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That link Krystal posted--- am I the only one who sees what I see, or am I losing it here ?


I bet they didnt use one skein of yarn for everything on that entire page .


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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And did you read THIS ??????

Wonder how many they made ... ONE ????



Chain mail mermaid long dress

Item No: 8806-07

Currently Out Of Stock

:rofl :rofl :rofl

You wouldn't catch ME wearing one of those. That's for sure.

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That link Krystal posted--- am I the only one who sees what I see, or am I losing it here ?


I bet they didnt use one skein of yarn for everything on that entire page .



:rofl :rofl :rofl



I showed it to the Hubster & he likes of course. :pig But I personally wouldn't crochet or wear any of that. Maybe if I looked like the models, maybe.

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:rofl :rofl :rofl



I showed it to the Hubster & he likes of course. :pig But I personally wouldn't crochet or wear any of that. Maybe if I looked like the models, maybe.


yeah, i just said "wow" and my husband came in to see what i was "wow-ing" he said "could you make that? you should make me one!" (just to clarify, he means for me to wear, not him):blush

but it's just not likely - especially considering that at 3 weeks post-partum i'm not ready to let him touch me yet!

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yeah, i just said "wow" and my husband came in to see what i was "wow-ing" he said "could you make that? you should make me one!" (just to clarify, he means for me to wear, not him):blush

but it's just not likely - especially considering that at 3 weeks post-partum i'm not ready to let him touch me yet!


Tell him you'll make it but he has to wear it :rofl

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Cara, in doing a search for the chainmail hat, I came up with this. Want to add it to your list? http://www.odgirl.com/item--Long-dress--8806-LA.html


OH MY!!!


and it is real metal!!! and why the slit up the front? aren't the holes big enough?


Excuse me while I go resuscitate mate....

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Tell him you'll make it but he has to wear it :rofl



:rofl :rofl They should make one for a man, ecspecially made of metal. OUCH! :lol :lol


Or, be really mean and make it, but tell him he CANNOT touch it - and then keep it on. Perhaps forever... ;)



:lol :lol So evil, love it! :lol


OH MY!!!


and it is real metal!!! and why the slit up the front? aren't the holes big enough?


Excuse me while I go resuscitate mate....


:rofl :rofl :rofl

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Oh my...do woman really wear them :think Im afraid i would fall threw the holes of that thing :eek Not so firm anymore if you get my drift :ohdear DH would kill over if i tried that.



Cant wait to see it.



Welcome...what are you going to make??

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Trust her - she's not kidding either!! :D


Who, US??? :angel

Oh my...do woman really wear them :think Im afraid i would fall threw the holes of that thing :eek Not so firm anymore if you get my drift :ohdear DH would kill over if i tried that.



Cant wait to see it.



Welcome...what are you going to make??


OK, when I read this, all I could think of is homemade cream cheese. You see, if you take a container of plain yogurt and put it in a coffee filter in a collander, then let it drain over a bowl all night, when you look in the morning you'll have some great cream cheese. When talking about falling through holes of this fine mesh began, I had this image of cottage cheese ooooozing through a strainer... :yuck Yep :yes these are the images that plague me in the changing room of stores. :eek This is why I avoid ALL changing rooms and just throw things that are made of 15% or more spandex in the largest size and darkest color possible directly into my cart. I try them on at home, and then return them on my next trip back to the store. NO WAY am I baring ANYTHING in a changing room... :yuck


and i thought i likedcrochetville...i love it! :manyheart you guys crack me up!


Oh, just wait - you know it's BAAAAAD when you start spitting liquids through your nose. There is a warning somewhere on the boards that you shouldn't drink hot liquids or leave your keyboard uncovered while reading. I think I remember Tabby squishing a spaghetti noodle out her nose once. Or was that Julie and Spaghetti-O's??? :think

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Now hold your horses here just a minute. I leave the boards last night since Cam was here, and what do I come back to this morning ????


ME getting blamed because someone ELSE ( won't say the NAME but it starts with K and ends with rystaL ) put that link for the chain-link doodads in here.


I get blamed now because I have you all riled up, and some of you have had to hose down your husbands with the garden hose ?


How is that MY fault ? :think


To all the newer people here, let's go over the rules a little more in detail :


If it's G-rated, then I posted it .

If it's a nice pattern that any mother would wear, I posted it ..

If it's a kind comment, an offer of support or help, I posted it .


In other words, consider ME the Mother Theresa of the ville.

(This term used loosely, I'd never be quite as good as she was, but I try hard to be close to that):yes


All kindness (in fact, I kinda LOOK like her too, come to think of it... really old and wrinkly) ...


Now, with this information, would SHE post a link like that on here ? :eek

I think not .


Once you realize that if it's anything other than G rated, it is either Krystal or Tab causing the ruckus, you'll know how things really are in here.

( and once in awhile Cara or Judy like to stir the pot,so be watchful of them too )


Now that we have that all cleared up, I think we can move on with today's proceedings .......

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Now hold your horses here just a minute. I leave the boards last night since Cam was here, and what do I come back to this morning ????


ME getting blamed because someone ELSE ( won't say the NAME but it starts with K and ends with rystaL ) put that link for the chain-link doodads in here.


I get blamed now because I have you all riled up, and some of you have had to hose down your husbands with the garden hose ?


How is that MY fault ? :think


To all the newer people here, let's go over the rules a little more in detail :


If it's G-rated, then I posted it .

If it's a nice pattern that any mother would wear, I posted it ..

If it's a kind comment, an offer of support or help, I posted it .


In other words, consider ME the Mother Theresa of the ville.

(This term used loosely, I'd never be quite as good as she was, but I try hard to be close to that):yes


All kindness (in fact, I kinda LOOK like her too, come to think of it... really old and wrinkly) ...


Now, with this information, would SHE post a link like that on here ? :eek

I think not .


Once you realize that if it's anything other than G rated, it is either Krystal or Tab causing the ruckus, you'll know how things really are in here.

( and once in awhile Cara or Judy like to stir the pot,so be watchful of them too )


Now that we have that all cleared up, I think we can move on with today's proceedings .......


I am laughing so hard, I can hardly breathe - I sound like Snidely or whoever that wheezing guy is... You can't honestly believe ANY of us are listening to this? We're all running to get our hip-waders!!!


And Krystal- no, it was Tab and a Frito-- she almost needed the Heimlich because she was choking on a Frito... probably due to one of your posts.......


That's it... A FRITO!!! I knew it was something highly evolved on the food chain!

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