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Having Fun & Getting It Done CAL/KAL 4th Quarter!

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Well I've been really crocheting and am pleased with what I've gotten done!

My seraphina is about half way done. The prayer shawl is just a few rounds away from being bordered and done. I've done quite a few squares for my charities too. YEA ME for feeling well enough to get this work done on my projects! My stashbusting score is going up in the positives and I haven't bought any yarn so no negative score!!! YEA ME for staying away from yarn I have to have and really don't even need!!

Just wanted to share.


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It seemed like a lot of people were using the Joann's Sensations Rainbow Boucle so that's what I got. Its over 800 yards (and about the size my cat! :eek) I havent been working on it a lot lately, but its next in line!


I love Joann's Sensations Rainbow Boucle. :lol I thought that it was bigger than my Cat... but when I took it out of the plastic wrap, I couldn't believe how it swelled up...Then it looked like it could "eat" my cat....;)

I used the orange, (really a rust with flecks of gold) but sooooo soft...

I find that they are low on them in Joann's too. Is it because it sells alot, or they don't order enough?

Thursday night I will double check everything and take pics of the latest ones completed before I rebag them. I truly hate taking the pics and loading them on, adjusting brightness, etc..putting them on photobucket and then on here. :P Not that I don't want to share, I just don't like spending the time doing it all...Unfortunately a lot of the craft fairs here require you to be juried, so I need pics, if I am going to persue this craft thing.

Well good night all, You all have such lovely projects and ambitious lists.

I am tired, "see" you all soon.

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I love Joann's Sensations Rainbow Boucle. :lol I thought that it was bigger than my Cat... but when I took it out of the plastic wrap, I couldn't believe how it swelled up...Then it looked like it could "eat" my cat....;)

I used the orange, (really a rust with flecks of gold) but sooooo soft...

I find that they are low on them in Joann's too. Is it because it sells alot, or they don't order enough?

Thursday night I will double check everything and take pics of the latest ones completed before I rebag them. I truly hate taking the pics and loading them on, adjusting brightness, etc..putting them on photobucket and then on here. :P Not that I don't want to share, I just don't like spending the time doing it all...Unfortunately a lot of the craft fairs here require you to be juried, so I need pics, if I am going to persue this craft thing.

Well good night all, You all have such lovely projects and ambitious lists.

I am tired, "see" you all soon.



I think Joanns Boucle sells really well and that's why it always seems to be off the shelves...it's a great bargain for the amount of yarn you get!


When is your craft fair? Is it coming up soon? Hope you do well!

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I love Joann's Sensations Rainbow Boucle. :lol I thought that it was bigger than my Cat... but when I took it out of the plastic wrap, I couldn't believe how it swelled up...Then it looked like it could "eat" my cat....;)

I used the orange, (really a rust with flecks of gold) but sooooo soft...

I find that they are low on them in Joann's too. Is it because it sells alot, or they don't order enough?

Thursday night I will double check everything and take pics of the latest ones completed before I rebag them. I truly hate taking the pics and loading them on, adjusting brightness, etc..putting them on photobucket and then on here. :P Not that I don't want to share, I just don't like spending the time doing it all...Unfortunately a lot of the craft fairs here require you to be juried, so I need pics, if I am going to persue this craft thing.

Well good night all, You all have such lovely projects and ambitious lists.

I am tired, "see" you all soon.



I ended up ordering the blue boucle online - I needed some other yarn I couldnt find in a store too. I was also so surprised at how big it was after I took it out of the wrapping - then it was cat sized - at least my cats sized - are on the large size :lol


I dont like uploading pictures either. I know it really doesnt take me that long to adjust size and color and to upload them, but its just one of those things I just dont like to do!


Let us know about the craft fair! Good luck!!

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Here's my updated list for this week


  1. Bedspread - 25 - 12 inch squares - 10% (2 squares are done)
  2. Lil' Monkies Baby Afghan/Seija Hat – all squares are finished. I am now putting them together.
  3. String Bag – from Lily’s Sugar n cream. I am using some of the yarn I got in the notions swap.
  4. Seraphina Shawl – I have started it, but just a little bit. It is on hold until I finish the Lil Monkies/Seija set.
  5. Ripple Afghan –. I have to pick out the colors and get the yarn
  6. I need to find a good, but easy knitting pattern.

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Hello! I've gotten a lot of projects completed, but I have uploaded them at Ravelry (LavenderBear). :yay I tried to upload pics here before, but I wasn't successful!

How many of us are Ravelry members, and do you update your projects page often there?!

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Here's my revised list for this week......It appears I've switched from lots of sweaters to lots of shawls...LOL...hopefully I'll settle some place in the middle!:blush



1. Lisette Sweater/shawl....75%:cheer

2. Crochet skirt....need yarn

3. Garden Party Lace Wrap...have yarn

4. Blythe shawl...have yarn

5. Marilyn Shrug/sweater...have pattern & yarn

6. Summer Scarf for Swap...



Ongoing.... Learn to Knit!

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Hello! I've gotten a lot of projects completed, but I have uploaded them at Ravelry (LavenderBear). :yay I tried to upload pics here before, but I wasn't successful!


How many of us are Ravelry members, and do you update your projects page often there?!



I'm on Ravelry and I try to update whenever I finish something!


My name on Ravelry......HappyBunny....LOL

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I'm also in the Whole Kit and Kaboodle swap, I'm looking forward to it Elaine, I think it will be a lot of fun!!!


I'm also on Ravelry, also jadyn05 there... i think, I don't use it very often, havn't put a whole lot of time into organizing myself there, maybe I'll put that on my to do list at some point, but for now I use my blog and here to showcase things i've done.


My list for this week has changed, I'm testing a pattern for Krochet Krystal, a BEAUTIFUL capelet for my 5 year old dd, once I finish it up I'll get back to work on my list, but hey I did finish that ghan this week, so being sidetracked a little is ok! :crocheting

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I signed up for the kit and caboodle swap and saw quite a few familiar names! I think there are a lot of people from this CAL/KAL in there!!!



I think it's going to be a really fun swap!!

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Hello! I've gotten a lot of projects completed, but I have uploaded them at Ravelry (LavenderBear). :yay I tried to upload pics here before, but I wasn't successful!


How many of us are Ravelry members, and do you update your projects page often there?!


I'm on Ravelry. Same name there, too (Dare2BDifferent). I do update my projects frequently there. I really need to get some pictures posted. I'm behind on that. I try to stay on top of updating progress and completion info.

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I'm in the Kit and Kaboodle swap, too! I figured it's a good one to do since I don't have to add anything to my "must make" list for it. :lol I'm kinda booked up already this quarter, but I needed to get my swap fix since I presently am not involved in any. *twitch*


I got half of the motifs assembled and joined (join as you go style) for the hem edging on my Woodsland Tunic last night. I'll probably get the other half and the 3 or so rounds of trim done tonight. I'm still considering it about 10% done since I haven't started anything that remotely resembles a sweater yet. :lol


I'm going to the doctor's office bright and early tomorrow morning. Let's hope I get some good antibiotics to knock this stuff out of me. It woke me up at 5 am this morning because my sinus infection decided to move to my right ear and that kinda felt like a 10 inch iron spike being driven into my ear drum. Not a pleasant way to wake up. Ok, I'll stop complaining now. :P


Have a wonderful day, everyone!



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I'm going to the doctor's office bright and early tomorrow morning. Let's hope I get some good antibiotics to knock this stuff out of me. It woke me up at 5 am this morning because my sinus infection decided to move to my right ear and that kinda felt like a 10 inch iron spike being driven into my ear drum. Not a pleasant way to wake up. Ok, I'll stop complaining now. :P


Have a wonderful day, everyone!





Hope the appt goes well!!

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Well I finished testing krystals capelet today, and I can't post pics b/c i'm too lazy to make one small enough to be allowed to post it before she's ready to release the pattern... but let's say it is BEAUTIFUL!!! And my children have become fiends for it, they all want it, and in more than one color! :lol


Anyway, I need to decide what I'm going to work on tonight while I watch tv... I can get a few good hours in, maybe I'll work on my babette, or I may work on my lace and bobbles... or i could work on edging squares for the comfortghan i'm assembling... I need to come up with a schedule.... :think


I'll let ya know tomorrow what I end up doing.

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Karen--your baby blanket is beautiful! I think I would like to get one of those Kimbrough books.


I mailed the dishtowel off this evening to my friend. I think next month I may just go with a crocheted bookmark and gift card to a bookstore.


I bought a bunch of yarn from Knitpicks to start dyeing! 12 skeins or hanks of various types. Of course I don't have a winder or swift or anything handy like that, so I'm going to have to be real careful not to end up with a tangled mess. Should be fun!

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Ok i really need to not crochet when i'm tired!!!! I'm on round 24 of my lace and bobbles, I was on the 3rd corner when I glanced at the directions and saw that I was doing "sc, ch3, sc* in the corners when I should be doing *2sc, ch3, 2sc* in the corners.... so in the grand tradition of all those who came before me... i went "ribbit ribbit ribbit"... and go about re-doing the round, no big deal... get to the end and do my st count... 63 sts each side... :think but, but I'm supposed to have only 61 at the end of round 24.... :eek:think


When I "glanced" at the pattern before, I looked at round 25 :angry Now i'm too tired to frog it again... I'll finish this round with fresh eyes and fingers tomorrow.... or the next day:(

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Ok i really need to not crochet when i'm tired!!!! I'm on round 24 of my lace and bobbles, I was on the 3rd corner when I glanced at the directions and saw that I was doing "sc, ch3, sc* in the corners when I should be doing *2sc, ch3, 2sc* in the corners.... so in the grand tradition of all those who came before me... i went "ribbit ribbit ribbit"... and go about re-doing the round, no big deal... get to the end and do my st count... 63 sts each side... :think but, but I'm supposed to have only 61 at the end of round 24.... :eek:think


When I "glanced" at the pattern before, I looked at round 25 :angry Now i'm too tired to frog it again... I'll finish this round with fresh eyes and fingers tomorrow.... or the next day:(



Oh no, I hate it when that happens!:(

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I bought a bunch of yarn from Knitpicks to start dyeing! 12 skeins or hanks of various types. Of course I don't have a winder or swift or anything handy like that, so I'm going to have to be real careful not to end up with a tangled mess. Should be fun!



Let me know how it goes! I've thought of trying to dye my own yarn but havn't tried it yet.....:yes

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Hello! I've gotten a lot of projects completed, but I have uploaded them at Ravelry (LavenderBear). :yay I tried to upload pics here before, but I wasn't successful!


How many of us are Ravelry members, and do you update your projects page often there?!


I am the same way!! It is so much easier to just post the pictures on Ravelry. I think the brightly colored afghan and the adoption baby blanket are my favorite!! :clap

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I'm also in the Whole Kit and Kaboodle swap, I'm looking forward to it Elaine, I think it will be a lot of fun!!!


I'm also on Ravelry, also jadyn05 there... i think, I don't use it very often, havn't put a whole lot of time into organizing myself there, maybe I'll put that on my to do list at some point, but for now I use my blog and here to showcase things i've done.


My list for this week has changed, I'm testing a pattern for Krochet Krystal, a BEAUTIFUL capelet for my 5 year old dd, once I finish it up I'll get back to work on my list, but hey I did finish that ghan this week, so being sidetracked a little is ok! :crocheting



I added your blog to my blogline. So I'll be checking out your projects!

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I bought a bunch of yarn from Knitpicks to start dyeing! 12 skeins or hanks of various types. Of course I don't have a winder or swift or anything handy like that, so I'm going to have to be real careful not to end up with a tangled mess. Should be fun!


I have been wanting to dye for awhile. I got a bunch of white cotton during the kitchen swap that I could dye, but Kool-Aid doesnt work on cotton and I'm a little hesitant to use the chemical stuff. I would like to eventually get some sock yarn to dye and then use it to make some socks. But that is a bit down the road. I gotta get a handle on the whole sock making thing first. :lol

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Ok I have fresh eyes and fingers so I've selected the next couple colors that I think I'll get to today with the lace and bobbles, I've seen these finished and know they are pretty, but after last night I want to pull my hair out, maybe better luck today... here's hopin!

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Hope the appt goes well!!


Thanks, Kim! The appointment went fine. I got a good 20 minutes of crochet time while I was waiting to get called. I do have some nasty stuff going on in my right ear, got prescribed a heavy-duty antibiotic for it, and was told to come back when that's done for follow up. I'm probably going to have to get an adenoid removed and maybe a tube in that ear. Fun stuff. :( I didn't start getting ear infections until I was 19 years old. How strange is that? :lol


I got about a quarter of the waistband/neckline edging done this morning and I completed the hem border last night. If I can keep this momentum I might have a new sweater to wear by Sunday. :clap


I've got a logic class to attend and a paper to write today (minor one, but still has to be done) so I'll probably be MIA here until tomorrow.


Have a great day everyone!



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Glad to know the dr went ok, and I hope the antibiotics work well for you, sry to hear about possible surgery tho :hug


Good luck with your paper!


can't wait to see your sweater, such a shame when life gets in the way of crocheting, wish we could crochet our way through it! :lol

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