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The Munro Bag


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I made one like it after seeing the pic of it before you gave the pattern. I'll take pics today and post them. I used CDs for the sides to have it keep its shape and a piece of plastic canvas for the inside. It's finished except for the handles. I don't think the yarn I'm using for them is going to go far enough so I may have to find different yarn for it. Thankyou for the inspiration for it. I gave you credit over at Ravelry for the idea.

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I've been really thinking about this. I think I'll make my team mates at work these for Christmas next year. but there are a couple of men on the team. maybe a little larger for a gym bag?

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this is an excellent bag! i love those sweaters with the multi-coloured wavy rows, and this so much reminds me of them :) i think i'm going to add this to my ever-growing list of "want-to-do-now" projects... and there are SO many choices for colour layering! can't wait!


you know, re: the stiffness of the bag- i've seen (and want to try) crocheted baskets made of hemp string. it does come in colours, of it could be easily dyes- maybe using that would make a stiffer bag as well as being a bit hardier?



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WOW! Now that's a great looking bag, just what I need for myself ;).

Thanks so much for sharing your pattern with us :hug.


I've got lots of stash just waiting to be molded into something beautiful:laughroll

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