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My friend's bad year....


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My best friend at work just lost her nephew. He was hit by a train. Also this year, she has lost a grandmother and her brother committed suicide. She has 3 great children, ages 16, 15 and 5. Her two boys were born with Type 1 Diabetes. She never complains and is always willing to help. She is a very upbeat person. I really want to make her a comfortghan, so if you could help that would be great.


Her fav colors are greens. She is very immersed in the Irish culture, her daughter is an Irish step dancer. She is just an all around wonderful person, who has been hit with a very bad year.


I've never made one, but I'm thinking 8 inch squares, shades of green (I think most shades will work), white or off white or variageted that match green. I have 2 made, one is a Homespun Florida Keys green and one is a RH olive. I think it'ss be neat to have different yarns.

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Her fav colors are greens. She is very immersed in the Irish culture, her daughter is an Irish step dancer. She is just an all around wonderful person, who has been hit with a very bad year.


I've never made one, but I'm thinking 10 inch squares, less to sew together. Thank you, if you can help.

Tammy, do you want the ghan to be shades of greens? Or colors that will blend or coordinate with greens? I have RHSS Watercolor which has greens with shades of purples and blues in it. What do you think?

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Also, anyone got links to 10" square patterns? I know I can make an 8" and try to make it bigger but sometimes it doesn't work out right. Or try to make a 12" smaller. Again, it's difficult for me.

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Would 12 inch be better? I'm pretty flexible, as I've never made one. I think greens and colors that coordinate with green would be great! I'm gonna work on some this weekend.

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Would 12 inch be better? I'm pretty flexible, as I've never made one. I think greens and colors that coordinate with green would be great! I'm gonna work on some this weekend.
Hi Tammy, here is more than you probably asked for and I've never even done a comfortghan! I do hope there's something in here that will be helpful to you.


Have you read the tips on making/receiving squares: http://www.crochetville.org/forum/showthread.php?t=12308? If not, I think it has some very helpful info. There's also some good info in the other posts in the thread. And, if you see it as appropriate, you could ask everyone who wants to send in a square to read the thread or you can just list your requirements.


I kind of need more specific info on the colors since I'm partially color blind. But I wouldn't think you'd want a ghan with just different shades of green, would you? To me some shades just might not work in what you have in mind. For instance, Caron SS Brites Limelight or RHSS Spring Green. But then again, maybe those would be okay. If you want certain greens, you can specify those colors and then you can assemble them with a coordinating color you choose. I think a lot of us have most any color in RHSS and Bernat SV already in our stash. I know I have quite a few shades of green.


Basically, it is your decision. You may decide the size of the square, type of yarn and specific colors. You can even pick out the pattern(s) of the square(s).


Uh, since I've never assembled one either, should I even be talking? But I figure no matter what size the square, if the afghan is approximately 48" x 60", you still have the same area that needs to be assembled. Of course, my figuring could be way off base...I don't know. Also the assembly adds to the width and length. The larger the square you ask for the fewer square makers you'll need. But maybe more people are apt to participate if the squares are smaller, like 8".


Krystal would be a really good one to ask but, hmmm, she is so busy right now. Someone who has done quite a few I've participated in is crochetluvknot aka Dawn. I know she'd be glad to answer your questions.

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For me I like either 8 inch or 12 inch squares. The 8 inch ones people are more apt to make a few than the 12 inch ones........ just seem to take a long time to some and they will only make one for you BUT you also will need many fewer of 12 inch squares. There are lovely patterns for both sizes out there as well. If you want a 10 inch square then we can adapt either a 12 or 8 inch one to fit that.


But I agree you are the one to decide what you want this one to look like for your friend and just post to let us know which size and such so we can get you some pretties coming in to help you out.


As far as putting it together.......... some people do edge all of the squares in the same color when they get them and others don't. For me that depends on who the ghan is for. For say a child I usually don't edge them in the same color and I use the sc join for them so that each block it "outlined" for them to see. For an adult I usually do edge each in the same color just to make it look more sopisticated and like this was meant to all be "together" and not ramdom squares that were put together. And for adults I also usually will whipstitch them squares so that both sides are flat instead of having the raised ridges like the sc join will leave you. I think crochetdude also has a neat joining method and it gives more body to the blanket (but is open more) as well if you are wanting it larger than the amount of squares you get/make.


So all that said I hope I didn't confuse you more and have helped you a little bit. :)

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Thank you to everyone for being so helpful and I'm sorry that I was not as organized as I should have been, I kept going back and forth on whether I was going to ask for help or just do it on my own.


So thank you so much for all the advice and for those that are willing to help.

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I can send a square too. However I am new at this. I know it has to be 8", shades of green, I also have some off-white. But which yarn do you want Tammy? Red Heart? Lemme know and I'll get to work. :clap

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Thanks, edited first post....


I have 2 made: Homespun Florida Keys green (I made her a scarf of this two years ago and she loved it) and RHSS olive square. I think most greens will be compatable. Also, leaning toward off whites and variagated that complements green. Any yarn will do. I like mixing yarns.

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