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I crochet while playing games on the web. Especially Slingo, where it takes a little time - can usually get in a good 3-5 stitches before I have to take another turn - sad but true!

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heheh I do the same thing and have been for a while. THe only big problem is if you're working on a pattern and get too caught up in the net and mess up on the stitch.:eek

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I crochet while playing games on the web. Especially Slingo, where it takes a little time - can usually get in a good 3-5 stitches before I have to take another turn - sad but true!



Where do I find Slingo? And a multi-tasking smiley? :hook

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When I give in to geeky gaming habits, like world of warcraft and other such ones, I tend to crochet during down time on there. There can be a good 15 minutes at times when I just have to wait for something to happen! Besides, I acutally crocheted most of my newest favorite scarf while gaming. It's like smooshing two of my favorite things into one time!

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I sometimes crochet while online as well. I live in the middle of nowhere (seriously) and consequently have a really slow dial up connection. I crochet while I wait for things to load. I only do this with simple patterns though. I tend to have one WIP that is made up of simple stitches and a repetitive pattern that I work on while watching movies and whatnot.


My daughter just told me she'd like to figure out how to read while knitting but really would need three hands to do it...


I have an early edition of the Encyclopedia of Needlework by Therese De Dillmont. (The first edition was published in the 1880s.) In the knitting introduction it says, "Besides its useful side, knitting is a pleasant pastime that can be resorted to at odd moments and carried on, whilst talking or even reading." So apparently it is possible! :) Your daughter could try using a book holder or stand of some sort.

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Sylviaf...I was thinking the same thing as the last poster.... she just needs a stand (along the lines of how you display plates) and something to hold the pages open. I've wondered if the binder clips or paper clips would work without destroying the pages. Of course she'd have to put down the knitting to turn the page and readjust the clips but she'd have a couple minutes to knit while she read. If you figure out something that works, let us know ok!

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