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WTG Colleen on being pop aka soda free! And, you too Beth- see in your siggy- you are soda free since 1/29/10!!! WTG ladies!!!!


I've never been a soda drinker- but boy do I love my coffee!!! I don't think I could ever quit that!

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Colleen, You probably don't need to lose weight as much as I do, but as words of encouragement, I've lost 10 pounds in 2 months, mostly from avoiding the pop. Congrats on how well you are doing!:hug


Good morning, Joanne! Have a great Saturday. Enjoy your day with your birthday girl. I hope the movie is awesome. You'll have to critique it for us.


LeaAnn, your children sound delightful! I have two 15-year-olds (boy/girl twins) and a 17-year-old son. They are the most amazing people. Enjoy your museum/Hobby Lobby trip. Let me know how you like Hobby Lobby. There isn't any nearby, but I'd so like to go visit one. May be worth a road trip one day.


Mary :hug It's good to hear from you. I hope you don't work too hard on your busy day.


Stacy, I'm sorry you have to give up your gym membership. I gave up mine, too, for about the same reason. Do you have a yoga DVD that you can use at home? Would you be able to do it at home? I've never done yoga, but it sounds wonderful!:c9


Vicki, HAPPY SPRING BREAK!!! I hope you have time for fun between rewriting your teacher survey. In case I haven't said it lately, I think you are awesome for being a great mom, a great teacher, a fantastic friend, and working on your paper at the same time. Sounds like a lot of work to me.


LeaAnne, what's the status with the softball? Do you girls know what teams they will be on? Did you pick a good softball project for when you are crocheting in the stands?


Shannon, Thinking about you and Janna-ness. And it makes me smile. I hope your weekend is awesome, and you get some time with your ever-too-busy DH.


Now comes the part where I count how many people I've addressed, and try desperately to come up with the names I'm missing...


No luck. My brain is screaming for more coffee. On a grey, rainy, go-back-to-bed day like today, the little grey cells refuse to start.


Everybody, have an awesome day. Stay warm and dry, and enjoy those people and things you love!

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That's awesome Beth- 10 lbs in 2 mos!!! DH has stopped drinking soda too- (at least at home) I don't know if he is drinking it at work- LOL!


It is really , really windy here today and rainy- the kind of day I'd be very happy to spend at home- mmmm.......I'll be speaking with DD later on this morning--maybe we'll postpone the outing until tomorrow??? We'll see.


And, remember, spring ahead (your clocks) tonight- and lose an hours sleep! But on the bright side- this is a sure sign of spring is almost here and we'll have more daylight!!!!

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Happy Saturday to all! It is a bright and sunny day here!So far today I have vacuumed the floors and the ceiling fan in the bedroom, cleaned the breakfast and lunch dishes, washed up puppy Aurora who was a big poopy butt, folded towels, and taken DD to tae kwon do. I need to go to the post office, but I think that will wait until Monday. I just never got to it! Right now I have my favorite mini series on the DVD player and I just got finished paying bills. I decided I am not cooking tonight since hubby won't be home for dinner. I was originally going to do pancakes for dinner, but my nephew is going to sleep over so we can't do that. I'll order pizza instead. Leftovers! Yum!


Beth - Thanks for the comments. Sometimes I feel like I don't get enough done, but I am just not home. Nothing I can do about that. And I really do love to teach. Once I finish my degree I want to teach at the college level. That is my goal! I appreciate the words of encouragement!


Colleen - right now I have a brown and pink baby blanket going on and I have one row of a bright green afghan started for DD's tkd coach. She graduates from high school in June and I wanted to make her something. She is always commenting how much she loves the things I make when I sit and crochet at tkd, so I thought I would make her something for graduation. Her favorite color is neon green. Have you ever tried to find neon green yarn?!? Not the easiest color to find! So the closest I could find was a bright green by Caron Simply Soft. For this one I am following a pattern in a book called Afgahns on the Double by Leisure Arts. All of the patterns are done with either an N or a P hook and 2 strands of yarn. DD wanted me to do the blanket pattern that I had made for my friend last year, so that is the one I am making. I need to get moving on it. June will come quicker than I think!


Stacy - Glad you had fun at dinner and the movie! What did you think of movie? It was interesting I thought.


Leann - Did you have fun at the museum? I hope you enjoyed it!


LeaAnne - When are your chickens on spring break? What are you going to work on during softball and did the kids get on a team?


Shannon - How is little Miss Janna? Did she get in to the school you wanted her to get in to?


Scooby - Are you all settled in? I hope all is well and that you are doing well.


Mary - I hope your neck is feeling better and that things are settling down in your neck of the woods (no pun intended!).

Joanne - Did you postpone your outing today? Have a good time when you go!


Have a great day all and I will talk to you all later!

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Beth - Thanks so much for telling me about your 10 lbs and WTG! :clap I need everything I can get to keep going. I could stand to lose 10 lbs :yes


Joanne - Thanks for the no-soda cheering-on. You are a good friend.


Vicki - Your afghan and baby blanket sound very nice. Please take pics when you are done!


The nephews visited this morning and the kids had a blast playing. This afternoon DD had a nap (:tup). She's had a busy couple days, so that is perfect. We'll have dinner with the in-laws. It is very windy and rainy here and I just want to crawl into bed for a nap. :yawn

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:hug Shannon! :hug Wish I were here!


We had a busy morning. My mom couldn't find the gift she wanted to get for Mia so I went to Toys R Us and got it. She's supposed to pay me back on Monday. :xfin We'll see...she has a habit of over-promising and under-delivering. :(:angry Then I went home to pick up Eva and Mia, and we went to the garden center, Wal-mart, and the party store. Mia picked out her birthday decorations- Strawberry Shortcake, of course. Oh, and we made a quick trip to Trader Joe's for lunch stuff. We've been home since, but I feel like we've been out all day! Soooo tired.


Our date night was nice! The movie was interesting. I've never read the book so I didn't know what to expect. It sure was pretty to watch, though- very colorful! 3D is definitely the way to see it. :yes Afterward we went to dinner at Romano's, which is my favorite Italian restaurant, and also where dh proposed. :manyheart We always try to get the same booth, but it was crowded and we ended up at a table, instead. After dinner, we went to the bookstore and looked around. Got some magazines and came home, but we were both too tired to stay up and read, so we went to bed. :loser:rofl


I had planned to address everyone but the girls are asking for dinner. What is wrong with them? :lol So I'll be back later. Love and hugs!

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:hi, girls!


just wanted you to know I am thinking of you all.... I will catch up when I can.


We went to Parent's Night last night, and had lots of laughs and fun... got home at 2am. today, I went to a baby shower at 11, came home and got everything cleaned up. We still have company for another week. Things are wonderful, and busy.


I hope to come by to catch up tomorrow... right now I am pooped, so please take a :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug from me, and know I am thinkin' boutcha!!!



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Hello All! What a great group of individuals, thank you all for making me feel so welcome, I am honored to be able to chat and share my life:ghug and be a part of all of your wonderful lives.


I'm hoping that I can reply to everyone, but I am scatterbrained and forget lots of important things, but I will try.


I read that Beth is not drinking soda/pop, wow! That is amazing! And loosing weight too:lol Good for you!:cheer I love soda, but am trying to limit my intake, but coffee,...well that's a different story, I'm evil :devil without my cup of coffee in the morning.


I too am a twin, my sis LuAnn and I are very close, what a blessing to have twins!


The museum trip went well, we left the house by 7:30 this morning, what a task! DH kept asking, did you turn off the coffee pot? Did you feed the cats? Did you grab jackets? did you make me a cup of coffee to go? did you? thought I was going to have to put him in the back seat with the kiddos! :angry but I still love him.:blush


Anyhow, bought yarn! yeah! Only a few skiens at Hobby Lobby, I needed cornmeal yarn for the shell ghan that I am working on...but I bought new shoes! Now that's another must! I love shoes, almost as much as I love yarn! :cheer


Vicki, you sound busy! I remember those days,


We just changed all of my daughters room to Strawberry Shortcake, I love her, the curtains that we are using in DD room used to be mine when I was younger, I thought that was soo neat! I will never outgrow SS.:yes


I am sure that I didn't adress all of you, but I truly am grateful to meet each and every one and will try to be a better poster regarding what everyone is up to. :D


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Shannon - :hug Sorry no one was around to chat. I hope you are having a good weekend. :hug


Stacy - Your date night sounds fantastic! Good for you and Jorge getting out! Mia must be turning 5? Big girl! How is Eva liking her training pants?


LeaAnne - I'm so happy to hear that your house is full and you are enjoying yourself!


LeeAnn - Your day sounds like it was fun! :yay for new yarn and new shoes.


I forgot to tell you ladies, I'm so proud, my DD learned to tie her own shoes this week. She is so proud. She packed her shoes and took them to her friend's house and her grandma's on Friday to show them :lol


Our rain turned to snow and we have about 1 inch :(

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Good morning everyone and hoping that today is drier than yesterday- we got slammed with a Nor'easter! A tree went down at my youngest DD's house- luckily fell onto the street- no one hurt- but alas, she has no power. The rain /wind were unbelievable. They even suspended NJ Transit lines last evening. We drove to the train station about 20 min from my house to pick up DD and her BF- roads were flooding- but we did stop to eat at our fav Mexican restaurant (youngest DD didn't come- she went to her MIL's with Belle and her DH ended up having to work a second shift). We then decided it would be best to come back to my house which we did and we watched Precious on DVD- good movie. We are planning to go see Alice this morning @10:30. Then I guess we'll see if the trains are running. Many towns still w/out power here-there were so many trees down! I was very fortunate that I didn't lose power. But the cover of the pool is totally covered in water!


LeeAnn- YAY for yarn and shoes- my two favorite obsessions! (oh and purses, I like purses too- LOL) Glad your trip went well. And I love Strawberry Shortcake too- the original one- My oldest DD had a Strawberry Shortcake room too- curtains, bedspread and she had to get eyeglasses at age4 and yup, you guessed it, she got strawberry shortcake glasses (they had a little strawberry on the earpiece)


Colleen- Snow! How much did you end up with? And congrats to DD on learning to tie her shoes- another milestone of which she is probably so proud (don't you just love when they learn something new and are so excited about it)


Stacy- When is Eva's birthday? Good choice on the decorations- and LOL about your comment about picking up the gift from your mom!


Shannon- sorry no one was here for chat- hope all is well with you!


LeaAnne- thanks for stopping by with all the busy-ness in your life right now. Thinking about you often!


Beth- Saw on FB how well Robert did in his swim meet- WTG!!! Tell him congrats!! Hope today is less busy for you!


Vicki- YAY for spring break- and that is awesome that you want to teach college- Enjoy your spring break! And can't wait to see all the crochet projects you are working on!!


Mary- I think today is the last day with your DD and GD- enjoy it!


Scooby- hope you are settling in nicely to your new home!


Sarah- thinking about you often too- and hope all is going well.


Well, the coffee is ready- so if I forgot anyone, blame it on the lack of java!!!


Have a wonderful Sunday!

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Hi all! Happy Sunday to all! I know I need to post pics of all my projects. I need to go to best buy and see if I can get a cord for my camera. Now that I can go and buy things again, I need to go do that. Myabe I will do that before I go to Joanne's and get yarn. I didn't go get the blue and orange yarn yet for hubby's blanket. I need to do that and I was thinking that I would do that today. I need to wait until later. My nephew had a sleep over last night and he and DD are upstairs playing Beatles Rock Band right now. I won't see them for a while! They have decided they are going to do all the songs!


I need to get up and start the laundry and dust. But I am here coming to say hi to all my besties! You are all more important than my laundry. I know that is bad, but what can I say? I need my bestie fix!


Joanne - Glad to hear that you didn't lose power and that all is well at your place. Hope the nor'easter didn't cause too many problems at your place. Stay safe my friend!


LeaAnn - I am a twin also. My twin sister lives in NY and I am down here in Texas. Twins are intersting, that I must say. She is a cross stitcher and doesn't crochet at all.


Shannon - Sorry no one was here for you to chat. I hope you had a good day, though.

Stacy - How is Eve doing in her training pants and how is Mia doing in her cast? Did all the veggies start to sprout?


Beth - Did the storm that Joanne got hit you too or was it too far north?


Okay, I need to get my badorkus up and in gear. Have a great day all and talk to you later!

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Back from grocery shopping, and everything is put away, the chili is simmering for lunch, and dinner is in the crock pot.


Vicki, I am so happy to hear a smile in your voice. I hope you have fun shopping. It sounds like your dd and nephew are having a blast. We had a little thunder last night, but nothing major. I could have slept through a tornado, though. I literally fell asleep while crocheting last night. (Talk about a boring pattern!) :lol


Joanne, :think isn't the water in the pool supposed to be UNDER the cover, not on top of it??? I am glad your house survived the nor'easter, and I appreciate that you kept it up there. I hope you get to see Alice today.


Colleen, :cheer for your dd learning to tie her shoes. I think it's so sweet that she wants to show everyone. that's good practice, too.


LeeAnn, twins are cool. I am married to a twin. His twin sister actually set us up on a blind date, and now we have boy/girl twins of our own! I love it. They turn 16 this month, and are still so very close. Your story about your hubby is so funny! I love mine so much, but would prefer to go places without him.


LeaAnne, I'm glad you had a good time at parents' night. Your chickens sound adorable, but it's good to get away from time to time. I love the stories about your house. Kind of reminds me of my home when I was growing up -- the fun, the closeness.... :c9 that's what family is supposed to be!


Stacy, Here's :xfin that your mom pays you back. I hope you are enjoying planning the birthday party. Strawberry Shortcake sounds so sweet.


Shannon, :hug:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug I wish I could have chatted with you when you were available. I hope your weekend is going well.


Mary, I hope your neck is feeling OK. Thinking of you, sister.


Scooby, I hope you are getting settled into your new home. Are you in downtown Coolsville now?


Sarah, I hope you aren't working too hard.


I'm sorry if I forgot anyone. I don't mean to, I promise!


Love you all


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Went to see Alice in 3D @ 10:30 this morning- it was good- I liked it- and I liked that it was cheaper at that hour of the day!! I think I like going to the movies in the AM!! Still raining here- but nothing like yesterday- Lots of road closures still and towns without power- I was very lucky. Youngest DD is at a wedding today- she still didn't have power as of 9 this AM. I took DD and her BF to the grocery store after the movie- we did our grocery shopping together and then BF's brother came to pick them up - since he wanted to go to their house anyway and have some of Lisa's vegan cooking!! So it worked out well. I have a load of laundry in the dryer, and am planning to sit on my badorkus and crochet!


Oh, I taught DD how to crochet- she is doing chain and sc and is making a dishcloth- simple sc. She said after she gets that down, she wants to learn a granny- so lesson 2 will follow next time I see her.


Hope everyone is having a great day!

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I got my laundry done! I have my teacher survey redone (sort of!) and my data table for SPSS complete! I have that all sent to my study chair! I need to write a blurb about it and insert it into my paper, but I will do that later. Now I can crochet for a little bit before I start dinner! My sister and her husband went to the movies since my nephew decided he was going to stay here and play, so I am not going to start dinner quite as early as I usually do. They just got done painting pictures. I think they are watching t.v. right now.

Hope everyone is enjoying the day! It is beautuful weather here! The windows are open and spring is on its way!


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The snow didn't stick around. It melted first thing this morning. It's been raining all day today again. I have been so busy, I haven't had time to crochet in a week. I made lasagna and baked muffins today, and did 2 loads of laundry. We're heading out now to visit the SIL and family again. My nephew and I are working on a puzzle, so I'm excited to go over and see how much we can get done. ;)


I hope everyone had a great weekend! :hug to all!

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Happy Sunday, friends!


We went out for breakfast this morning- such a wonderful treat! :manyheart Jorge is working on a paper, and the girls are watching Scooby Doo. It is a beautiful day, but very windy. I'm contemplating going outside to lie in the hammock for a while. :c9


Colleen, give your dd a :h5 from me! What a big girl to tie her shoes! Enjoy your family time.


Joanne, what did you think of the movie? It was pretty to watch but not at all what I expected. Roomie said it's supposed to be a sequel to the original Alice. How nice that dd wants to learn to crochet! :cheer


Vicki, sounds like your dd is having a wonderful time with her cousin. :manyheart Have fun shopping! It is nice to see the cheerful-ness in your writing again. :hug


Leanne, sounds like you had a wonderful night out! :clap for you (and dh!) Did your oldest babysit again? How did that go?


Leann, enjoy shoe- and yarn-shopping. How neat that your dd is using the same curtains that you had as a child! :yes


Beth, sounds like you have lots of food cooking. Your house must smell yummy! I don't particularly enjoy planning birthday parties- I'm sort of a party-dud. so far I've bought bubbles and sidewalk chalk. I was also thinking of doing a "strawberry hunt" but using Easter eggs with Strawberry Shortcake stickers on them. :lol Mia wants a pinata, but with the supposed state of her teeth, I really don't want to give out lots of candies. Isabella won't play games and Eva is too little, so I'm looking for things that are easy to understand and not competitive. :shrug


Mary, Scooby, Shannon, Sarah...hope you all are enjoying a nice family day.


I'd better get going. I think I've had a revelation on the knitted hat and I don't want to lose it! :lol

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:hug:hug :c9:woo:dance:hi HI BESTIES!!!!! I am back :cheer:clap. I know that there are a lot of posts out there and don't know if I will ever get caught up with them all :lol. Things are going well here besides unpacking boxes AGAIN. I am almost done getting everything situated. I still have to make a couple more trips to storage and everything will be moved. I have had to really clean out stuff, which a lot went to the Goodwill and a lot of stuff went to the dumpster. It was mainly all stuff that I should have cleaned out eons ago. My house is very very small and I am out of room to put stuff.We only have 2 closets now when I had 6 in TN. In fact I think it is smaller than my apt in TN, but I am just thankful that Josh and I were able to find something so quickly.As LeaAnne informed you all, I have been working on putting the :yarn stash and all of my other craft stuff away. A lot of it is having to stay in totes/boxes under the beds,in the closets, stacked up behind my bedroom door, or stacked nice and neat in the living room :lol but I am some how managing to get ALL this stuff in the house. One of the very big positives is that I have a washer/dryer which I didn't have in my apt in TN (and I don't have to go into a SNAKE CAVE to do the laundry :yay) The job is going well, but very tiring.

It is so good to finally be back online and with my BESTIES. Hopefully I am settled now for a long time. Thank you all for keeping up with me the best that you could and for thinking about me and sending out prayers,warm wishes, luck and :hugas well as :manyheart. I think I am going to go stroll around the Ville and see what has been happening while I was gone. Take care and Happy Sunday to you all!!!!!!!!

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Wonderful to hear from you again Scooby- and so glad that you are settling in- The size of the place isn't what's important, as I'm sure you know- I am glad that you and Josh now have a place of your own! With your own things- and with a washer and dryer (isn't that the best)


Stacy- Breakfast out is my favorite meal out! I liked the movie- especially the 3 D aspect of it. Funny you should mention that it was a sequel, cause my DD said I want to see the original Alice now- (I thought this was the original Alice...LOL)


Colleen- have fun working on the puzzle with your nephew. And DD will get to show everyone what a big girl she is now that she can tie her own shoes!


Vicki- Good for you getting all the laundry done- without the elf!! You got a lot done on your work for school- so sounds like a very productive day- and I agree with Stacy- your posts seem cheerful now- it is amazing what less stress can do. I am sooo happy for you!!!


Beth- Chili for lunch, dinner in the crockpot- you go girl! We had leftovers from last night. That's the one nice thing about the restaurant we went to - they give you huge portions for little $. We always get 2 meals out it!! So no cooking for me!!!


There are still lots of roads flooded- and one of the roads I take to work is still closed in both directions (of course I could probably find another route) I have a feeling the commute to work tomorrow is going to be a bear!


LeaAnne, Shannon, LeeAnn, Mary, and anyone else I may have forgotten....have a great night!!

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hope everyone has been doing well. Been doing spring cleaning since the weather has been good enough to open windows. Things have settled down for the most part, though now that fiance's mom and step-dad have gone back to work things will be getting interesting. He's a long distance trucker and can be gone for sometimes a month at a time, and she works a rotating 12 hour shift, 7am to 7pm or 7pm to 7am, but she works one week on, one week off... so if his step-dad is out of town someone will have to be there for the kids.


We're still waiting to get fiance's truck back, they'd gotten everything fixed up and painted, went to put the new door on and it wouldn't line up... Then I get to go back to job hunting =0/


hope everyone had a good weekend and you all have a good week =0)

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Good Morning!

Another wet, soggy day here in NJ!- The commute should prove interesting as there are roads closed and flood warnings still in effect till 10PM tonight. So, I'd better get going and get an early start on the day!


I'll check back after work- just wanted to wish everyone a good day!:hug

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Good morning,


My hubby is home today to take care of some legal matters (warning: don't make u-turns on residential streets in Virginia.) and my day will be knocked sideways because of it. I hope Joanne has a safe commute, and everyone has a great day, too.


Love you!:hug

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Good morning all! It is foggy here this morning. Hopefully it will burn off and the sun will come out later!

Scooby - So nice to see you back! Glad to see you are getting everything back in its place and you have all your yarn back. I hope it all continues to work out for you and the job continues to be good for you! It is great to see your multi colors back on the boards again!

Joanne - I hope you were able to find another way to work today! The storm hasn't pushed out yet? Hopefully it will blow away soon!

Sarah - Sounds like things are slowing down there. I hope all is well. How is fiance's SIL doing? Any new reports?

Nothing exciting on tap today. I may go shopping with my sister today. I really need to go to Joanne's and get yarn and go to the post office and mail some stuff out. Maybe I will cancel the shopping trip with sis and get all that stuff done. I need to continue on my paper too.


Have a great day all and talk to you all later!

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Good Morning Ladies!

Sorry I was MIA yesterday, we had a horribly windy day, the wind kept blowing the furnace out so we were without heat her in CO, :faintevery time I would try to email, the net would kick me out...grr..

anyhow, I'm back! lol I was taking notes on what everyone is doing, let me see if I get this right.

Mary-in looking at past posts, you have been married for 30 years! wow! That is super amazing!

Joanne-did your daughters power get fixed? Alice in Wonderland is difficult for me to understand, we took the kiddos to see a play in December, I was lost. :lol

Colleen-dd tied her shoes, what a great milestone! I was a preschool teacher and was so amazed at the milestones that children reach.

Vicki-Spring Break? Wonderful! Do you teach?

Beth-you are amazing! I have just re-discovered my crockpot, what a neat invention.

Stacy-I have been reading your posts, what is a flannelghan?

I hope that everyone is doing well and having a super Monday!:hug

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