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Having Fun & Getting It Done CAL/KAL 4th Quarter!

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I busted a skein doing squares for my charities!!! :cheer

My prayer shawl is just about done and I've completed another ribbon scarf. :clap

I need to work more on the seraphina and I haven't even started my fbb yet. :(

I strayed from my list of to do's and made a preemie blanket for the Charity Blitz for babies that isn't until July. :eek

I know I cheated on that one, but I couldn't resist the yarn in my stash for this little blanket. :crocheting

I have a super busy weekend with my nephew's Bar Mitzvah, so I'm afraid I won't be crocheting for a while. :ohdear I'm already feeling withdrawals!! :scared I just don't think it would be appropriate to crochet during his reading of the Torah!! :devil

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itzhunic- I've cheated with the blitz too, I love making the baby items, and make them when I want a break from other items, mainly hats b/c i can do them so fast, but still


Let's see, today I have done 6 rounds on my Lace and bobbles, and realized that when I had the book it was in, I copied the pattern, then gave the book away, but have somehow lost some of the pattern, I only have through round 48... and there are at least 10 rows after that...:angry so I had to re-order the book from amazon today, so the lace and bobbles will be stalled as it is until the book arrives (prolly next week)


Once I put that down I grabbed my pink squares for a comfortghan that I mapped out the other day, the squares were made by Pineknott and sent to me a while ago, figure it's about time they became the blanket they were meant to be, well all 48 are now edged, and 2 rows are joined and attached to eachother.... plan on finishing this one by the end of the weekend.


Now for tonight... I will either continue joining the squares and rows, or I will work on a few squares for my babette blanket... maybe a little bit of both, I've kind of reached my sewing limit for the day, and want to crochet some more... but of course, I have to make dinner first... these kids are adamant that they eat three times a day :rofl

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Good morning every one!!:morcoffee


Just wanted to say this CAL/KAL is good motivation. I didn't stick to my days of the week idea. :shrugBut I have managed to get 8 snow flakes done. I am trying to get caught up in the Snow Flake Mondays CAL. :flake


I have had such a busy week :jugglegetting ready for my daughters b-day tomorrow. 2 doctor apts, baseball game tonight, and a one year old at my feet. :eek I had to mow and weed eat yesterday and it took all day. Now my allergies are killing me.:sick


I feel like my computer is so slow. Do you think it would take coffee? I can't seem to even get cought up on reading the forms. LOL:haha


Relynn - Hope you feel better. I went through that with my son. He had tube put in twice. The second time they took out his tonsils and adnoides. He has not been sick since. No ear infections or anything else involving the head. I am glad he did it. He was a trooper, I have heard its not fun the older you get.:hug

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Rachel- you sound busy! Wtg on getting 8 snowflakes done, I need to make some too, I want a bunch for christmas, but snowflakes are usually my heat of summer too hot to work with anything but thread project, :lol

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Rachel- you sound busy! Wtg on getting 8 snowflakes done, I need to make some too, I want a bunch for christmas, but snowflakes are usually my heat of summer too hot to work with anything but thread project, :lol


Ya I hear ya. But hey it has been in the 80's :sunhere and I can't find enough time to sit and do any thing else. I have been working on the hear and there in the car. DH kept sticking his hand in front of my pattern to make me loose my place. He thinks its funny! :laughrollI think I am loosing my kaboodles! :cooWhat he don't know is he's going to get a hook in the kaboddle.:hook:tryme



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:rofl I'm picturing a man with a hook in his kaboodle, my hubby just said "no no, ow ow, don't do it" :rofl:laughroll
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I'm blowing my 2nd quarter list to smithereans, I've joined 2 swaps.... I must be a glutton for punishment!

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Hi all, things looking good out there. Wish I could say the same. Old sewing machine really put a kink in my schedule. But now that the new one is up and running, I should catch up on some stuff. Only one more day til the fair and I am no where near ready.

See you all soon, wish me luck.

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Hi all, things looking good out there. Wish I could say the same. Old sewing machine really put a kink in my schedule. But now that the new one is up and running, I should catch up on some stuff. Only one more day til the fair and I am no where near ready.

See you all soon, wish me luck.



Hope the fair goes well for you! Which one are you doing? There are so many this time of year. Hope you have great weather!

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Today I have only crocheted 7 rounds on an 8 round square... and the rest of the day i slept in my room with a migraine, browsed the internet, sat on the couch with a migraine, bribed my kids with money to the one who can be the quietest... hid a recorder.... ordered in dinner... and have big plans of going to bed with any luck by 7....



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Relynn, Glad to know the dr went ok, and I hope the antibiotics work well for you, sry to hear about possible surgery tho :hugGood luck with your paper! can't wait to see your sweater, such a shame when life gets in the way of crocheting, wish we could crochet our way through it! :lol
Relynn, hope the antibiotics help! Looking forward to seeing pics of your sweater. Are you going to the Md Sheep & Wool Festival this weekend?

Thanks so much! The antibiotics are doing well already. I have no pain in my ear now. Such a relief! Got the paper knocked out very quickly and had time to spend with the hubby and kids. That's always a plus with my busy schedule. I swear I'm going to take pictures of the sweater this weekend, finished or not. I'm still on the waistband/neckband but I hope to get some good time in on it while watching Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy tonight. Kim - I won't be going to the MDS&W this year. Finals start next week and I'm going to be studying and finishing up final papers/assignments this weekend. Such fun. :sigh

Relynn - Hope you feel better. I went through that with my son. He had tube put in twice. The second time they took out his tonsils and adnoides. He has not been sick since. No ear infections or anything else involving the head. I am glad he did it. He was a trooper, I have heard its not fun the older you get.:hug

I've had two tubes in my right ear in the past 10 years. The last one was roughly 5 years or slightly more ago. The problem is I have chronic otitis media; I've had fluid built up behind that ear drum for the past 10 years with the only dry spells being when I had tubes. It usually isn't infected, but occasionally I get a sinus infection that travels there and makes my life oh so joyous. :lol I have about a millimeter long threshold for pain, seriously, and that stuff hurts something awful. I hyperventilate and go into mild shock that makes me hysterical for quite a few hours after the procedure. I really feel sympathy for your son, and all the other kids out there that have to get that mess done.

Today I have only crocheted 7 rounds on an 8 round square... and the rest of the day i slept in my room with a migraine, browsed the internet, sat on the couch with a migraine, bribed my kids with money to the one who can be the quietest... hid a recorder.... ordered in dinner... and have big plans of going to bed with any luck by 7....

I'm so sorry you've not been feeling well. I've never had migraines, but a dear friend of mine gets them almost constantly. That's a truly awful experience from what I've witnessed. :hug


Happy hooking everybody!



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Today I have only crocheted 7 rounds on an 8 round square... and the rest of the day i slept in my room with a migraine, browsed the internet, sat on the couch with a migraine, bribed my kids with money to the one who can be the quietest... hid a recorder.... ordered in dinner... and have big plans of going to bed with any luck by 7....





Hope you're feeling better today! :hugI hate migraines.....:angry

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Did you get your order from Peaches-Creme yet?? Was wondering what you thought of your grab bag...


Mine came today, perked me up a bit, had the migraine yesterday, still throbbing today so I thought I'd go for a walk, ya know the whole fresh air and sunshine thing.... well, I twisted my ankle... AGAIN same one as 2 weeks ago... I can't win :(


Anyway, then my ever-so-handsome UPS man showed up with a great box filled with COTTON!!!


Here are pics (clickable)


These were the contents of my 5 grab bags...


Size 10 thread in white, ecru, and a light brown color....




5 full balls of Shaded Pastels ww cotton:




And 22 partial balls of various colors of ww cotton:





Then besides the grab bags I ordered these:


The Sedona Tablescape Kit and Extra 1lb cone of matching color: (this is for my kitchen placemats and dishcloths) Oh and also 2 balls of Painted Dessert size 10 thread, so I can make small doily's for the wall as decoration...




Then I ordered a 6-pack of white thread to make snowflakes (Kinda wish I hadn't once I saw how much white came in the grab bags, but hey I'll find a use for it... maybe take up filet crochet or something...





Well this has been another basically crochetless day, which is a bummer, hopefully I'll get some stuff in when the kids go to bed later, but here is my list of what all I completed this week:


Peaches and Cream Ghan- From 77% to COMPLETED

16 Daisy Squares for Krystal-Still at 6

3 Sections on the Babette-From 1 completed to 2 completed

Eight Pocket Tote- yea... maybe start this during next week?

33 Squares for OA- 1 completed

Assemble 3 Comfortghans- 28% completed

Lace and Bobbles- Added this to the list... 25% done

Special Day Capelet- Completed


OK that's me for now... how ya'll doing>????

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Wow, Ada, you got some gorgeous stuff!! :clapLove the colors.....LOL, they sure do hire some good looking UPS guys, don't they? :yes Well, except here in PA....I have a very nice woman UPS Person. She's great but it's just not the same as having those cute guys making a delivery....:dreaming


Hope your migraine is better soon! Fresh air usually helps mine unless it's really hot and humid outside.


I'm about 75% finished on the Lisette pattern. I got bored with the yarn so took a break and make a really pretty scarf today! I need to add some beads to it and then I'll post pics...


Hope everyone has fun plans for the weekend!:)

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I am in love with these patterns! This is the pattern called Heirloom Lace from the Best of Terry Kimbrough Baby Afghans.




I'm starting another one :D I think I may try to make all of them from the book (24 afghans :blush )

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Karen I'll cheer you on while you make them... make 5 form the book that I love and I'll buy the book too :lol


They really are just so pretty!

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Well, last week I finished my hook case and my second Sweet Scallops Shawl. This week I need to concentrate on my house, so unless I am watching a show on tv I am not crocheting. (Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts). My mother is coming. House can't look like this when she gets here. So happy crocheting all you lucky ones who can :(;)

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Well, last week I finished my hook case and my second Sweet Scallops Shawl. This week I need to concentrate on my house, so unless I am watching a show on tv I am not crocheting. (Yeah, we'll see how long that lasts). My mother is coming. House can't look like this when she gets here. So happy crocheting all you lucky ones who can :(;)


I can totally empathize with you about house issues. I've got a serious mountain to climb with mine to get it ready for my 30th birthday party in a few weeks. I often wish I had been born rich instead of so darn good looking (at least that's what I tell myself) so I could afford a housekeeper. :lol


I need to hang new drapes in the living room, hang some pictures, and make some kitchen curtains along with cleaning and organizing nearly every room of the house. And that's just inside. I won't even go into what I have to do outside. :lol


I have nearly finished the motifs for my woodsland tunic, so I should be starting the sweater itself either tomorrow or Monday.


Have a great weekend everybody!



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I often wish I had been born rich instead of so darn good looking (at least that's what I tell myself) so I could afford a housekeeper. :lol





I cleaned today too, I'm babysitting my neice later and she's just an itty bitty baby, so had to have it cleaned up. OH well, now I can crochet later on without guilt.

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Hope the fair goes well for you! Which one are you doing? There are so many this time of year. Hope you have great weather!

We had a lot of fun, but sales were bad. Not just us but alot of the vendors there. Seems the food people were the only ones making big sales. The woman next to us has been doing it for 30 years and has been juried in all her work, but she said she only sold 1 item at this fair. She agreed and said we all would have probably been better off selling water and lemonade. It was cloudy and cold. We were dancing and singing to the band trying to keep warm. The most we saw walking by were twig wreaths and wood stuff, and dogs of every size and color. I kept wondering if we were in a dog show....some were cute and playful, and a few were big and scarey.

Two people nearly pulled down our canopy, yanking on shawls and purses, one pole got bent. My DD was so frustrated because some little one with cheeto fingers put orange prints all over her Andy doll. We only sold 6 things, 2 of hers and 4 of mine.

We nearly hit a doe on the way there, missed her by inches. And some confused elderly woman just missed us and our stuff at the fair when driving behind us on the sidewalk!!!

DH felt ill and went home 3 hours after arriving, (he can't handle the cold damp air).

But it was a good learning experience. And we met a lot of nice people who gave us good advice for future fairs, and which ones to attend or avoid. Plus although I didn't sell much, I made mental notes on which items attracted the most attention, and which no one was interested in.

The plainer and more neutral colored purses were favorites (as were the ones made from cotton), but when it came to the shawls or ponchos, it was the fun furs and brushed ones that caught their eyes. They loved the towel toppers with the buttons (especially the cotton ones), but no one seemed to know what an amigurumi was. Boucle was big, and they liked the feel of it. They really liked the Afghans, but felt 40.00 was too much. And anything more than 20.00 for a purse, even though they liked it, was pricey for them.

A few people made remarks about being in a recession, waiting to see if we would come down in price. DD did on a shawl she made, but I refused to. If they were wearing gold and jewels and walking a pure breed dog, the recession hadn't really hit them enough where a few dollars would make that much of a difference.

They spent 3.00 on some french fries and 4.00 for one funnel cake, so I stuck to my pricing. My highest price was an afghan, and I had plenty of 1, 2, 3 and 5 dollar items. We had a lot of looky-loos, and Touchy-feelys, and hundreds of compliments, but only a few who were serious buyers.

No go with the cell phone cases, but a big hit with the nylon wrist key holders. My son stopped by and he felt that it was because of the neighborhood not being the best, hence so many people with dogs. There was security and police walking the streets, so he may have been right.

Anyway I did enjoy doing it, all except for the labor of packing up and trying to fit two vans worth of stuff into one van (and my back and legs going on strike last night and today). I was in bed at 8:30 and didn't get up til 7:30 to shuffle and limp around.

I hope some of the what sells and what doesn't helps you guys looking into doing fairs. At least ones here in SC PA. I have 3 more planned for this year, and one of them is one that I was told is really a good one for crafts. We will see.

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Sorry that it wasn't a big selling day for you, but at least there were lessons learned. Knowledge is power right?? So you can adjust and do better next time. :) Hope your other fairs later in the season go well for you.



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