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Encyclopedia of Crochet

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I just got this book from Amazon. It is soooo beautiful. I don't think I've owned a book of this quality for a while. The pictures are clear and there are even some patterns. I've heard that this was a good book to have in my crochet library and I have to agree.

Now I have SNB Happy Hooker, The perpetual calendar 365 stitches and this book. Am wondering what to get next that is just as good.

Teach Yourself Visual Crochet?

Crochet Me?

Any suggestions since I've really picked some winners and each one is almost better than the last. :hook

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Thanks for the tip and the link. I like that one!

Too many pretty books to buy!!!

The supermarket has a change counter machine where you can get gift certificates with no fee (just counting change for larger bills has a fee).

I'm saving my pennies for an Amazon card. :clap

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I like Everyday Crochet as well. I also purchased Crochet me.


I also recommend Lily Chin's Crochet Couture if you plan to make wearables. She talks about hoe to adapt pattern to make them fit and what you need to think about to make you own designs. There are a few patterns in it as well.


I like Japanese Stitch pattern books and have a few of those.

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I adore The Encyclopedia of Crochet! That and Happy Hooker are my favorites... although I just picked up Not Your Mama's Crochet the other day, and that one is fast becoming a favorite as well. It has fun looking patterns and info for variations at the end of every pattern.

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What I like about the Encyclopedia of Crochet is that all the patterns and stitches are written out in crochetspeak as well as in diagrams....so if you are more comfortable with one or the other you are covered, it also helps to learn the one way that was not as familiar to you! Thanks to this book I can now read diagrams which was always very hard for me!

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