ladies

Up early this morning and off to the airport. Back home and I had to have a nap. When DD and DG plane takes off and we leave the airport, DD and DG get to their home faster then it takes us to drive back to our house. I just thought about that today. WOW

Iam going to miss them but then again it was time they went home. Tomorrow I will start putting my house back together.

The weather has been very spring like here. We still have snow but it is going fast.

I hope everyone is having a great day

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Hi everyone!!


I've missed you all! I've been keeping up, but haven't had the energy to write. We've been busy around here!


:welcome to LeeAnn!! This is the most amazing group of women I have ever met! You're going to love it here. And can I just say that I'm having second thoughts about having another kid. I might catch this twin thing that seems to be going around here, and I'm not sure I could handle two at once!:lol


Colleen- :manyheart I am so proud of DD and her newly aquired shoelace-tying abilities!!:yay And I lorl (laughed out really loud) about her "No Skunks Allowed" sign. I'd love to see a pic!


Hi Mary!! I'm sorry that DD and GD had to go home. Maybe things will settle down for you a bit. And :yay:cheer at spring!! How's your neck?


Vicki- You sound like you're having a productive day! And :woo:jumpyay for new yarn! Gotta love it!


Joanne- I hope your commute to work wasn't too bad, and I'm glad you kept your power. That storm must have been scary!:eek Man, you've had your fair share of weather, haven't you?


Stacy- How's Mia's arm? And the birthday plans? I hope all your girls are happy, happy! And how exciting that Eva is doing so well with the potty!!:yay


LeaAnne- Missing you, but I'm sure you're having a blast with your company!! Do they let you :crocheting?

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Sorry about that. My aunt called and I was afraid I'd lose my message.


Beth- I know what you mean about having DH at home. After all, absence does make the heart grow fonder!:manyheart Congrats to DS on his swim meet!:cheer


:hug:hugHey Scooby! So good to see you again! I'm with Vicki--I've missed your brightly colored posts too! Hope you're settling in and finding spots for all your yarn. That's what's important!!


So first, the BIG news. DD got into the new Montessori school, and we went to see it and I think it's going to be awesome!! That night I had sweet dreams of a happy little girl at her new school!:manyheart

We cleaned out the guest room (finally). My cousin put the moulding and baseboards in yesterday, and the painters come tomorrow. I'm hoping to have my carpet (:yes, the carpet we ordered last May:blush) in by Easter! Yay!


I hope you're all having a wonderful day and I hope to chat with you soon! And I can't wait to get to know you, LeeAnn!:hug

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Oh, green light went out, I guess Shannon isn't here.


Shannon - :yay for DD getting into the new school and for getting the spare room cleaned out! Is there a cartwheeling little guy? Guess not. Anyway, I should get my office cleaned out. It crossed my mind today. Maybe tomorrow while DD is at a playdate. :think See how you inspire me? I'll try to take a pic of DD's sign. It's cute. She wrote words on it that you probably won't be able to read. You know, the words that start on one line finish on the next :lol

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Here is DD's sign:




If you can't read it, it says "No Skunks Allowed In The House. Beware of the Dog. Go to the Next Door Neighbours."


The dog lives next door and I did not tell her to write the last part about going next door :lol

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Hi all,

Commute was fine this morning- the roads were ok- but getting lots of potholes- so have to watch out! Still misty raining all day today- will it ever end? There was a message on the phone when I got home- we have a water advisory and have to boil water for at least a minute for the next 48 hours as a precaution- apparently there was an issue with the flooding and the water treatment plant. Ok, I had coffee this morning, I had water to take my medication and vitamins and brush my teeth. Oh, well. I have water boiling now to then put in my Brita which will take forever to get cold...LOL....They didn't say anything about washing dishes or laundry-


A lot of my co-workers had flooded basements- so glad I don't have one! DD's power came back on yesterday around 11AM- and she was able to bring lots of her stuff in her freezer over to her MIL's house- she has a freezer downstairs- so she was able to save lots of their food. The tree was removed from the road and put back in the yard. The tree guy is scheduled to come later this week since this was one of the trees they had scheduled to have removed anyway- Luckily the people across the street were down in Atlantic City when the tree fell, otherwise their cars would have been crushed by the tree. So, all in all, we were all very fortunate!


Colleen- Oh, joy- skunks! I love that your DD made a sign- you must post it in your yard!!! How was the lasso lesson? LOL


Shannon- YAY for Janna getting into the Montesorri school!!!! That is awesome-ness news!!! I am so happy that you are getting the spare room done- finally- you must be so happy!! Take pics when it's done, please!!


Beth- hope all went well with DH and his legal matters today and that he didn't get in your way too much- and I'll remember that- no u turns in VA on a side street!


LeeAnn- I am proud of you for sticking to your guns and leaving the preschool that wasn't looking out for the children's best interests! I was a teacher aide in preschool for a few years before I went to nursing school- it was the same school my DD's went to- it was an awesome preschool and I love the 3 and 4 year olds ---especially the 4 year olds! Glad you have your heat back on ---must have been cold!


Mary- I'm glad that you have been having springlike weather- how long is the trip from the airport back to your house! I know you will miss them, but after a month, I'm sure you'll be glad for some peace and quiet too!


Vicki - sounds like you are getting alot accomplished on your spring break ! You must tell what yarn you got today- Isn't yarn shopping fun??? DD went shopping through my yarn - she took 2 skeins of cotton-ease. I'm going to check in with her mid week to see how she is doing with her crocheting!!


Sarah-I was glad to hear that DF's truck is almost done- how is the mom doing? is she still in the hospital?


LeaAnne- thinking about you and your company- hope all is going well with you. DD told me that Boston was getting lots of rain and she also told me that she is now glad she lives on a hill- as of this morning, they didn't have any water in the basement- although many people did! Fingers crossed she comes home from work and it is still dry- although of course she is a renter, so it would be the landlord's problem!


Stacy- hope you are enjoying your day.


DH just got home- so let me go - I'll try and BBL....Oh, I have to work till 9 or 10 tomorrow- special project. But I'm not going in till about 9:30 or so.....

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Hello All!

I think that I am becoming addicted to the ville, it is so much fun! I feel so inspired by all of you.:manyheart


Not much going on here, washed lots of laundry, I thought I was caught up, but...that's ok, I'm just glad that I am home and can do things at my own pace.


Colleen-the picture is hilarious! :applauseI loved it! That is surely a keeper!


Shannon-I so look forward to chatting with you, sounds like you have been busy moving. Twins are definately fun! My mom laughs, we have 6 sets in our family. She didn't know she was having twins, when she found out, she went into labor! :D but she says that we were much easier than my little brother and sister. The new school sounds blissful! I have always wanted to teach at a Montessori school, keep me posted.:lol


Joanne-glad to hear that your dd has power, being without heat made me feel ohh soo appreciative of the little things.



Vicki-you must share how your yarn shopping went. I love buying yarn, but have recently made myself only buy what I am going to use...what a bummer huh?



Beth-my dh has been home today, it's wonderful, but I am afraid I do not accomplish much when he's home. Hope your day went well and that things worked themselves out.



I'm trying to finish this shell ghan, but it is taking forever...I am about 3/4 done, any suggestions? I am getting the itch to start something new.:think but...will keep working on it.


back to :crocheting talk to you all soon!

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Here is DD's sign:




If you can't read it, it says "No Skunks Allowed In The House. Beware of the Dog. Go to the Next Door Neighbours."


The dog lives next door and I did not tell her to write the last part about going next door :lol



What a cute sign. Your DD is a real artist.

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Hey girls!


Joanne, I am glad you made it home safely and that your dd's power is back on. I can't believe they called you later in the morning to tell you about the water advisory- I would think they want that information available to the public as soon as possible. :think


Mary, sorry your dd had to leave! It seems like she got there only last week! Well, to me, anyway. :lol I'm sure it will be nice for you and dh to have the house to yourselves again. :yes


Scooby, it's sooooo good to see your multi-colored posts again!! :clap I'm happy to hear that you are getting everything in order. And that you have your yarn again. :yes


Colleen, your dd's sign is soooo cute! I could read it perfectly, too- Isabella used to write like that all the time! :rofl Sometimes when there's not enough room on the paper, she still tries to squeeze half a word onto the next line, and I have to remind her that 1st grade teachers do not like that. :heehee Good luck getting rid of that skunk!


Shannon, how awesome that dd got into the school! :yay When does she start?


Leann, it's so nice to have another friend in our group! :hug I'm glad your heat came back on. When I was younger, I lived in MI and our heater went bad one year, in the middle of March. It was soooo cold! :wbrr I have much respect for preschool teachers. My daughter's pre-k teacher is just amazing, she has helped my dd immensely. It is so wonderful to see how she has blossomed since the beginning of the year. :manyheart:xfin that you get the position you applied for. Good luck with your afghan, you can do it! :cheer When I start to get burnt out on a project, I usually make something quick (hat, scarf, ami) to get a "quick fix" and then go back to the long project. :yes


Beth, I hope your day wasn't too messed up by dh staying home. :hug


Leanne, Vicki, Sarah...hope you all are having a nice day. :hug


Today was our last parent class, so we had a potluck. The kids came in and sang a song, then gave us our certificates. It is absolutely gorgeous here, supposed to stay that way into next week. At least it will be nice weather for Mia's party and the marathon. My FIL is running once again, this will be his 11th one and he is 65! Dh and his brother ride their bikes along to give him drinks/snacks, and I wanted to ride with them, but my dad will be here. Oh, well.

Eva is doing really well with potty-training, for those of you who don't have FB. (Yes, I have been writing about it. :lol) She's let me know 3 or 4 times already, and made it to the potty every single time! :clap


Well I better get going and get dinner started. Dh has class tonight, and I have 2 hats to finish. BBL! :hug




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Shannon - YAY for Janna getting in to the Montesorri school!!!! That is wonderful news for her! You must be so excited for her! When does she start? Will she get speech services there?

Joanne - Good to hear that the commute wasn't so bad and that you got home safe and sound. Hopefully the rain will end soon for you. Did DD have a dry basement when she got home?

Colleen - LOVE the skunk sign! You definately must keep that one!

Mary - How is your neck feeling? You must be happy to have your house back to yourself for a little while. Company is nice, but having your house back is always nice too. Glad to see your red writing again!

I didn't get to go yarn shopping today. It will have to wait until Wednesday morning. I need to go before tae kwon do since I can't take the bright green yarn with me there. I will work on the blanket that hubby wants. I am going to make a blanket for him in blue and orange. I am thinking that I am going to design a pattern for him. A rectangle is what I am thinking. Now I just have to figure out how to do a rectangle! I think I do a chain and then begin the rectangle by working in the loops on the bottom of the chain. Any ideas on that?

Have a great night all! Talk to you all on the flip side!

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Sarah-I was glad to hear that DF's truck is almost done- how is the mom doing? is she still in the hospital?




Yeah. Edited cause got new info today after I'd already posted. =0) They went up and saw her and she was talking much clearer and looking better. She wants out of the hospital. She's still got to go through a couple of surgeries, on her back and her liver. She does have some feeling in her legs so the doctors won't say now whether or not she'll be paralyzed or what's going to happen with her yet until after they do the surgeries.

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Not much here. Working on a blanket for Fiance's step-nephew (guess that's how you would phrase it) then I'll work on one for his sister as soon as I can get some other yarn, I didn't like what I bought before so took it back, want to find a variegated one like what I'm doing for her brother. Trying to keep an eye on Keith outside while his daddy is mowing so will respond to everyone more later =0)

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Joanne - I hope the boil water advisory ends soon. My gosh, you have had crazy weather this year.


Stacy - That is so exciting that Eva is catching on quickly to the potty training. :yay


So far no sign of the skunk :tup

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Hey all!

Quiet night here. Dh is at school, and Roomie had some appointment, and took her kids to my old man friend's house, so he can babysit. :angry She only calls him when she "needs" childcare. It makes me mad because she is taking advantage of his kindness. But what can I say? :shrug


I played 3 games of Sorry with Isabella, then it was bedtime. I can hear her, though, reading books to Eva.

Oh, did I tell you all that I think our tomato sprouts died? :( I watered them and put them outside so they could get some sun, and when I went out to check, they were brown and wilted. :think No idea what I did wrong. I called my mom and she said that is exactly what I was supposed to do.


Well I better go and find something to do. I think I will start on my Lucy tote again. Good night, besties! :hug

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:2hug:hi to ALL MY BESTIES!!!! TY for the warm welcome back. Let me tell ya, it sure is good to be back amongst my friends. Got a good chuckle and got to :think, do they know me or do they KNOW ME about the brightly colored posts :lol. I did read thru everyone's posts but can't respond to everyone personally yet. I am very :tired and ready to go to :sleep .Maybe tomorrow I can respond to everyone. After work today I went by storage and loaded up the last load of boxes, and now I am just down to a few odd and end things like our fans, one big box of books that I am going to clean out at the storage building, a night stand, the rocking chairs (someone is coming to get those) and a few other misc items that is either going to be given away, taken to goodwill or going to the dumpster. I worked on putting more stuff away, laundry, and sorting :yarn this evening. I am almost done with the house :cheer:clap:yay so I will soon get to :crocheting again on a regular basis :scrachin:applause:hyper. I also want to post some pics of my Shannonghan-ness that I am making with the yarn that she sent me if I can figure out what I did with my camera. I know it is here as I have seen it some where :lol.

Well my dear friends I am heading to bed. I have to be at work at 7 in the am. Take care besties and will be back tomorrow to check in. Lots of :hug and :manyheart going out to you all. :night

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Good morning Glories!! The rain has stopped. The rain has stopped!!!!:yay:yay!!!! Can you tell I am happy that the rain has stopped.


The boiling water advisory is in effect for 48 hours so until tomorrow! Boiled water,last night and put it in the Brita and had "clean" coffee this morning.:lol


Scooby- WTG on being practically all moved in:clap. Yes, I have also missed your colorful posts- bright colors, lots of smilies:)


Sarah- thanks for the update! Continued prayers for the whole family :hug


Stacy- Roomie will be roomie::angry- seems that everything is about her. How not nice to take advantage of people- but she is who she is. How cute that Isabella was reading to her sister- :hug Doesn't that just warm your heart? And WTG on potty training!!! Pretty soon, no more diaper toting for you!!! Did you get a chance to start the tote last night? Mine is coming along- As I mentioned, I decided to forge ahead with this one- just did about 4 or 5 rows of decreases and it'l work- a little wonky on the bottom, but I may just use this to store yarn- in any event it is very colorful:lol Oh, I don't know what happened to the tomatoes- do you think it was too much sunshine? Who knows? I'm not much of a gardener- but my plants in my house are doing pretty good- My DD commented that I must have a green thumb:lol Not really, I water them about once a week- and actually they all need to be repotted into bigger pots-another project to add to my ever growing list:yes


Vicki- enjoy day 2 of spring break! And tomorrow is Yarn shopping day!!!


Beth- will you have the house to yourself today (I mean without DH:lol) Have a good one.


Mary- hope you got a good night's rest last night- and remember- spring is coming!!


Colleen- Glad to hear that there were no signs of Mr. Skunk ---he must have sensed that DD does not want him there- Just love the sign:clap


LeeAnn-Hope you have a nice warm day today- are your kids on spring break


LeaAnne Thinking about you and your company- busy, busy, house for you! I hope you are dry up there in MA- did your area lose power, have flooding?


Shannon- :clap:clap:clap for DD and Montesorri school- is this for next fall? You must be on :c9


I hope I didn't miss anyone, but it's time for my 2nd cup of coffee!!! I have a long day ahead- working till about 9 or 10:eek. But as you can tell by the time, I'm not in any hurry to get to work today:lol. Plan on leaving here around 8:45 or so- get in around 9:30!


Oh, just looked outside and it looks like the sky is brightening and we may have sun!:clap:clap


And in honor of Scooby's return to the fold- remember your vitamins!:lol

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Good morning besties! It is cloudy here today and it is supposed to rain here a little. Nothing like Joanne has been dealing with over the weekend, but rain none the less. It is yarn shopping for me today. YAY!

Joanne - Hope you make it through your long day. Be careful going home tonight!

Scooby - Hey girl! Glad to see you back! Have a good day and glad to see you back here!


LeeAnn - Hope you have a good day. Have you heard about the job you applied for yet?


Stacy - At least you had a quiet day with Roomie gone. Yes, she takes advantage of people. But you didn't have to deal with the kids. And your girls had a nice quiet day. They deserve that too.


Beth - Are you ready for a day without your DH? Did he get his legal woes straightened out?


It is bowling night. Hopefully I will win a point tonight! I haven't done that in a couple of weeks! Have a good day and I will talk to you all later!

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Okay, I went to the paint store alone yesterday and picked out wallpaper and paint all by myself. I actually got two samples of paint and they matched the wallpaper perfectly. Got home, put a little bit on the wall, and I don't like either one.:angry And I was so proud of myself for doing it myself. Sorry, just had to vent.


Have a great day everyone! Love you!:manyheart

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Shannon - That's too bad about the colours. Leave the sample on long enough to dry nicely and see how it looks. What colour is it? :hug:hug:hug and good for you for doing it yourself!


Vicki - Happy yarn shopping!


Scooby - :clap for getting all settled into your new place! And :clap for seeing you back at the ville. We missed you! :hug


Joanne - I hope you get out for some lunch-time sunshine today. It is beautiful here too.


Stacy - I have fond memories of Sorry. I bought that for a friend for Christmas and might have to buy one for us soon. DD is really enjoying board games and it is nice to have a new one now and then. Although, she's starting to "get" card games besides Fish too, so that helps keep things interesting.


DD and I just put a rainbow cake into the oven for St. Patrick's Day. I split the batter into 6 bowls and we coloured them with food colouring and then poured them in to make rainbow stripes in the pan. I had planned to make 2 small ones, one for her to take to her playdate this afternoon and one for us, but there wasn't enough after splitting the batter into 6 bowls so we just made one. I guess no cake for us, and that is okay! :xfin that it turns out cute! I think while she is at her play date I might go for a walk and soak up some rays. I also need to do some errands.


Have a great day everyone!

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