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Grrrr! Ran out of yarn!

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Seriously. 10 rows into my daughter's purse for Christmas, I ran out of both colors I am using. I went to go into my stash tote for more, because I know for a fact I still have 3 skeins each of both colors. I forgot. My stash tote got stolen out of my house while I was moving!!! So, now I have to go to WalMart this weekend and buy more of yarn that I already had! This is so frustrating. I keep looking for the fantastic "fruity pebbles" colored variegated that I bought on here and it was in that tote! The super soft stuff I made Marky's baby hat out of was in there, and he wanted slippers out of it. Since it was already in a ball, I can't even remember what brand it was! I am NOT a happy woman today. My stash is totally gone and all that's left is bits and pieces and tiny little balls of yarn. Not even enough of those to make a scrapghan with !


I'm telling my whole family that all I want for Christmas is yarn. This is very upsetting to me today. I thought I was handling it ok, but it turns out that I am more hurt by the loss of the yarns than I am by the loss of the laptop computer! Go figure!

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I am so sorry that you were stolen from. It doesn't seem odd to miss the yarn more since obviously you had special projects in mind for some of it and that is what is making you miss it so much. I hope they find whoever did it. And I hope you get tons of yarn for Christmas.

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Oh, we know who did it. The durn fool is carrying the purse that was in the box! Like I wouldn't know my own designs!!! She's used most of the yarn in an afghan already. FOR HER PUPPY! It's hideous, but warm. All my lovely yarns. I had some fantastic wool in there that I hadn't even touched yet. It was for my Thanksgiving day project.


I hope Santa (hubby) is paying attention to my fussing. :D

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Oh, we know who did it. The durn fool is carrying the purse that was in the box! Like I wouldn't know my own designs!!! She's used most of the yarn in an afghan already. FOR HER PUPPY! It's hideous, but warm. All my lovely yarns. I had some fantastic wool in there that I hadn't even touched yet. It was for my Thanksgiving day project.


I hope Santa (hubby) is paying attention to my fussing. :D

:hugsorry for your lost! If you know who did it why dont you turn them into the police?

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That's just awful. I am so sorry this happened to you. Here's a :hugto feel a little better.


I sure hope your family hears your pleas for more yarn.



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The family is listening. My younger daughter just called and said "Mom, what was that yarn site you were babbling about?" I told her and she just said "okay, bye" and hung up. Her husband is home from work for lunch. I wonder what they are up to...........lol.


The thief was turned in, but I can't prove that I own the yarn or that I designed the bag. I haven't submitted the pattern for publication yet, so I can't prove a thing. And the cops don't know one stitch from another, so anything I say about my pattern is all gobblydegook to them anyway.


No biggie. I will just start mailing my patterns, along with photos of the finished products, to myself. Then I'll be able to prove ownership. Lesson learned.

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It was the maintenance person for the trailer park. They just helped themselves to whatever they thought they could use or sell, while we were moving out. They also stole my daughter's laptop, a coat rack made for me by my oldest daughter when she was in 6th grade, some dishes, some clothes, almost all my fabric stash, a box of cloth diapers, a generator, a gas powered weed eater, a coffee pot and my propane tank for my coleman stove. It's been a rough month. I still own the property, and still have stuff in there. BUT-most of the doors and windows are boarded over now. It's a bit harder to get in than it was.

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I'm sorry so much was stolen from you.


One of my sisters had yarn stolen from her also. With no warning, her housemate up and moved out while my sister was gone half the day to a doctor appointment, then doing errands.


The housemate left behind an expensive flute and camera, yet took yarn I just bought to make my sister an afghan. Go figure.

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It's a learning experience, anyway. I learned that there is no lock strong enough to keep out a determined person. Once I have finished moving things out and sorting things (yes, we are still moving), I will scrap it out. I'm just glad we were not still living there when it happened. The police said to leave my dog over there at night, but that would have gotten the dog shot. I can get more yarn. I can replace everything that was stolen, at some point or another. I can't replace my family or my dog. It's just stuff, after all.

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wow it's hard to believe someone would steal yarn. But in my case i wish someone did lol Ok not really funny. But I advertised my stash and i mean big stash of yarn for sale but didn't sell much of it. All I asked is payment for shipping and all the yarn 1/2 price or less, but I live in canada so that may affect sales lol


Oh well just think it's sad that someone had to do this to you

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While my step-father was gone on his annual golfing trip to wherever suits his fancy, and my mom was at work, their house was broken into... two nights in a row. The first night, they took the safe from their bedroom closet (that was kinda hard to see, so they would have had to know it was there), and stole some bags of change (my step dad always had lots of bags of change). The next night, they took one of my step dad's knives from his collection (one that my oldest step brother had been admiring), the case of dvds, and a few other things. We had a strong suspicion of who it was. The third night, my younger sister's husband was given strict instructions from my step dad to sit in the house, in the dark, with his shotgun and shoot the person if they came back. He didn't care who it was. They didn't come back that night, though. When the cops got the results from the fingerprints, we found out we were right... it was my oldest step brother, stealing from his own family!! It's sad how some people have no respect for other people's property, even their own flesh and blood.

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