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How to Do Your Hair with a Crochet Hook

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How to Do Your Hair with a Crochet Hook


My mommy-in-law is always lauphing at me for doing this with my hair. :think


Im actually interested to see everyone elses ideas for using a crochet hook in their hair. Im sure you guys could come up with some cool ideas.....

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I rarely use a crochet hook but have hairsticks which area quite similar to a long knitting needle. It goes up a little differently from the description in the link but yes, I do use the stick and nothing else for my long hair sometimes. Quick and effective. I used to have a small, steel hook in my hair paraphenalia drawer to slip under the layers and smooth out the top layer when I put my hair up, which is pretty much all the time. I don't know how it migrated from the drawer unless I needed that size. :hook

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I don't have any new ideas, but I have very long hair, so I often twist it up and out of the way. I just put a barrette over it.


This time I put my I hook through it ~ and it's still holding 10 minutes later even though my hair is baby fine, and most clamps and other contraptions usually slide right out by now! I am amazed that my crochet hook is holding just fine!

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Mine is baby fine, too, Real Deal. I found it had to be about a year's growth longer than the other women's before I could put it up the same way. It's long enough now that that is no longer an issue. Although I must say some styles still don't work. There is one called a Stickless Bun which uses no sticks, clips, hairpins — nothing. If your hair is relatively thick and isn't fine or slippery, you can do it. We finehairs have to pass on that one. :)


It's nice to have the option of hair sticks like the style anglalyn posted.

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Crochet hooks, pencils, short knitting needles all work well. The problem is forgetting that that's what's in your hair and going out. When I was in college, my favorite pencil was usually in my hair. Crochet hooks do hold well.


I'm sure Jimbo could make some pretty hairdo holders.


I use old-fashioned hairpins for holding a bun in place when I leave the house.

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I've done that before. I did that for a long time with a pen or pencil and then I always had my hooks around so I just started using them instead.


I do this all the time too, I usually use pencils or pens, I have used a hook once. The hook isn't pointy enough for my hair because its thick and the pens or pencils work a little better for me.Hmm maybe if I try Susan Bates hooks.....:hook lol

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Interesting, Gran. Before I started making hooks, I made hairsticks. Fun to do and pretty easy too if you have a sharp knife, some sandpaper and access to some dry sticks.

Never thought of making some with chopsticks, but I'd bet the "Chophooks " that I make would work.


Interesting!! Thanks again Gran!

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When my hair was long I'd fiddle with my hair sometimes and I'd crochet it! It never stayed but I bet if I had used some pins I could have crocheted my hair up. I could get it into a bunch of chains

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Sadly, I cannot get it to work. Everytime I let go it falls apart :lol


Edit: I think I got it, but I'll need a lot more practice before it'll be of any use to me in my ceramics class unless I do it in front of the mirror before I head off. It's much more comfortable than a pony tail though. ;)

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I thought I'd report back in and let you know how my first time went. That I hook stayed in place all night while I was on the computer. I was up and down getting coffee, eating, etc. but it stayed put. I was amazed! I'm converted to crochet hook hair holders!!!

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I been thinkin. Wooden hooks can benefit from a little touch up once in awhile. My fave restoritive and sometimes initial hook finish is beeswax cause its easy to apply, leaves a protective finish and smells soooooo good. But the natural oils in hair might have a positive effect too.

I'd like to hear if anyone has experienced a little improved crochet performance from their "hair hooks".

Oh, and what would probably seriously take away from any advantage gained from natural oils would be hair spray.....

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