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Buying Yarn...

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I just love these questions! It's like "True Confessions" time for crazy yarn addicts, like myself. I just love yarn, so if I see it for a good price-- I buy it (at least 3 skeins if they're big 6 if they're small). Additionally, if I'm making a certain project, I buy some too. I am lucky enough to have near me, several places to buy luxurious yarns-- so sometimes if the texture and color "speak to me" (darn that talkative yarn!)-- I buy it too. My mother enables me (we buy each other yarn & thread for Christmas and birthdays) and my sweet husband tolerates my addiction-- so now I have more yarn stashed than I have space for!

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We don't really have anywhere to buy yarn around here, so I have to have it shipped to me. For that reason, I only buy what I need. My problem is sometimes I end up needing more than I thought for one reason or another. It really sucks to pay the shipping twice for the same project!

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I buy yarn when its on sale, or if I see something specific I want, or I see a color I need or want. This way when I decide on a project I just have to decide on which to use.



Me too. And when yarn's on clearance, I'm right there!


I had just bought three skeins of a pink yarn, no purpose really intended and got asked to make a baby afghan for the school's auction. So guess where that yarn is going? :)



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Sometimes I think I really do have something wrong with me because I do some awfully odd things when it comes to yarn, and I'm not just talking about buying it, although that's a large part of it.


I fall in love with my yarn, to the point where I have to force myself to use it, because if I use it, then I won't have it in my stash any more! How's that for crazy?!? :lol Does anyone else suffer from this particular type of lunacy? It's OK. Y'all can tell me I'm crazy. I already know it. :rofl


Maybe if I kept more pieces for myself I would feel differently, since the yarn would still remain in my possession, it would just be in a different form. But it never fails, whenever I make something, if someone comments that they like it, this little voice comes out of me that says "Thank you! Here. YOU take it! I can make another one for me!" and they take it and go off, happy as a clam, and I'm sitting there going "dang! I did it again! I gave away ANOTHER ONE!" In the 40 years I've been crocheting I have only kept an afghan for DH, a sweater for DH, a hat for me, and a scarf for me. That's it. I've GOT to start making more things for ME! :lol

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I have a massive stash. Most of it isn't my doing. My mother-in-law and friends contributed large sums of yarn to it over time. I sometimes wonder how I'll manage to use it all, and what on earth will I use it for? As for myself, though, I tend to only buy yarn when I have a purpose already in mind. Though sometimes that purpose either falls through and doesn't work, or I end up getting distracted by something else and I forget about what I'd bought it for originally.

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I buy yarn because I'm addicted to it:clap Really I buy when it is on sale, with no project in mind. I check the sales papers and internet every Sunday to see who has the best yarn sale.

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I ussually buy my yarn with something in mind that I can make with it , but if I can find a good deal I will jump on it . I can never have too much yarn:yarn

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Ellie, I do that also, I keep my yarn instead of using it. But I feel I might need it for something else and won't have it. lol. I also buy yarn when I get a good buy like on craigslist or cheapcycle. I have more yarn than I will ever use and keep buying more. I love to crochet but I think I like yarn more.

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I used to buy only what I needed because that was all I could afford. Now I've built a huge stash over the last 2-3 years, because of $1 sales, and I love it! It gives me plenty to work with plus lots for gifts and charity work.


It's been terribly cold this winter, and because of my stash, I haven't had to go out to buy yarn at all. It's been great! I have bought a little bit, but only because I was already out running other errands. Otherwise, I just "shopped" from my stash.

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Ellie, I do that also, I keep my yarn instead of using it. But I feel I might need it for something else and won't have it. lol. I also buy yarn when I get a good buy like on craigslist or cheapcycle. I have more yarn than I will ever use and keep buying more. I love to crochet but I think I like yarn more.


I'm so glad that SOMEBODY else thinks the same way that I do! :lol

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I try to buy for just projects now. My biggest problem is that I'm shy about running out of the yarn I plan on using for a project, especially since I sometimes buy for that project sometimes a year or more in advance. Then when I pick up the project to do, and I run out of yarn, I find that they don't make that kind or color anymore.


Soooooooooo, I tend to buy more yarn than I need.... much much more and I can't seem to help it! :eek So my stash grows. Then when I find a use for that extra yarn, I think I'm not going to have enough and I buy more....


And the cycle goes on and on and on :hook

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I LOVE yarn. I buy whatever I like, but I limit myself to ten dollars worth of yarn at a time, then I try to get the most yarn I can get for ten dollars. So what should have been a five minute trip to the store ends up being an hour sometimes as I find everything I want and need, and try to get the most yardage for my money. We should probably start a support group, Yarn Buyers Anonymous, for everyone here.

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