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I Miss Crochetville!


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Now I know I'm addicted to Crochetville! On Friday, one of our maintenance men did something REALLY stupid that caused an explosion in our power room, and we have had no power at all since Friday afternoon at 3:30. The only thing we still have is running water. We lost a whole fridge and freezer full of food, and we've been getting very little sleep because it's too hot to sleep without air conditioning. This is the first I'm online since Friday, I'm at a friend's right now taking a shower and charging up my laptop because it's the only way I have of telling what time it is. I turn it on every so often just to get an idea of how early or late it is, so I want to keep the battery charged up. Hopefully we will have power by sometime tomorrow, but it's not guaranteed, so I'm looking at as many show and tell pics as I can because I miss coming to Crochetville to read about what's happening to everyone! I don't even care about not having lights or television, but this not having internet is just killing me!!!! I just love this site and I look forward to much to unwinding here every night when I get out of work, it has just been awful not being able to get here for the last four days. Hopefully this will all be over soon and we will be back to normal, and I can once again come to Crochetville to unwind at night. Everybody keep your fingers crossed that it's SOON!!!!

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Wow, That really stinks. I think I would go stir crazy. LOL Sure hope someone is going to reimburse you for all that food especially with the price of food now days. Hope all works out for you really, really soon. I feel your pain. LOL




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:eekNo Internet!! I think that I would go crazy!!:(


I hope the building is insured so that you can get reimbursed for the spoilage. That would be a real bummer if all that EXPENSIVE food was wasted.

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There are so many bad sides to this whole thing, besides the not being able to get to the internet thing. Because of the schedule I am on, speaking selfishly, it stinks because I can't sit and crochet the night away like I always do because I just can't get enough light from oil lamps and candles to be able to work on thread projects. I can see yarn well enough in that light, but with no A/C it's miserable to have some wooly thing draped over my lap, so working on my afghan projects is out. I've been sitting outside all day working on things, but during the daylight hours I have the constant interruption of people coming up to me asking "when are the lights going to be back on?", so I can't really concentrate on anything that requires counting then, either.


On the business side of things, about twenty of the rooms that were occupied here were occupied by FEMA families who had come here because their own homes had no power after Hurricane Ike. Poor things, now they have to evacuate their hotel for the same reason! The bad part about this is that they can't check into another hotel under their FEMA number as long as FEMA is showing them checked into our hotel, so I have to pack up my laptop and walk the distance of four football fields (one way) to get to the Civic Center next door to sit at their picnic table out back to get online to the FEMA site and check them out of our hotel.


I have told everyone that, naturally, we are not charging them for the nights there was no power, and I have asked them to bring me lists of the food they lost so I can present them to the owner so she knows what to reimburse them. And I STILL have people coming to me asking if she is going to pay for them to stay at another hotel until the power is back! I honestly don't know what more they want! If we had power, they would be paying to stay at our place. They're not paying here, so they DO have to pay to stay somewhere else. I guess they think that they should be awarded all kinds of freebies for the inconvenience, I don't know. They stop back every day from their interim hotel rooms just to gripe at me. They should be me. Until last night I hadn't felt A/C in four days, and it's only by the generosity of one of our guests that I'm feeling it now, because he rented a room in the hotel next door and gave DH and me the key so that we could use the room for showers and chilling out time. Until last night I hadn't had a shower since Friday morning. We have water, but no hot water, and cold water just doesn't make you feel clean when it has been days since your last shower. So that shower I took last night felt like a million bucks! Now the electricians are saying that we might have power tonight, but not until after dark if it does happen tonight. I'm so depressed over this whole thing that I can't even get excited over it because since Saturday we have been told "by tonight" only to have it become "not until tomorrow" an hour later.


I'm trying not to complain, but I know it sure sounds to me like I'm complaining! :lol I guess I'll call it "venting". Yes, that's it. I'm venting. The good Lord willing and the creeks don't rise we will have power by tonight, or tomorrow at the latest. In an hour or so I have to walk back over to what we have been affectionately calling "Ground Zero". I'm going to power nap for a bit in the A/C here before I go. Hopefully I'll be able to visit Crochetville every day again soon, and thanks for letting me vent.

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