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CAL Before 2008 ( I Will Finish One Day)


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Carol sorry no pattern. Just trial and error decreasing ever other row for the front mainly gave it that v like shape. Thanks:)

a lot of my things are "trial and error". I think that is where we get our best work and inspiration...

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Yeah Carol I think so to. Crocheting wearables came natural to me since I sew clothes also I just think if it as if I was going to sew it or I will look at something and try my best to make what I seen.:) love trial and error that's how we all learn.:)

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I too find that there is so much freedom when you are just 'making it', when you don't have to be able to explain what you did to someone else.


don't get me wrong... I love to share my patterns but it does mean I have to keep everything easy to explain if someone else sees it. :sigh

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Big News!!!


I finished the chemo cap today and it is quite nice. it's not the pattern I though I was making but it is still a nice cap and I think it covers all that needs covering. I'll try to get a pic tomorrow if we have some sun shining down.


At this point, we are not having white things falling from the sky. I don't care what my eyes think they are seeing... there is no white stuff collecting on cars. Uh Uh no way! :snow



This only matters because it affects the sunlight. Hence my rant. :wlol

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Great progress Darski. Can't wait to see pictures.


I see everyone is moving along on there projects. I have started a couple of things I knew I would finish in one weekend then I will get back to my list of things I want to finish before the end of the year. So much so little time lol:)

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Yeah Carol I think so to. Crocheting wearables came natural to me since I sew clothes also I just think if it as if I was going to sew it or I will look at something and try my best to make what I seen.:) love trial and error that's how we all learn.:)


I sew too, so maybe that is why I love making my own designs, but I don't write it down. I think that is because I want to keep going, rather than lose the idea. I do a lot of sketching though.

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Moving right along on all this, Love the progress we are making, can't wait to see more pics...

Baby gingham ghan 5% Put on hold til all others are done

Harry Potter Scarf 50% alot of frogging here, can't get stripes to look right

Girly scarf done

Fancy scarf done

Wool Poncho 0% Change to Mohair

Mohair shawl 0% Change to Wool

Purse 0%

Newscap hat 0%

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Wow -- some of you really move quick! I am making some progress, but I have to shuffle it a little. I am working with another lady to coordinate our Thanksgiving meal, and just keeping track of that is enough! To be fair, we usually have about 60 folks in attendance, but there are many hands to help.


After Thanksgiving I'll have more time ... right?


Silly questions:

What's a shrap?

A shroat?






1. pink baby blanket - 25%

2. reworked blanket - 95%

3. boy baby blanket - 15%

4. christmas stockings for my family (4 total) - 0%

5. cardigan for my 5 yo daughter - 0%

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This is what came to mind for me when I saw the Shrap...




I think I am going to change my list as most of the doll stuff is not a major priority now. Will post the revised list tomorrow. I have a bunch of hats and slippers that have to get done for local Christmas charities.

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I started on the sweater for Violet yesterday!!! I'm doing the BICO in Homespun Tudor...I ran out of yarn though, but I should finish today after a trip to the store! I have about 75% done...all of the back, sleeves, and half of the front. All I have to do is the other side of the front and the finishing!!! :cheer


Also today my sister is helping put together Lindsay's comfortghan so that should be done today as well! :)

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Oh, my! Can I jump in anytime?

I have several WIP's that need to be gained on, some I just barely started. Here's the list:

2 tops I am making for whoever they turn out to fit! One almost half finished, the other barely started.

2 one-piece afghans for somebody...might give them to charity if they aren't too bad.

1 granny square ghan, have all the squares finished and some of them sewn into strips and a few strips sewn together. I can finish it by Dec. if I get going and don't give up.

Let's see...what else? Oh, a thread crochet top I started a year ago, and might not have enough thread, because they discontinued the color, or the stores no longer stock it. WOW! Is that enough to qualify me?

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We have plenty of room everyone welcome to join at anytime glad we can have you. Cherokee:)


Ok I have a couple of things done this weekend that wasn't on my list I didn't put them on my list because I knew I would finish them in 2 days so now back to my list of things to finish:)

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All 3 scarves are done. Working on lining of 2 purses that go with 2 of the scarves, then going to newsboy cap.

Baby gingham ghan 5% Put on hold til all others are done

Harry Potter Scarf done

Girly scarf done

Fancy scarf done

Wool Poncho 0% Change to Mohair

Mohair shawl 0% I was gifted a shawl

Purse 0%

Newscap hat 0%

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Sounds like everyone got alot done this weekend! We had company but I still managed to work on the Garden Party Wrap...Hopefully I'll have the body of it finished by Wednesday and then I can start on the flowers.



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Revised list


1, Slippers (Started on first one)

2. Capelet

3. Shell Hat 0%

4. Olympic Shawl (Started)

5. Little Doll (Working on the body now)

6. Wavy Hat 50%

7. Mittens 0%

8. Going Home Sweater for Granddaughter 0%

9. Indigo Bag (Decided to do a different purse, Dawn by Drew) It's shaped the same but quicker to make.

10. Library book bag (Decided to make Waves of Color Tote Bag. Started two of them today. One medium size and one large one to put books in.)

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Great progress everyone! I was a crocheting maniac this weekend and loved every minute of it. I finished another dish cloth, made a dog toy and started my son's ripple afghan. The dog toy worked up really fast and I am going to let her play with it for a few days to see how it holds up before making her any more.


The ripple afghan is a ton of fun! I have never done one of these before and even though I was mysteriously increasing on each end for a while I think I have it figured out and have stopped it. DS is going to love it even if the edges are a little uneven, so I am actually not going to just leave it the way it is. I am the only one who is going to notice it anyway. I am making it about 40" wide and have about 9" done. Not bad for 2 days!


Here is my list:

Caleb's Blanket (30%)

Swiffer "Shrugs" for gifts (0/5)

Green & white Baby blanket (80%)

Dish Cloth (3/8)

Pot Holders (1/8)

Hooded Scarf for gift (90%)

Helmet liners (2) (0%)

Dog toy (100%)

Gingerbread man ornament (100%)

Neck Pillow for son (100%)

Fleece baby blanket with edging (100%)

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Swiffer "Shrugs" for gifts (0/5)


What is a Swiffer Shrug?


It is a reusable wet swiffer pad that can be thrown into the washing machine. I found a great pattern HERE and think they will make great gifts for Christmas. Just haven't gotten any made yet....will work on that this weekend!



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Wow, everyone's making great progress! :clap I'm running a little slow, having been sick for more than a week, DH being home on leave, Thanksgiving coming up, school...yeesh! I did, however, finish MIL's shawl except for the fringe - which I've decided can wait a few days. I'll post a pic later today. And I've added to the list for Christmas presents.


My list:

1. MIL Shawl - 98% just need to add fringe

2. Dad's Flannelghan - 35%

3. Mom's Homespun Afghan - 0%

4. SIL Hooded Scarf (2) - 0% I bought the yarn

5. Stockings (3) - 0%

6. Set of washcloths - 15%

7. 5-Piece Bath Set - 10%

8. FIL Flannelghan - 0% I bought the yarn

9. Skater beanie (3) - 10%

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Ok, so I've finished one of the scarves i had to do, and I've started on the "Graph" portion of my boyfriends blanket...so far, so good. i only had a few mistakes and i went back, checked my counting, double checked, and then triple checked and fixed it all up. this should be a fun adventure :) is anyone else attempting a first time project this year?

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