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Annie's Hooked on Crochet "no more"

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I emailed them asking about a gift subscription and they replyed telling me that they were going to stop publishing Annie's Hooked on Crochet. So I asked about my subscription and would I get a refund, They responed that my subscription would be switched to Crochet World or I could contact them for a refund.

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I just got off the phone with the publisher of Hooked On Crochet. Why it is merging is this: The magazine was doing well, but the managing side said that the patterns were the same type as Crochet World and the demographics were the same, so they decided to merge the 2 magazines. The editor of HOC, Brenda Stratton is now freelancing.


So there it is, straight form the horse's mouth.


As for Crochet!, the magazine, the demographics are leaning toward the younger market, so maybe that's why a few of the subscribers don't like the patterns because they are too trendy. But Crochet! is still alive.

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That is interesting. My subscription to Hooked on Crochet just expired and they have been calling to get me to renew. I decided not to since I can buy it at JoAnns if I like the issue. They didn't say anything about merging. I guess they don't want people to know that. The crochet publications just keep getting smaller and smaller. I was at JoAnns the other day and the magazine lady was there filling up the rack. Our JoAnns is a super store and the rack is long and full. Well, she had 5 knitting magazines at the front of the bottom row and the 2 crochet magazines they had were in back and up a step from them and you couldn't even see them when you were just looking! I said to her that she at least needs to put a crochet magazine where someone could see it, but she ignored me. When she left, I put both of them on the bottom where they could be seen. Now that is fair!! :devil

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So, we already lost 1 magazine when Annie's Favorites merged with Hooked on Crochet and we will lose another when it all folds into Crochet World. I wouldn't mind so much if we ended up with two or three times the number of patterns, but we don't, we just lose a magazine. (They did the same thing a few years ago when they combined my favorite quilting magazine with one I liked less. Naturally the patterns I loved from my favorite vanished.)

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I can't believe they"re doing this. I've been a subsriber since 1984 & my subscriptioon doesn't expire until Jan. 2009, So I guess they'll switch me over. I usted to like Crochet World but I've noticed it has changed somewhat over the past few years. They do seem to lean more to the younger crowd then us seniors but I do like to have a continuing subscription to crochet magazine. They are so hard to find in the stores. I hope they keep the digest size but chances are they will probably go to the larger size of Crochet World.

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Oh noooooo! :cry I only get 2 magazines. Hooked on Crochet and Crochet World. If there are other magazines out there, I've never seen them except maybe for Crochet! magazine but I don't like that one. Too trendy. Shoot, I'm sad. :( What other magazines do you guys all get?

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