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CAL Before 2008 ( I Will Finish One Day)


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Ok now I can say that my list is starting to get smaller lol. I now have finished my daughter's hats and scarves I also did me a hat and that wasn't even on my list. Ok now have to get busy again.:) Pictures of my hats are in the show and tell.

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Wow everyone is doing great. I have an update on my list.


1. Parents Christmas blanket - 45% What isn't finished by Christmas will be wrapped up and given to them, then taken home to finish.

2. Erica Blanket - 80% I just need to join the verticals and do the border. But #6 is taking all my free time

3. Husband blanket - 0%This won't get done. See #6

4. Single color 2 strand round ripple - 10% Changed to a Round Ripple and I'm about 10 inches out from the center

5. Scarfs for inlaws - 50% Got the yarn yesterday, but will only be enough for 1 scarf. Will have to find similar yarn for 2nd.

6. *commission* 5 ripple blankets for Lake Austin Spa - About 6 inches into first one. :eek

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I'd love to join in on this! Here's my list:


1. Garden Party Wrap (30%)

2. White Floral Wrap (5%)

3. Shell Trellis Shawl (0%...but I've read the pattern...alot!LOL)

4. Boboletta Cocoon Jacket (0%)

5. Stash Blankets for the dogs (100%) Finished!!

6. Weekender Sweater (0%)

7. Mesh Beaded Headband (-%) Set aside....too complicated for me right now.

8. Scarves for Holiday Gifts. Finished 2!


There may be more but that's what I see in front of me at the moment!





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If it's not too late, I think this might be a good starting spot for me.

At least 5 projects ...

1. pink baby blanket - 15%

2. reworked blanket - 80%

3. boy baby blanket - 15%

4. christmas stockings for my family (4 total) - 0%

5. cardigan for my 5 yo daughter - 0%


And ... I might add to that list, though I think the stockings alone might test my mettle.


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Yet another update for me! I made a little progress this weekend, but not as much as I wanted (of course). I started and finished a neck pillow for my son. It turned out great but the little $* refuses to use it. I may convince him yet, but when dealing with a stubborn 3 YO I am not going to hold my breath. My mom's dog thought is was a toy for her so that may be what it ends up turning into. Oh well, at least I can check it off my list!


Also, I am eliminating the Bath Puff gift item as other people I have talked to said that they don't really work that well. Will come up with something else to give her instead.


Tonight I will be finishing a dish cloth that I started, then moving back to the hooded scarf. Any progress is good if you ask me...


Here is my list:

Bath puff for gift (0%)

Neck Pillow for son (100%) DONE!

Green & white Baby blanket (80%)

Fleece baby blanket with edging (100%)

Pot Holder/Dish Cloth Sets (1/8).

Hooded Scarf for gift (50%)

Helmet liners (2) (0%)

Gingerbread man ornament (100%)

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Yesterday I worked on the Garden Party Shawl and also on the crochet item I'm making for my Holiday Exchange partner...guess I should put that on the list too! At least I know I'll get that one done before 2008!:)




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1, Slippers Started on first one

2. Cape of Many Colors Started (Usining leftover yarn to make it)

3. Clothespin Bag Almost done

4. Olympic Shawl Started

5. Little Doll One shoe and started on leg

6. Wavy Hat 0%

7. Mittens 0%

8. Triangle Potholder 0%

9. Indigo Bag Started it yesterday.

10. Library book bag Looking for a pattern to make.


When you've completed a project, how do you draw the line through it like I've seen posts on here? Also, how do you make your lists stick at the bottem of every post?

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List just grew, :lol, needed to balance out the presents. Finishing ghan tonight & will start on scarves.

Also had to make some changes,

Baby gingham ghan 5% Put on hold til scarves are done

Harry Potter Scarf 0% Bought yarn today

Broomstick lace scarf 0%

Fancy scarf 0%

Wool Poncho 0% Change to Mohair

Mohair shawl 0% Change to Wool

Purse 0%

Newscap hat 0%

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Alrighty I have finished the last two sweaters for my nieces (did four all together). And I did the last few rows on my baby shell blanket - a baby shower present that I need for someone but not til next year. But I added two more things to my list :D I am heading out on a road trip this morning (12 hour drive) to a conference and need something to work on while I am sitting in the car there and back again on Sunday. I need something that requires no thought and that I can do easily - my baby shell blankie fits that bill. I am taking yarn for two of them so I'll see how much I manage to get done while travelling (and I'll update my progress next week) And I'll post pictures of the niece sweaters shortly (when I transfer the pictures over fromthe camera later this morning)


1. Sweater for Aimee (6 years old) (DONE :yay)

2. Sweater for Kate (4 years old) (DONE :yay)

3. Baby shell blanket (Only the trim is left to do - one round of shells)

4. Cropped cardigan for me (need to finish left front and join it together)

5. Mystery project (over half done)

6. 3SUB for me (maybe half done?)

7. Two baby shell blankets for the church nursery (one row of 58 done on each)

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Here are the pictures of the two niece sweaters that I finished up last night.


Kate's (4 years old) sweater



Aimee's (6 year old) sweater



Catch up with everyone next week when I am back



They are so cute!!



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Congrats Karen on finishing the sweaters they are so cute great job. Have a nice trip:)


Ok now I am working on the front of my long V-neck shirt so you can say I am about 50% done so far. I so want to start on something else while working on this but, I want to finish this first because if I start on somethign else I know I wont come back to this shirt for awhile:)

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Oh also I had my daughters house coats on my list. I took it off because a friend of mines used fleece to make my daughters some Dora housecoats so there wasn't no need to crochet any at this point. I add a shrap for me with a matching hat to my list:)

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Those sweaters are adorable! You did a great job!


I have an update, but not because I got anything else done, just because I have decided to change what is on my list. I have changed the "bath puff" to "swiffer shrugs" as gifts. These are much more practical. :hook


Here is my list:

Swiffer "Shrugs" for gifts (0/5)

Green & white Baby blanket (80%)

Pot Holder/Dish Cloth Sets (1/8).

Hooded Scarf for gift (50%)

Helmet liners (2) (0%)

Gingerbread man ornament (100%)

Neck Pillow for son (100%)

Fleece baby blanket with edging (100%)

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Finished the ghan last night, and had been working on design for Potter scarf (using my own design).


Baby gingham ghan 5% Put on hold til scarves are done

Harry Potter Scarf 25% done

Broomstick lace scarf 0% dug yarn out of stash (white acrylic and fun fur)

Fancy scarf 0% dug yarn out of stash (Red Heart soft yarn in Honey)

Mohair Poncho 0%

Wool Scarf 0% Dug wool out of stash.

Purse 0%

Newsboy cap 0%

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I am so discouraged.


I don't seem to be advancing at all. Maybe I just have too much and not enough focus to get something finished.


I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! :sigh

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I am so discouraged.


I don't seem to be advancing at all. Maybe I just have too much and not enough focus to get something finished.


I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this! :sigh


:clap:clapLet's Go Darksi, Let's Go! :cheerLet's Go Darksi, Let's Go! :cheerLet's Go Darksi, Let's Go! :clap:clap

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Darski - It might help to stop looking at the "big picture" and break things down into smaller goals. Which of your WIPs is closet to being done? FINISH IT and cross it off you list! That will make you feel much better. That method definitely worked for me.


Or try crocheting in a new place or with a new movie to watch. Sometimes just switching up the little things can help a lot!



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