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OK....so I just gave in and signed up. There are 16,000 people ahead of me. So, when do you suppose I'll get my invite....by Christmas?!? LOL!


:lol In reality, I think they're planning on going public in the next few weeks (or as soon as possible, whichever comes first!). That means no invitation necessary. :)

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I just checked mine:


* You signed up on July 17, 2007

* You are #17814 on the list.

* 8789 people are ahead of you in line.

* 7729 people are behind you in line.

* 34% of the list has been invited so far

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http://www.ravelry.com It's a very cool crochet/knit website that is still being developed & tested (hence the need for an invite until it goes public). You can see what it's all about here


A place to track your yarn and projects (I've found it helps me get motivated on WIPs, and stash busting!), and a good way to look at patterns. I love how you can look at various people's rendition of a pattern, not just the typical one on the pattern.

Not just that, also networking with other yarnies.


Already some chat about this over at this thread


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Here is a link:


In the box to the right.. you will find a sneek peek screen shot.


I'v only been there a couple of days.. but already love it.

Best part so far.. I entered a couple of my current prodjects.. with pattern, yarn info type stuff.. and date started..

I now can keep track easily.

But then !!! I can see all the other same projects.. same pattern but different people. :hook


Found a couple people I havn't seen in awhile..and their projects ...

And of course more and more WIM. :yay


When you get in.. click on the groups tab.. there you will find a Crochetville group !:cheer


-Pam L-

(Faux name in siggie due to smoke signals CAL.) :lol


EDIT>>>> Great minds think alike.. and apparently type at the same time too. ;)

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So it seems by the time I posted here.. and the time now..

I have wasted yet another perfectly good hour.. poking around Ravelry.


My suggestion to all waiting:

Get those pesky home projects like cleaning, laundry, and whatever.. done now.. before you too loose track of time .

-Pam L-

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I've tried for a couple of days to add my name to the list, but I can't get the link to go. It just keeps on going back to the first, log in page, but since I don't have an acct., I can't log it.


I'm on a Mac... not sure if that makes a difference or not. I tried with Safari, with Firefox and even fired up IE (which I hate)... still can't get in to add my name.


Anyone else having this problem? Can someone send me a direct link to where you add your name? You can P/M me.





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Hi Joan,

The site is down for more upgrades right now.. so I can't do much more than tell you the preferred browser there is Fire fox.


One of us should be able to grab a link later. Hang in there.


-Pam L- wondering if I'll remember? ;)

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Hi Joan,

The site is down for more upgrades right now.. so I can't do much more than tell you the preferred browser there is Fire fox.


One of us should be able to grab a link later. Hang in there.


-Pam L- wondering if I'll remember? ;)


Thanks, Pam! At least I know it's not me :)



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Only 280 people ahead of me now, my time must be getting near!


You signed up on July 7, 2007

You are #9160 on the list.

280 people are ahead of you in line.

16432 people are behind you in line.

34% of the list has been invited so far

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EEEEEKKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSS...I am getting sooooo close.


You signed up on June 14, 2007

You are #9196 on the list.

316 people are ahead of you in line.

16426 people are behind you in line.

34% of the list has been invited so far

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Okie Dokie...

I've been looking around over there.

Some really nice crocheters.. and not names I've seen here.

So.. the population of Crochetville is probably going to be growing.. once more of us are there.:cheer


So.. where do we watch the Crochetville population ? That would be fun to keep track of too.


Tip possibly..

I saw once prolific knitter explain that Flickr only allows X number of FREE uploads per month ?

Perhaps doing some now would help those with tons of images ?

I have not searched Flickr to verify.


-Pam L-

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OK...I signed up on Tuesday...here is where I am as of this morning.....


You signed up on August 14, 2007

You are #25614 on the list.

16324 people are ahead of you in line.

423 people are behind you in line.

34% of the list has been invited so far


Still 16,000 people ahead of me....LOL....but there are 423 people behind me.....

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