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Why do they do this to us???


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I am so dissappointed and might say a little mad.

I went to Hobby Lobby today just looking at patterns and thread.

I saw these kits by sugarncream with a pattern book inside.

There was a large label in the kit, what I thought was advertising what was in the pattern book to make.

On this label there was the cutest tote bag pattern. I mean really cute. I've not found anything similar to it anywhere else.

So I looked inside the kit to look inside the book................and the pattern was NOT there.

I thought, well, I might get lucky and find the pattern on their web site. So I when I got home to look on their web site, the pattern is NO where to be found. I have not found anything similar anywhere else.


Why do they do that??? Is that not false advertisement???

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Have you looked at the Bernat website? They're sister sites and sometimes one thing will be on one and not the other. Sometimes it's on both sites.


I did as you suggested. I found a tote bag pattern on the Bernat site. It is not nearly as cute as the other one, but I've copied it off. It is a free pattern.


I guess I will have to buy that other kit, just to get the picture of it.

I could probably make a reasonable fascimile of it just by looking at the picture. But I hate to have to buy the kit just to get the picture.....I SHOULD be getting a pattern for the tote bag.


That's the way it is for me, tho. What I want is usually not there.

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if the kit was open for you to look in it could someone else have taken it? Or bought it, taken out the pattern, and returned the kit without it?

No, the patterns were in a book. Nothing was missing. I"m sure of that.

It just had a leaflet, or a label in the front of the kit, showing the tote bag and a rug. {The rug was really cute, too, but I really liked the tote bag.}

The way it was labeled and all, it would make you think, ok, this kit is to make a rug and a tote bag. Buy the kit, get home.....no rug pattern, no tote bag pattern.

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I bought one of these kits yesterday and looked all over inside the package for the tote bag and rug patterns! I was disappointed too! Why would they take a nice picture of this tote bag and rug AND place it on the front of the package and NOT include the patterns in the kit?? :think You got me on this one! I haven't looked on the website yet, but I will certainly email the company about this!


I FOUND THE PATTERN--or the booklet it is in! click on link and go all the way to the bottom of the page!



Yesterday while looking at the different kits, I did NOT see one kit that had this particular booklet in it. All kits are sealed with plastic so no one can remove the booklets. In my opinion, since every kit has a picture of this bag and rug, they all should have the pattern for both enclosed! I'm still writing the company!

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I found the Lily Daisy Days pattern book on Ebay and just won the copy! It was $3.50 plus $2 shipping. Sure beats driving all over town hunting for a copy of the booklet! I'm still not happy the way Lily represented their kits, but happier now that I will soon have a copy of the pattern that I thought I was buying when I purchase the kit!

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Wow, that is great! Isn't that a cute tote bag pattern?

Now that you've found the pattern booklet, maybe I can order it, too, from Lily/sugarncream. I'm certainly going to try.


I am disappointed, also, with the way they represented the patterns in the kit.


Guess what!!! I went and searched ebay and found the pattern, too!!!!!!!!!!

I have placed a bid. Thank you so much for finding the pattern. I hope I win the book. I do want it.

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