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New SnB: Son of SnB


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I looked through it this weekend at the bookstore and just couldn't justify it. There were a couple things that I thought were interesting, but since I don't knit I had a problem buying a book where I could only use less than half of the patterns. It is definitely heavily a knit wearables book, but there are a few crochet things thrown in here and there. If you both knit and crochet I would recommend taking a look at it. I LOVE the scarf on the front cover and that is almost enough for me to want to learn to knit....



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

Luckily I borrowed it from my Library before buying it. There are 4 crochet patterns, 5 if you count the scarf that has 2 variations. The cover says 45 patterns to knit and crochet.... HA! Crochet shouldn't even be mentioned. Its misleading IMHO

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  • 2 weeks later...

My fiance gave it to me for Christmas


Personally, I don't think a book ought to say "Knit AND Crochet" unless it has equal amounts of both. If it doesn't, someone in either camp is going to get screwed, unless you know how to do both.


That said, it has some great knit patterns in it, and since I'm learning to knit, it gives me wonderful inspiration and drive!

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