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Advice on entering my work in fair show.

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I was asked today to enter some of my work in our local fairgrounds for a contest of some kind. It's kind of like the 4H fairs? (hope you know what I'm talking about!)


Anyways, I was really flattered, but really shocked too. I really think my stuff is rather simple and other than occasional stuff, it's from patterns. I was told they have original and pattern categories. I have never even sold an item before and only entered my first item for charity this year!


I'm not sure I should do this. I don't think my stuff is that wow. Just simple country style work. I don't know if I'm just being too modest or hard on myself.


Should I do this? What do you think the pro's and con's are?


Thanks guys.


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entering :crochetingshows can be fun - and very frustrating!


I enter many pieces in shows because it's the only way I get feedback on my work. I live in fairly remote area of Australia and by sending a couple of items to the big shows I get comments from judges who tell me how and where I can improve my crochet.


The other side of the coin is that I believe it's important for people to enter handicrafts in these shows so knitting, embroidery, crochet etc doesn't fall out of the public's eye.


Give it a go - there's nothing like seeing your finished piece with a ribbon!



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I agree, go for it!

Enter the fair .... what do you have to lose?

It took me 60 years to enter a county fair. I don't know what took me so long. This year, my Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls won Best of Class! Share your work with others and spread the word about the joys of crochet.



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I was asked today to enter some of my work in our local fairgrounds for a contest of some kind. It's kind of like the 4H fairs? (hope you know what I'm talking about!)


Anyways, I was really flattered, but really shocked too. I really think my stuff is rather simple and other than occasional stuff, it's from patterns. I was told they have original and pattern categories. I have never even sold an item before and only entered my first item for charity this year!


I'm not sure I should do this. I don't think my stuff is that wow. Just simple country style work. I don't know if I'm just being too modest or hard on myself.


Should I do this? What do you think the pro's and con's are?


Thanks guys.




I entered 6 items in the local fair last year - I won 6 blue ribbons, and best of section.

I didn't think I would win anything - my work is ok, but nothing spectacular...

Just goes to show, you never know.

I wouldn't stress over it, if you do it, do it for fun.

The only reason I entered anything at all is because my mom wanted me to - I just figured she was being a mom - all mom's think their kids stuff is the best. Turns out she was kind of right this time. :think




Hope that helps...

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I say go for it. Somebody already thinks your work is very good or they wouldn't have suggested that you enter something into the fair. Good luck. You may want to search this thread for others posts about submitting items to the fair. There is some pretty good advice there for you.

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I say go for it. Somebody already thinks your work is very good or they wouldn't have suggested that you enter something into the fair. Good luck. You may want to search this thread for others posts about submitting items to the fair. There is some pretty good advice there for you.


AI agree. Enter but don't stress over it.


Have fun. You just don't know how you will do.


I think this is year number 5 for me entering the fair. I just love to see how I do against others.


Enter just a couple of things, just to see how you will do. Have fun with the projects. Make something you can use later, or give it away.


My first fair I entered a blanket and a doll dress set. I didn't place at all on the blanket, but my doll set got 1st place, best of show. That got me hooked!



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I'd say go for it. I think we all figure that our stuff isn't that great, but that's because it's commonplace for us. Other people are amazed by what we think is "nothing."

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I'm so excited for you! I am considering entering something of mine in a couple of fairs this coming fall, but I haven't yet decided what I will enter. I have always loved competing in different things, when I was a kid I was in a 4-H horse club and I lived for competing in the horse shows. When I got to be too old for 4-H I competed in open horse shows, but alas, now that I am disabled, I no longer ride, so I have to find another outlet to feed my competitive appetite, and so I have decided that entering my crochet work in shows is just the thing!


Please keep us all posted and let us know how you do! I wish you all the luck in the world and I say GO FOR IT!!!

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Thanks for all the feedback guys! I guess I'll get my fingers busy and try to put a few items in. It was nice to hear all of your experiences and what attitude is best. I'm gonna give it a shot! I'll let you all know what I enter and how it goes!


Thanks so much for the advice!



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Absolutely go for it!!! I used to enter stuff in the fair as a 4-H'er, and it was great fun. It's a great way to gain feedback, and it's wonderful to see your work on display.


It is fun to see your stuff on display. It give you a little boost to see others looking at it too.


Entering the fair is fun. Good luck. Let us know how you did.



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I say enter in the fair! It is fun to do and it really fun to see your work with a ribbon on it. I always on the lookout for some thing I can make for the fair.

I all ready have 2 things done and ready to enter.


Good Luck and let us know how you do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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