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Ultimatum - What to do??

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LittleJadeFrog, the Thursday before Thanksgiving (this Thursday) is traditionally the "Great American Smokeout." That's the day in which smokers are supposed to quit for just one day. I've known a few who just decided not to smoke that day...and have not picked up a cigarette since.

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I think if he really wants to quit smoking he will whether you stop crocheting or not!!!

But, to be safe quit at the same time!!

I quit smoking on a December 14, so it can be done.


Ditto. I quit a 2 pack per day habit in 1988. I wanted to quit. A lot of people WANT to have the desire to quit, but don't really want to quit. That makes quitting very, very difficult. I wanted to quit. And I did.


Either way, good luck to your hubby. :)

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He should definately quit with you. 2 months is a long time without a hook in your hand. I think you should start at the beginning of the new year officially but if you're as busy as I am during the holidays, sooner may work. Your mind will be elsewhere. I hope he follows thruogh but he really needs to do it at the same time. That's his way of saying you aren't going to be able to do it therefore no harm done and he won't have to give up his cigs.

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I would say, "You quit WITH me!" Of course that's because I have heard a lot of that stuff from my husband. He said he would quit when I got pregnant. Then it became when the baby was born. Well, I'm still waiting... The "baby" is now two and a half years old!


I agree that you should both quit at the beginning of the year. There's just too much to make for birthdays and Christmas! I would do it! It's worth it, for his health and yours!

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please support his decision... I would hate to see him quit the way I did ... Sept 26.2002 my surgeon looked at me a told me to "Quit Smoking or Die" I was on my way in to have a triple bypass on my heart and a bypass of my right carotid artery at the same time... I was 48 years old and had been smoking for 35 years at that time... I have not had a cigarette since then... my hubby still smokes but because of me he does not smoke in the house or in the car... we do not sleep in the same room as the smell of the smoke bothers me ... I also can not kiss him after he has a cigarette it makes me ill.. thankfully neither of my daughters started smoking and the grandgirls don't like it either..

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my immediate thought is that he needs to want to quit for himself, not as part of any wager ... I was a very very heavy smoker for many decades and it wasn't until I wanted to quit for ME that I was able to do it. It was no different than alcoholism with me ... I had to own that I was addicted to nicotine and do what needed doing. Had I made a wager with someone (I'll quit smoking if you quit such-and-such) I would still be a smoker today.


By the way I was 50 when I quit ...

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I think the wager was just a way to tell me that he was ready and telling me that he truely needs my help and support. Giving up crochet even for 2 months would prove to him that I am EXTREMELY supportive. :P I don't think he would actually MAKE me give it up but just knowing that I would might be enough to get him started.

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I was thinking about this posting after I read it earlier today. I'm not sure I like this...why do you have to quit crocheting? Doesn't it make you happy? It surely won't kill you like smoking will.

I could understand if the deal was something like "No yarn buying for 2 months and I'll quit smoking". Or something like that. Usually when you "give something up" or "quit something", it's usually something that you don't need in your life. I don't know about you, but crocheting is necessary in my life. It's my yoga. It's my downtime. It's my time alone. It's my therapy.

I don't understand why you have to give up crocheting. It doesn't make sense to me.


I hope he quits smoking. Think of all the money you will save!

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