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I love doing laundry for that very reason- DH is forever leaving $ in his pockets- I don't even remind him to make sure he cleans out his pants b/4 putting them in the hamper! He left a $10.00 bill in there about 2 weeks ago!!!


Sweet! I'll do your DH's laundry any day, Joanne. My DH is very good to clean the money out of his pockets, unfortunately. His chapstick gets washed all the time though :rofl

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Wonder what happened to Stacy- she had said she would try and be here at 6 which would be 9 our time- guess the kiddies needed her attention!


I'm going to call it a night- Colleen- enjoy your days off- how fun for you! I'll be thinking of you in your pj's when I'm getting dressed for work


Tomorrow is my middle DD's birthday!!! She'll be 28- they grow up so fast! Enjoy the time with your DD this week!

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Good morning Glories!


Hope everyone has a wonderful today today! Today is my middle DD's birthday!!! Wow 28 years ago today I was in the hospital giving birth- seems like yesterday! Going to celebrate on Saturday with lunch and a movie (Alice in Wonderland). Should be fun.


I'll be back later after work- make it a good day!

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:birthday to Joanne's middle DD. That is the artist, right?


It is absolutely beautiful here! We are heading up for a high of near 60 again :clap However, starting tonight we are supposed to get 4 days straight of rain, rain, rain. Oh well, at least it isn't snow.


Have a wonderful day everyone!

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YAY ME! I could get on from school today!

My bowling scores were okay. I lost all of my points the other day. I scored a 106, a 153, and a 129. Not the best.

No big plans for spring break. I need to work on my paper and I need to purge my closet. Maybe I will start st spring clothes shop for DD. She needs some new warm weather stuff.

Don't know yet when I am going to take the ESL test. I have to see when I have the money to pay for it.

I need to go and get ready for the beginning of the day. Now that I can get back on I will go back and read what I missed. Have a great day all!

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Morning, besties!


I can't believe I forgot the chat! :oops I got sidetracked with the girls, then decided to hang out in bed and work on a hat that I'm trying to convert from knit to crochet. It's not going to work- I got out the knitting needles and put them to use, using stitches I know, and I just can't figure out how it will work. Oh, well. :sigh


I need to run to the store for some dinner things, then pay a bill. Mommy and Me is today but we will only make it to the last half, after Mia is in class.


Beth, I think it's a wise choice to drive instead of run. :wink:lol


Colleen, enjoy your beautiful day! What do you have planned for today?


Joanne, Leanne, Scooby, Mary, Shannon, Sarah, Vicki...happy Thursday- It's almost the weekend! :clap

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:waving, Besties!


Happy almost Friday! :jumpyay... and :welcome home, ScoobyDoo! We all missed you!


Joanne - :bday to DD...and incase I forget, enjoy Alice In Wonderland this weekend! good luck with your bag rework... sounds like a good idea to use the yarn right off the bad bag instead of frogging:yes


Colleen - :cheer:clap:cheer for the no Soda-ness! I am so proud of you! WTG!!! I know how you feel about being afraid to have posted about it, I felt the same way when I started my Quit. I didn't want to say until I was sure that I wasn't gonna let anyone down(especially me:U)

:yay:yayHappy vacation! You have some nice not-plans planned:lol... Now that's MY kind of vacation!:c9 I will also :xfin that you find that pattern! I got a kick out of you "getting it off your chest"! you are funny!


Stacy - Sorry that you missed the chat, and sorry that the knit to crochet conversion didn't go the way you planned. Have fun at Mommy&Me! :hug Did the peas sprout yet? HOw is Isabella? I was wondering about her today.


Mary - sorry to hear that your neck seems to flare up under stress. Also sorry to hear that youngest DD will be headed home soon. I can't believe how quick that went by:eek. I am excited that we "spring ahead" the clocks this weekend... one step closer to spring, baby!!!!! Do you have a vegetable garden at your place?


Beth - You are a gem!!!! even when you are stressed out and in a hurry, your posts always smile! I hope you are having a wonderful day, my friend:hug


Shannon - :xfin that everyone/everything down your way is great today:U


Vicki - Nice! that you got to check in from school today. I will pray for your test's funds to be available soon! So what are you up to for the weekend? How is the elf...errr... i mean DH enjoying his new job?


Sarah - thoughts and prayers and hugs to you today, sweetie:U we are all here, hoping that all is well:hug:hug


I gotta get going... my cousin is coming today to stay over for a couple of days. My auntie is here for the week, so I have to "keep things rollin'"


:hugs to you all! and a great big :ty for being my bestie:U:flower

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Hi all,

Well, the rain held out until just about 5 minutes ago and I think it's supposed to rain through Sunday- but I'm with Colleen- at least it isn't snow!!!!


Thanks for the birthday wishes for DD- I just spoke to her a little while ago- she has her studio class tonight which is her favorite!They do "arts and crafts" --learning things to do with a class of students- she loves it- says she feels like a kid again in this class- they are going to do stamping on fabric tonight! (and yes, Colleen, she is the artist)


Well, DH just got home- I'll be back later!

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The rain stopped- but it is getting cooler out- I want the springlike weather back!


Vicki- one more day and you have spring break!!! And you too Colleen- lucky, lucky ladies!! My DD told me she is on spring break too from school, although she does have to work in the gallery- it will still be like a vacation without class.


LeaAnne- hope your cousin arrived safely- is it the cousin from Vegas? You have your hands full right now- good thing that the politics of softball reared its ugly head so that is off your plate!!!


Stacy- I give you credit for trying to convert knitting to crocheting- I can barely convert a crochet pattern to what it's supposed to look like --case in point- the Lucy tote!! LOL


Beth, Shannon, Mary, Scooby, Sarah- Hope today was a good one.


well, I'm debating on whether I want to start Lucy Tote Take 2 or take a break from it tonight and just crochet a square- or not crochet at all tonight. I'm kind of tired, so I'm thinking maybe reading for awhile might be better.


Cya in the AM!

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Good morning and Happy Friday- last day of work for Vicki-:yay


I didn't end up doing any crocheting or reading last night. My godmother called to thank me for the afghan- she loves it!:manyheart She still was still on :c9 from the party- we talked for about 45 minutes and then I went to bed!


Tonight I plan on doing some laundry and cleaning bathrooms and kitchen are on the agenda. But b/4 we get to that- I've got to get ready for work.


Have a wonderful day all....and welcome to cristopher2K!

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Good morning, and TGIF!!!!:clap


stopping in quick to say :hi, and to :welcome another LeeAnn to the group!:D You have found the nicest bunch of girls ever! I can't wait to hear all about you and your family (after all, what's a cleaning group without chatting?!)



gotta run...

love you all!

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Morning all! I think I have finally caught up with what I have missed the last few days! YAY ME!

YAY for FRIDAY! Now we just have to get through it! Then we can enjoy the spring break! It is shaping up to be a beautiful spring day here! The sun is out and the birds ar chirping! I had my windows open yesterday when I got home! Spring is definately springing here!

I worked on my paper for a little bit last night. I need to do some more research on a topic. The books I needed were, of course, at my desk at school. I ill bring them home and use them over the break. I need to go buy some yarn and work on the blanket hubby wants. I can't work on the green one at tae kwon do. I did the first row of that one. The baby blanket is almost done and then I need to start on the baby sweater to go with it. I need to pay bills first. That I will do tonight.

I have some towels to fold tonight when I get home and the hockey game is on tonight. Maybe the Rangers can win tonight. The lost the other night to Joanne's Devils. they play the Thrashers tonight.

Have a good day all and I will try to come back on later in the day to check in again. It will be a busy day!

Welcome Leeann! This is the best bunch of gals anywhere!


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:c9 I went back to bed after dh left this morning. I shouldn't be playing on the computer -- I have about 3 hours to catch up on.


LeaAnn (without the e) welcome to our group.


LeaAnne (with the e) Happy Friday!


Vicki, happy last day of work for a while. It sounds like a busy one. I hope you get alot done.


Joanne, TGIF!


Stacy, Shannon, Colleen, Mary, Scooby, Sarah, and everyone else. I hope you have a fun, productive day, and get the enjoy your weekend.


The kids have homeschool bowling today. My oldest ds works from 4 to 7 tonight. I need to work on my sil's Christmas afghan. I showed it to my IRL crochet buddies last night, and I'm ready to seperate the blocks I've sewn together, and try again. It's so puckery. I really don't like sewing.


Hope you have a good day!:hug:hug:hug:hug:hug

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Very quiet here today! I hope everyone is having a good day.

I just realized as I was going through my paper that I need to rewrite the ENTIRE teacher survey! Guess what I will be doing over spring break?!? But this is something that my study chair and I needed to look at, so I guess this is an opportunity to rework it.

Only two more classes to go and then spring break is here! I think I can! I think I can! :lol

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Good morning!


Vicki- 2 more classes to go! You can do it, you can do it! :cheer Good luck rewriting your survey.


Beth, how nice that you went back to bed. If you're like me, then it makes for a bit of a hectic morning, but we all need a little extra sleep. :wink I hope you finish everything you need to, today. :hug Sorry to hear you have to separate the blocks- if there's one thing worse than sewing (and end-weaving) it is un-doing the sewing!


Joanne, I'm so happy that your godmother loves her afghan. Although I knew she would. :wink Are you planning to clean tonight, so you can rest tomorrow? :D


:welcome to LeAnn! This is the most wonderful group of ladies. :manyheart I can't wait to hear more about you.


This morning after dropping off Isabella, we went to Target, then to the post office. My mom sent some shirts for Mia (that her cast will fit into) and the postwoman didn't even try to deliver them yesterday :angry She just left a notice in our box. Anyway, afterward we came home, and when I tried to vacuum, it sounded like something was stuck inside. What does one do, when the vacuum is clogged? Change into workout clothing and go to yoga class, of course! :rofl It was very relaxing. Afterward we ran to Trader Joe's for a few things, then home for lunch. I do have to say, though, that I will be canceling my membership today or tomorrow. :( I cannot justify paying for it, when I only go twice a month. Last month I didn't even go at all. :shrug


We are supposed to go to dinner and to see Alice in Wonderland. Dh is very tired, so we may go tomorrow.


Well I need to take a shower and put away the laundry. BBL! Hope everyone is having a fabulous Friday! :hug

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Hi All!


Love this, my son and I washed his walls in his room this morning, I only have the living room walls to wash, but I am waiting till next week. This is helping me feel better about crocheting. Thank you!

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:tired How is everyone! I ended up working all day today. That was a surprise! The office manager called in sick. I got the call at 7:30 am when I was still in my PJs :lol I spent before work, after work and during my lunch break driving DD places so she would be well taken care of and I think that was more tiring than the actual work. After work I stopped at Walmart for some essentials (we were out of bread, almost out of milk, out of eggs :blush). I think a hot bath and early to bed are my plans for this evening. :sleep DD has been on a roll, waking up at 6:15 every morning ready to play. We've given her instructions that we do not want to see her before 7:00 tomorrow :lol:xfin I have bathrooms to clean tomorrow and a mountain of laundry to do. That is about all I'm planning on accomplishing :D


:welcome LeeAnn! This is a great group. We have gotten to know each other very well and are always here to :cheer each other on, whether we are cleaning, crocheting or just dealing with what life brings us! How old is your son? Any other children? What do you like to crochet?


Vicki - Happy Spring break! Good luck with your paper. Please tell us more about these afghans you are making. What pattern are you using?


Stacy - :lol Next time my vacuum gets plugged I'll stop and do yoga :lol Love it!


Joanne - I'm so glad your godmother loved her afghan. TGIF to you! Welcome to the weekend! Glad to hear your DD is enjoying her course. It is cool and very rainy here today. Downright damp. But it's not snow :D


LeaAnne - :hi I hope you are enjoying having company at your house. My SIL and fam are coming down this weekend, so there will be lots of visiting going on and playing with the cousins.


Beth- Good for you going back to bed! You must have needed it. Sorry to hear about the un-sewing :(


:hi Shannon, Scooby, Mary, Sarah, and all our friends!


Have a great evening everyone! Unless I get a second wind I don't think I'll be here for chat.

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Hi Ladies

Welcome to the weekend and to some welcome to spring break.

A little cool here today and rainy, But like Colleen said It is not snow.

Today Dh and I went to pickup DD and GD, then had to pickup a few grociers, then to my Mom's for dinner and then home. It has been a very long day for me. I think it will be an early bed here too.

Welcome to Leeann.

I hope everyone had a great day.

Talk to you later

Lots of Love


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Hi ALL! We have two children Celine is 9 and Cristopher is 12, they are such wonderful kiddos, they amaze me daily. Sounds like everyone has had a busy day. I am soo excited, tomorrow we are taking a drive to Colorado Springs to the Fine Arts Center, I am taking a college Art class and need to do research, anyhow...thrilled get to go to the museum and to Hobby Lobby! wooohooo! Happy Dance! Happy Dance!!!

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Good morning! it is a rainy, windy Saturday here- ( I wish it was sunny like earlier in the week since I'm off today) Just a pretty yucky day out there. But, we are going to be going to see Alice and out to eat (I;m afraid because of the yucky weather, that everyone will have the same idea)


Beth- good luck to DS at this swim meet today!! I love Williamsburg!


Vicki- Welcome to your spring break!!! Enjoy!!!!


Colleen- Wow- that sure was a surprise- working all day! Bet you'll enjoy Saturday to recoup- and only 1 more week till your big date night!!


LeaAnne- hope all is well and that you are enjoying the company of your aunt and cousin.


LeeAnn- I'm glad that you feel less guilty about crocheting- and have fun at the Fine Arts Center today- and Hobby Lobby- you'll have to let us know what kind of yarn you got.


Mary- Good to hear from you- and sounds like a busy day yesterday! Enjoy the last few days with your DD and GD!!


Stacy- Did you go to Alice in Wonderland last night? How is potty training going with Eva? Just think, when she is done, you will have successfully trained 3 DD's- woo hoo!


I ended up doing some cleaning last night, and watching the Devils- beat the Penguins 3-1!!


Well, off to start the day and grab another cup of Joe's Dark!

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:coffee Ah, Saturday :c9 I've got laundry on the go and the house tidied. Just those bathrooms to clean and the DD and nephews to enjoy all weekend. :manyheart


Beth - Enjoy the swim meet.


Mary - Happy rainy weekend to you! It's not snow. It's not snow. Just keep repeating that to yourself :lol


Joanne - Enjoy Alice.


LeeAnn - Your family sounds delightful. Enjoy the museum and Hobby Lobby.


Have a wonderful day everyone :hug


By the way, I'm still pop free :D:yay

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