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Chromium star....table thingy.


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So, I'm currently working on the Chromium star baby blanket. I found the link to the pattern here. I'm actually making a lot of progress and it's going really quickly. But this morning, I got this bright idea to try the Chromium star is a much bulkier yarn, and possibly make a rug or something. So, I started making it with some Jiffy Thick and Quick that I had lying around. I followed the pattern to Round 7 and then realized I was running out of yarn. I made a border using single crochet, a made up "adjacent half single crochet" and the modified sing crochet two together from the pattern. I used one full ball of Jiffy Thick and Quick and then maybe a third of another that I had lying around. The color is Berkshires and I think I might use it as a centerpiece on my dining room table. Here's a photo or two!




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