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What is your favorite place on Crochetville?


What, why, where when....give me all the details so I know where to go first! I am a little overwhelmed with all the boards and with a 15 month old I do not have a lot of time on the computer so please give me your advise!


Cute smilies BTW!




I belong to quite a few other boards and these are some real originals!

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I usually go here first (Other Crochet Topics), then it is off to see everyones new projects (Show and Tell). You can tell which ones have new posts because the color is brighter on the line of the topic and there is a yellow check mark on the main page. If you click on the little check mark to the left of the topic, it will take you to the last posts made since you last looked. If I still have time, I go to the Free Original Patterns and the Free Original Pattern Links. (Since you are new, these will take you a very long time to get through, so try to see a little bit each day.) The Crochet Help is great if you are struggling with a crochet problem. Oh my, I could go on and on, because every section is wonderful, but if you are stretched for time, I think those areas will help you get a great start to becoming totally and completely addicted to this board. LOL


Welcome and Enjoy! You will find the most amazing and helpful people here. It is so nice to come to a place where you can share ideas and not have to worry about whether some areas need to be censored.

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I use the New Posts feature a lot. The first month I was here I tried to read as much as I could then started to use that button - anything that was updated/posted to after my last log in is in there, and though it amounts to anywhere from 2 - 10 pages of posts (depending on how long it's been) I can skim through the threads fairly fast.


Off-topic and the Crochet Alongs (CALS) are the ones I look at most, and stitch help.

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I agree that I like to go to this topic first (Other Crochet Topics), as it's a mish-mash of all sorts of things. I also like the Crochet-Alongs, as I'm always on the lookout for an excuse to start another project :devil. I also like the yarn talk, to find out about different yarns.

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Show and Tell, absolutely first, then Other Crochet, then any swaps or CALs I'm participating in. But my favorite thread to watch for is in the Bags and Purses Show and Tell thread, because we have our own C'ville angel, Tampa Doll, who makes a tote bag every month and sends one off to a C'villager as a surprise. She has a story and now a name for each bag (each of which is a different color), and it is great fun to wait to see who the lucky recipient is. She is always completely stunned and delighted. On Thanksgiving, it's especially nice to think of Tampa Doll's generosity and big heart (just one example of the big hearted crocheters on here, and there are many). So cehck out that thread--this month's is a Christmas-themed tote (and it's lovely).


And in the interest of full disclosure, I was lucky enough to get one of Tampa Doll's totes. My mother just arrived for the holidays, and it was the first hing I showed her. She agreed, it's absolutly beautiful!



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I think I've been all over the place at this point (I'm a curious soul...) but I recommend newbies to go read Crochetville Forum Guidelines/Rules first and foremost. Then after I introduced myself I think I went to read the guidelines/rules, then to the FAQ/How-To because lots of questions people ask are already answered there.


Personally, after I did that, I headed to the "Coffee Shop" to seek for other crocheters in my area (found none...:(), the Get To Know You sub-forums and the Off-topic Conversations is a good way to get to know others and find out things in common with other crocheters. I also visited often (and still do) the "Shopping Strip" for Yarn Talk, Favorite Shops, Sales,etc., you get to find out lots of interesting and useful info there; "Library" for Publications (needed advice on good books) and then "Show-And-Tell". This one is pretty neat because we get to see different versions of some favorites and new stuff all the time, which I feel stimulate our own creativity; besides people usually list the pattern source so if we loved something enough to try it it's very helpful information. I could go on and on but maybe you get the picture. You just need to "explore" all the different areas and make searches, you'll be surprised how much you will find and learn!


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I have a couple of favorite places. First is the Show and Tell boards. I LOVE looking at what everyone has made!


Next is the section with the patterns. There are always a TON of wonderful, totally free patterns and I also love to keep up with who has had their work published and where so I can try to pick up copies of the magazine issues or look for the books they have written!


My next favorite place is the For Sale, Trade or Free board and the In Search Of board. I have gotten some of the most wonderful things for either nothing or next to nothing there, and I have been able to help some people out because I actually had what they were looking for!


Those are my three favorite areas. Oh! I also regularly check out the Other Crochet Topics board just for general stuff. There are always interesting topics being discussed over there!


Wherever you spend your time, you're gonna LOVE IT here!

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