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Yard Sale Question

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I couldnt find where this should really go, so I hope it is okay to ask here.


I am planning on having a yardsale soon and was wondering what kinds of items might sell good. I am planning on beanies and scarfs for adults and babies as well as kitchen items like potholders and dishcloths. I also thought of things like coasters, cute flower pins, and headbands.


If any of you have any other ideas please let me know. We are trying to save up some money to go to the beach. We have two kids and would love to take them since they are getting bigger.




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I don't want to discourage you, I do hope you do good at your garage sale!! BUT, dh and I had a yard sale last fall. I thought I would set up a table with all of my crochet/knit items. I had dishrags, crochet towel toppers, scrubbies, potholders(chicken potholders), coasters, etc. NOT ONE ITEM SOLD!! Everybody thought, "how cute" or "how creative"!! :( :( When you have a garage sale, people that go there want to spend the least amount of money that they have to. Or they are looking for a specific item. We had items that were already as low as you could go and still people wanted to go lower. But they don't know me, I'm stubborn. Eventually these items did sell at the price that we were asking. I think if you put an ad in the paper or make signs for your street corners, I would ad "craft sale", that way the "crafty" people will take extra $$$$!!

I really do hope you do good. The beach is sooooo much fun. I'm from N. Arizona. So growing up, having family in California, parents always took us kids to the beach. And as a grown up now, had to take my kids to the beach. And now as an old lady(54):lol :lol, still have to go to the beach. Dh is from California, so he looks at me like what's the big deal with the beach?? :think :think :lol :lol He does understand though!!

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You might make more profit by doing a table at the local flea market. People are more prepared to part with their money there. We have one nearby that has at least 4 different tables of crochet or knit items, as well as several with hand sewn items. Most of them make a pretty good profit.

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I say anything for a baby or child like clothes, accessories, purses, ponchos, cradle purses always sell well for me. Also small inexpensive items like dish cloths, wash cloths, scrubbies, etc.

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Advertising that you will be selling handmaded crocheted items might get some other people to come too. Have you thought about running an ad on craigslist to sell them?



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Please remember Crochetville's guidelines regarding sales of finished crocheted items: we can only allow this type of discussion if you are using patterns that specifically grant permission to sell the finished items or if you're using patterns of your own design.


If the patterns you are using do not specifically state that you can sell your finished items, please contact the designer/publisher and ask for permission. If you receive such permission, you can discuss sales of those items (pricing suggestions, etc).


If you are not granted such permission or you choose not to ask for permission, then we cannot allow any discussion related to sale of finished items made from those patterns.

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Crocheted items and new items do not sell well at yard sales. Folks going to yard sales are looking for things that are practically given away. If you have yarn scraps & stash that you will never use, you might be able to sell that.

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I have never had any luck selling anything crafty at yard sales. Craft sales are a much better bet. And depending upon what kind of crowd shows up, even craft shows have not brought in a lot of money for me in the past. Also regarding craft shows (and I am guilty of this myself, so I can't complain when it gets done to me) I rarely go with the thought of purchasing anything. I go to get ideas. Sometimes if something is exceptionally cute I will buy one for myself, or if it's got a lot to remember as far as duplicating it, I'll buy one so I don't leave out am important detail, but other than that, unless it's something that I absolutely cannot do or don't have the equipment to do, I would rather make my own.

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Crocheted items and new items do not sell well at yard sales. Folks going to yard sales are looking for things that are practically given away. If you have yarn scraps & stash that you will never use, you might be able to sell that.


She is so right on this. People want things very cheaply from yard sales. We do a garage sale for American Cancer Society each year and we sell a lot of items for under a dollar. We make about $1,200 each year from the sale.


When you place your ad in the paper, you could mention Handmade craft items.


Good luck with your sale.



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Do you have a local Farmer's Market? Some people here have crochet items along with cookies, quick breads, etc., in their stand and they sell really well for them. Just an idea.



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