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So jealous of you all! ;)

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Hi all just wanted to pop in and say hi. Haven't been here much as I'm just envious of you all crocheting to your hearts content! I wish I could join you all. I haven't been around much because I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel in both hands and I'm in evil wrist braces. I'm not allowed to crochet at ALL! I can barely type but I'm getting better at it. I have about another month to go in these god forsaken things and then hopefully I will be back to join you all.


I often stare at my WIP's with longing.. lol


Miss joining in all the fun here.



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Is it a longstanding problem and Can you get the surgeries for it????

I suffered with this for many a year - and finally so fed up with living in the braces I had the surgeries one at a time 6 weeks apart and I have been so happy ever since - no trace of it after crocheting hours and hours - just tired but NO pain at all!!!!

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Yeah they are looking at surgery as a possibility. I have to be re-examined and go for testing in a few weeks. I thought I had arthritis so this was quite the surprise.


I'm glad it worked so well for you! Mine have gotten so bad that any movement and I'm in extreme pain. I will keep my fingers crossed that I can get the same outcome! :)



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Okay ~ here's my story...

got the carpal way way back in time about 20 yrs back when preggers with dd - it left after dd born :)

Then I had breast cancer and the chemo caused me to get it again full force - so bad that sometimes after taking all the motrin, splinting etcccccc I would be up all night with it when I wasn't doing anything! And just to get away from the pain I would try filling the kitchen sinks with the hottest water and shoving my hands in and then refilling with icy water (with ice cubes) and dunking them in that!!! And then I would swing my arms and shake out my hands - did nothing but relieve a little frustration!!!!

The surgeries I was offered was the old fashioned one - traditional where they make a vertical incision (about 1 inch) from the inside base of your palm towards the middle of the palm and then release what they need to. The other way was where they go in with a little scope or camera at the wrist line and on the other side of wristline they go in with a little snip (cauterizer ?sp) anyways the benefit is tinier incisions - BUT I have known several who had this newer technique and the carpal returned because whatever was cauterized grew back.

I had the traditional one and truthfully my scars are almost completely invisible as the surgeon coincided them with the creases in my palms. She is a very experienced orthopod and said she had done the procedure both ways and prefers the outcomes from the more traditional method - they usually arent' repeat customers she said.

I am going on almost 7 yrs since the surgeries and no trouble whatsoever and she had said I had one of the most severest cases she had ever seen!!!!


PS~ The nurse called me the day after my first one was done and said - "Are you in any pain?" To which I answered "OMG Yes I can't bearly take it!!!" She was so concerned for me that she began telling me to come back in - and then I said -"You don't understand - I have not one hint of pain from the one you DID - it is the one you haven't done yet that is going nuts!!! I can't wait to have the next one done - schedule them as close together as humanly possible!!!!" And of course they did and I haven't looked back once on that decision.

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Hugs and prayers for you. I know how it is when you really can't crochet and you want to so badly. I had a span of a couple years when I couldn't and it was soooo maddening!

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Okay ~ here's my story...

got the carpal way way back in time about 20 yrs back when preggers with dd - it left after dd born :)

Then I had breast cancer and the chemo caused me to get it again full force - so bad that sometimes after taking all the motrin, splinting etcccccc I would be up all night with it when I wasn't doing anything! And just to get away from the pain I would try filling the kitchen sinks with the hottest water and shoving my hands in and then refilling with icy water (with ice cubes) and dunking them in that!!! And then I would swing my arms and shake out my hands - did nothing but relieve a little frustration!!!!

The surgeries I was offered was the old fashioned one - traditional where they make a vertical incision (about 1 inch) from the inside base of your palm towards the middle of the palm and then release what they need to. The other way was where they go in with a little scope or camera at the wrist line and on the other side of wristline they go in with a little snip (cauterizer ?sp) anyways the benefit is tinier incisions - BUT I have known several who had this newer technique and the carpal returned because whatever was cauterized grew back.

I had the traditional one and truthfully my scars are almost completely invisible as the surgeon coincided them with the creases in my palms. She is a very experienced orthopod and said she had done the procedure both ways and prefers the outcomes from the more traditional method - they usually arent' repeat customers she said.

I am going on almost 7 yrs since the surgeries and no trouble whatsoever and she had said I had one of the most severest cases she had ever seen!!!!


PS~ The nurse called me the day after my first one was done and said - "Are you in any pain?" To which I answered "OMG Yes I can't bearly take it!!!" She was so concerned for me that she began telling me to come back in - and then I said -"You don't understand - I have not one hint of pain from the one you DID - it is the one you haven't done yet that is going nuts!!! I can't wait to have the next one done - schedule them as close together as humanly possible!!!!" And of course they did and I haven't looked back once on that decision.



My carpal tunnel was so bad I couldn't hold a newspaper, and sleeping at night was impossible. I have the exact same surgery experience as you. I had the traditional surgery on both hands in 1996 and have never looked back. I even felt the release on the rigiht hand when they cut it. I said to the doctor did you just cut it? He said did you feel it, and I said yes! I had the surgery 3 months apart, best thing I have ever done. Don't put it off, get it done.

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No definately NOT for me - I was sound out!!!!:faint:out:sleepBut I was referring to the day after when you are home and the nurse calls to see how you are doing and how much discomfort you are having. I would have run back in there the next day to get that other one done if they would have let me - but they made me wait 6 weeks - I counted down every day till I could finally get the same relief on the other side :clap

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awww Honey, I'm so sorry you're frustrated with the braces. I agree, you need to find out about the surgery. To not be in pain is so worth it! I hope you find out soon and will be happy with a decision. :hug

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You mean you're awake for the surgery?!?!?!?!?


I'm there with ya sweetie. Hurting hands just plain suck! Thankfully, mine aren't that bad yet. I hope they can fix you soon.



Yes I had both of them done with a local. That is how my doctor did it. It didn't bother me at all. We were talking away and the doctor was singing songs and we were playing name that tune. :D

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Talk to me about CT symptoms. My left hand/wrist is driving me crazy. It feels like pins and needles all the time now and hurts, especially at night while I am trying to sleep. I was thinking it is a pinched nerve, maybe at the shoulder, but honestly I don't know. I hate to say it, but I think knitting hurts less than crochet does. (I love both, but this IS a crochet board, after all. :D ) No, I've not been to the doctor yet.


Sigh. I need a general checkup because I have a market basket full of things bothering me right now. (Let's don't get started on arthritic hips.)

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Well, I did a little google search on CT and decided to see my doctor tomorrow. I've been meaning to make an appointment anyway about several things, but my hand is even waking me up at night sometimes. Maybe it's past time to go?

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The doc says it is carpal tunnel and put me into a splint. After a few weeks we will reevaluate to see if I need to visit a surgeon. Thank you for the encouragement to go ahead and see the doctor!

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Glad to hear you went in to get it checked and are doing something about it Carla! Welcome to the brace club! LOL


They think mine is shortened tendons instead of a pinched nerve. From what I understand there are two types of carpal tunnel. I'm really hoping that surgery is not necessary because the thought of them cutting and stretching my tendons gives me the heebi-jeebies! :eek



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Glad to hear you went in to get it checked and are doing something about it Carla! Welcome to the brace club! LOL


They think mine is shortened tendons instead of a pinched nerve. From what I understand there are two types of carpal tunnel. I'm really hoping that surgery is not necessary because the thought of them cutting and stretching my tendons gives me the heebi-jeebies! :eek



Yessss. Sleeping in it last night was... interesting. sorefingers, I think I had rather have surgery and be done with it than wear this brace indefinitely. Maybe we should have a "bracing" cup of tea to drown our sorrows? :kettle I've got the kettle on! Sugah or plain, dahling? Cream? Lemon?
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