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Hi, ladies:hug


I have a few saltines to attach to my ATW and then I'll make more... I still have the wave ghan sitting, a UFO. It was getting boring, but if I want to start any NEW projects I'd better get cracking on that one, too.


C U all later!:hook

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Good Morning Ladies:)

It is a cold morning here. We had temps in the 50's yesterday, then a line of storms came through last night, and behind the storms was cold air. We dropped 20+ degrees in less than an hour, and the rain changed to snow. So between 11:00 PM last night and 9:00 AM this morning, we went from 45 to 12. At least the snow didn't stick much.


Hi, ladies:hug


I have a few saltines to attach to my ATW and then I'll make more... I still have the wave ghan sitting, a UFO. It was getting boring, but if I want to start any NEW projects I'd better get cracking on that one, too.


C U all later!:hook


Judy, don't feel too bad about your wave ghan sitting, mine is too. I still haven't decided which way to repeat the color scheme, so it is sitting and waiting on me. Plus all the color changes were getting to me.

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I really don't mind the color changes, Mel - otherwise it would always be a UFO! You just have to look at some of my graph ghans to undrstand THAT:lol

I think I'll have to drag it out for TV time...then I can talk with Phil and watch TV while get some more rows finished.

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I love the rug Mel. :clap I have been meaning to use some of my chunky yarn to make some one day. At the moment my focus is to finish 3 UFOs at a time so no new projects for me. :(


I have been coming home from work and crashing and then I wake at 2am ...I hope that this topsy turby sleep pattern soon runs its course. I have not crochet much but I have progressed on the Drum 'ghan. Now I am going to do some of my Wave for a change of pace.


Judy, I am looking forward to seeing a photo of your ATW.

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Ines, at least I have some progress made on the ATW, so I'll actually have a photo to show this Friday!

...and messed up sleep patterns are the pits! I hope your body rights itself soon!:hug

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Been out of touch for a few days, trying to steer clear of pc in order to do more crochet, plus had a lot of outside chores to tend to.

Starting a Boucle shawl from the boucle left over from neighbor's lapghan. My own thing with just single crochet and chains. The bright colors and fluffiness of the boucle is it's own design. Did a few more motifs for my rug, (I hate the feel of the rug yarn so I keep putting off working on it). Played with making some 8" squares too. And made up 12 cell phone pouches. Can't seem to get myself dedicated to one thing lately, hoping because I really love the boucle I will stick with it. I think I have the winter blahs.

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Thank you Judy. My daughter was up with me all week and is quite stressed about it but I am pleased to say she has slept through the night today.

I have tried to crochet but cannot focus and make mistakes so I wonder around the house accomplishing very little. I end up watching old movies on TV. It is the PITS!!!

I try not to log on too often as I know that I will see something I want to make and then fall into temptation.:( I cannot start something new!!!!!


Well, I have had the blood tests and will get the results at the end of this week. On Friday I go for my foot scan and on Saturday for my pelvic scan. My foot is not as painful at the moment so that is a relief.

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Ines, it sounds like you're getting a good "tune up". I had mine in December;)

Hope nothing major turns up:hug It seems as I've gotten older there are more tests and more things that pop up...such fun getting up in years:lol

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Good Morning Ladies:)

It is a cold morning here. We had temps in the 50's yesterday, then a line of storms came through last night, and behind the storms was cold air. We dropped 20+ degrees in less than an hour, and the rain changed to snow. So between 11:00 PM last night and 9:00 AM this morning, we went from 45 to 12. At least the snow didn't stick much.

WOW!!! That is drastic. Hope you can stay inside today.

I think I have the winter blahs.

Boy do I know what you mean about the winter blahs. No gumption at all.

Well, I have had the blood tests and will get the results at the end of this week. On Friday I go for my foot scan and on Saturday for my pelvic scan. My foot is not as painful at the moment so that is a relief.

Hope the results of all your tests come out just fine.

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Carol, it does sound like the winter blahs...you'll be able to focus soon. Meanwhile just give the artist in you free rein as you have been doing!:crocheting

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Shelly, My FIL's doctor recommended B12 and Vit D for him...I know one is for cardio and the other the nervous system...sounds like a magic combo.


K will know

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Hi all,


Just got a call from the alarm company. Appears the Assisant didn't put the alarm on. I told them to call him because he lives closer to the store and he's the one that didn't set the alarm.


I haven't been able to get the computer from my sister so I couldn't post. I can't wait to get my bonus in March. I'm going to buy me another laptop.


Going to bed.

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Thank you all for the advice. Can't do citrus fruits, they eat holes in my tummy, but did have some apple sauce (homemade). But have to take C pills (they are an astringent, and was ordered by one of my doctors). B12 is out, interacts with one of my meds.

Today isn't so bad, at least the sun is shining. I have been working on the shawl last night and this am. Did 26" with thin single strand boucle and a 00 steel hook. I forgot how much I like working with the steel hooks, so smooth and easy.

I just hate being trapped indoors because of the cold and wet, and not taking my morning strolls in the yard.

Hope everyone does OK with all the medical tests and care giving.

I did get to scroll through some of the posts I missed, such beautiful projects everyone is accomplishing. Well time to move again, laundry is calling.

Take Care All.

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Hi, Carol - yup, thode steel hooks make beautiful things... I have something along those lines calling me now. I needed to be reminded not to give up...


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Hi, ladies - lots of CALs have been quiet lately. I guess that means we're all madly :crocheting!


Have a good one - I'm working on things other than for ME today. I'll check in later:hug

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I just haven't felt much like crocheting. I'm kind of tired of winter and all this snow, I guess. And instead of crocheting I have been cleaning. I have this urge to purge and organize. Of course my yarn collection was the first thing I worked on. It is all nice and organized.

I am working on a purse, mostly to practice making cables, and it will most likely be for me.

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hello all.. Besides sleeping alot I have been working on my quiltghan just don't have any pictures... plus making purses for the "Special Angels" charity group I'm in.. well I need to get in my chair I've been having alot of trouble with my L leg swelling so I need to keep it up..

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